The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks for the historical info. In all of the history classes I took, I’d never heard of the horrific Tulsa Massacre.

Does anyone know anything about the President? I’ve not read anything about him/her and wondered about that.
For reference, the Tulsa Massacre was an act of unprecedented genocide that was buried in history until recent times and if you want to see the fictionalized version, find the superhero TV series Watchmen. It opens with the massacre

And here's the real footage of the Greenwood and the Tulsa Massacre

Now, as an idea, instead of Archwell H&M parading around with problematic politicians and elites in Nigeria that control the status quo on the people in need, if the couple only did a documentary about Tulsa and other local USA causes, I would find their intentions on social justice more credible than their visit to Colombia to talk about race issues while controlling the information getting out to the press.

Re president, so far, the only person in government that took the spotlight was the lady Vice-President. When the event was announced I was surprised she was the 'boss' since it's the head of state the person that gets there front-and-center over subordinates in government.
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For reference, the Tulsa Massacre was an act of unprecedented genocide that was buried in history until recent times and if you want to see the fictionalized version, find the superhero TV series Watchmen. It opens with the massacre.

Re president, so far, the only person in government that took the spotlight was the lady Vice-President. When the event was announced I was surprised she was the 'boss' since it's the head of state the person that gets there front-and-center over subordinates in government.
Yes. It was not Colombia that invited the Sussexes but some random person who happens to be the vice president. Blurred lines, as always. The same as in Nigeria, where they were invited by some minister, not by the state.
There’s still the question of “upholding Her Majesty’s values”: they cannot endorse a politician while upholding those values.
@Ghost I added a few more lines and edited others on the post you quoted from me to round off the post better.
Not to turn this into a debate but since the topic has been raised due to the visit to Colombia, it was the United Kingdom representatives that continued the slave trade deep into the XIX century with the help of rich landowners and governments from the former confederate states. Even our USA northern states profited and even expanded it during the era of building railroads to include Asian immigrants. And the most recent act of open genocide in the Americas against descendants of slaves was done here, in the USA in 1921: Tulsa race massacre

Re apologies: Five Times the United States Officially Apologized

In Spain we have the “law of historical memory” passed by the Congress of Deputies in 2007 which establishes measures in favor of those who suffered persecution or violence during the civil war and dictatorship, unfortunately it left out an apology for those submitted to slavery during the colonial times.

The visit from Meghan and Harry to Colombia was to focus on these major race issues but also, as the news shed more light on the visit, was to put H&M on the spotlight and get international attention also toward the controversial new vice-president. It was an excellent move that favored the politician and the Sussex couple in terms of getting international attention, even if people in Colombia had no clue or care on who these two California residents were nor why such expenses were bestowed upon them by the government.

But, it all worked out for both parties. The Vice Presidenta got international attention that she can later use in her political career as a future president or international diplomat, and Harry and Meghan controlled the news and pictures about the visit from start to finish so we only saw one side opinions.

What can I say, it was a brilliant move from both parties. Will things change for the better in Colombia thanks to this event? Did anything change in Nigeria from the ruling classes toward the poor when they hosted H&M? I'll give a no for my answer, but kudos on two great PR moves paid by a foreign government in just one summer.
UK representatives did not continue the slave trade "deep into the XIX century" because the UK made the slave trade illegal in 1807 and made slavery itself illegal in its colonies in 1833. In fact, on the contrary, the UK was one of the major forces behind the suppression of the Atlantic slave trade in the 19th century, including by the use of the might of the Royal Navy to that end. Since you frequently reference Hollywood movies or TV series, see for example Spielberg's Amistad.

Even if Britain was a major player in the slave trade previous to the 19th century, I still don't see any connection with the British Royal Family as Harry's royal ancestors neither owned nor traded slaves, and did not have the power to make slavery or the slave trade illegal (that could be done only by the British Parliament).

The Spanish monarchs, on the other hand, were absolute monarchs prior to the 19th century, so they bear direct responsibility for everything that took place in the Spanish Empire.
Let's move on from the conversation about the slave trade and reparations. It is an important conversation, but this is not the thread for it. Further posts about it will be removed.
@Ghost I added a few more lines and edited others on the post you quoted from me to round off the post better.
I believe it’s clear that I’m replying to what’s now the second part of your post. 🤗🤗
I think Harry and Meghan are ill-advised wading into anything even remotely political, if they want to build a fan base for their entertainment efforts. Accepting freebie trips to poor countries, even if the politician providing them seems reputable, is bound to lead to a disaster that will reflect badly in both the UK and the United States.

They are on much firmer ground if they offer positive, less controversial messages for the future, such as things on health and wellness. Invictus, which copied the U.S. Army's efforts to support wounded warriors, is an example of how they can build future-oriented, feel-good programs.

I don't think anyone is interested in hearing their opinions on public issues or to be scolded by them about environmental, health, or other topics. But, people welcome positive, future-focused efforts.
My favorite part of the Colombia visit was this, taken from The Duchess’s speech at the ‘Afro women & power’ event:

'So much of how I approach things is through the lens of [it's] less about the fight, that's not interesting to me, and more about how do we show up in this space and wash things over with love and kindness and generosity.”

Apparently spoken with a straight face.
I think the tour went okay but I am not sure they accomplished anything worthwhile. I'm impressed that Meghan gave a short Spanish speech. She is obviously not fluent - she hasn't lived in a Spanish speaking country for about 20 years - but she was understandable.

As for the future, unless Meghan and Harry can create memorable goals and accomplishments (e.g. Diana with AIDS patients and even Harry with Usiah Bolt), I think they are facing the law of diminishing returns: They got some media but not as much as they did in Nigeria. I strongly suspect the next trip will generate even fewer media hits. We'll see what happens with Meghan's lifestyle show but we've been hearing about it for so long, I am beginning to think it isn't going anywhere.
We'll see what happens with Meghan's lifestyle show but we've been hearing about it for so long, I am beginning to think it isn't going anywhere.
A news site that’s known for reporting on media deals suggested yesterday that the polo and cooking offerings aren’t good and that Netflix is not expected to renew their deal:

We’ll know for certain in a few months- the deal expires at the end of this year or early next.
I’m curious to know if they filmed all the episodes of the series, or just a pilot? And if Netflix isn’t happy with the finished product, I wonder if they’ll just shelve the shows.

Speaking of Netflix, they just announced a bunch of shows in production and pre-production (one is a docu-series starring Victoria Beckham). I find that interesting because Netflix has yet to officially announce M&H’s two new shows.

It’s been almost 6 months since Meghan announced her lifestyle brand and there are still no products, or an updated website. It’s a little surprising that she has been so quiet about her new venture.
I think the tour went okay but I am not sure they accomplished anything worthwhile. I'm impressed that Meghan gave a short Spanish speech. She is obviously not fluent - she hasn't lived in a Spanish speaking country for about 20 years - but she was understandable.
I didn't hear the whole speech, but in the excerpt I heard (about 3 minutes maybe?), her Spanish pronunciation was pretty good. I would say above average for an English-speaking American, which surprised me.
That is what I meant to say. I was impressed with her Spanish but I know that my skill atrophies if I haven't used it regularly for several months. I will bet she was even better when she was actually living in Argentina.
To be fair, she lives in California, which has a huge Spanish speaking population.
That is what I meant to say. I was impressed with her Spanish but I know that my skill atrophies if I haven't used it regularly for several months. I will bet she was even better when she was actually living in Argentina.
Even though I seem to make too much fun of the errors of their ways, like not listening to advice, I have to say she did great.

Yes, her Spanish was great, even with the heavy accent and the pauses she had to make as any person would do when trying to remember the correct words after 20 years of not using them. Her enunciation and the meaning she gave her word with her gestures came out as easy and fluid considering this is still a foreign language.

There is an English-speaking YouTube podcast called the royal rogue hosted by a Spanish-speaking host that often attacks her and he tried to dissect her Spanish and her claim she learned in in Argentina. The guy is an idiot. Her accent, her mannerism and choice of words are for me, a Spaniard in the USA since the 1980s, exactly what I would expect from an USA American that has interacted with different Spanish-speaking communities. The podcast host, who is pretty much an idiot, stated she could not replicate the Spain's Z enunciation, and she sounded 'Puerto Rican'. That was his worst comment because if you are from Spain or visit Spain you know that accent from the Caribbean communities is from Southern Spain's Andalucia that had the most migrants to the Americas than the rest of multi accented Spanish communities.

So, in my opinion Meghan's Spanish was acceptable and the only pauses and hick ups I heard were only caused for not using it in full conversation for over 2 decades. But her hand gestures are a big key for me of her control because they assisted her on the words she used and if I had her in mute, I can see the same meaning just by looking at her gestures.

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I did GCSE Spanish. We learn Castilian here, and, when I went to South America, I found that the Spanish there was slightly different. I understand that Argentinian Spanish has been heavily influenced by the large numbers of Italians who emigrated to Argentina, so it sometimes sounds more Italian than Spanish. The same with trying to make myself understood with GCSE French in Quebec. I believe that Meghan spent some time studying in Madrid, as well as in Argentina, and presumably she's also interacted with Spanish-speakers in California, so her accent's bound to be a bit mixed!
Article about the trip with comments from Andres Escobar, security chief of Cali City Council:

“This country could have used the money to invest in our own infrastructure, we are in a bad way and money is wasted for this.”

“There are many, many Colombians who are hungry and have a lack of basic needs."

“Before this current government came to power they campaigned that they would save money and not waste it but they have done just the opposite with this visit.”
Excerpt from the article above

...Andrés Escobar also accused the vice president Francia Marquez, who travelled with Meghan and Harry across the country, of “squandering public money on her vanity” and added that taxes have been on “photo opportunities and social media”.

While it has not been confirmed how much the trip cost overall, it is understood the cost of security was shouldered by the vice president’s office..."

And that last line gives us a hint on how the story will be developing in Colombia after the visit. The political ramifications of Harry and Meghan's visit could end up being used by those who oppose the elected officials, especially this vice-presidenta whose life is in constant danger, because the cost of security was from the vice president's office, also known as public funds.

This is not going to end well now that the story is developing the trip was of some sort of goodwill but to this day it had no substance. Except a politician wanting to be on the same social media photos as the couple, so she dragged them to her country for a show-and-tell that might lead to nothing.

Archwell is not a major player in the non-profit social cause business in the USA, only one of gazillions of tax-bracket charities led by celebrities seeking public approval and something that looks good on a resume. If we dissect the company's push, Archwell only attaches itself to existing projects already in progress that basically invite the couple in so their press can follow. No one knew or cared in the USA about the Kennedy family award until they got entangled with the Sussex. No one knew nor cared in the USA about the event for outstanding pilots that are rich until they invited the couple. No one knew nor cared in the USA about vice-president Francia Marquez until Meghan and Harry accepted the invite for photo ops in communities that might never see any help afterward from the vice president's funds.

Let's sit and wait now that the lid has been blown open by the opposition in Colombia. That will confirm, or not, if Archwell and the vice-president's office will engage in any projects in 2024 or 2025. Or if all this was just a word-salad of self-congratulations for being royal adjacent just like the previous events.

Another post edits to add at the end of the article the Colombian councilman stated the amount of money spent on the visit:

...The country also faces significant inequality between urban and rural areas with 30.6 per cent of people living in poverty in urban areas in 2023, compared to 41.2 per cent in rural zones.
Mr Escobar added: “There are many, many Colombians who are hungry and have a lack of basic needs.
“They invested this money because the vice president wanted to meet two high profile public figures and brush aside criticism and problems that we have here.”
“We are in an economic crisis and eight billion pesos have been spent for the visit of Harry and Meghan, Colombian military planes and helicopters have been used and the money could have been better spent..."

Per Google: 1,000,000,000 Colombian Peso = 246,500.00 US Dollar/€ 221,400.00 or $1,972,000.00 million dollars or € 1,771,200.00 Euros
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Archwell is not a major player in the non-profit social cause business in the USA, only one of gazillions of tax-bracket charities led by celebrities seeking public approval and something that looks good on a resume. If we dissect the company's push, Archwell only attaches itself to existing projects already in progress that basically invite the couple in so their press can follow. No one knew or cared in the USA about the Kennedy family award until they got entangled with the Sussex. No one knew nor cared in the USA about the event for outstanding pilots that are rich until they invited the couple. No one knew nor cared in the USA about vice-president Francia Marquez until Meghan and Harry accepted the invite for photo ops in communities that might never see any help afterward from the vice president's funds.
I think this perfectly explains why awards/organizations/government officials continue to invite the Sussexes to events: it gets those entities press in the short run. Whether that press was worth, pushes forward the causes they want to push forward, helps the people connected to those causes, or even maintains the fame/press they received thanks to the Sussexes depends on who you ask.

The Sussexes' visit to Colombia may even help the country in an ironic way. If Colombians were already unhappy with their current government, this visit will probably encourage them to elect new, possibly better, leadership in less than two years, especially since the last Colombian election was nearly half-and-half: 2022 Colombian presidential election - Wikipedia.
According to our local paper today, Netflix is highly considering not renewing the contract when it expires next year. Unfortunately, this paper will not let me download the article but it was interesting. It also stated that Meghan's ARO products would not be out until next year sometime as there have been problems with some of the patents.

This is the first story I have ever seen in our paper about the couple since the Oprah interview.
I’ll wait until I hear about the contract from Netflix itself thanks rather than a report from Puck, with which Bill Simmons was/is associated. These sorts of rumours float about all the time. The production of the film that was bought for the Sussexes by Netflix is certainly going ahead. A screenwriter wrote on X page about a place being offered to her in the production only the other day. She was very excited.
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For people wanting to know how the visit to Colombia was funded:

However, Colombian vice president Francia Marquez - who invited Harry and Meghan to the country - has now revealed how the tour was funded.

While their personal engagements were "co-financed", it is understood that international agencies helped with the cost.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex financed their trip and that of their team with their own resources.


¿Cuánto costó la visita del príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle a Colombia?

Be interesting to know what "international agencies" co-financed it.

I think its pretty obvious the Colombian taxpayers weren't going to be paying for the couple's clothes. It sounds like the same sort of arrangement as for official visits / State Visits - the visiting dignitaries make their own way there at their own cost but in country costs are met by the inviting country.

Looking back on the trip I think the thing that was missing is that Harry and Meghan aren't representing a country any more. Unlike royals where just turning up to a country is an act of diplomacy in itself - as a private couple or celebrities they needed IMO to garner for media attention for the places and organisations they were visiting. Ironically on this trip where another celebrity doing the same would probably have welcomed any and all media - Harry & Meghan severly limited the access of the media. I've read a fair chunk of the UK coverage and can't tell you what causes they were there to support and we had few pictures - probably because they were so limited. IMO if they want to make tours like this a real success going forward they need to allow the media in more - there is a reason the BRF do - they get much more coverage because of it. I noticed the BBC said they were limited in their reporting because most of the info came only from one hand picked reporter for Harpers Baazar so they weren't able to independently verify it themselves. That is a problem going forward.
This article raises more questions than answers. I am usually not concerned about governments spending money on visits like this, even if there is a lot of poverty in the country. The overall cost would not make any difference in the lives of the Columbian people and these types of visits can help the overall economy. Criticizing the cost of the trip to the Columbia government is like objecting to the taxpayer funds used to provide security to the royal family. The cost assessed to each person is less than a dollar a year and the majority of people in the UK support the monarchy.

However, I am curious as to which "international cooperative agencies" financed the visit. Many cooperative agencies are governmental entities, e.g., the Japan Cooperative Agency. If that is the case, these agencies are supposed to use their funds to provide specific aid to the Columbian people. I don't think the trip's itinerary qualifies as aid to the Columbian people.

It is possible there are private or nongovernmental organizations that funded the trip - although I can't think of any nonprofits that call themselves and "international cooperative agency." But even if that is the case, I question whether funding part of this visit was an appropriate of their funds.
However, I am curious as to which "international cooperative agencies" financed the visit. Many cooperative agencies are governmental entities, e.g., the Japan Cooperative Agency.
I kind figured this meant non-governmental agencies. At least not purely tied to the Colombian government.
I Googeled "international agencies" and I got this:
List of intergovernmental organizations - Wikipedia

So, I don't know.. could be any number of orgenisations that have links to tourism and investments and perhaps development.
I kind figured this meant non-governmental agencies. At least not purely tied to the Colombian government.
I Googeled "international agencies" and I got this:
List of intergovernmental organizations - Wikipedia

So, I don't know.. could be any number of orgenisations that have links to tourism and investments and perhaps development.
My impression is if the so-called organizations that assisted with the expenses are not listed, that means it's all made up and funding was diverted, like the game of musical chairs, from sources within the government agencies to add up to the 8 billion Colombian pesos which is an equivalent of $1,972,000.00 million dollars or € 1,771,200.00 Euros as of this week's exchange rate.

Harry nor Meghan don't represent anything but a paper name charity based in their home in Montecito. They don't seem to have any push and power business as the Vice Presidenta wants to sell the people in Colombia. It's more like a desk in Montecito where decisions start and end with Meghan as the face of everything.

This trip was as valid to the ambitious Vice President as if inviting Brad Pitt or Shakira to visit school and places and take photos with the vice president. Once they are gone everything goes back to what it was, poverty and tone-deaf elected leaders in country so problematic that her enemies place explosives on the road to the vice president's home.

I got the bad feeling this was not what the people of Colombia expected to have their equivalent of $1,972,000.00 million dollars spent on.
Because of this visit and the fact that I read articles about the Sussexes, I have learned more about Colombia in the past week than I have in the last ... well, since I learned to read. If the aim of this visit was to promote awareness and interest in Colombia, they have succeeded wonderfully.
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