Summer Holidays with the Swedish Royal Family: 2016-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I agree, Chris knows his own child and perhaps ignoring her is their way of not allowing her to hijack every occasion. If she's anything like my niece was at 2 - 3 she's a quintessential "terrible two". Ignoring her was the only way to stop her outrageous behaviour because if she didn't have an audience she'd get bored and come to find out what you were doing.

If Chris believes that a parent, as the adult should be in control, then Madeleine chasing after the child gave the power to the child. He also probably had mental pictures of either he or Madeleine holding a squirming, screaming child. Not the ideal outcome.

But let's face it, with five kids under four at one photo shoot, things didn't really go too badly.

I think this might be the main issue: Chris is often away, and although he loves his children, he might not be so much present. So, logicially he lets Madeleine make the rules, but I think the have first to find a compromise on how to raise their kids.

It seems to me they have a discrepancy on the matter: Chris would like to put some rules and limits, while Madeleine seems to spoil her children and concede anything...

They have to work out a solution, because those little rows in public are not very pleasant to see.
:previous: I am very loath to make statements about Chris's parenting style or, more importantly, assume that because he is a businessman he is away a lot with consequent little input in the day to day lives of his wife and children.

He is not a travelling salesman or a long-haul truck driver, he is an investment banker/financier, so unless someone officially tells us, we don't know how often or how long he is away from home. Personally, I don't believe he is away all that often or it would have been just as easy for Madeleine and the children to remain in Sweden.
:previous: I am very loath to make statements about Chris's parenting style or, more importantly, assume that because he is a businessman he is away a lot with consequent little input in the day to day lives of his wife and children.

He is not a travelling salesman or a long-haul truck driver, he is an investment banker/financier, so unless someone officially tells us, we don't know how often or how long he is away from home. Personally, I don't believe he is away all that often or it would have been just as easy for Madeleine and the children to remain in Sweden.

He has said that himself few times. And by no emans I was epxressing any jusdgement, just giving my point of view over two different opinions on raising kids they might have.
I think this might be the main issue: Chris is often away, and although he loves his children, he might not be so much present. So, logicially he lets Madeleine make the rules, but I think the have first to find a compromise on how to raise their kids.

It seems to me they have a discrepancy on the matter: Chris would like to put some rules and limits, while Madeleine seems to spoil her children and concede anything...

They have to work out a solution, because those little rows in public are not very pleasant to see.

My feeling is that Madeleine is raising her children exacly as she herself was raised: with a very very enabling and permissive attitude. Honestly not a good idea considering her behavior as an adult.
My feeling is that Madeleine is raising her children exacly as she herself was raised: with a very very enabling and permissive attitude. Honestly not a good idea considering her behavior as an adult.

Well, I don't think any of the two way of parenting is wrong. I just believe that, if such different view exist, the parents should find a compromise... it could also very well depend on two different upbringings and cultural backgrounds...
It has been my experience that parenting styles often comprise a baseline set of rules and the parents wing it thereafter taking into account the different personalities of their kids. The imp, the dreamer, the pusher, the pleaser, all require different input from both parents and in the case of Chris and Madeleine, we just don't know enough to make "judgements" about them or their parenting styles.
All children are nice some of the time.

All children are not-so-nice some of the time.

At this photo shoot, 80% of the children were nice all of the time.
Only 2 of 5 kids you could at all expect to, the boys too young. So 50/50 on behavior of the kids but Leonor is at hard age.
Regardless of that photo-shoot (Chris tired, Lenore scampish), it's interesting that in the last recent interview of Chris, he indicated that after a slight wait, he and Madeleine intend to have more children. :flowers:
Maybe why waiting :) Realizing kids just over a year apart is a lot. Hope by time 3rd comes, Leonor will be a bit easier and Nico through his twos as well.
:previous: Yep. :D

Interesting watching Sofia cooing over her baby (same with Victoria) with all the drama going forth around her. Ah! Families. :cool: Agree with whoever mentioned how the SRF shows 'the way it is', the way families are.
Svensk Damtidning tells that the royal family made with a boat a trip to Sandvik one day, and had lunch at the local tavern. Sandvik is to the north from Borgholm.

King Carl Gustaf has been some days in Norway. He arrived on Sunday to Lærdalselvi in Laerdal. He stayed at the farm of norwegian billionaire Hans Rasmus Astrup. He went to fishing already on Sunday. King Harald came on Monday and stayed also at Astrup's farm, Astrup is his friend. And the two kings were fishing together.
Norska kritiken_ Vår kung är bästa fiskaren _ Nyheter _ Expressen

To kongar er på fisketur i Lærdal - NRK Sogn og Fjordane - Lokale nyheter, TV og radio

Carl Philip and Sofia were yesterday in Båstad with their friends Jan-Åke Hansson and Josephine Yllner. Sofia is having a work event with Project Playground in Båstad today.
Sofia and Josephine ate crab tacos at Havsrepubliken. Carl Philip drove go-kart with his friends in Laholm.
Sofia och Carl Philip tillbaka där de träffades _ Kvällsposten

King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia arrive to opera Manon Lescaut at the Salzburg Music Festival this evening.

Photos taken some time ago, photo text
Prince Carl Philip with Prince Alexander, Princess Sofia, Queen Sivlia, Prince Nicolas, Princess Madeleine and Princess Leonore walk on the beach towards Sandy Borg, the ruins of an old castle, on the south east coast of Oland, Sweden. King Carl Gustaf went first with a dog. Prince Carl Philip goes last with Prince Alexander in a stroller.

Bigger photos of the king and queen in Salzburg, from Getty Images

Chris was also in Salzburg, here at the reception on the break of Manon Lescaut. His sisters Natascha and Tatjana were also there, and Eva O'Neill of course.
Chris, Eva O'Neill and Natascha Abensperg und Traun with the king
Tatjana d'Abo and behind her Natascha Abensperg und Traun
Eva O'Neill with the king and queen

King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia will stay until Sunday. They are staying in Schloss Fuschl close to Salzburg and will on Friday listen Die Liebe der Danae and on Saturday at the Philharmonic concert directed by Zubin Mehta.
Schwedisches Königspaar bei Festspielen -
Festspielbesuch_ Schwedisches Königspaar weilt in Salzburg - Salzburg

Kungaparets glamourösa kväll med Eva O’Neill – och Chris! _ Svensk Damtidning
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:previous: nice to see the two royals together
Nice to see the 2 kings fishing together:flowers: I like how close 2 generations seem to be:)

Here's an additional gallery of King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia in Salzburg yesterday, August 4:

** ppe gallery **
King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia arrive to "Die Liebe der Danae" at the Salzburg Music Festival.
Eva O'Neill and her daughter Natascha Abensperg und Traun

Carl Philip and Sofia were at Avicii's last concert in Sweden, at Tallriken Arena in Malmö
Prins Carl Philip och prinsessan Sofia på Avicii-spelning _ Nöje KvP _ Expressen

Victoria and Daniel were having lunch at Arkösund Hotel yesterday. From hotel's Facebook "Unexpected and nice visit from a seafaring family, we got today at lunch", so obviously Estelle and Oscar were also there. Arkösund is at Estelle's duchy Östergötland.
Another photoösund

It has been great that Victoria, Daniel and the family have been able to spend their holiday without that many paparazzi photos or secretly taken photos have been published at the media or people's social media, I have seen only few. They are photographed enough at their official events.

Malin Peterzén from Arkösund's Hotel told to Radio Sweden P4 Östergötland that Victoria, Daniel and family stopped to the port when the lunch catering had just closed at the hotel, the family asked if they could eat.
Peterzén's colleague said that "Well, the kitchen has closed since the clock has passed 14:45 and now we make things ready for the evening". Another
colleague complained then that it was Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel and the hotel arranged lunch for the family.
What did you think when you saw the crown princess and her family?
- That it was great fun and surprising, of course. They were like anyone really and very nice. We tried to disturb them as little as possible so they would be able to be like anyone. This because they were entirely private and on a holiday, says Malin Peterzén.
Arkösund fick kungligt besök - P4 Östergötland _ Sveriges Radio
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:previous: How I wish we saw more of the private, casual Daniel at casual engagements. He looks like he is just so relaxed and happy in his own skin. Less hair product, shirt out, deck shoes and no tie! ;)
I'm curious to know if the royal couple made it and had lunch eventually... Did they have a treatment of favour?
:previous: Oh I think they would have had a wonderful luncheon and I am sure the service was perfect and discreet. After all, who wouldn't mind being put out a little to serve lunch to their Crown Princess?

Obviously, he admires her and her family and granting that favour would have truly been his pleasure. It's not like she and an entourage rocked up royaly and demanded a meal.
I'm curious to know if the royal couple made it and had lunch eventually... Did they have a treatment of favour?

This Malin Peterzén, who talked with the Radio Sweden, told to Expressen:
- We had a lunch for full house. In the period, when we are gearing up for the evening, there came a family and wanted to eat lunch. The time was 14:45, and then we really have closed our warm kitchen. So the staff at the bar said we only serve simple meals. He did not recognize them.
A colleague showed up who had a better knowledge of ​​royalty. It was Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and children Estelle and Oscar there at the hotel.
- Then we greeted them warmly. They ordered smoked salmon and Estelle ate chicken skewers.
Peterzén has been told that Gustaf VI Adolf, the current king's grandfather, once visited the hotel.
- Since then, we have not had any royal visits.
When lunch was finished Victoria and Daniel looked around at the newly renovated hotel.
- They looked around and said they thought it was fine, says Peterzén who also asked from the couple if they could take a picture at the hotel environment. Malin and the rest at the hotel were impressed how friendly the crown princess couple was. They chatted with the guests who came up and greeted and were generally nice.
- We were a little star-struck all of us, afterwards, says Malin Peterzén.
Kronprinsessan Victorias lunch – på stängda restaurangen _ Kungligt _ Expressen

So, after Victoria and Daniel were recognized, the hotel wanted to make a lunch for Victoria and her family. It is quite understandable, putting a photo of the royals to the hotel Facebook is good marketing and spreads knowledge of the hotel to the people who may have never heard of it. The staff probably understood that the information of the royal visit would be noticed at the local media and then at the whole swedish media, just what happened.

King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia arrived in Salzburg on Saturday evening at the concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Zubin Mehta. They were welcomed by Festival President Helga Rabl-Stadler
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This Malin Peterzén, who talked with the Radio Sweden, told to Expressen:
- We had a lunch for full house. In the period, when we are gearing up for the evening, there came a family and wanted to eat lunch. The time was 14:45, and then we really have closed our warm kitchen. So the staff at the bar said we only serve simple meals. He did not recognize them.
A colleague showed up who had a better knowledge of ​​royalty. It was Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and children Estelle and Oscar there at the hotel.
- Then we greeted them warmly. They ordered smoked salmon and Estelle ate chicken skewers.
Peterzén has been told that Gustaf VI Adolf, the current king's grandfather, once visited the hotel.
- Since then, we have not had any royal visits.
When lunch was finished Victoria and Daniel looked around at the newly renovated hotel.
- They looked around and said they thought it was fine, says Peterzén who also asked from the couple if they could take a picture at the hotel environment. Malin and the rest at the hotel were impressed how friendly the crown princess couple was. They chatted with the guests who came up and greeted and were generally nice.
- We were a little star-struck all of us, afterwards, says Malin Peterzén.
Kronprinsessan Victorias lunch – på stängda restaurangen _ Kungligt _ Expressen

So, after Victoria and Daniel were recognized, the hotel wanted to make a lunch for Victoria and her family. It is quite understandable, putting a photo of the royals to the hotel Facebook is good marketing and spreads knowledge of the hotel to the people who may have never heard of it. The staff probably understood that the information of the royal visit would be noticed at the local media and then at the whole swedish media, just what happened.

King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia arrived in Salzburg on Saturday evening at the concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Zubin Mehta. They were welcomed by Festival President Helga Rabl-Stadler

Thank you LadyFinn for your prompt reply; it is very informative as usual. I didn't want to sound too serious about the "favour" thing. If they served them simple meals it's fine... I just was a litle surprise, because even though they are royals, Daniel and Victoria generally don't complain or don't want to be treated differently...

The restaurant did the right thing, and certainly they will have a good feedback from now on.

:previous: Oh I think they would have had a wonderful luncheon and I am sure the service was perfect and discreet. After all, who wouldn't mind being put out a little to serve lunch to their Crown Princess?

Obviously, he admires her and her family and granting that favour would have truly been his pleasure. It's not like she and an entourage rocked up royaly and demanded a meal.

LadyFinn explained it better on a post. I thought they had just gone there and expected some kind of lunch even with the kitchen closed, but the were happy to accept a simple meal instead. So no big deal.

The restaurant certainly got a a lot of free and good publicity!
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The King and Queen attended aconcert performed by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in Salzburg.

PPE Agency
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King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia came on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock to Lessebo Pizzeria & Gatukök in southern Sweden. Sangar Gafuri from the pizzeria became very happy when he saw the king and queen, he has never seen them before. The king and queen had three bodyguards with them. They ordered both capricciosa pizza and the guards ordered kebab salad and a special called mixed salad. Sangar would have wanted to talk with the king and queen but the phone rang all the time, there were other people at the pizzeria and he didn't have time to that. But he asked if the pizza tasted good and they said they were very pleased and it was delicious. Sangar noticed that the other customers were happy to see the king and queen at the pizzeria. And there were two - three families outside the pizzeria who wanted to photograph. Sangar asked if he could take a photo with the king and queen and that was ok. The pizzeria was formerly known with a name Pizzeria Estelle & Victoria. Sangar doesn't know if that had something to do with that the king and queen came to his pizzeria.
Pizzerian fick besök av kungaparet _ Nyheter _ Aftonbladet
Sangar fick oväntat besök på pizzerian
How curious... when was it named "Victoria and Estelle"? Before or after the birth of princess Estelle?
Two big photos of the king and queen in Salzburg on Saturday

Victoria, Daniel and Oscar were seen today at Glass på hörnet in Vaxholm, they had some ice cream.
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When you wear a Yankees hat in Vaxholm, are people more or less likely to look at you? :lol:
Victoria, Daniel and the children visited Möja at the Stockholm archipelago on Monday. During the visit to the island they had lunch at Wikströms Fisk Restaurant which offers tasty dishes such as fish soup, smoked salmon and fried salt herring. Perky Estelle was in great spirits.
- She was just incredibly charming. So sweet, tells a person who was there too.
- Estelle was so cute that I wanted to kidnap her several times, says another eyewitness.
Victoria and Daniel posed with the staff of the restaurant.
Victorias och Daniels hemliga skärgårdsmys med barnen_ ”Estelle var otroligt charmig” _Shimodas

The original photo at the Facebook of Wikströms Fisk Restaurant. The restaurant tells at the Facebook that the family met their muscovy ducks too.
Victoria and Oscar visited today Växbo Lin linen factory in Bollnäs.
From their Facebook
"Today we have lovely visit in the factory by Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Oscar. Fittingly, we have Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's wedding tablecloth "Vintergatan" laid out in the store."

The Westlings' summer house and Victoria's and Daniel's other summer house is in Acktjära in Bollnäs.
Photo of Victoria's and Daniel's summer house, the smaller house is for their bodyguards. Behind the houses is the Westlings summer house.

The "Vintergatan" tablecloth was a wedding gift from Växbo Lin to Victoria and Daniel.
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Expressen writes that the Crown Princess couple has had a fantastic summer and moved in the country like any other Swede. People who have met them have taken photos and posted on social media - and the comments are lyrical.
- We were a little star-struck all of us, afterwards, says Malin Petersen, hotelier in Arkösund who received spontaneous visit of the Crown Princess couple.
Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel have in the summer shown their closeness to the Swedish people. On everything from ice cream parlors in Vaxholm to ordinary Östergötland restaurants and shops in Hälsingland, they have been moving among the common people as any family.
And many times they appear on the photos posted on social media. Besides all the positive comments they have got the images testify that the Crown Princess Couple is eager to live as ordinary a life as possible with their children.
Victoria and Oscar visited linen factory Växbo Lin in Bollnäs. The store's staff, who put the photo out point out that they asked for permission before they took the photo and received the authorization required to publish it on social media.
Kronprinsessan Victorias härliga sommar i Sverige _ Kungligt _ Expressen
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