Summer Holidays with the Swedish Royal Family: 2016-

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It was very nice surprise to held a summer photo session. As there have been real baby boom in recent years, then it was wonderful to see all those little princesses and princes with their parents and grandparents. Hope that The Court will publish HQs from the photoshoot.

I really do wish The King would have looked more happier. Once again that grumpy face. I also did not notice interaction between him & the grandkids and quite frankly the grandkids didn't bustly around him (Estelle looked quite miserable that she had to sit next to him and she could not join Leonore and run around).
Little princes looked so cute.
I really liked Madeleine's blouse and Victoria's skirt.

Hope that the summer photo session will become a tradition!
Seeing a Princess run after her own daughter and a husband who looks helpless in the middle of it all is all kinds of funny, awkward, and endearing.

I loved seeing that such normal behavior there is always one who won't have their photo taken ha ha

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Madeleine is very beautiful,but I've noticed that she started to look older than her age(she's only 34) recently.
Chris looked upset.I think he is a quite shy person,who doesn't like to be a part of the Royal Family's public life

Expressen updated their article and changed it totally after some hours from when it was first published and added a photo of Carl Philip.

Gallery from IBL. Madeleine's friend Charlotte Kreuger Cederlund was also with them. The king and queen went to meet the performers after the concert. Obviously Carl Philip came later to the concert, because he isn't at these photos which are now at the gallery.
IBL Bildbyrå
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Madeleine is very beautiful,but I've noticed that she started to look older than her age(she's only 34) recently.
Chris looked upset.I think he is a quite shy person,who doesn't like to be a part of the Royal Family's public life
I think Chris just looked like a man at the end of his tether. Leonore has not changed since the baptism where she treated everyone to a knicker show. It's just a kid being a kid however, she is obviously in need of a strong hand. The apparent discord between Chris and Madeleine seems to indicate that she is more inclined to let it go, which is cute when they are 2, not so much when they are 4 and the last straw when they are 7!

However, IMO a lot of the 'grumpy' looks are more about being sun sensitive and sitting/standing around facing right into the sun waiting for what seems like forever for it to be over and they can grab the sunnies!
I really do wish The King would have looked more happier. Once again that grumpy face. I also did not notice interaction between him & the grandkids and quite frankly the grandkids didn't bustly around him (Estelle looked quite miserable that she had to sit next to him and she could not join Leonore and run around).

Exactly what I saw. :sad: Difficult to watch, but the cameras did veer away from the little drama. That was a sensitive thing to do. That behavior from Estelle wasn't there before. She is becoming a personality with her 'moments'. Lenore seems to be 'one long moment'. :huh: Very much her mother when she was young.

BTW I thought Sofia looked particularly nice and so pleased with her little one. :flowers:

It's quite a picture. So much is going on we'll never know. :cool:
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Well, I think there is no love lost between Chris and royal life but he has to play the game to some extent, plus he's a guy who obiously works a lot and has an unhealthly lifestyle (smoking etc) I am not a doctor but he looks overweight and unfit, red face with high blood pressure.

Yes Leonore is a hand full and needs strong guidance, I guess they have staff etc who have a firm grip in everyday life but on these occasions everything is different. I think, like with many new parents who are not that young anymore (Chris) there will be lots of parenting discussions and I don't think Chris (or Madde) is doing the everyday dirty work with the kids, they have staff to help that is not present now. Chris is not an actor and his annoyance shows clearly but Madde is always about the perfect family image so she will smile no matter what.

I think too that Estelle was bored and there is nothing new about no interaction between CG and his grandkids, he's very much like Juan Carlos of Spain in that respect, only that the SRF is much more based on the sugary photoshoots that their spanish counterparts.
I just think that Chris was annoyed at how everyone was trying to convince Leonore to stay put. I mean, in the video you clearly hear him say to Daniel "she won't come, just ignore her"... I think he knew that maybe Leo would come if she didn't get too much attention, but Madde promply went for the rescue.
Well, I think there is no love lost between Chris and royal life but he has to play the game to some extent, plus he's a guy who obiously works a lot and has an unhealthly lifestyle (smoking etc) I am not a doctor but he looks overweight and unfit, red face with high blood pressure.

Yes Leonore is a hand full and needs strong guidance, I guess they have staff etc who have a firm grip in everyday life but on these occasions everything is different. I think, like with many new parents who are not that young anymore (Chris) there will be lots of parenting discussions and I don't think Chris (or Madde) is doing the everyday dirty work with the kids, they have staff to help that is not present now. Chris is not an actor and his annoyance shows clearly but Madde is always about the perfect family image so she will smile no matter what.

I think too that Estelle was bored and there is nothing new about no interaction between CG and his grandkids, he's very much like Juan Carlos of Spain in that respect, only that the SRF is much more based on the sugary photoshoots that their spanish counterparts.

I think you're right about Chris.I didn't think about it when I saw the photos
It's hard to look happy,when you have health problems
Madde was also a little bit angry,in my opinion,but she tried to hide it(and so did the Queen)
I just think that Chris was annoyed at how everyone was trying to convince Leonore to stay put. I mean, in the video you clearly hear him say to Daniel "she won't come, just ignore her"... I think he knew that maybe Leo would come if she didn't get too much attention, but Madde promply went for the rescue.

I don't care about parenting skills behind closed doors but at an official photoshoot you can't say 'she won't come, just ignore her'.
Leonore is the grandchild of the Swedish King, and an adult needs to make her walk the line at that moment (what happened indeed) because it's about the photoshoot and not about a 2 year old stubborn girl.

I thought Chris' comment was out of place. Leonore is not Estelle (neither in age nor in position) but she needs to be put in her place when necessary. She has a million other opportunities to run around and disregard her parent's requests, but not on this occasion.
Regards to CG:
He has always been very rigid when cameras around, many interviewers have noted that as soon as the camera comes out for a photo at the end of an interview he becomes very rigid and almost like a different person. He is (in a way) camera shy. He can be completely calm and at ease when there are no cameras around but as soon as he knows he is being photographed his movements become very rigid. I think this is because of the publicity he was under as a child. After his Father died when he was less than a year old, he was the constant headlines and news of the Royal Family. Everyone wanted to know what he was doing, what he looked like, and such because it was really just him and Den Gamle Kungen- sure there were the 4 sisters but they were older and the times were male dominated. Also- the culture he was raised in the parents really did not have a connection with their children. Birgitta has commented on this and so have others- Sibylla was not a hands on parent so CG did not have really any example of how it should be. I believe that most of his behavior and appearance is due to his upbringing. He had no hand in the upbringing and example he had to follow as a parent or grandparent.
I don't care about parenting skills behind closed doors but at an official photoshoot you can't say 'she won't come, just ignore her'.
Leonore is the grandchild of the Swedish King, and an adult needs to make her walk the line at that moment (what happened indeed) because it's about the photoshoot and not about a 2 year old stubborn girl.

I thought Chris' comment was out of place. Leonore is not Estelle (neither in age nor in position) but she needs to be put in her place when necessary. She has a million other opportunities to run around and disregard her parent's requests, but not on this occasion.

I have to say that I was a bit taken aback by Chris's comment. But what could they do? I think they had better let her go, because it was not so good to see the whole family standing like that waiting for the little girl to return, especially if two members of the family are so youn (Oscar and Alexander).

About the bolded part: I don't want to know the pareting in private either, but if she won't listen in public, I'm sure shedoesn't even in private. Surely the parents should find a way to make her stay still fo when it is needed. And by that, I don't mean that a two-year-old active girl must sit stills and don't move, but that she has to learn to stay in mammy's arms for few minutes when told so.
does any one have the video of the family for this photo shoot ?
I have to say that I was a bit taken aback by Chris's comment. But what could they do? I think they had better let her go, because it was not so good to see the whole family standing like that waiting for the little girl to return, especially if two members of the family are so youn (Oscar and Alexander).

During a photoshoot? You can't do the shoot with Leonore missing and if she's too small to listen it's her parents' job to make her stay until the procedure is over. She can run whenever she wants but not at this moment and I find Chris' comment out of place. It's not tea time at Joe Average's parents, its the photo shoot of the Swedish Kings and it's wrong to comment with the press listening that a 2 year old is to stubborn to follow directions. Get moving and bring her back!! and don't let your wife or BIL do the job.
During a photoshoot? You can't do the shoot with Leonore missing and if she's too small to listen it's her parents' job to make her stay until the procedure is over. She can run whenever she wants but not at this moment and I find Chris' comment out of place. It's not tea time at Joe Average's parents, its the photo shoot of the Swedish Kings and it's wrong to comment with the press listening that a 2 year old is to stubborn to follow directions. Get moving and bring her back!! and don't let your wife or BIL do the job.

I agree with you! But if Leonore has never follow the directions of her parents before, I doubt it very much that she would have done in at the photoshoot for once. And her parents couldn't really keep her with the force... we have seen before ho she runs wild: during the chistenings of her brother and Oscar.
Chrises comment was out of place, but I think he commented out of a spur of frustration.
I don't care about parenting skills behind closed doors but at an official photoshoot you can't say 'she won't come, just ignore her'.
Leonore is the grandchild of the Swedish King, and an adult needs to make her walk the line at that moment (what happened indeed) because it's about the photoshoot and not about a 2 year old stubborn girl.

I thought Chris' comment was out of place. Leonore is not Estelle (neither in age nor in position) but she needs to be put in her place when necessary. She has a million other opportunities to run around and disregard her parent's requests, but not on this occasion.
I have to completely agree with you on this one. I'm glad Madeleine finally went after Leonore, although, be it a little bit delayed. Chris should have gone after her, not CP or Daniel. I have a feeling that Daniel and CP (especially Daniel) are a little more rigid in their parenting styles, which is not a bad thing considering occasions like this that come around.
I wonder if Leonore listens to her nanny/caretaker more than her parents and if so, is it because the nanny/caretaker is around more. Many children, especially Leonore's age, need a lot of consistency and if discipline comes from the nanny on daily have basis, but rarely from the parents, it's only understandable that she would completely disregard anything the said parents may say. The best solution would have been to have a chat with Leonore the day before the photo shoot on a level that she would have understood and maybe even set up a little reward for good behavior. Then, in the morning, before going outside, have a shorter discussion to remind her of what is expected of her and what she will get for 'doing good listening and making good choices'. Just a thought from a teacher that deals with kids and their antics on daily basis.

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I don't mean any disrespect to anyone here so please don't take this the wrong way, but I find the comments about Leonore and the lack of discipline surprising. She is a two year old little girl, who will not grow up for the most part in the spot light like Estelle, she will be afforded a "normal" life because her primary residence will not be, from everything I have read, Sweden.
But besides that, she's two, yes she seems headstrong but I know a lot of two year old who display the same characteristics, she will grow out of it and mature as she ages, I loved her spunk. The world is hard enough as it is , let them be children for as long as they can.:flowers:
I don't mean any disrespect to anyone here so please don't take this the wrong way, but I find the comments about Leonore and the lack of discipline surprising. She is a two year old little girl, who will not grow up for the most part in the spot light like Estelle, she will be afforded a "normal" life because her primary residence will not be, from everything I have read, Sweden.
But besides that, she's two, yes she seems headstrong but I know a lot of two year old who display the same characteristics, she will grow out of it and mature as she ages, I loved her spunk. The world is hard enough as it is , let them be children for as long as they can.:flowers:

It's not about Leonore or her behaviour but about her parents (especially her father's) reaction to it.
It's not about Leonore or her behaviour but about her parents (especially her father's) reaction to it.

What's wrong with that reaction? I have a headstrong 3-year-old boy myself and would have reacted the same as Chris did. If my son doesn't want to do anything right this moment, then yes, I could force him to do so. But the result would be, that he wouldn't be very happy. And a family photo with a mad or grumpy looking (at best) or a kicking and screaming (at worst) kid wouldn't make for a good family photo. I as mother know my son best (beside the father) and if I say "Just let him. He won't come." then it should be respected by my relatives. Because it doesn't mean, he will never come, just not this very moment. I know my son and if I just let him be for a few more minutes and then ask him again calmly to just come over so we can take a nice photo of all of us, he would do so. But he wouldn't, if everyone would ask him or trays to talk him into doing so. He just would be more and more opposed to it. I think, that's just what was going on in Chris' head. Besides Madeleine he knows his daughter best. And if he thinks his daughter just needs a few more minutes to calm down, blow of energy or getting herself interested in the idea of taking a nice photo, then honestly, what are a few more minutes? The world won't fall apart. After all, we're talking about a 2-year-old, not a 5-year-old. The last one could be expected of to be ready for the shoot at the planned time. But not the first one, who is right in the middle of the very egoistic time of growing up. She simply doesn't know that it's bad behaviour, she is showing right that moment. She doesn't want to do any harm. She just simply doesn't feel like standig/sitting put and smiling nicely for complete strangers. It's as simple as that. And it has nothing to do with bad parenting skills. To be honest, I think Chris knows exactly what his daughter can understand and what is just to much to understand for a girl her age. And that's why he understandably (at least by me) reacted the way he did.
I think the whole situation could have been avoided if they didn't decide to let her sit with her grandma though. Don't they know by now if they let her off their arms she will take off like a rocket? lol
What's wrong with that reaction? I have a headstrong 3-year-old boy myself and would have reacted the same as Chris did. If my son doesn't want to do anything right this moment, then yes, I could force him to do so. But the result would be, that he wouldn't be very happy. And a family photo with a mad or grumpy looking (at best) or a kicking and screaming (at worst) kid wouldn't make for a good family photo. I as mother know my son best (beside the father) and if I say "Just let him. He won't come." then it should be respected by my relatives. Because it doesn't mean, he will never come, just not this very moment. I know my son and if I just let him be for a few more minutes and then ask him again calmly to just come over so we can take a nice photo of all of us, he would do so. But he wouldn't, if everyone would ask him or trays to talk him into doing so. He just would be more and more opposed to it. I think, that's just what was going on in Chris' head. Besides Madeleine he knows his daughter best. And if he thinks his daughter just needs a few more minutes to calm down, blow of energy or getting herself interested in the idea of taking a nice photo, then honestly, what are a few more minutes? The world won't fall apart. After all, we're talking about a 2-year-old, not a 5-year-old. The last one could be expected of to be ready for the shoot at the planned time. But not the first one, who is right in the middle of the very egoistic time of growing up. She simply doesn't know that it's bad behaviour, she is showing right that moment. She doesn't want to do any harm. She just simply doesn't feel like standig/sitting put and smiling nicely for complete strangers. It's as simple as that. And it has nothing to do with bad parenting skills. To be honest, I think Chris knows exactly what his daughter can understand and what is just to much to understand for a girl her age. And that's why he understandably (at least by me) reacted the way he did.

The photoshoot was done just before lunch. Leonore had the whole morning time to run at the Solliden Palace's private part where the family is staying at Kavaljershuset, to get herself tired and calm. She is 2 years 5 months old and I think that her parents should have been able to keep her at their arms for that minute or two which was needed to take the photos. She was at Madeleine's arms when the king, queen and Estelle sat at the bench and they started to organize for the photoshoot. Then Madeleine let Leonore go down and she started running.
Summer Holidays with the Swedish Royal Family: 2016

The photoshoot was done just before lunch. Leonore had the whole morning time to run at the Solliden Palace's private part where the family is staying at Kavaljershuset, to get herself tired and calm. She is 2 years 5 months old and I think that her parents should have been able to keep her at their arms for that minute or two which was needed to take the photos. She was at Madeleine's arms when the king, queen and Estelle sat at the bench and they started to organize for the photoshoot. Then Madeleine let Leonore go down and she started running.

I agree with you. There was plenty of time to run around before and more than likely after the photo shoot. There are ways to bargain with a child Leinore's age that allows the child to feel in control, but still do what is expected. Just ignoring certain behaviors for fear of a tantrum or grumpy moods allows the kids to run the show. While I'm all for assertiveness, I still believe in having children learn how to follow instructions from an early age. Things like 'you need to stop running and stay with Mommy' are not difficult for a child of almost two-and-a-half years old.

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What,a,gift the srf has given us. The messy, actual goings on behind the family photos we see. What other royal,family lets us see that? As far as two year olds go, come on, please.,,what two year old comes when called? Daria's suggestions of preparing the child,ahead of time and having "rewards" are just perfect and the way to go. To have five children under five, yikes,they were lucky they were all not crying? They are such an attractive and loving family.
Estelle seemed to be squinting and tired from the sun, or maybe she had been running all morning so,she would be tired enough for the session? Her grandfather seemed to be tired of the sun too.
What,a,gift the srf has given us. The messy, actual goings on behind the family photos we see. What other royal,family lets us see that? As far as two year olds go, come on, please.,,what two year old comes when called? Daria's suggestions of preparing the child,ahead of time and having "rewards" are just perfect and the way to go. To have five children under five, yikes,they were lucky they were all not crying? They are such an attractive and loving family.
Estelle seemed to be squinting and tired from the sun, or maybe she had been running all morning so,she would be tired enough for the session? Her grandfather seemed to be tired of the sun too.

Why, thank you! Having worked with kids under five for three years, as well as with children who have special needs, I believe in things like preparation and rewards. They do wonders and as the child matures, can be phases out. In any case, I also enjoy working with kids who are feisty, because as they learn to channel their energy, they become the best helpers and peer tutors. As for the photo shoot, it was definitely refreshing to see the family act like well, a family. There are always children making mischief and well-meaning relatives who try to give advice on how to defuse the situation. Heat can definitely effect behavior. Estelle may very well have been tired from possibly playing outside earlier and being dressed up wasn't something she was particularly thrilled with. She was definitely more subdued. I also find it interesting to observe that Estelle's moodiness appears to manifest itself in a more subtle manner. She's also getting older and may feel as if she's 'over' being a center of attention. In any event, the whole dynamic was fascinating to observe. Oscar and Alexander appeared relatively calm, which was good. Babies are not always keen to pose when it's required.

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The photoshoot was done just before lunch. Leonore had the whole morning time to run at the Solliden Palace's private part where the family is staying at Kavaljershuset, to get herself tired and calm. She is 2 years 5 months old and I think that her parents should have been able to keep her at their arms for that minute or two which was needed to take the photos. She was at Madeleine's arms when the king, queen and Estelle sat at the bench and they started to organize for the photoshoot. Then Madeleine let Leonore go down and she started running.

A tired child is the last thing you need at a photoshoot as they tend to cry quickly and have tantrums.

I can't see the problem. A two year old who likes to run around and doesn't listen... how surprising.
I just think that Chris was annoyed at how everyone was trying to convince Leonore to stay put. I mean, in the video you clearly hear him say to Daniel "she won't come, just ignore her"... I think he knew that maybe Leo would come if she didn't get too much attention, but Madde promply went for the rescue.
I agree, Chris knows his own child and perhaps ignoring her is their way of not allowing her to hijack every occasion. If she's anything like my niece was at 2 - 3 she's a quintessential "terrible two". Ignoring her was the only way to stop her outrageous behaviour because if she didn't have an audience she'd get bored and come to find out what you were doing.

If Chris believes that a parent, as the adult should be in control, then Madeleine chasing after the child gave the power to the child. He also probably had mental pictures of either he or Madeleine holding a squirming, screaming child. Not the ideal outcome.

But let's face it, with five kids under four at one photo shoot, things didn't really go too badly.
I have to say I'm siding with Chris on this one! Leonore seems to love an audience, whether at a christening or a photoshoot. I teach 4 year olds and have found that chasing them makes it seem like a game and they end up finding it quite entertaining. She needed a strong hand before they even came out, Madeleine should have just held onto her at the beginning and not let her down to then run off!
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