Summer Holidays with the Swedish Royal Family: 2016-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Daniel has played at Victoriagolfen, which is traditionally organised on 13th July, every year since 2012.

For Prince Daniel, it has become a tradition to play golf on July 13, but if it will be this year too is uncertain.
- We don't know that yet, says Stephan Rimér, CEO of Leroy media who helps organize the celebration.
A tradition that has been important to at least Prince Daniel is the Victoria Golf. It is played the day before the Crown Princess's birthday and usually attracts some prominent guests (such as hockey legend Peter "Foppa" Forsberg) and companies from all over Sweden. Although it will also be played this year, it will be under somewhat different conditions - and how the prince will do is unclear.
- There will be slightly fewer participants this year. We have some limitations, says Stephan Rimér, CEO of the production company Leroy media, which helps organize the Victoria Days.
The golf competition, as usual, takes place at the Ekerum resort Ölands golf course, located on the western side of the island. Besides the fact that there are slightly fewer participants, a change is that the players get to think a little extra during the competition.
- Yes, we adapt to the corona, says Stephan Rimér, adding:
- But the golf rules are pretty clear, so those who played earlier this year know what applies.
A major change is what happens after the competition. Or in this case what's not happening. Usually the day usually ends with a banquet.
- We refrain from this year. There will also be no major award ceremonies this time, says Stephan Rimér.
When Hänt talks to Stephan Rimér on Tuesday morning, he has not yet received a message from Prince Daniel whether he will be taking part this year or not.
- No, we don't know that yet, says Rimér, saying that he cannot answer when the prince will decide.
Will anyone else from the royal house or family attend Victoriagolfen?
- It is usually just Daniel who attends, so I don't think so. Then I would be surprised, says Stephan Rimér.
Victoriadagen 2020_ Prins Daniel kan missa traditionen _ Hänt
Svensk Damtidning today:

Victoria and Daniel have traveled to Öland (the photo at the article is from 2016)
It has been a tough spring with many uncertainties, but now Victoria and Daniel have finally got to go to their beloved Öland.
Victoria, Daniel, Estelle and Oscar were seen eating lunch at the Arkösund hotel on Tuesday, which is their traditional stop on the way to Öland. The hotel is located in the Vikboland archipelago outside Norrköping and is an ultimate resting place on the way down to Kalmar and the Öland Bridge.
This is not the first time they have stayed at the hotel, so they seem to appreciate both the food and the service.
We guess that the King and Silvia will be really excited about the opportunity to be visited by their oldest daughter and grandchildren, whom they have been isolated from so long now!
Avslöjar_ Victoria och Daniel på väg till Öland _ Svensk Dam

Finally, the Crown Princess family is on their way to their beloved Öland! It was uncertain for a long time whether the traditional holiday in Öland would get rid of anything at all, with Corona. But in June, the government announced that travel restrictions would cease to apply and it could again travel longer than two hours around the country.
Crown Princess Victoria, who spent every summer of her life on Öland and Solliden, was obviously pleased with the message. This meant that the whole family could leave the city even this summer.
Victoriadagen is obviously at the center of Victoria, although it will be different this year compared to previous years. The celebration will be in Borgholm castle ruin, in a special hall called the Audience Room, and only the royal family will be present.
But a summer at Solliden means so much more than just Victoriadagen. Hiking on the Alvaret, long walks with the dogs, swimming or sauna at the boathouse and many dinners with the family. With a little extra distance from each other this year then of course. Here they can really live without the public's eyes and far from the noise of the big city.
The Crown Princess is eager to give Estelle and Oscar the same wonderful summers that she herself had on Öland as a child with Carl Philip and Madeleine.
And now they are in place. Victoria, Daniel, Estelle, Oscar and the newest addition in the family - dog Rio. On Tuesday, the family was seen eating lunch at the Arkösund hotel, which is their traditional stop during their journey from Stockholm to Öland.
Victoria och Estelle dök upp på krogen på väg till Öland _ Svensk Dam
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Next summer stop for Carl Philip his family:

"Here comes our first strawberry spot.
A place where there is something for the whole family.
Bergs Gård is located next to the beautiful coast of Sörmland, just outside Trosa. In a charming and rural setting. #hemester #svemester"
Next summer stop for Carl Philip his family:

"Here comes our first strawberry spot.
A place where there is something for the whole family.
Bergs Gård is located next to the beautiful coast of Sörmland, just outside Trosa. In a charming and rural setting. #hemester #svemester"
Berg's farm is quite close to their own country house Ökenäs manor
They are all beautiful but I must say that I have a soft spot for Leonore! I think she and Nicolas look like Madeleine while Adrienne looks like Christopher.
Next for Carl Philip and his family:

"In connection with Alexander's baptism, he, as Duke of Södermanland, received a symbolic baptismal gift in the form of an accessibility-adapted vantage point in Nynäs nature reserve. We highly recommend the place!

Here we come for a picnic on the cliffs at beautiful Lake Gises, swimming and walking. #hemester #svemester"
Svensk Damtidning contacted the tourists who put a photo of the king and queen with their dog today on a walk at Solliden to social media. And they published the photo.

We spoke with holidaymaker Jimmie Andersson, who (also he) took a nice Sunday walk with his girlfriend Natalie Bergh, earlier today. But that the walk would have a royal splendor - he was not prepared for that at all!
- We saw the royal couple outside Solliden. They were out walking with their dog. They looked very happy and smiled at us, Jimmie tells Svensk Damtidning.
Privata bilder inifrån Solliden! Kungens och Silvias kärlekspromenad _ Svensk Dam

Someone has met Victoria, Daniel and the children today
"Today we visited Solliden and Borgholm castle ruins and then we met and were greeted by the Crown Princess, Princess Estelle, Prince Daniel and Prince Oskar. Not that I'm just a royalist but fun nonetheless!"

On 13 June, the government released its restrictions, in agreement with the Swedish Public Health Agency. This means that Swedes can now travel freely within the country's borders. After this message, the royal family chose to go down to Öland, and their beloved Solliden, just in time for the holiday. But the question of what Princess Christina's summer looks like remains.
This is what Margareta Thorgren says.
- After the Crown Princess's birthday, is a private holiday. We don't comment on who the royal family hangs out with. But this year the family lives under restrictions which means that there are few contacts.
Princess Christina is always at Solliden part of July. She has a close relationship with her niece, Crown Princess Victoria, and always takes the opportunity to celebrate her dear relative in connection with the summer holidays. But if Christina is to be able to meet Victoria and the royal couple, great care is required. And in that case, the contact may take place outdoors.
Hovets kryptiska svar om prinsessan Christinas sommar _ Svensk Dam
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Daniel is today playing at Victoriagolfen, as every year since 2012.

Prince Daniel plays at Victoriagolfen 2020 despite the corona
Nothing has been the same during the royal year 2020. But now the royal family is on Öland and charging for Victoriadagen. And Prince Daniel is the first to represent the family - on the golf course!
Prince Daniel is a man of traditions. Despite the corona crisis, and canceled events on the right and left, he chooses to go out on the golf course and play Victoriagolfen. Just like previous years.
Svensk Damtidning can, however, reveal that the organizers have taken several precautions before this year's competition. For example, it has been ensured that those who come into contact with the prince are completely healthy - without any symptoms. Daniel is in a risk group after his kidney transplant.
Victoriagolfen is always played the day before the Crown Princess' birthday at Ekerum Resort. This year, Daniel is joined by pole vaulter Armand Duplantis, who is this year's Victoria Award winner.
Prince Daniel is a true golf lover. For many years he has been around 4 in handicap, the same level as many coaches who teach golf technique at many of the country's golf clubs.
Victoriagolfen is an event that is always printed in the court's calendar. But they did not want to comment on anything about the golf competition and the prince's presence. But now he is in place, in a cap, golf gloves and sunglasses - just as we are used to!
Prins Daniel spelar Victoriagolfen 2020 trots corona _ Svensk Dam

Daniel with Armand Duplantis, photos by SPA

Här spelar prins Daniel golf med Armand Duplantis
Se när prins Daniel och Armand Duplantis spelar golf _ Aftonbladet

Armand Duplantis, the current world record holder in pole vault, played golf also on Friday in Falsterbo.
There have been several rounds in his second home Uppsala earlier this summer as well.
He had never played golf when the pandemic struck this spring.
- No, but when everything was closed down at home in the US, only the golf courses were allowed to stay open. I had hit a bucket on a driving range, but no more than that, he says.
- But it was like a rescue to be able to keep going and have something to do.
Now he plays as often as he can.
He is already down to 25 in handicap in a sport where all beginners start at 54.
Armand Duplantis visar stor talang – i golf _ Aftonbladet
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On Monday, the world record holder in the pole vault, Armand “Mondo” Duplantis visited Victoriagolfen and played with Prince Daniel on Öland. Below you can see the world star in a different outfit than the one we are used to.
Swedish pole vault star Armand "Mondo" Duplantis is on site on Öland to receive the Victoria Award, which he was awarded for his double world record earlier this year - then he took the opportunity to guest none other than Prince Daniel at the golf course in Ekerum on Öland.
Prince Daniel, who has a keen interest in golf, invited "Mondo" to Victoriagolfen, that is held every year in conjunction with Crown Princess Victoria's birthday July 14.
Duplantis tells Ölandsbladet about the emotions during the golf competition:
- I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be. Last night I thought "oh, ****!" ... I'm not a professional, but I'm good enough not to do away with myself. Lol. But I'm a little nervous. Usually I don't do things in front of people, except pole vault then, says Duplantis.
- There I have a lot of self-confidence. When I stand on the track and everyone looks at me, I'm comfortable. But this is not really my element. I'm not completely comfortable on the golf course. I've only played a couple of months and then they throw me into the fire and let me play with the prince. It's a little nerve-wracking.
Prince Daniel is a true golf lover and just like Duplantis a racing man.
- Remember that we are here to win, says Prince Daniel at one of Duplantis's putts, according to Ölandsbladet.
Här spelar ”Mondo” golf med prins Daniel _ SVT Sport

Svensk Damtidning writes that the royal family has as a tradition to have a family dinner the evening before Victoria's birthday, so Carl Philip and Sofia have also arrived to Solliden with their children.
Carl Philip och Sofia har anslutit – middag på Solliden _ Svensk Dam
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Daniel looks so happy I have never seen such a dynamite smile on him.
Victoriagolfen is a competion for teams of four people. Daniel and Armand Duplantis played with Stephan Rimér (the organizer of Victoriadagarna events and ceo of Leroy Media) and Magnus Lagerlöf (ceo of Ekerum Resort Öland).

Svensk Damtidning tells that the team came second at Victoriagolfen.
There have been many changes during the royal spring of 2020. But on Monday morning something happened that we recognize. Prince Daniel was on site at Ekerum Resort to compete in Victoriagolfen - and he played better than ever!
Prince Daniel surprised everyone when he appeared on Ekerum's golf course. It has long been debated whether the traditional Victoriagolfen would would be played or not, but at 9 o'clock on Monday morning it was clear - the prince would go the 18 holes together with the Victoria Award wimmer and pole vaulter Armand Duplantis.
And Svensk Damtidning can tell you that it was a successful round for Daniel! The prince and Armand Duplantis took home the honorable second place, together with Magnus Lagerlöf and Stephan Rimér, who is arranging the Victoria Concert 2020.
The duo were sniffed at the victory despite both Daniel and Duplantis playing incredibly well this cloudy July morning.
- Prince Daniel played better than ever!, says our eyewitness from the golf course.
Prins Daniels succé! Glädjebeskedet under Victoriagolfen _ Svensk Dam

Prince Daniel's success on the golf course before Victoriadagen
So much has been uncertain this year.
No one knew how our Crown Princess would be celebrated with all the activities around her big day.
But Victoriagolfen took place - and Prince Daniel was there.
Gratifying news came that the classic golf the day before actually got off and that Prince Daniel played despite restrictions.
The prince played with pole vaulter Armand Duplantis, 20, who is this year's Victoria Award winner.
The golf was performed with bravura. As usual, Prince Daniel was successful and received applause when he struck out his well-aimed strokes and the balls landed out on the course.
Prins Daniels succé på golfbanan innan Victoriadagen - Allt om kungligt
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Victoriagolfen is a competion for teams of four people. Daniel and Armand Duplantis played with Stephan Rimér (the organizer of Victoriadagarna events and ceo of Leroy Media) and Magnus Lagerlöf (ceo of Ekerum Resort Öland).

Svensk Damtidning tells that the team came second at Victoriagolfen.
There have been many changes during the royal spring of 2020. But on Monday morning something happened that we recognize. Prince Daniel was on site at Ekerum Resort to compete in Victoriagolfen - and he played better than ever!
Prince Daniel surprised everyone when he appeared on Ekerum's golf course. It has long been debated whether the traditional Victoriagolfen would would be played or not, but at 9 o'clock on Monday morning it was clear - the prince would go the 18 holes together with the Victoria Award wimmer and pole vaulter Armand Duplantis.
And Svensk Damtidning can tell you that it was a successful round for Daniel! The prince and Armand Duplantis took home the honorable second place, together with Magnus Lagerlöf and Stephan Rimér, who is arranging the Victoria Concert 2020.
The duo were sniffed at the victory despite both Daniel and Duplantis playing incredibly well this cloudy July morning.
- Prince Daniel played better than ever!, says our eyewitness from the golf course.
Prins Daniels succé! Glädjebeskedet under Victoriagolfen _ Svensk Dam

Good to see some normality emerging in this very odd world that we seem to have inhabited this year!
Svensk Damtidning tells that queen Silvia's nephew Patrick Sommerlath is also at Solliden.
Silvias brorson Patrick Sommerlath firar Victoria på Öland _ Svensk Dam

Armand Duplantis said to swedish media:
Yesterday, Duplantis appeared to play at Victoriagolfen in Ekerum on Öland together with Prince Daniel as company.
- Prince Daniel was very down to earth and a nice person to hang out with. It felt like just two guys were playing golf, he says.
The reason for this is that Duplantis is on Öland to receive the Victoria Award 2020.
- It is a great honor that is difficult to put into words. I think it will be a very special evening, he says.
Armand Duplantis om livet i Sverige _ Aftonbladet

Video from Victoriagolfen
Här går prins Daniel och Duplantis på golfrunda _ Aftonbladet

Armand Duplantis is on Öland to receive the Victoria Award. The world record holder in pole vault is praised after his success last winter.
- It's an honor, to say the least. It's unreal, it's hard to understand. To be here with my mother and sister in Sweden.
To warm up for Crown Princess Victoria's birthday and award ceremony, Duplantis played golf - together with Prince Daniel.
- He was very good. Definitely much better than me.
- But it was really fun. He is a really down to earth guy, it was very relaxed. A nice round of golf. It's hard to understand that he's a prince, because it just felt like a couple of guys playing some golf. He really made one feel that way.
The pole vaulter formed a team with Prince Daniel at Victoriagolfen, which is held every year.
- We came second unfortunately, we were very close to winning. It was a bit boring, but next time so.
Armand Duplantis om mötet med prins Daniel_ ”Svårt att förstå”
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Svensk Damtidning tells that the crown princess family has left Öland and Solliden. On Friday, the family stopped by boat in Arkösund's guest harbor, outside Norrköping. The stop was mainly about buying ice cream, Daniel paid the shopping.
The king and queen are still at Solliden.
Chockbeskedet! Victoria och Daniel har lämnat Öland _ Svensk Dam
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Svensk Damtidning tells that according to their information, Victoria, Daniel and the children left Öland to go to spend part of their holiday with Daniel's family.

Just a few days after Victoriadagen, the family jumped in their motorboat and left Öland. The first stop was an ice cream kiosk in Arkösund's guest harbor, outside Norrköping, but according to Svensk Damtidning's information, the Crown Princess couple is going even further north. They are on their way to Daniel's parents, Ewa and Olle Westling, in Ockelbo.
Nothing has been the same this spring. In mid-March, Victoria and Daniel were forced to cancel their royal trips due to the coronavirus. When it then turned out that people over the age of 70 would reduce their social contacts, the family also had to stay away from Ockelbo. And now, at the end of July, Estelle and Oscar are, of course, eager to meet their grandma and grandpa.
It will of course be a dear reunion, even if they still have to spend time outdoors and at a social distance. They probably meet at the red family farm in Acktjära, and fortunately Victoria and Daniel have their own small log house on the Westling family's property.
That way, they can be together and still follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations.
Now the Crown Princess can finally be celebrated by her second family; the Westling family.
Svensk Damtidning has spoken with Margareta Thorgren who answers:
- The family has a private holiday. Private excursions are not something that the court comments on.
Därför lämnade Victoria och Daniel Öland _ Svensk Dam
Someone has seen the king and queen at Solliden, a photo of the queen and Brandie at Instagram, Svensk Damtidning tells.
"At first I did not recognize her. Then my husband said: "But it's the queen". And then it was: oh, oh, oh. Up with the phone and take a picture. Then the king came too, but I was so shaken that I did not have time for the camera that time, says Pernilla."
Drottning Silvia förändrad – se nya bilden _ Svensk Dam
Right now, an exhibition from the King's all years is shown at Solliden"
I wonder if that exhibition is in memory of the fact that this year it's 70 years since the King inherited Solliden from his great-grandfather Gustav V?
Prince Carl Philip with his family spend summer time in Solliiden

"Solliden's garden offers so much beautiful and worth seeing - and fun! Right now, an exhibition from the King's all years is shown at Solliden"

Thought they had gone abroad at first - the weather looks wonderful in Sweden at the moment!
I wonder if that exhibition is in memory of the fact that this year it's 70 years since the King inherited Solliden from his great-grandfather Gustav V?

Yes it is. That was the reason given in the announcement of the exhibition.
I love that Carl Philip and Sofia are letting us see moments from their summer holidays!
Svensk Damtidning tells that the crown princess family has come back to Solliden, they have been there for some time now.

But for some time now, the Crown Princess couple has been back at Solliden together with the king and queen. In response to the question of whether the royal couple will return to Stenhammar Castle after the holiday, Margareta Thorgren announced the following:
- There is nothing that I can currently comment on, what autumn looks like. Right now, the royal couple is still at Solliden on Öland, and the crown princess couple too, says Thorgren.
Gåtan med Victoria och Daniel – därför syns de inte _ Svensk Dam

Photo at court Facebook
Recently, the King and Queen paid a private visit to the Zorn Museum and Zorngården in Mora.
During the visit, the Royal Couple got to know parts of the large collection of Zorn's works that Anders and Emma Zorn donated to the state and today constitute the Zorn collections.
The royal couple was guided during the visit by the museum director, Chamberlain Johan Cederlund.

Edit: Strange, the photo was put to Instagram and Facebook and then it was taken away.

The king's new BMW has been seen at Solliden.
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The holidays is over for Prince Carl Phlip and his family:

"Away well, but at home it is very good too. During the summer, we have shared some of our places in Sweden. We hope that the pictures may have inspired us to discover something new. We end with a picture from a very beautiful place that we have access to every day - Royal Djurgården!"
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