The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: Aug. 2021- Oct. 2022

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The Duchess of Sussex has given an interview to The Cut and posed for some photos:

** thecut article: Meghan of Montecito ..**

Interesting article. I didn't read all of it, but it looks like (with those fotos) that she is returning to her former role as an actress and wannabe celebrity.
Well, if that is what she always wanted and Harry goes along with it, fine with her.
That interview left me with more questions than answers.

1) It contained the very serious allegation that members of the royal rota of reporters allowed access referred to Archie using a racial slur. This doesn’t seem likely to me, though perhaps she was referring to commenters on their articles rather than the reporters themselves. It felt like such a bombshell allegation that caution in how it was expressed would have been prudent.

2) Meghan stated several other members of the royal family have the “half in and half out” deal that she and Harry wanted for themselves, but no names are given. It’s hard to imagine who she could be referring too. Eugenie and Beatrice are the only two who come to mind, but their jobs are private and do not involve speaking to the media. So who did she mean?

3) She stated that if she lived in the UK, she couldn’t do the school run without a press pen of 40 photographers. That seems to go against press guidelines and as we know, William and Kate do the school run regularly and are almost never photographed during it.

It was a peculiar interview. It seems like the estrangement only gets more solidified with every interview given.
The school run allegation rubbed me the very wrong way. Also, heaping on the general accusations of racism - who? What did they do or say? - against a whole group of people is unsufferable. She doesn’t seem to be able to let go. She’s been in the job two years, counting the time as a fiancee also, and out for almost three. She doesn’t have much to say for herself beyond former member of the working royals group.
That interview left me with more questions than answers.

1) It contained the very serious allegation that members of the royal rota of reporters allowed access referred to Archie using a racial slur. This doesn’t seem likely to me, though perhaps she was referring to commenters on their articles rather than the reporters themselves. It felt like such a bombshell allegation that caution in how it was expressed would have been prudent.

2) Meghan stated several other members of the royal family have the “half in and half out” deal that she and Harry wanted for themselves, but no names are given. It’s hard to imagine who she could be referring too. Eugenie and Beatrice are the only two who come to mind, but their jobs are private and do not involve speaking to the media. So who did she mean?

3) She stated that if she lived in the UK, she couldn’t do the school run without a press pen of 40 photographers. That seems to go against press guidelines and as we know, William and Kate do the school run regularly and are almost never photographed during it.

It was a peculiar interview. It seems like the estrangement only gets more solidified with every interview given.

#1-I agree that if they know the identity, then they should state it rather than making a general statement.

#2-Yes I would like to know who are the "several royals" who have the "half-in and half-out" deal. Is she referring to the York princesses, Prince/Princess Michael of Kent, the Gloucester/Kent children/grandchildren or the children of Princess Margaret? None of them were ever "in" as senior royals who carry out engagements on behalf of the monarchy and government.

#3-I am very surprised that she made this claim because as I understand, the UK has very strict rules about photographing and publishing the photos of children without parental/guardian consent. This is why we almost never see photos of the Cambridges and their children at school drop off and pick up.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: August 2021-

My over whelming sentiment is: Meghan may have moved, but she has not moved ON from her incredibly short time as a working royal.
Good grief.

This is not a commentary on Harry and Meghan’s relationship. I obviously have no knowledge of it. But between the tree story at their home and the salt/pepper story in one article - she sure is trying very hard to sell a particular image of them. Maybe a bit too hard. That’s all I get out of those stories.

They bought their house without seeing the inside?! Did I read that right? Ummmm…..ok.

I did laugh a bit when she said she was happy to be able to talk. I believe it. I really do.

I wonder what the author thought of her. At first scan, it didn’t seem overly positive to me.

Not sure if this is the place to discuss the cover photo- but it looked rather harsh and unflattering to me.

I may have more thoughts once I’ve re-read it. I scanned over it fairly quick.
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I am very surprised that she made this claim because as I understand, the UK has very strict rules about photographing and publishing the photos of children without parental/guardian consent. This is why we almost never see photos of the Cambridges and their children at school drop off and pick up.

Yes, exactly. If we are being charitable, her experience with press on royal engagements where there are many photographers and her limited experience with the logistics and workings of the British media combined to form a false impression of what would be allowed and she did not ask questions about this to her husband or her staff.

If we’re not being charitable, it’s just a lie, designed to evoke sympathy from people who wouldn’t know this, which is most Americans.
Some interesting quotes from the interview.

Though she has been media trained and then royal-media trained and sometimes converses like she has a tiny Bachelor producer in her brain directing what she says (at one point in our conversation, instead of answering a question, she will suggest how I might transcribe the noises she’s making: “She’s making these guttural sounds, and I can’t quite articulate what it is she’s feeling in that moment because she has no word for it; she’s just moaning”), at this stage, post-royal, there’s no need for her to hold back.

The two run Archewell from their shared home office, specifically from two plush club chairs placed side by side behind a single desk, facing into the room like thrones. “Most people that I know and many of my family, they aren’t able to work and live together,” Harry says in passing as I take a peek at their command center. He enunciates family with a vocal eye roll. “It’s actually really weird because it’d seem like a lot of pressure. But it just feels natural and normal.”

The couple has directly smashed rumors of a reality show, both in statements made to publications and in conversation with me. But, Meghan explains, there’s a difference between a historical documentary and a reality docuseries. “The piece of my life I haven’t been able to share, that people haven’t been able to see, is our love story,” she says, then quotes what she says was the end of a speech she gave at her wedding, in which she took comfort in the “resounding knowing that, above all, love wins.” She adds, “I hope that is the sentiment that people feel when they see any of the content or the projects that we are working on.”

So the Netflix doc is gonna be about their love story?

They also thought it best to leave the U.K. (and the U.K. press) to do it. They were willing to go to basically any commonwealth, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, anywhere. “Anything to just … because just by existing, we were upsetting the dynamic of the hierarchy. So we go, ‘Okay, fine, let’s get out of here. Happy to,’ ” she says, putting her hands up in mock defeat. Meghan asserts that what they were asking for wasn’t “reinventing the wheel” and lists a handful of princes and princesses and dukes who have the very arrangement they wanted. “That, for whatever reason, is not something that we were allowed to do, even though several other members of the family do that exact thing.”

After the wedding, The Mail on Sunday leaked a heartfelt letter Meghan wrote to her father begging him to stop speaking to reporters. Meghan sued for invasion of privacy and won, though the defense mounted against her painted her as calculating and manipulative. When I ask about it, Meghan doesn’t stay in her sadness for long; instead, she uses it to discuss how toxic tabloid culture has torn two families apart. “Harry said to me, ‘I lost my dad in this process.’ It doesn’t have to be the same for them as it was for me, but that’s his decision.”

She recalls a moment from the 2019 London premiere of the live-action version of The Lion King. “I just had Archie. It was such a cruel chapter. I was scared to go out.” A cast member from South Africa pulled her aside. “He looked at me, and he’s just like light. He said, ‘I just need you to know: When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison.’ ”

She probably should have kept this story to herself.
I wonder what the author thought of her. At first scan, it didn’t seem totally positive.

That’s how it came off to me too- like the reporter was very aware of how over the top some of this was. There were definitely a few snarky moments in there.

It must have been a very strange story to write.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: August 2021-

That’s how it came off to me too- like the reporter was very aware of how over the top some of this was. There were definitely a few snarky moments in there.

It must have been a very strange story to write.

Snarky is a good word for it. It seemed like a pretty unflattering piece to me. I sure didn’t think the author’s take-away was what Meghan imo clearly tried so hard to dictate/control. (Clearly imo because of that commentary from the author about how the author should interpret some things from her per Meghan.)

It was over the top in places. I scanned it because it frankly made for painful reading. To be clear- that’s not because I thought the author did a poor job. I just….really?! I’m almost at a loss for words on this.
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Snarky is a good word for it. It seemed like a pretty unflattering piece to me. I sure didn’t think the author’s take-away was what Meghan imo clearly tried so hard to dictate/control. (Clearly imo because of that commentary from the author about how the author should interpret some things from her per Meghan.)

It was over the top in places. I scanned it because it frankly made for painful reading. To be clear- that’s not because I thought the author did a poor job.

Is it just me or does anybody get the impression that the pair of them are constantly trying to hold something over the royal family. Drip feeding little nuggets without actually saying anything. Hinting about what they could say.
Remind me was the Lion king when he asked for voice over work and he could have been at an army event but choose the premier instead.
But Meghan says it was an awful time.
I am done. It is so obvious they are nothing without the titles.
The school run with a pen of reporters . Maybe the first day as agreed. With the family.
Not wasting any more energy on these pair.
Is it just me or does anybody get the impression that the pair of them are constantly trying to hold something over the royal family. Drip feeding little nuggets without actually saying anything. Hinting about what they could say.

Remind me was the Lion king when he asked for voice over work and he could have been at an army event but choose the premier instead.

But Meghan says it was an awful time.

I am done. It is so obvious they are nothing without the titles.

The school run with a pen of reporters . Maybe the first day as agreed. With the family.

Not wasting any more energy on these pair.

That’s how it seems to me too, and I think it’s probably why there hasn’t been any public move by Charles or William to soften the estrangement. As long as Harry and Meghan’s media strategy focuses on royal grievance, the rest of the royal family have to assume any outreach might be made public and maybe not in a way that’s fair or entirely true.

It remains a risk for Harry and Meghan to be seen as welcome or close to the family for as long as their primary income comes from media deals where the most interesting content they have to offer is about the royal family and the monarchy.
Is it just me or does anybody get the impression that the pair of them are constantly trying to hold something over the royal family. Drip feeding little nuggets without actually saying anything. Hinting about what they could say.
Remind me was the Lion king when he asked for voice over work and he could have been at an army event but choose the premier instead.
But Meghan says it was an awful time.
I am done. It is so obvious they are nothing without the titles.
The school run with a pen of reporters . Maybe the first day as agreed. With the family.
Not wasting any more energy on these pair.

Yes! Like a veiled threat. Not sure what to make of the interview.
Well she’s gotten what she wanted, the coverage from the U.S press she thinks looks good for her. But honestly, she’s just making childish digs and there some inaccurate things written like her complaining that “other royals got the arrangement they wanted”, (basically the half in half out thing) I’m just thinking she lacks context and perspective to compare herself to those members.
I haven't managed to read it all. I don't really have words. She should never have given this interview Be a Denis Thatcher: better to be thought a foul then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I feel sorry for her though. She obviously has rock bottom.self esteem to want to project this perfect life.

I can't read it all yet. The story about the house made me want to be sick and the interviewer definitely didn't like her or maybe they had no opinion amd just called as they found.
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Well she’s gotten what she wanted, the coverage from the U.S press she thinks looks good for her. But honestly, she’s just making childish digs and there some inaccurate things written like her complaining that “other royals got the arrangement they wanted”, (basically the half in half out thing) I’m just thinking she lacks context and perspective to compare herself to those members.

I saw something last night which had them muscle their way in with C and C and the Queen and W and C at the celebration for his 50th investiture of being PoC. They obviously weren't supposed to be there and were supposed to wait with the rest of the family and when the others came they were there and you could hear Charles saying no and saying to stay back and they had to come and under them. Untill that ai distance really beleive a lot of the things said about them being obsessed with the limelight. Now I do.
Meghan seems to think the more she explains, the more convincing she will sound, when in reality, the opposite is true.

The tone of the interview doesn't seem flattering at all to me. The line about how she 'converses like she has a tiny Bachelor producer in her brain directing what she says' gave me such second-hand embarrassment, I had to take a break from reading it.

Editing to add - the cover photo is not particularly flattering either. It is a very harsh look.
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It’s interesting this has come out now, a week before they are visiting the UK. This pretty much guarantees their trip will be dominated by questions about the claims made here rather than being a step forward in either their charity work or their family relationships.
It's the same thing every time. All she does is complain about the Royal Family and royal life. Presumably that's because she hasn't got anything else of interest to say. It's all nonsense, as well. William and Kate regularly do the school run without any fanfare.

And who's got the half-in, half-out arrangement? I actually don't think it would be a problem if Beatrice, Eugenie or Louise were to do a small number of royal engagements as well as their ordinary jobs, but no-one's got that arrangement at the moment. And Beatrice and Eugenie have got proper jobs, not just giving media interviews.

As for comparing her wedding with Nelson Mandela being released from prison ... I'm lost for words!

She's got a loving husband, two lovely children and piles of money. Why does she never do anything other than complain?
I find it incredibly difficult to believe anyone would have made a correlation between celebrating her wedding and celebrating Mandela’s release from prison. I assume I read that right.

I must have run right over the part about Meghan saying Harry said he lost his dad too. Ouch.
Harry's derision for his family coming through in this one. :ermm:

His comment (conveyed via Meghan) that he "lost his dad"... his comment that many of his (emphasis on) family cannot live or work together.

I strongly feel that the pair of them are holding back and dropping morsels only because The Queen is living. It's clear they no longer consider the others family.
To be honest they have nothing to loose anymore - so yes they are now resorting to childish innuendo and blunt snarky remarks instead of taking them up with the people that made the claims. All of it is beyond ridiculous now - if they want to be taken serious they need to realize that acting like this - it is so unprofessional and vulgar.
Can you image anyone given an interview and moaning the whole time about their pervious job and position?
All of these claims are made to the American press and they are directly done regardless of truthful content. Archie was never referred to by the N-Word by the British press - that would have been taken to the BPC - the remark was monkey and the DJ was fired.
No South African was involved with the remake of the Lion King movie - A fact they were angry about. All Black actors were American beside three. South Africans who don't follow the RF didn't know who she was - so that story I would mark as completely fabricated.
I have always wondered about the half in half out claim - and I think it is directed at all the senior royals. Charles has real estate and a organic farming business, Anne gets money from Gatcombe - shows and horse stock. Even the Queen earns money from her horses ect. So it is really how you view it. The model that Edward and Sophie followed would not work today - especially not the way the Sussex's wanted and they didnt want to sign the agreements that Edward and Sophie did. Oddly enough - Peter, Zara, Eugenie and Beatrice and all their spouses have signed that agreement.

But this isnt about wanting to be in the Royal Family - this is about been denied that platform for half a year. They were denied what they wanted and now will make a big noise about it. I have always doubted that this was simply about money and jealously - and it appears it is. The role that they should have played simply does not match the size of their egos.

I think they are currently desperate for a senior (William) member of the RF to discuss them on TV or address their claims - that is what they need for the Netflix show and the book . They are baiting - throwing out their fishing reels so that something will bite for free PR. The RF are not playing their game - and it is destroying this carefully crafted game. Maybe they want people to come out and boo the Cambridge's in America - they are definitely stirring. Maybe they just want Charles to give them a check to go away.
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She is desperate to have a platform and will say anything to get attention. [.....]
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She is desperate to have a platform and will say anything to get attention. #spoiledbrats

For someone who claims 'I can talk about my whole experience and make a choice not to', she sure does talk a lot.
It is pretty much a preamble for what is in the book. So that is really it. I wouldn't advice anyone - pauper or prince to put their backs to a wall. This will not end well for them.
I honestly am flabbergasted that Megan keeps upping the ante in this War with Charles, Camilla, William and Kate. And by extension The Queen.

She and Harry are NOT going to let the fact that the "Half In--Half Out" proposal was vetoed, and the Sussex's grandiose plans of merging "Royalty-Public Service" with "Celebrity-Commercial Opportunities" got blown up and shot down.
It is quite clear that they are on a path to establish The Sussex's as an American based alternative to The UK Windsors, specifically William and Kate.

Poor Charles, dissed again......without even pity or sadness when Harry told Meghan, "he'd lost his Father". Nice, why IS THAT Harry ? Is it your actions? Allegations ? And general untrustworthess and bitter petulance ?

Oh, and that the rest of the Family " ARENT able to work and live together "..... that's rather unconvincing, considering Meghan's never ending drama with the Markles and alleged bullying of Staff.
The Phillips, Tindal, Wessex Family, Anne and Tim all seem OK, fine and close with the Cambridge's OR are they about to get thrown under the Bus ? I won't mention The Yorks.....

Make no mistake, that IS what She is doing. Setting herself and Harry up as "modern Royals". American branded.
With a emphasis on diversity and all things WOKE. An alternative to stuffy, old-fashioned AND out of touch, passe William and Kate.

[.....] Very passive aggressive. Downright weird.
Relaying nonsense stories of Archie walking past conjoined trees in their yard and saying every time " Hello Momma, Hello Papa "....Huh ?

Blathering on about " Their Love Story" yikes.....give it a rest .....what are you Romeo and Juliet of Montecito ? How old are you ?
Bringing up "supposed" stories of some Black person comparing her marriage into the Windsors as WORTHY of celebrating similar to Nelson Mandela's release from decades of suffering and torture in jail. Wow, just Wow.

She is one tough cookie too. The gloves are off. She wants revenge and validation for her perceived grievances. HEALING as she calls it.
Very Game of Thrones like in her approach.
I hope The Family is ready. Seems more scorched earth tactics are coming their way.

All this angst, anger and bitter recriminations from a Wife-Working "Royal" who actually lasted less than 18 months. 18 Months.
That to me is simply unbelievable.

I wonder how this all plays out ? Will it age well ? Or be a giant farce ?
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Harry's derision for his family coming through in this one. :ermm:

His comment (conveyed via Meghan) that he "lost his dad"... his comment that many of his (emphasis on) family cannot live or work together.

I strongly feel that the pair of them are holding back and dropping morsels only because The Queen is living. It's clear they no longer consider the others family.

And they had to contrast their perception of his family with their perfect relationship- working and personal. Got hit over the head with it imo.

The more I reflect on this entire interview- the worse they come off imo.
Interesting article. I didn't read all of it, but it looks like (with those fotos) that she is returning to her former role as an actress and wannabe celebrity.
Well, if that is what she always wanted and Harry goes along with it, fine with her.

Absolutely vomit inducing.The bit about the tree sharing a truck and that symbolising her and Harry was cringe worthy enough until she said that Archie walks past it saying "Hi Momma and Papa". I pity those kids growing up, God knows what woke PC garbage their heads are going to be filled with.
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