The Infanta Margarita, the Late Infanta Pilar and Families: June 2014 - June 2024

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Glad to hear that Doña Simoneta Gómez-Acebo has been discharged from hospital.
Infanta Margarita as Honorary President and her husband Carlos Zurita attended a celebration marking the 40th anniversary of the British Hispanic Foundation in Madrid:

** Pic ** hola article **
Nice to see Doña Simoneta and her brother Don Beltrán Gómez-Acebo getting back to normal after a sad couple of weeks for them.
:previous:Doña Simoneta Gómez-Acebo attended the funeral with Michael Smith,husband of the former US Ambassador to Spain James Costos
A Happy sweet mama:

"Mi querido Carlos,

Today you are 2 years old! Two years in which you have filled us with joy, kindness and pure love. You enrich every minute of our lives and make us happy. You fill the heart of everyone around you and mine in particular.
I appreciate every second that I enjoy with you, each of your smiles, each of your steps. You can't make me happier. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, mouse. I love you"
María Zurita tells how King Juan Carlos is a year after his retirement from public life,
has also pointed out how much she feels the recent loss of Álex Lequio, with whom she was related. María has been able to speak to the family and has commented on how they are.

Is it common in Spain to be close to one's second cousin once removed? If not, it is interesting that the branches of the extended family remain close.
María Zurita tells how King Juan Carlos is a year after his retirement from public life,

That's quite a stretch given that the only response the reporter got from her was 'he's great, thanks' (so, she didn't really tell anything at all).

Is it common in Spain to be close to one's second cousin once removed? If not, it is interesting that the branches of the extended family remain close.

My first thought was that a guy dying at age 27 would typically provoke a respons from almost any acquaintance; the fact that María both talked to Álex's mother and stepmother (his father's wife), however, suggests that they indeed know each other rather well. I don't think necessarily think that's because they are related but probably more because they move in the same circles?!

For those interested in their family connection:
* Alfonso XIII - Infanta Beatriz - Princesa Alessandra Torlonia de Civitella-Cesi - Alessandro Lecquio di Assaba - Álex/Alejandro Alfonso Lecquio García
* Alfonso XIII - Infante Juan - Infanta Margarita - María Zurita y Borbón
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The extended Spanish Royal Family seem to be close,most recently a lot of the various cousins attended the funeral of the Infanta Pilar,elder sister of King Juan Carlos.
I have often wondered about the closeness of Royal families and their branches. I then figured out that they are close because of their status. Also people like farmers tend to be with farmers, teachers with teachers, lawyers with lawyers etc. People do this because of their common knowledge of a subject....they have other friends but a lot of people with the same interests will gravitate to each other. Also with Royals or Nobles or even Doctors and Lawyers, and others, they are very careful letting people into their inner circle so they and their wealth or career are not abused or taken for granted. That is JMO....
The Gómez-Acebo/Zuritas and Bourbon Dos Sicilias seem to be the closest cousins.
Moved to more appropriate topic
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Really nice to see Doña Victoria Federica de Marichalar with her great aunt Infanta Margarita.
This is so lovely. Doña Victoria and her grand-aunt Infanta Margarita in one lovely snippet.
Who was that with Doña Maria Zurita?

The jeweller Miguel Mas, from the San Eduardo jewelry store, and María Zurita. - according to the article.
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