The Duchess of Sussex's Maternity Fashion: October 2018 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I liked both outfits today but especially the Roksanda. I loved the pop of lighter blue on the skirt.
Meghan should stick with this kind of dresses (Roksanda). The sheath dress (the yellow one from the summer and the offwhite in Oz) accentuate too much on her lack of waistline. Nothing to do with the pregnancy, it just her body type.
Look....the sooner people stop projecting their own fashion choices and how they themselves like to dress on Meghan...the happier they will be. She is dressing the way SHE wants to, not for any of us. It is clear she prefers the monocchrome look and will continue to wear it. So expect more navy, black, whites, creams and olive. When she wears a brighter colour, then rejoice. But don't expect it to be on a regular basis.

There are other royal women who wear bright colours, so follow them instead.

I voiced my reflections and you can voice yours, but there's no need to take offense and make retorts. Meghan has previously spoken of liking monochrome color and neutrals in what she wears, but she has not shied away from wearing brighter colors in her former life. Everyone who has followed her has noted her rather extensive wearing of blue, navy and black since her engagement and marriage. She also began to introduce shades of green on occasion which has been very welcome for some variation. And I loved her pink outfits over the summer, and the pop of yellow in the sleeveless Brandon Maxwell dress in July. Some of the white and cream she has worn I have liked, but not in every case. It's normal for observers to have different perceptions, likes and dislikes.

I have my favorite outfits that Meghan has worn, some not-so-favorite outfits, and disappointments in regard to her choices. And there's nothing wrong with that. I will continue to make my personal observations about the Duchess of Sussex's fashion choices, as I do about other royal ladies on occasion. I always qualify my comments in a thoughtful way. I do not make sweeping, blanket statements.

I think the black dress on the beach with the trench coat is very stylish, despite being bored with her constant black color palette. IMO, she could have chosen to wear a black trench over a deep yellow dress! ;) But obviously she didn't. The flats she wore were delightful. It's nice seeing casual Meghan coming to the fore in such a relaxed and comfortable way down under.

As I already mentioned, I love the Serena Williams blazer over the close fitting Outland Denim jeans. That entire look is a winner. I also love the sleeveless striped beach dress today with the espadrilles. And Duchess Meghan's hairstyle is adorable that she wore when she switched to the navy dress with blue color block at the hem. The color block is nice, and I guess navy is her color as it photographs well against her skin. That could be a reason why she sticks with it so often. But I look forward to seeing more variety and some surprises.
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Here's an example of some of Meghan's current and previous choices. It's obvious that black, variant shades of blue, navy, aqua, white and green have always been in her color palette, but so have occasional prints, color block attire, and glorious reds, burgundy, burnt orange, even gold and silver:

Here is a lovely blue, gray and red tie-dye evening gown. I love this look on Meghan!

At the Suits event in Austin, TX, Meghan wore this lovely red and white flower print Club Monaco dress. Where is this dress? It's so pretty on Meghan. Why can't she wear something like this again?
Meghan Markle at ATX Television Festival in Austin 2015, 2017

Check out the bright outfits in Meghan's first Reitman's Collection:

And look at this colorful Novis dress Meghan wore for a Tig photo shoot:

Meghan has worn this floral print dress in the past:
Articles about Duchess Meghan's maternity style:

In a feature for Reitmans, Meghan spoke about her fashion philosophy: "Personal style is what makes you feel confident and beautiful... Fashion should be fun! Tone on tone is not just for the Queen." (little did she know that the Queen would become her grandmother-in-law a couple of years later) ;) I love the red outfit she wears in this shoot! I'm sure she will be maintaining her fashion 'secrets' throughout her pregnancy:
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Meanwhile, it's nice to be reminded of how sweet, savvy, fashionable, upbeat and positive Meghan has always shown herself to be from what I've seen and heard. I'm sure we will learn more about her style and how it's evolving throughout her pregnancy. More on Meghan's fashion arc, including a demonstration of the 'messy bun' by Meghan's former hairstylist in Toronto, Donna Dolphy:
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Meanwhile, it's nice to be reminded of how sweet, savvy, fashionable, upbeat and positive Meghan has always shown herself to be from what I've seen and heard. I'm sure we will learn more about her style and how it's evolving throughout her pregnancy. More on Meghan's fashion arc, including a demonstration of the 'messy bun' by Meghan's former hairstylist in Toronto, Donna Dolphy:
You know.
The one thing that I always first notice whenever I see pictures of Meghan, is her eyes. They shine.
As for her dress-style. I like most of her choices, whether bright or muted.
I sometimes find Catherines clothing overly-tailored, if that makes sense. But that is her style, and therefor I wouldn't wish it to be any different. Same with Meghan. I'd like to see more coloirs, because I think that would suuit her just as well as the blues and blacks. But it is HER choice, and I respect that.
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She can't be criticized for NOT wearing local designers so DM has to find something to be critical of. Interesting how repeated jewelry is counted as money spent on this tour.
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She can't be criticized for NOT wearing local designers so DM has to find something to be critical of. Interesting how repeated jewelry is counted as money spent on this tour.

They have to criticize her for something. It’s ridiculous.
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Do they bother to mention at least some if not most of the jewelry is being re-worn..not new purchases.??

Oh, I love that last dress with the lighter blue at the bottom of the skirt. I wish that I could wear a dress like that!
I absolutely loved both of Meghan's outfits yesterday. I don't always love her style or her hair choices but yesterday's outfits were both absolutely perfect and her hair with that second dress was fabulous. I really wish she'd wear it that way more often but perhaps seeing rave reviews of her choice will encourage her to do it again.
I'm not one to jump in normally about the color palette that Meghan chooses to wear as I think she looks good in most of the things that she's stepped out in but I do have a valid reason why I believe that Meghan should have maybe taken a page from the Queen's book when it comes to this tour Down Under.

One quote I think all of us remember HM saying is that "she needs to be seen to be believed" and that gives reasons for the Queen to wear bright colors such as the vivid green outfit she wore for the Patron's Lunch celebrating her 90th birthday in London.

This would have served Meghan well especially when she's going on walkabouts with a humongous crowd out there to see her. With a bright color, the chances of people 5-6 deep at least would have a better chance of actually "seeing" where Meghan was at the moment.

No one missed the Queen in the crowd for the Patron's Lunch in 2012. She stood out a mile away like a bright beacon in the night for a weary ship heading to shore.
...One quote I think all of us remember HM saying is that "she needs to be seen to be believed" and that gives reasons for the Queen to wear bright colors such as the vivid green outfit she wore for the Patron's Lunch celebrating her 90th birthday in London.

I'm going to quibble a bit but for a good reason. Without getting into a long discussion about Meghan vs HM, which heads off topic...

The Queen does little walking about and lots of seen from far crowds appearances. She used to do the occasional walkabout - but never as much as the younger set does. So she needs to be seen from afar. And that quote works for how she is seen.

Whereas Meghan does not, so much. She relies on closer contact, where she need not dress in a strong color to achieve attention grabbing. To be believed, she is relying on closer or nearer contact and being seen.

Heaven knows, we attend to her appearance no matter how drab. :lol:
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I have loved everything Meghan has worn so far. She has picked pieces with "good" price points as far as royal fashion goes and has really put a huge spotlight on local brands. I hope we see some color soon, but I have liked everything nonetheless.
Looking at these dresses I have to wonder how this pregnancy didn’t leak out before Monday. Except for the blue dress yesterday, most of these have fit exceptionally well. Or does she have her own Angela Kelly on your with her?
Having established a rapport with CWK I am pretty sure she was one of a select few that know her secret and led to a few ensembles cut and coloured to minimise the side shot. We all need to remember that she has spent the last couple of months making sure she didn't let the cat out of the bag. The answer was camouflage, and everyone spent so much time whinging about all the dark colours she has been wearing and then, when she deployed cream or beige topcoats, we were less than impressed that we couldn't get a good look at the dress under it, which was, of course, the who point. We didn't see the full dresses and those coats totally ruined any side shots.

They were lucky that they were able to take some of the traditional summer holidays to relax and for Meghan to assemble her wardrobe. But another thing we have to remember is that getting clothes would be a challenge. It's not as if her aides or even Jessica could ask for clothes in such in such a size, slim but roomy, let alone buy clothes designed for her to grow. Maybe HM did lend her Angela to help take clothes in some places and out in others so she didn't look like she was wearing really badly designed clothes.

Now we get to see the butterfly emerge. When they became officially engaged I think that they were already shocked at their popularity and poor Meghan was trying to minimise her impact so she could learn what was what and then came the wedding. She started throwing in the occasional neutral colour and, I don't care what anyone says, Navy is a wonderful colour and comes in many subtle shades.

However, once her pregnancy was confirmed she spent their time trying to hide it and now, off come the coats and hello BUMP. To be honest, after all this time wearing dark colours she must feel a little 'naked' wearing lighter colours, but the weather is so variable at this time of year so she has re-deployed her lightweight trenchcoat but used the belt to tie it back when needed.
i like most of her outfits during yhis tour so far
she looks radiant Imo

Speaking of radiant, I think it's pretty funny that some were saying she was glowing before the announcement. Even if they didn't necessarily like what she was wearing.:lol:

Having established a rapport with CWK I am pretty sure she was one of a select few that know her secret and led to a few ensembles cut and coloured to minimise the side shot. We all need to remember that she has spent the last couple of months making sure she didn't let the cat out of the bag. The answer was camouflage, and everyone spent so much time whinging about all the dark colours she has been wearing and then, when she deployed cream or beige topcoats, we were less than impressed that we couldn't get a good look at the dress under it, which was, of course, the who point. We didn't see the full dresses and those coats totally ruined any side shots.

They were lucky that they were able to take some of the traditional summer holidays to relax and for Meghan to assemble her wardrobe. But another thing we have to remember is that getting clothes would be a challenge. It's not as if her aides or even Jessica could ask for clothes in such in such a size, slim but roomy, let alone buy clothes designed for her to grow. Maybe HM did lend her Angela to help take clothes in some places and out in others so she didn't look like she was wearing really badly designed clothes.

Now we get to see the butterfly emerge. When they became officially engaged I think that they were already shocked at their popularity and poor Meghan was trying to minimise her impact so she could learn what was what and then came the wedding. She started throwing in the occasional neutral colour and, I don't care what anyone says, Navy is a wonderful colour and comes in many subtle shades.

However, once her pregnancy was confirmed she spent their time trying to hide it and now, off come the coats and hello BUMP. To be honest, after all this time wearing dark colours she must feel a little 'naked' wearing lighter colours, but the weather is so variable at this time of year so she has re-deployed her lightweight trenchcoat but used the belt to tie it back when needed.

Honestly, I keep thinking back to that Givenchy dress that she wore to the exhibit. It was great camouflage. And CWK, of all people, would know her measurements best. I also think this neutral tone is going to last for awhile. She's going to dress respectably with the right level of brands and such, but she's not going to rock the boat. I think Muriel and I had this conversation in either the day or evening wear post. She's well aware of the Hollywood implication that comes with her. If she ever wore anything loud or bold, all kinds of accusation would've been leveled at her for being too "Hollywood". There is this bias against the Duchess of Sussex more so than anyone else in the family. Playing it safe on the color front with different silhouettes and designs at this point isn't a bad game plan.

And honestly, what I liked the most about this tour is that it wasn't just Meghan mania. It was Harry mania and Meghan mania. I hate how much of a prominent role the women's clothes have, but it does overshadow a lot o things. On this tour, what we've seen is while there is goodwill built based on who she wore, but most of the attention wasn't on her clothes. It was on the couple and their causes. I like fashion, and I like talking about fashion, but I'm well aware that it's far less important than other things I care about. I'm glad they are able to reach a balance with it. She looks good in what she wears, but it doesn't overshadow.
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I really like this dress. She looks so stylish today.

I am also very pleased she is wearing a UK designer (dress + hat). Hopefully she will continue this trend when the tour is over.
Meghan in Emilia Wickstead dress and Philip Treacy hat for the embargoed ANZAC memorial occasion. Rest (shoes, clutch, jewelry) are repeats. Actually the Treacy hat is also a repeat from Charlie's wedding.

She looks stunning - George needs to be retained full-time. I know he is super sought-after, but he is legitimately the only one who knows how to handle her hair the right way.
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Several bickering posts have been removed.

Enough with the attacks on the opinions of other posters. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion about Meghan's clothing choices, and at the end of the day - IT'S CLOTHES. There is no need to fight to the death about it.
Meghan looks beautiful today. Love the hat (so happy that she seems to be getting more and more comfortable with hats) and the dress fits well, and is appropriate for the occasion. I will say that I would prefer if she kept the all black ensembles for events like this one, where the black has emotional impact and meaning, it isn't just a style choice. I'm also happy to see her in EW, because that Wickstead LBD she wore in Ireland showed how perfectly EW could suit her when it's the right dress.
If you are going to wear a black dress this is the type of dress to wear...very elegant and I love her fascinator, heels and purse.

I'm sorry to say this, but I don't like this look. It just seems too 'buttoned up'. With the buttons going all way up to the neck, it looks really uncomfortable. EW really needs to know when to STOP with the over design of her garments.

Edited to Add: I completely understand that this is a somber event, and I actually don't mind the all black, it just the ultra high neck, almost turtle neck look with the buttons that is throwing me off.
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Hate fascinators on anyone. She isn't learning to wear hats. That isn't a hat. :sad:

The dress is a bit bland and matronly. Reminds me more if Kate's style. No surprise it is one if her go to designers.

That said it's pretty and appropriate for the event. Which at this kind of event, matters :flowers:
Meghan looks beautiful today. Love the hat (so happy that she seems to be getting more and more comfortable with hats) and the dress fits well, and is appropriate for the occasion. I will say that I would prefer if she kept the all black ensembles for events like this one, where the black has emotional impact and meaning, it isn't just a style choice. s.
:previous:image about of reserving the impact of black. This dress is one of three so far which aren’t too tight and seem comfortable. It looks just perfect for the occasion. Also,I heartily agree with the previous poster who said the hairdresser on this tour was a winner. Yes, so far much better than her usual and I hope we see some more interesting hairstyles
So she wore her wedding hat for a memorial occasion. Great hat :whistling:
So she wore her wedding hat for a memorial occasion. Great hat :whistling:

It is not her wedding hat, as she didn't wear a hat at her wedding. It's a fascinator that she wore previously at a wedding in the summer that is completely appropriate for the event, even if I myself don't care for fascinators.
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