The Royal Household, Courtiers, Advisers and Attendants 2: Sep 2022 -

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When I read about this, I assumed that she was dispensing with the role completely and just having assistants in the same way male royals (and other female royals) do. Instead, it looks like the role is continuing but with lesser duties so why change the name? I also think it's a mixed message of modernising (ditch the name) but still drawing the people from the top ranks of society, which is not in the least bit progressive.

Yes, I had the same impression, i.e., that she would have paid secretaries/assistants only. However, those "companions" look like they are ladies-in-waiting in all but name. Most of them are even aristocrats. Changing their designation from ladies-in-waiting to companions sounds silly to me, like an attempt at "fake modernization".
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'Lady-in-waiting' means somebody, who are nearby and waits to do something to their patron. Queen Elizabeth's ladies-in-waiting lived in palaces with the queen and were with the queen hours and hours. It was full time job, in fact. They did a lot with mail, visits' organization, etc.

Queen’s companions are ladies with their own professional life. They will help with bigger receptions, garden paties, state banquets and important visits. Thus it's "occational" work.

Yes, I had the same impression, i.e., that she would have paid secretaries/assistants only. However, those "companions" look like they are ladies-in-waiting in all but name. Most of them are even aristocrats. Changing their designation from ladies-in-waiting to companions sounds silly to me, like an attempt at "fake modernization".
They need aristocrats to fulfill empty chairs at state banquets' table, to chat with heads of state at massive international receptions, etc. It's not work for paid assistants.
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They need aristocrats to fulfill empty chairs at state banquets' table, to chat with heads of state at massive international receptions, etc. It's not work for paid assistants.
Why not? Courtiers in other countries are salaried and do just fine. Also, why do they have to be aristocrats? Other people are perfectly capable of filling empty chairs and chat with heads of state.
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When I read about this, I assumed that she was dispensing with the role completely and just having assistants in the same way male royals (and other female royals) do. Instead, it looks like the role is continuing but with lesser duties so why change the name? I also think it's a mixed message of modernising (ditch the name) but still drawing the people from the top ranks of society, which is not in the least bit progressive.

The Dutch news article stresed that these companions are all close friends of the Queen Consort - and as she moves in the upper part of society (and the role remains unpaid), it is no surprise for these ladies to be mostly upper class (I noticed one untitled lady, is she from the gentry (just like Camilla herself?)).
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'Lady-in-waiting' means somebody, who are nearby and waits to do something to their patron. Queen Elizabeth's ladies-in-waiting lived in palaces with the queen and were with the queen hours and hours. It was full time job, in fact. They did a lot with mail, visits' organization, etc.

Queen’s companions are ladies with their own professional life. They will help with bigger receptions, garden paties, state banquets and important visits. Thus it's "occational" work.

Princess Anne's Ladies in Waiting do not live with her, they attend when needed for public duties and other tasks. They could have changed the specifics of the role without changing the title. Clearly they want, for whatever reason, to sweep away with "Lady in Waiting" title.

Also worth noting that (some) of the late Queen's former Ladies in Waiting have been kept on by the new King in a new role - "Ladies of the Household". Lady Susan Hussey, Mary Morrison and Dame Annabel Whitehead will be on hand to help the King host official functions.
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Also worth noting that (some) of the late Queen's former Ladies in Waiting have been kept on by the new King in a new role - "Ladies of the Household". Lady Susan Hussey, Mary Morrison and Dame Annabel Whitehead will be on hand to help the King host official functions.

Obviously they need the late Queen's former Ladies in Waiting to ensure smooth transition. Lady Susan Hussey is 83 years old, Dame Mary Morrison is 85 years old, Dame Annabel Whitehead is the youngest at 79. All these ladies will retire soon. But now their expirience is crucial in organizing work for new paid assistants.
I agree with tommy100 - it seems like change for the sake of change.
Seeing as its 2022, and the role of lady-in-waiting doesn't actually have to be held by a "lady", the rebranding to Queen's Companion seems pretty appropriate. Leaves the door open for HM to appoint a male, or non-binary, person to the role.
Obviously they need the late Queen's former Ladies in Waiting to ensure smooth transition. Lady Susan Hussey is 83 years old, Dame Mary Morrison is 85 years old, Dame Annabel Whitehead is the youngest at 79. All these ladies will retire soon. But now their expirience is crucial in organizing work for new paid assistants.

I remember seeing Lady Susan Hussey greeting the G20 (I think it was or maybe the NATO leaders) at a BP reception before they went into the reception rooms. She was very much in command and knew many of the Commonwealth / Royal leaders well and greeted them warmly. The palace obviously feel they need this type of experience.
I imagine this is the tip of the iceberg, I'm excited by all the new changes we will see, as we have to, we have been stuck in a bygone era for too long. Time to get rid of job titles such as lady of the bedchamber and page of the back stairs, the new job titles will make the monarch more modern and relevant, I wonder what's next in Their Majesties plans? I stayed home this weekend which is rare and for the first time in about a year I saw Prince Andrew out and about, rumours are rife locally as to his new change of direction too. It's all change at Crewe as we say.
Seeing as its 2022, and the role of lady-in-waiting doesn't actually have to be held by a "lady", the rebranding to Queen's Companion seems pretty appropriate. Leaves the door open for HM to appoint a male, or non-binary, person to the role.
I really dislike it when people say “it’s 2022 or whatever year in the 21st century”, and I don’t see why exactly this role of lady in waiting needs to be changed. It’s not as if the staff at the palace are exclusively male or female or friends of the monarch are. Most people barely notice the ladies in waiting.

I agree with tommy100 - it seems like change for the sake of change.
Very superficial and silly IMO. If they think that is change, they are in for a shock.

Why not? Courtiers in other countries are salaried and do just fine. Also, why do they have to be aristocrats? Other people are perfectly capable of filling empty chairs and chat with heads of state.
The ladies in waiting aren’t necessarily courtiers and given the current Queen’s background (she’s from a gentry family) it is perfectly natural for her to pick from the aristocracy and being a lady in waiting isn’t a “real job” or actually paid one because it is for people who can afford the expense. The average person doesn’t have the time or money to do this.
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Princess Anne's Ladies in Waiting do not live with her, they attend when needed for public duties and other tasks. They could have changed the specifics of the role without changing the title. Clearly they want, for whatever reason, to sweep away with "Lady in Waiting" title.

Also worth noting that (some) of the late Queen's former Ladies in Waiting have been kept on by the new King in a new role - "Ladies of the Household". Lady Susan Hussey, Mary Morrison and Dame Annabel Whitehead will be on hand to help the King host official functions.

I remember seeing Lady Susan Hussey greeting the G20 (I think it was or maybe the NATO leaders) at a BP reception before they went into the reception rooms. She was very much in command and knew many of the Commonwealth / Royal leaders well and greeted them warmly. The palace obviously feels they need this type of experience.
And there you have it. Angst, irritation and anger all for reports that lie by omission or just plain lazy journalists writing that sludge.

IMHO the King and Queen have taken a negative and turned it into a positive. It is a matter of fact and logic that the youngest of the Ladies-in-Waiting are in their eighties and, I dare say that when they "signed on" with their friend and Queen, nobody had the slightest idea how long that position would end up being held.

However, IMHO the King and Queen, loathe to throw the baby out with the bathwater and intimate knowledge of precisely what these Ladies actually did, gave them the option to retire of continue to assist with a vastly reduced and onerous position whilst retaining the title they all earned. Their in-depth knowledge of how the palace works combined with the finesse they bring on VIP occasions, smoothing the way with an extensive knowledge of who's who and diplomacy gained by sheer dint of years of hard work and experience.

In short, these Ladies are unique in a way never seen before in a royal household. And so they get to sally forth with the name they earned, diplomatic, charming assets to the Palace and no doubt willing to pass some of that knowledge to the Queen's "Companions" instead of being abruptly dismissed as past their use-by date.

Hopefully, they will also pass on their knowledge to Camilla's new "Companions". So the new "titles" have a purpose and differentiate between who is accompanying HM on a day-to-day basis and who is elegantly moving around a grand reception ensuring everyone is seen to and at ease,
I also don't understand why it is necessary to change the Titles. Simple keep them as Ladies-in-Waiting but with a different role of Job. But probably that is not modern enough.

Oh I agree why break the tradition but with the modernizing the Monarchy there will be further changes afoot!
Companion or lady in waiting. What's the difference? They're going to be doing the same sort of duties aren't they? A rose by any other name & all that. Seems like a pointless change in title.

Plus ca change!
I imagine this is the tip of the iceberg, I'm excited by all the new changes we will see, as we have to, we have been stuck in a bygone era for too long. Time to get rid of job titles such as lady of the bedchamber and page of the back stairs, the new job titles will make the monarch more modern and relevant, I wonder what's next in Their Majesties plans? I stayed home this weekend which is rare and for the first time in about a year I saw Prince Andrew out and about, rumours are rife locally as to his new change of direction too. It's all change at Crewe as we say.
I really don’t see the need for changes of job titles at the Royal Court. How will it make the monarchy more modern and relevant? It’s just silly pandering IMO.
Lady Susan Hussey has stepped down from her new role after an interaction with a guest at yesterday's violence against women event.

Palace statement:

"We take this incident extremely seriously and have investigated immediately to establish the full details. In this instance, unacceptable and deeply regrettable comments have been made.

We have reached out to Ngozi Fulani on this matter, and are inviting her to discuss all elements of her experience in person if she wishes.

In the meantime, the individual concerned would like to express her profound apologies for the hurt caused and has stepped aside from her honorary role with immediate effect.

All members of the Household are being reminded of the diversity and inclusivity policies which they are required to uphold at all times."


The guest's transcript of the interaction is given here. Even if one takes the most charitable possible view of the "Where are you from?" about failure to take a hint!
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Lady Susan Hussey has stepped down from her new role after an interaction with a guest at yesterday's violence against women event.

Palace statement:

"We take this incident extremely seriously and have investigated immediately to establish the full details. In this instance, unacceptable and deeply regrettable comments have been made.

We have reached out to Ngozi Fulani on this matter, and are inviting her to discuss all elements of her experience in person if she wishes.

In the meantime, the individual concerned would like to express her profound apologies for the hurt caused and has stepped aside from her honorary role with immediate effect.

All members of the Household are being reminded of the diversity and inclusivity policies which they are required to uphold at all times."


The guest's transcript of the interaction is given here. Even if one takes the most charitable possible view of the "Where are you from?" about failure to take a hint!

I have to admit that I am shocked. Susan Hussey has always been a very dignified individual and trusted friend to the RF. Shocking really!
Yeah can't say I am shocked whatsoever what people say when they are feeling comfortable enough to say it.

Anyways. None of this is surprising news. Such a shame this occurred but glad for her sake there were multiple witnesses so it cant be denied.


Excl: Ngozi Fulani tells me she hasn't heard from palace/received apology after resignation of aide who made racially offensive remark

So BP issued a statement before even talking to Ngozi Fulani? Making a bad situation worse. Oy.
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Yeah can't say I am shocked whatsoever what people say when they are feeling comfortable enough to say it.

Anyways. None of this is surprising news. Such a shame this occurred but glad for her sake there were multiple witnesses so it cant be denied.


Excl: Ngozi Fulani tells me she hasn't heard from palace/received apology after resignation of aide who made racially offensive remark

So BP issued a statement before even talking to Ngozi Fulani? Making a bad situation worse. Oy.

The Palace stated in its message above that they'd reached out to her.
We have reached out to Ngozi Fulani on this matter, and are inviting her to discuss all elements of her experience in person if she wishes.
I would gather that BP after from Ms. Fulani's transcript of the conversation, that Lady Susan confirmed that she'd asked the questions and made the statements and that was enough for Lady Susan to offer her resignation.

Hopefully Ms. Fulani will be comfortable with accepting the offer to meet at the Palace to further discuss the matter.
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I have to admit that I am shocked. Susan Hussey has always been a very dignified individual and trusted friend to the RF. Shocking really!

I am too I always thought of Lady Susan Hussey in the same manner!
If even a portion of the transcript is remembered correctly, that's a shocking thing to have for Lady Susan Hussey to have done, and absolutely warrants her resignation.
The Palace stated in its message above that they'd reached out to her. I would gather that BP after from Ms. Fulani's transcript of the conversation, that Lady Susan confirmed that she'd asked the questions and made the statements and that was enough for Lady Susan to offer her resignation.

Hopefully Ms. Fulani will be comfortable with accepting the offer to meet at the Palace to further discuss the matter.

Ms. Fulani was just on the LBC and stated she has not heard a word from the Palace despite their claim. So one of them is not telling the truth...

If even a portion of the transcript is remembered correctly, that's a shocking thing to have for Lady Susan Hussey to have done, and absolutely warrants her resignation.

I am stunned that Lady Susan Hussey would reach out and move someone's hair. She could have merely said that she had trouble reading her name tag and then asked Ms. Fulani her name.
Is anyone really surprised?

BP has never been the most diverse place and we've all known that it was filled with old, gray, white men (and women). It's not surprising that they have racists views.

To BP's credit they are trying to work on it by setting goals of improving diversity and hiring people from different ethnic groups.
For those people saying they are surprised, I can only reply that I know many English women of this generation and class who would say exactly the same as Lady Susan without imagining for a moment that they are being racist. Given Lady Susan's long-standing presence and roles, the main fault lies with BP for not educating its household about racism and racist language.
I'm not especially surprised that she asked the question but I am surprised that she kept drilling into the poor woman after it became amply clear that she was causing offense. If it happened anything like the transcript (which I believe at least one witness has backed up) it would have been ungracious to be so demanding about anything, let alone that.
Is anyone really surprised?

BP has never been the most diverse place and we've all known that it was filled with old, gray, white men (and women). It's not surprising that they have racists views.

To BP's credit they are trying to work on it by setting goals of improving diversity and hiring people from different ethnic groups.
I hope you realize that not everyone who works in the palace is white, old, gray men and women. It was unfortunate what happened to Ms. Fulani and I hope things will properly be sorted out for her, but that doesn’t mean just because a small part of household did something offensive does not mean all the staff will do the same or think the same.
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Is anyone really surprised?

BP has never been the most diverse place and we've all known that it was filled with old, gray, white men (and women). It's not surprising that they have racists views.

To BP's credit they are trying to work on it by setting goals of improving diversity and hiring people from different ethnic groups.

Lady Susan is not a salaried employee of the Royal Household, so I don’t see what that incident has to do with the Palace’s hiring policies.

I wonder though if the late Queen would have accepted Lady Susan’s resignation in this particular case.

It also goes back to my point that having professional staff to “ help with events “ at the Palace may be better than relying on old aristocratic women.
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