Victoria and Daniel's Relationship

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I don't want to be a jerk, but hasn't anyone ever said maybe Victoria doesn't really want to get married or have kids. Not all women do... to go even further has there ever been a homosexual royal? I don't believe she is, but I really do believe she may not want to get married. I know people want her to get married, but now things are different. The other thing is maybe they are trying to do pre-nuptial agreements. One can never be too cautious. I feel like the devils advocate. :devil:
I´ve read many interviews of Victoria, where she says she wants to have a family and children. We can see from the pictures, where she is with children, that she gets along with them absolutely great. I´m certain that Victoria and Daniel will get married, hopefully next year.
I also don´t believe, that the King would have let Victoria "waste" over 5 years of her life with a man, whom the King wouldn´t accept as a consort.
I don't want to be a jerk, but hasn't anyone ever said maybe Victoria doesn't really want to get married or have kids. Not all women do... to go even further has there ever been a homosexual royal? I don't believe she is, but I really do believe she may not want to get married. I know people want her to get married, but now things are different. The other thing is maybe they are trying to do pre-nuptial agreements. One can never be too cautious. I feel like the devils advocate. :devil:

I think it's not the question if she want to get married, only when. She is the heir to the throne, one of her duties is to get married, and (hopefully for all parts) to have children.
That's the royal live.
According to the portuguese newspaper, princess victoria gave an interview where she said that swedish people will have a surprise in 2008.
Victoria told about this "surprise" in an interview to Aktuellt/SVT at the TV. In fact she said like this: "I have a little in my backpocket at least". Next day all the swedish papers wrote that this means that Victoria will get married. The Royal Court was very angry and said that Victoria meant nothing like that.
Yeah that could mean so many different things. She said something like she is going back to school it could deal with that. Its highly unlikely. Maybe she and Daniel will leave Sweden to study somewhere else. Maybe Princess Madeleine will graduate (hehe). If there is a wedding its probably going to be CP, they seem really great. The way Victoria acts is not like she is ready to get married. OO yeah I was going to say maybe a secretive wedding, nobody likes helicopters. Did anyone say how much the budget increase was going to be? Couldn't the wedding be for one of their first cousins such as the King's nieces and nephews? I'm sticking to that she doesn't want to get married quite yet... I don't agree with it but people are having kids later and later
At the end of the day even though Crown Princess Victoria is heir to the throne and people expect it of her to marry and have at least one child it is her life and she has the right to decide what she wants to do with it. Even though I am not saying for one second that it would not be lovely to see her marry and have a family of her own it is still her choice.
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Wouldn´t it be THE SURPRISE if she abdicates (because people won´t accept her relationship to Daniel) and Carl Phillip will become the crown-prince? I mean that would be really a SCOOP!!!!!
(She said in the interview that she has a surprise to tell but I mean the announcement of marrying Daniel wouldn´t be THAT surprise since everybody expects it anyway....)
Wouldn´t it be THE SURPRISE if she abdicates (because people won´t accept her relationship to Daniel) and Carl Phillip will become the crown-prince? I mean that would be really a SCOOP!!!!!
(She said in the interview that she has a surprise to tell but I mean the announcement of marrying Daniel wouldn´t be THAT surprise since everybody expects it anyway....)
How about: Hey people I'm married from few weeks/months.
Or: I would never go married butI'll be a queen.

By the way - hipothetical: abdicates - what than people would think about her about this clever, well educated woman? and about all her promises since last few (13 ?) years?!
I´m wrong again since I expected an engagement in December 2007. But I´ve a question: How long might the interval be between the announcement of the engagement and the marriage? I found it quite fast when her parents (and CG was already king at that time!) announced in March and married in June. Might this be possible nowadays to organize everything in between three months?
Yes her parents were only engaged officially for three months but they were engaged for a couple of months privately before it became official because Queen Silvia had some sort of work commitment she wanted to finish first and an official engagement would have prevented her from doing so. I do not see why an official engagement and a wedding between Victoria and Daniel cannot be organized in three months, perhaphs with a couple of months unofficial engagement before the official one would still allow plenty of time for arrangements to be planned and implemented.
And the rest family:
Princess Margaretha, Mrs. Ambles met 1963, engagement 28 Feb 1964 and married 30 June 1964.
Princess Brigitta met 1959, engagement 15 Dec 1960 and married civil 25 May 1961 religious 31 July 1961.
Princess Desiree, Bss Silfverschiold engagement 18 Dec 1963 and married 5 June 1964.
Princess Christina, Mrs. Magnuson met 1961, engagemnt 1974, married 15 June 1974.
Queen Ingrid met husband 1928 (Wikipedia) , engagement ?, married 25 May 1935.
Prince Bertil met Lilian in 1943, married 7 Dec 1976.

So the time between engagemnt and married is between three to seven months.
But time before met and married is from year to more than 30 years.
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Sorry, but I still find Daniel not Prince Consort material. Think of all the State Dinners and meeting with so many foreign Heads of State (etc), and Daniel still won't learn a foreign language (such as English, French, Spanish). How would you like to get stuck with him at a banquet, all he could do would be pass out his Gym Business Cards. CP Victoria could do so much better, I just wish she would find someone else that she could respect and love
I´ve read from Svensk Damtidning, that Daniel now speaks fluent English and the experts say that he has been well trained to be a consort. He has had some tutors, who say, that Daniel has always been a very nice man with great manners.
I´ve read from Svensk Damtidning, that Daniel now speaks fluent English and the experts say that he has been well trained to be a consort. He has had some tutors, who say, that Daniel has always been a very nice man with great manners.

Does anyone know if this is true? Or have Svensk Damtidning just wrote this to sell a story?
It's rather depressing...
Every 2 months there seems to appear a new "hint" for an upcoming engagement between Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling.
In the beginning every of these "hints" were so exiting and everyone heard the wedding bells ring.
Now, after another year without an engagement is over, I will not take a single "hint about a possible engagagement" serious until the Royal House announces an engagement officially. ;)
According to this story of Expressen, published 5th June 2005, Daniel Westling has had two tutors
Rådgivarna som ska göra Daniel Westling till prins /Tutors that will make Daniel Westling a prince
The tutors are/were high class directors Bernt Magnusson, 63, and Mats Jansson, 53. Magnusson was at that time chairman of Skandia and Jansson chief executive of Axel Johnson AB.
Magnusson confirmed to Expressen that Daniel was his personal trainer, but he didn´t want to say what he and Daniel talked about.
Jansson said that Daniel was a very great guy and he trained at Daniel´s gym. Either of them didn´t want to confirm that they were Daniel´s mentors.
According to this article Daniel was taking lessons in english and conversation technics.

An article at Resumé (Resumé is one of Scandinavia´s biggest business newspapers of media and marketing communication)
Westling blir prins hos JKL/Westling will be prins at JKL
According to this story, published 24th May 2006, Daniel Westling trusts JKL Group to teach him to speak with the media and understand how the media works both in Sweden and abroad. JKL Group is one of the Nordic region’s leading strategic communication advisors.
This co-operation is of course secret and the court knows nothing about it.
According to this article Daniel is taken via the garage to JKL:s office, where Anders Lindberg, one of the founders of JKL, gives him media training. Lindberg will also add Daniel´s knowledge about politics and economics.

The article says that Daniel will be invited to dinners at Lindberg´s home, where he meets people of the financing world and the government. That way Daniel can build his own network to help his future work as consort of the crown princess.
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Svensk Damtidning has a gallery of photos of Victoria and Daniel 2007
"Victoria´s lovely year of Love"
On the Norweigen forum the television producer's NRK said that there may be a trip to Sweden for a wedding for the family
On the Norweigen forum the television producer's NRK said that there may be a trip to Sweden for a wedding for the family
Hmmm, but I think NRK just speculated which events the Norwegian Royals MIGHT attend in 2008 (because it is going to be such a caaalm and borning (blabla;)) year for them). So they said that maybe some members of the Royal House attend the wedding of Prince Joachim and Marie Cavallier in May.. and that the Royals would also attend a wedding in Sweden (IF there will be a wedding one day ;)). So, I don't know if NRK's speculations should be taken too serious...
But who knows..
maybe those guys know more then we do.
(Let's hope so^^)
On the Norweigen forum the television producer's NRK said that there may be a trip to Sweden for a wedding for the family

NTB, which is a Norwegian News agency who wrote the article, and NRK is not the same thing :flowers: And it was just speculation from their side, based on speculations in Swedish media. :ermm:
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Sorry I got them mixed up! And I realise it is only speculation that is why I said there MAY be a trip to Sweden:flowers:
To be honest I do not think that Victoria and Daniel will marry this year (2008). I may be completely wrong of course but it is just a feeling that I have.
To be honest I do not think that Victoria and Daniel will marry this year (2008). I may be completely wrong of course but it is just a feeling that I have.

Well, with the court and its vehement reaction on the reactions on the wink in the SVT programme, this feeling is maybe more an observation than a feeling. At least for me.
And so probably an other year with speculations would follow. And unfortunately this probably also means, that two additional things would happen
a) that Victoria wouldn´t be very relaxed as the press would be like a stable of hens with a bomb occasionally falling into it (as it e.g. happened in October with the note out of the ministry for foreign affairs)

b) that the court wouldn´t be very keen into promoting their "superstar" (surely the king is the king and wins the popularity polls, but Victoria could hardly ever go wrong and ppl had hardly ever controversial opinions on her) So I´m doubting, that there would be great trips like the ones to Australia or China. Such things are always connected to little press meetings etc. And if one doesn´t want to get wedding things adressed, such meetings are painful and don´t mean extra points for Victoria and the Royal house.

So Victoria should take her time [...] ...of course. But I guess an exciting Royal year with/through her, we can´t expect. Well, maybe a separation. As things are (or could be without an engagement until April)this would favourite scenario.
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Daniel hasn't been approved by the King, he has not been participating in any offcial duties performed by CP Victoria. He isn't allowed to be seen in public with Victoria at her birthday or any celebration at all.
I hope the goverment/King disapprove of their marriage, he isn't fit for the task. He can't even run a gym. Or give him 5 more years to shape up, but if he dosen't, he will be a threat to the monarchy.
Daniel can take part in the official duties only after they are engaged, not before. I´m sure that if the King wouldn´t approve Daniel as the consort of Victoria, the couple would have been separated long ago. The King invited Daniel to his birthday party and just a week ago the whole royal family (with Daniel, Emma and Jonas) were at a birthday party together.
I´m also sure, that if the King wouldn´t like Daniel, he wouldn´t have let her daughter and the future Queen "waste" six years of her life with a man, who wouldn´t be appropriate as a consort.
He can't even run a gym.

Please specify! There seem to be contradicting reports in the press about his qualities as Gym owner. Maybe you are knowing more/the truth (?)
The king of Sweden isn't a medievel tyrann. He's a king for his time.

If Daniel can't run a gym then he's the perfect consort. Then he knows his only asset lies in his looks (and personality), not his brains, and he won't try to disturb the thin balance the royals walk. He'd be the perfect pretty boy for Victoria to marry.

Just as there has been so many pretty girls marrying crown princes with some mediocre carreer and no other apparent qualification than their looks and whatever features in their personality, the crown prince might like.
Daneborn, you have said it perfectly. If he is not smart, then he is perfect. The King doesn't have to worry about Daniel becoming too ambitious, or about him trying to corrupt Victoria by persuading her to do things that aren't in the best interest of the people of Sweden. As long as Victoria is happy with him, and as long as he doesn't interfere with her ability to be a good Crown Princess (and ultimately, Queen), then I think he is perfect for her. I would be more worried about an ambitious guy who was only concerned with power.
Daneborn, you have said it perfectly. If he is not smart, then he is perfect. The King doesn't have to worry about Daniel becoming too ambitious, or about him trying to corrupt Victoria by persuading her to do things that aren't in the best interest of the people of Sweden. As long as Victoria is happy with him, and as long as he doesn't interfere with her ability to be a good Crown Princess (and ultimately, Queen), then I think he is perfect for her. I would be more worried about an ambitious guy who was only concerned with power.

I hadn't given that idea any thought, but it sure does sound logical.
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