NGalitzine said:
Well after reading through this thread I can see people feel quite strongly and mostly negatively about poor Charlene. I am not entirly sure what the justification is as I assume few if any members have ever met her or talked to her. Most of the information seems to come from tabloids and glossy picture magazines. People say she doesnt train as a swimmer but she seems to have regained her South African champioship in the 50M backstroke and then placed 3rd in a international event over the last couple of months, so unless she in unnaturally gifted I would bet that some training was involved. Even if she never makes it to another Olympic Games she has already demonstrated a level of commitment and achievement very few ever achieve. Then there is the discussion on the age gap. 20 years is indeed a large gap, but not the first time it has ever happened. Do not the Duke and Duchess of Braganza have a large age gap as well and he wasn't exactly young when they married and started a family. Her fashion choices have not always been on the mark but I doubt there is a man or woman alive who has not committed more than one fashion faux pas over the years. I don't know if they wll ever marry, but I bet if they do the same people who have been so quick to criticize will sing her praises once they pop a tiara on her head and dress her in Chanel and Dior. I am curious through if anyone knows if she speaks French or is taking lessons, that after all is one thing that will be required of her if they marry. Grace had to learn it, and never really felt comfortable with the language in interviews.
I think we should give her a break and wait to see if they do marry and she then becomes Princess of Monaco. In the end, no matter who Prince Albert marries they will suffer in comparison to the public image of his mother.
I too find the age gap disturbing, as she is so immature for her own age, I don't see how anyone can take her serious, or Albert for that matter, which is where his problem is in just dating her & where it will be magnified if he decides to marry her?
We have repeated this ad nauseum, but there are always new people on the board where we have to repeat ourselves. So for those
who are new only & have not witnessed interviews or photos, etc...
If you do not get the justification of our negative opinions for
poor Charlene, maybe you should go back & read her first interview when she chose to introduce herself to us, by going to the media and giving a detailed account of her first date with Albert (which is published on the web for you to read if you choose to). Imo, no women with any self respect or respect for the person who was kind enough to ask her out in the first place, would do such a thing? Especially in Albert's position? She was competing in a swimming event in Monaco yet she apparently did not recognise the accomplishment in her swimming, but rather in her having a date with Albert, that she was proud of enough to detail to the public. I find this behavior ignorant, immature, and of very low character.
If that was not enough to form an opinion, she then chooses to introduce herself to the world at the Olympics, (the first time she will be seen with him in public, widely publicised & televised all over the world) by choosing to hang all over him (like a cheap suit) she even lays her head in his lap while staring into a camera lense? Considering it was just months after he came to reign, amongst some unflattering baggage. I would think this exactly the wrong kind of image he needed at that time & not what he would have wanted to promote? Her exaggerated gestures & even the
flattering press described her always as "giggling loudly" everytime he spoke to her? The photos of her seemed to show that she craved publicity as she seemed to play to the camera in a very unattractive & desperate way. She then confirms my opinion once again by her
first public comment she chooses to make when asked "How she was enjoying the Olympics in Turin"
she answers "It's a great place for lovers" ??? Just in case she was not clear enough in the photos & someone could have missed it? This from a former Olympian, accompaning another former Olympian who is a current member of the IOC? She mentions nothing about the sports at the Olympics??? She pretty much tells us which is the bigger accomplishment for her? When a reporter calls out & ask if they are getting married. She replies, "not
yet"? This is her first appearance with him?
Imo, again it seems she does not possess integrity, or even respect for herself in being an athlete? I then came across a previous quote/interview, that must have been at a swimming event in front of the swimmers. When her coach is asked if the SA team will be attending a particular event/competition, he replies "They will be on the bus" but Charlene shoots back, that
SHE will be on a yacht! It may or may not have been with Albert, but that does not matter. She is more impressed with herself for being on a yacht instead of her swimming, and she wants everyone to know it.
She has no humilty - She only shows how common & simple minded she really is, imo. She then chooses to
let herself be promoted on the cover of Paris Match where she gives an interview, I think it is clear a French publication is not interviewing a South African Swimmer that came in 5th or 3rd place (??) in a relay two Olympics past, 6 yrs prior? She obviously is being promoted by her association with Albert
for the reason she so elegantly gave us in Turin. But if that still is not enough necessary for us to form an opinion of her, she again chooses to introduce herself in her first
official public appearance in Monaco, where she is accompaning the Reigning Monarch (who is wearing a coat & tie). She shows up inapproprately dressed hanging over the balcony with a cigarette. She shows the same physical behavior, as if she is afraid she is not getting enough focused attention. Always
Her hand, on his thigh in public? Of course this is directly after the Maldive photo's appear, which they sued for? I do not put the Maldive expose' on Charlene, but she shows she seems to always be the aggressor, making herself look desperate instead of letting Albert take the lead in showing affection in public, if they feel they must. (Which hinders any efforts for suing for intimate pictures, if they behave in public the way they do in private)
She never seems to be able to accept her status as a guest, instead she acts as if she is the star. Nor does she ever error on the side of being safe or modest in her actions or her manner of dress. She attends the Amade event (childrens charity) dressed up like a carnival ride & was reported to have walked in after Caroline??? The problem is she does not seem to understand that she is just a guest at an event & that
SHE is not the event! Her quotes to the press are immature, & meant to cause speculation. Just a month ago, when she asked about her relationship with Albert she claims she is prevented by "royal protocol" from talking (if that wasn't enough) she continues to tell all, apparently "royal protocol" did not prevent her from talking, or worse neither did any since of dignity prevent her from talking? I'm sure there is still more I have left out. But all the public interviews, quotes, & photos are out there for you to read & you can form your own
informed opinion of her, and then you may understand why so many of us share the sentiments we do about Charlene.
I really do not care much that she does not have a formal degree, or to what level she participated in the Olympics, or that she does not have a sense of style.
I do not care for Charlene, because she shows she is adolescent, and that she lacks character, and respect for herself or others and she seems to be completely self absorbed. I do not believe she is very genuine and so I cannot believe a designer dress or any amount of training in protocol is going to reverse this. Integrity is something you have, not something you learn. And at her age she should have it & be able to behave like an adult women whomever she dates.
She continually talks about the problems of the SA Team & her own remarks make her appear that she thinks she is above them or she
always has an excuse for her lack of attendance or performance - If she is not blaming the SA Team for them.
She shows no humility and imo, has an inflated sense of self importance, without any reason to warrant it.
Many of you seem to give her more credit for her accomplishment in being an athlete than she gives herself - From her own words, she seems to think her accomplishments lie elsewhere?
I think from the last few events for the most part, she finally seems to be able to sit still like a normal person, without trying to draw too much attention to herself, but I hardly think she deserves accolades for it. It's too little, too late & we have had a year and a half to form our opinions. As the saying goes...
It's one thing to be thought a fool, and another to open your mouth and prove it!