The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 7: Oct. 2022 - Apr. 2023

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MARG, Very interesting that you bring this topic up.
Harry and Meghan in their rush to "flee" the UK never thought long term, or actually short term, about ANYTHING practical. They pulled the plug. Left. Their decision, their timeline.

They foolishly and crazily assumed Charles would continue to fund their exorbitant lifestyle, until the covert deals they had in the pipeline came to fruition, anyways. AND the UK taxpayers would ALWAYS pay for their multi million Security costs. What a complete simpleton Harry was to think that would happen !

Harry has himself greatly fanned the flames of compromising his and his Family's safety with his foolish comments in his Book about The Taliban. Dehumanizing them, referring to them as chess pieces that needed to be eliminated. Simply unbelievable and dangerous. And.... its all on him.

Especially now where We in the States were told JUST last week, by US Central Command testifying before Congress that ISIS in Afghanistan is six months away from launching attacks, "external operations" at the US or Western Allies. With little or no warning.

Afghanistan. Where Harry served. Where he recounted his "kills".

That's why there was such a bitter outcry from Soldiers, Veterans and Military leaders denouncing Harry after he included that foolish brag in his Book.
He put them at risk too.

And I completely agree with your spot on comment that "fanatics do not mellow with age". Especially Terrorists.

THe Taliban, however , are enemies of ISIS-K, which is probably one of the reasons why the US and the UK might now see the Taliban as potential allies.
Does nobody think it is odd that Harry was well boasting about being a combat soldier, yet he claims to be afraid when Will raised his voice to him?

Pretty sure Harry was lying about this or keeping key details out. If it did happen it displays what a coward he has become. Whining about a necklace!!! Ive always said I don't blame William for going nuclear on Harry and his demand to be given perks without doing work while monetizing the royal family for personal gain.
Pretty sure Harry was lying about this or keeping key details out. If it did happen it displays what a coward he has become. Whining about a necklace!!! Ive always said I don't blame William for going nuclear on Harry and his demand to be given perks without doing work while monetizing the royal family for personal gain.
taht wasn't what I meant.I thought that he had said that at their talks about his leaving the RF, Will had raised his voice and it frightened him.
I cant see that Charles is going to be HAPPY to have him there, as one can never trust him

Charles invited him so I don't trust he can drop the hammer and hold him accountable. I wonder if he will cave to his demands.
Charles invited him so I don't trust he can drop the hammer and hold him accountable. I wonder if he will cave to his demands.

Charles will try and get on with Harry but I see no evidence that he's going to cave in to his demands, as you put it. Dont know what you mean by dropping the hammer.
I believe our truth challenged Prince Harry has "selective memory" issues and is prone to greatly exaggerating past events or downplaying what actually happened.

Whichever case happens to work for the narrative he is trying to spin. Meghan is the same. She is just better at it, do to her acting "skills".

Both have been caught out in their fabrications. Embellishing a story for shock value. That's a big part of Brand Sussex.

Everything from Meghan saying she "grew up eating at the 4.99 Salad Bar at Sizzler". Her Father said that was a lie. Which I believe. This is a girl attending a prestigious private school, whose Father PAID her way. She also, on his money, went to The UK AND Europe at age 15 with her Friend, Ninaki Pridi, now since dropped. Doesn't sound like a tough deprived childhood. Private School and trips to Europe at age 15. Wasn't my lifestyle or my Friends growing up either. London, Paris and Switzerland Vacay. Nice !

Even when The Sussex's are TOGETHER in the same Interview, they couldn't even get the Story straight regarding "concerns and conversations about how dark Archie's skin color would be" in the Oprah Rant ! Meghan said it was MULTIPLE conversations while pregnant. Harry said it was ONE conversation while they were dating.

GIve me a break, how do you sit there and lie so effortlessly ?

On top of Meghan's lie that Archie wasn't going to get the Title and Security either. He was "denied" it. That was a lie. He wasn't eligible and both She and Harry knew it. But the then Cambridge children (as direct heirs) had it. And it rankled them that their kids wouldn't. Until Charles became King.

So, when Harry recounts all his stories about his "arch nemesis".... violent bullying William, I don't buy his spin. Luckily, it appears most of the Public isn't either.

These two have alleged so many wrongdoings by their ONCE "nearest and dearest" AND other Stories, (like actually being married 3 days before the Wedding) that they have since either contradicted, ignored saying, OR simply walked back, its hard to believe much of what they say.

"Recollections may vary".....indeed. Harry's issues with alcohol and drugs might be impeding his memories too. That's another big problem of his that he doesn't see either.

One of many.
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taht wasn't what I meant.I thought that he had said that at their talks about his leaving the RF, Will had raised his voice and it frightened him.
He did. And you aren't the only one who thinks so. I wrote pretty much immediately that Brits were lucky in never having the defense of their sky entrusted to him. If William's shouting could frighten poor little defenseless Harry so much, it's logical to think he'd surrender whatever he had in his command as soon as someone armed told him to.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 7: Oct. 2022 -


Some organization wants Harry’s visa applicatiom to be made public in relation with his use of drugs.

That particular organization is very far-right. It would be akin to UKIP or similar in the U.K.

I won’t go into detail because political talk very quickly gets off topic but it suffices to say that this is not something I would take particularly seriously.

It is unlikely to go anywhere.
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Some organization wants Harry’s visa applicatiom to be made public in relation with his use of drugs.

It would be funny if prince Henry would be denied access to USA coming back from Coronation in MAy due to his drugs' abuse ..... Of course supposing that he will have enough courage to come to UK and face his family and public after all lies, defamation and half-truths....
That particular organization is quite toxic. It would be akin to UKIP or similar in the U.K.

I won’t go into detail because political talk very quickly gets off topic but it suffices to say that this is not something I would take particularly seriously.

We don't even know actually what kind of visa Harry has although it has been speculated that it is an A-1 diplomatic visa.
Harry has lived in the USA for three years now. It is actually laughable that people think a man with his high profile has somehow tricked the US government. The jokes.

Also I am not surprised the Daily Mail are promoting certain radical organizations. ;)
Does it matter what organization is asking for information?

Of course he is special even for his visa.
Some organization wants Harry’s visa application to be made public in relation with his use of drugs.

In this day and age this is ridiculous. Now in the USA Cannabis is about to replace the 'state flower' in all 50 states :lol:

If the Sussex wanted a solid business legal venture to be self-sufficient, they could join millions of USA entrepreneurs on it since focusing on its use from arthritis to epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease. All of the sudden since legalization people realized this plant is more medicinal than just recreational use.

The bigger question is if Harry will be a USA citizen and give up his UK passport. I don't think he would have the same business opportunities in the UK considering the animosity toward him. Here in the USA, unless he runs his mouth and makes the mistake of becoming political, he is pretty much left alone and ignored by the public. I assume their home was paid cash, all they need to live carefree in the USA is to add up their monthly household expenses, town, state and federal property taxes and school funds for the kids against their monthly salary from the non-profits they run.

If the income Harry and Meghan bring home covers their needs, they can stay off the news and stop complaining about their Dads and siblings, becoming word and pronouns police and judging anyone that does agree to recycle, hug a tree or doesn't use words like 'representation', 'empowerment' 'social justice' 'Tyler Perry' in every sentence there is. We already know what they mean, except for 'Tyler Perry'. Great businessman and terrible actor.

They can be productive in California if they made a try to calm down on the preaching to grownups or present themselves as know-it-alls. I mean, Harry questioning his own brother's ability to raise kids? Really?

And the bigger question part II is...can they stay off the limelight, cameras and the need to be seen?
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Harry and Meghan don't have to become hermits. I mean outside the end of 2022 and Spare promo -- they were hardly out and about. Seeing them and the press constantly writing about them are very different things.

People can very easily ignore them. I ignore quite many in the public eye. Not that hard.
In this day and age this is ridiculous. Now in the USA Cannabis is about to replace the 'state flower' in all 50 states :lol:

If the Sussex wanted a solid business legal venture to be self-sufficient, they could join millions of USA entrepreneurs on it since focusing on its use from arthritis to epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease. All of the sudden since legalization people realized this plant is more medicinal than just recreational use.

The bigger question is if Harry will be a USA citizen and give up his UK passport. I don't think he would have the same business opportunities in the UK considering the animosity toward him. Here in the USA, unless he runs his mouth and makes the mistake of becoming political, he is pretty much left alone and ignored by the public. I assume their home was paid cash, all they need to live carefree in the USA is to add up their monthly household expenses, town, state and federal property taxes and school funds for the kids against their monthly salary from the non-profits they run.

If they income Harry and Meghan bring home covers their needs, they can stay off the news and stop complaining about their Dads and siblings, becoming word and pronouns police and judging anyone that does agree to recycle, hug a tree or doesn't use words like 'representation', 'empowerment' 'social justice' 'Tyler Perry' in every sentence there is. We already know what they mean, except for 'Tyler Perry'. Great businessman and terrible actor.

They can be productive in California if they made a try to calm down on the preaching to grownups or present themselves as know-it-alls. I mean, Harry questioning his own brother's ability to raise kids? Really?

And the bigger question part II is...can they stay off the limelight, cameras and the need to be seen?

I believe that they will continue to make public appearances for a variety of reasons mostly related to charity work and any projects they plan to participate in. However now and then we will probably see some photos supplied by Back Grid to keep their images in the public eye.
I always laugh when people say BackGrid like it isn't the top pap agency.

Literally almost all the pictures you see of any public figure is funneled through BackGrid because it is the biggest agency. BackGrid has even taken images of the royals out about in the UK. They have a whole department there to, ya know.

Do celebrities call up the press? Sure but they are like TMZ (who they team up with) and have sources everywhere. There is a reason they are typical first to break news.
I believe that they will continue to make public appearances for a variety of reasons mostly related to charity work and any projects they plan to participate in. However now and then we will probably see some photos supplied by Back Grid to keep their images in the public eye.

I don't want them to be hermits but unless they give us new storylines that don't involve the following, I'll be tone deaf with them. We need them to at least try to move away from these topics when interviewed:
1. Mommy Diana issues
2. Meghan as Mommy Diana 2.0
3. Any mention of killing people like chess pieces.
4. 'Dear Dad...' old letters from Meghan to her father
5. Daddy Charles needs to apologize to Meghan A.K.A Mommy Diana 2.0 (go back to item # 2)
6. William hit me and I'm telling Meghan, as Mommy Diana 2.0, every time he texts me...

Okay, I'm tired! :lol:
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I always laugh when people say BackGrid like it isn't the top pap agency.

Literally almost all the pictures you see of any public figure is funneled through BackGrid because it is the biggest agency. BackGrid has even taken images of the royals out about in the UK. They have a whole department there to, ya know.

Do celebrities call up the press? Sure but they are like TMZ (who they team up with) and have sources everywhere. There is a reason they are typical first to break news.

A lot have their paparazzi they call. Meghan did pre Harry.

I don't know about America but the pap industry is effectively dead in the UK post leaveson.
And they live in California, another venture for them to produce income could be buying a small, established winery. They can introducing a line of spirits with names like Montecito Blanc, Arches Cabernet,, or Ca(lifornia) Mommy...wait, sorry Harry but this last name was taken: Ca' Momi
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And they live in California, another venture for them to produce income could be buying a small, established winery. They can introducing a line of spirits with names like Montecito Blanc, Arches Cabernet,, or Ca(lifornia) Mommy...wait, sorry Harry but this last name was taken: Ca' Momi

As someone who is now in old age but who lost a mother to cancer at the age of nearly twelve, similar to Harry, I know exactly how he feels. My father never remarried, but at times like my graduations, wedding, birth of children, grandchildren, the pain still runs deep that my mother is not there.

It affects the rest of your life, in ways in which people who still have their mother or who lost her in adulthood can never imagine.

My children never knew their maternal grandmother and that is still a deep sadness, so I don’t laugh at Harry’s references to his mother. I know how it’s affected me, my spouse, and ultimately my children.
Sorry to hear about your loss and the effect it had in your life. And no one here makes light of the situation of losing a parent, or a child or any person close to them.

I assume we are all in agreement the loss of his mother, and the circumstances around it, caused long terms effects on both Harry and William that they'll never recover from. They way they coped with this also reflected the age difference between them did affect how each one was able to deal with this terrible childhood trauma.

In the specific case of Harry what I notice the most is being unable to move on in ways William did to a healthy adulthood. Instead, and that's the sad part about Harry as he explains everywhere, it has led to self-destructive behavior complicated even more by his role within the family structure.
Article from March 22, 2023 with positive news for Meghan on the libel lawsuit

Meghan Markle Gets Boost in Sister Samantha's Libel Lawsuit

"Meghan's lawyers are attempting to get the case thrown out, which if successful would spare all six from having to give evidence in the case. That has created a race against time for a ruling that could bring the entire saga to a close without the need to disclose potentially private information in evidence and endure a grilling by Samantha Markle's legal team..."
On the subject of American visa's, I know his visa isn't public knowledge, but can anyone explain how it would work in general? Can Harry stay there indefinitely because he's married to an American citizen, or will there come a time when he'll have to apply for citizenship?
On the subject of American visa's, I know his visa isn't public knowledge, but can anyone explain how it would work in general? Can Harry stay there indefinitely because he's married to an American citizen, or will there come a time when he'll have to apply for citizenship?

I haven't looked into the particulars of his situation, but I hope these links may be useful for general knowledge:
On the subject of American visa's, I know his visa isn't public knowledge, but can anyone explain how it would work in general? Can Harry stay there indefinitely because he's married to an American citizen, or will there come a time when he'll have to apply for citizenship?

Hope this helps, I always bold key words that narrow down the title to what might be of interest in the RF:

1. Rights and Protections for Foreign-Citizen Fiancé(e)s and Spouses of U.S. Citizens and Spouses of Lawful Permanent Residents

1.a Nonimmigrant Visa for a Spouse (K-3)

"What is a "Spouse"?
A spouse is a legally wedded husband or wife. Same-sex spouses of U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents, along with their minor children, are now eligible for the same immigration benefits as opposite-sex spouses.

Merely living together does not qualify a marriage for immigration.
Common-law spouses may qualify as spouses for immigration purposes depending on the laws of the country where the common-law marriage occurs.
In cases of polygamy, only the first spouse may qualify as a spouse for immigration."

Now this is more specific to them: Citizenship and Naturalization

Married to a U.S. Citizen

"General Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for naturalization under section 319(a) of the INA, you must:

1. Be at least 18 when you submit Form N-400, Application for Naturalization;

2. Be a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States for at least three years immediately before the date you file Form N-400;

3. Have been living in marital union with your U.S. citizen spouse during the three years immediately before the date you file your application and while we adjudicate your application;

4. Have lived for at least three months in a state or USCIS district having jurisdiction over your place of residence;

5. Have continuous residence in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least three years immediately before the date you file your application;

6. Reside continuously within the United States from the date you filed your application until the date you naturalize;

7. Be physically present in the United States for at least 18 months out of the three years immediately before the date you file your application;

8. Be able to read, write and speak English and have knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, :ohmy: and of the principles and form of government, of the United States (also known as civics); and

9. Be a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well-disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States for at least three years immediately before the date you file Form N-400 and until you take the Oath of Allegiance.

For more information, see the USCIS Policy Manual, Volume 12, Citizenship and Naturalization."

To be fair to Harry, here in the USA most people don't know item # 8. Co-workers of mine that were notorious for flag waivers (= over the top self-proclaimed patriotism) or used lines like "...our founding fathers (of the Constitution)" could not name the presidents of the USA during the years from when they were born. And some even though Hamilton the musical was based on a president of the USA. The worst part was we all worked in a government office! :ermm:

Harry will be ok and better prepared on this. I feel he does likes the USA and that facilitates learning more about government than people who just take it for granted. :cool: I can even go as far as predicting in a few years, when this current saga they have is a thing of the past, he has enough charm, passion and charisma to run for a local office like mayor of the town he lives in. If Clint Eastwood and Sonny Bono (ex of Cher) became mayors, so could Harry if he sets his mind into it. And he would do great because he carries his emotions on his hands, people like that.
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Harry will be ok and better prepared on this. I feel he does likes the USA and that facilitates learning more about government than people who just take it for granted. :cool: I can even go as far as predicting in a few years, when this current saga they have is a thing of the past, he has enough charm, passion and charisma to run for a local office like mayor of the town he lives in. If Clint Eastwood and Sonny Bono (ex of Cher) became mayors, so could Harry if he sets his mind into it. And he would do great because he carries his emotions on his hands, people like that.

I think he likes the US the way people often like a country until they get used to the hard grind of living there. America is not free of racism or violence, and if H were't protected by great wealth, he might not like it so much.
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