The Chelsy Davy Thread 6: April-October 2007

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I have to agree with you both and add that I like the fact that she is continuing her education at the graduate level. She's not just sitting around waiting to see if she gets a tiara. I also think she and Harry have a lot in common judging by the way they act at events they attend. I think it is a good match and I hope it works out for them both. I think as they mature they will be a terrific couple.
it would be fun if it were true...but i have my doubts..though..thinking of harry's personality it wouldn't surprise me ....
Great pictures, thank you christinacg, Chelsy looks really nice in brown. :)

Chelsy Davy with friends on the balcony of her parents' rand apartment in an exclusive area near the V A Waterfront of Cape Town. She was discharged from hospital on Friday afternoon and invited friends over for a few sundowner cocktails on their balcony overlooking the Atlantic.

Chelsy and friends 1
Chelsy and friends 2
Chelsy and friends 3
Chelsy and friends 4
Chelsy and friends 5
Chelsy and friends 6
Chelsy and friends 7
Chelsy and friends 8
Chelsy and friends 9
Chelsy and friends 10
Chelsy and friends 11
Chelsy and friends 12

Chelsy Davy and friend lunch at the beachfront Cafe Neo restaurant, Cape Town, South Africa - 19 Aug 2007.
It's the same friend that can be seen in many of the pictures above.

Chelsy and friend 1
Chelsy and friend 2
Chelsy and friend 3
Chelsy and friend 4
Chelsy and friend 5

And Chelsy, not afraid to show her emotions and make funny faces.:D

Funny faces 1
Funny faces 2
Funny faces 3
Funny faces 4
Funny faces 5
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Chelsy is obviously so comfortable in her skin and so charmingly herself in every sense, it makes one wonder if she is even aware of paparazzi proximity. On her parents' balcony she seems to be in pajamas, which is wonderful because it shows that she isn't inhibited by the media. It's nice to see a royal girlfriend who totally dresses, lives, acts for herself, not trying to impress anyone.
Chelsy is obviously so comfortable in her skin and so charmingly herself in every sense, it makes one wonder if she is even aware of paparazzi proximity. On her parents' balcony she seems to be in pajamas, which is wonderful because it shows that she isn't inhibited by the media. It's nice to see a royal girlfriend who totally dresses, lives, acts for herself, not trying to impress anyone.

I totally agree. I like her naturalness - there isn't anything fake or phony about this girl. She's a breath of fresh air and I think well suited to Harry's personality. I hope they make it as a couple but if they don't I think Chelsy will survive just fine - but I hope they do because I think she would be a wonderful addition to the royals. JMO
Chelsy is obviously so comfortable in her skin and so charmingly herself in every sense, it makes one wonder if she is even aware of paparazzi proximity. On her parents' balcony she seems to be in pajamas, which is wonderful because it shows that she isn't inhibited by the media. It's nice to see a royal girlfriend who totally dresses, lives, acts for herself, not trying to impress anyone.
I agree and it's that very quality I like about her.
at first i wasn't sure because she seemed a "party girl" then reading about her education and continuing it out of the "eye" of the media it's plan she's not a dumb blonde or princess wannabe- it's refreshing- no interviews, no modeling, no agenda. she's quite young to be so self assured but imo thats a good thing. she seems well suited with harry and totally in love, so as long as he's happy with her i'm glad she's not trying to become someone she's not. i thought the pj photos were charming, someone angling for the job of princess would never have allowed those to shots to be taken.
Chelsy is a nice breath of fresh educated air. Good luck to both of them. I wonder "if" they get engaged if Harry will present her with Diana's engagement ring. Harry received all of Diana's jewelry, as William will have all the yummy Crown Jewels when he becomes King.
I strongly doubt either of the boys would ever want to present their brides with Diana's ring. First, because each girl would want to feel unique and important, not mother substitute. Second, because there would be as much focus on the ring as on the bride.

I would guess Harry and William would present their respective brides with rings, which are family heilrooms and have nice history behind them, but are not too famous. Luckily, with Royal Family's vast jewelry collection, it shouldn't be too difficult.
I strongly doubt either of the boys would ever want to present their brides with Diana's ring. First, because each girl would want to feel unique and important, not mother substitute. Second, because there would be as much focus on the ring as on the bride.

I would guess Harry and William would present their respective brides with rings, which are family heilrooms and have nice history behind them, but are not too famous. Luckily, with Royal Family's vast jewelry collection, it shouldn't be too difficult.

wouldn't it be "bad" luck to present a ring, that promises a long and happy future, that actually represented a sad one? anybody have any thoughts?
From op to bop for partying Chelsy
Her boyfriend is the undisputed Party Prince but Chelsy Davy's stamina when it comes to drinking is hard to match.
From op to bop for partying Chelsy | the Daily Mail

Well, she is a young spring chicken! :D And I think the appendectomy is not a hard thing to recover from. It's a very easy operation, isn't it? They just knock you out with nice sleeping juice and yank out the inflamed appendix, stitch you up, and off you go! :lol:
They just knock you out with nice sleeping juice and yank out the inflamed appendix, stitch you up, and off you go! :lol:
:lol::lol:You have me in stitches (no pun intended)! The girl certainly has stamina. Probably why she can keep up with a boyfriend like Harry. Wouldn't shock me one bit if she can probably drink him under the table too.
Chelsy gets the crown

Prince Harry's girlfriend Chelsy Davy is the northern summer's sexiest celebrity.
A survey found that the 21-year-old blonde was way ahead of "royal" rival Kate Middleton.
Chelsy topped a poll of people asked to rate this summer's most delicious-looking stars. She was followed by Hollywood beauties Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson and Cameron Diaz.
Although I've grown to like Chelsy, I do not think that she is the "sexiest." True, she has a pretty face, but it's not the most beautiful I've seen. Just my opinion, not to offend anyone.
There is something about her that goes beyond just looks. I can't put my finger on it precisely. I guess it is just the whole package all together -- the brilliant tan, smile, freckles, and most of all the hot boyfriend.... :wub: She just oozes happy and fun, and yes, sexy! :D
The Daily Mail and The Sun ran the airport story too.
They go on about how he looked like he just rolled outta bed, but apparently Harry's spoken excuse (says Daily Mail, although they don't specify to whom or in what context he said this) was that he had been waiting at the wrong terminal.
The Daily Mail and The Sun ran the airport story too.
They go on about how he looked like he just rolled outta bed, but apparently Harry's spoken excuse (says Daily Mail, although they don't specify to whom or in what context he said this) was that he had been waiting at the wrong terminal.

I know Heathrow is big but I doubt it would take him that long to get to her. Seriously, what a jerk. She moves to London for him and he can't even get his ass to the airport to pick her up on time. I would have been seriously chocked at my boyfriend for doing that. This is life changing for her and he treats it so ignorantly.
Well the Daily Mail article from the link posted by CasiraghiTrio says that Prince Harry was actually there at Heathrow, but he was at the wrong terminal. That can happen to anyone. From the article:
"The apologetic prince insisted that he hadn't overslept but had been waiting at the wrong terminal and sent half a dozen uniformed police officers to protect her."
Maybe Chelsy was only upset for a short time, considering the fact that he was already at the airport, just at the wrong terminal. It's nice that he sent at least 6 officers to protect her until he got there. She probably was more upset about the photographers presence there than anything else.
She probably was more upset about the photographers presence there than anything else.

This is exactly what my first thought was. Although, she was probably a teeny weeny bit annoyed with him. But then he no doubt gave her a puppy dog look once they were in the car, and what girl could resist Harry's puppy dog look?
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