Zonk1189 said:
I will admit that I have never had the pleasure of visting Amsterdam (although it is on one of my cities to visit) so I will take the word of my fellow forumists (okay..now I am making up words) about the parking situation BUT so eight people (the sons and their wives) have parking permits. I fail to see the big deal. They are not taking money from the state, they don't have bodyguards, etc. I am sure that there are other people who know someone who knows someone who works in the government and they too got a parking perk and no one reported on it. And the fact is because Princess Margriet is still in the Royal House and who they are (as evidenced by the pictures of Marliene shopping and sweeping her stairs and there participation at family events) they are not regular folks and will not fade away anytime soon. PLUS, I have a feeling 20 to 30 years from now, someone will be looking at a picture of Alexia and Lucas not knowing who he is.
You absolutely have a point but you have to take into account that this is coming at a time in the Netherlands when the long-suffering, average Dutch person, who, mind you, has been paying THROUGH THE NOSE in taxes for as long as I've been on this planet to help sustain their classless society, is discovering their society is perhaps not so classless after all.
What with the very very very light court verdict last week (or was it this week? time flies) of the former CEO of Ahold, who was as it turns out, responsible for cooking that company's books.
Ahold, a Dutch-spawned chain of super markets with stores and brands all over the planet, was, until recently, one of those achievements the Dutch were collectively proud of, and rightly so. Until it turned out the company's honcho's , in concert with their accounting firm, had actually pulled an ENRON!
Worse, turns out now that the CEO who is responsible for this, is getting away with it: the judge let him of lightly, he's not even going to jail.
For those of you I'm boring to tears with this tale, do keep in mind the AHOLD verdict is coinciding with the Vollenhoven parking-'gate'. A minor blip the Vollenhoven parking permit revelation may be, it is coming at a time when the Dutch are still paying up the ying yang in taxes while all kinds of privileges and subsidies they once had in their community-oriented society, are being taken away from them as we speak.
This parking permit story is for many people there the latest confirmation that there's an elite in the Netherlands that has privileges the rest doesn't have, while doing nothing for society, and the average joe there has to subsist on an average salary AND pay for it all.
You should see the hundreds of comments to this story on the site of one of the largest papers in the nation, the Algemeen Dagblad. Boy I always thought the Dutch were mad in their lenience towards their royal family (including myself as I have a weird medieval respect for my queen Beatrix), but if that family doesn't watch it, the tide may well turn.