home births
There is no point in flaming me for what I am about to say.
Nothing you can say will change my mind on this issue, just as nothing I can say can change yours.
Really, this is just venting because there have been some of my nieces and family connections that have opted for this, and you know you really cannot say anything incase something does go wrong.
Some of you have been wondering why the duchess does not have birth at home.
Because she is smart. Because she realizes the health and safety of her child come first not her wishes.
Death of mother and child in childbirth or as a result of childbirth is so rare for us that we think it cannot happen to a healthy woman with a healthy pregnancy. WRONG! Emergencies happen in the best of circumstances. If the mother needs emergency aid, you have minutes. If the child should need emergency aid, you have seconds. Not time to summon an ambulance.
I just think it is a terrible risk. Have natural child birth if you must, just do it in a hospital.
Personally, I have never seen anything wrong with all the drugs they care to give you. You know, the baby's young, he'll get over it!
The quote the great Joan Rivers: Wake me when the hairdresser arrives.