Summer Holidays with the Swedish Royal Family: 2016-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Carl Gustaf and Silvia visited the city palace and the city center / Special interest in flower arrangements in the castle garden
Royal splendor in the former royal capital of Fulda: the Swedish royal couple Carl XVI. Gustaf and Silvia paid East Hesse a private visit earlier this week. Fulda served as a stopover on the journey home towards Sweden. The royal couple, who are currently in summer vacation, stayed overnight at the Maritim Hotel am Schlossgarten from Monday to Tuesday and met Fulda's Lord Mayor Dr. Jörg during a private tour of the city palace.
Together with Elisabeth Schrimpf, the head of the Tourism and Congress Management Department of the City of Fulda, the Lord Mayor led the prominent guests through the most representative rooms of the city palace. Visually impressed were King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia of the Baroque Fürstensaal, the former Hall of Fulda prince abbots and prince-bishops and the collection of valuable porcelain from the Fulda porcelain manufactory (1764-1789). During the spontaneous guided tour in German and English, OB Wingenfeld also provided explanations on the history and present of Fulda - up to the point that rehearsals for the musical "Bonifatius" as the biggest open-air staging of the year in Germany on the neighboring Domplatz to run. Carl Gustaf pulled out his mobile phone and captured a few impressions from the baroque quarter and the imposing stage on the cathedral square via mobile phone photo. In a brief conversation with the OB, the royal couple was also impressed that the historic city palace serves as a museum and at the same time as the seat of the city administration.
Similarly surprised were also urban employees or citizens of Fulda, who had a late appointment in the town hall on Monday afternoon, when they met a real-life royal couple in the hallways. Carl Gustaf and Silvia were dressed in a reserved manner and looked like a normal tourist couple in the distance - but unobtrusively accompanied by security personnel. The relaxed atmosphere in the sunny Fulda seemed to please the royal guests, so the following day they used the opportunity shortly before departure for a short stroll through the baroque castle garden as well as through some streets of the city center. Elisabeth Schrimpf experienced the celebrity guests as "uncomplicated, charming and very interested".
Schwedisches Königspaar ganz privat in Fulda

Schwedisches Königspaar zu Besuch in Fulda

Svensk Damtidning has chosen their favourite photos from this summer, most of them of the swedish royal family.
Vi har valt! 11 finaste bilderna från kungasommaren 2019 _ Svensk Damtidning
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Can the royal couple leave Stenhammar and isolate themselves at Solliden instead?
Soon, seven weeks. For so long, the king and queen have now lived in what is usually their "weekend place", Stenhammar Castle. For so long they have been away from their home, the private floor of Drottningholm.
On the plus account in these unusual times, however, is that the king has been able to spend more time on the agriculture and forestry he runs at Stenhammar - and then he has had time to renovate that garden sofa that he and the queen had as their joint spring project. Things that they never have time for, when they work with their full calendar.
So far, all is well and good. But the question is how the royal couple will do this summer?
In just over two weeks, on Wednesday, May 20, their summer palace Solliden opens its gates for visitors. It's a few weeks later than it usually is, but the King can still rejoice that his privately owned palace is one of the few visitor destinations that can stay open during these coronation times. And that is of course because Solliden is an outdoor tourist destination, and that the large park makes it easy to keep that distance at two meters to the other visitors.
But for the royal family itself, it's trickier, it turns out.
Their summer stay at Solliden is almost sacred, and it is the place where they charge the batteries. This is also the only place where they can move freely, without bodyguards. So wouldn't it be possible for the royal couple to leave Stenhammar to place their home isolation in Solliden instead?
We ask this from the court - and the message from Margareta Thorgren is straightforward and clear:
- No not right now. The royal couple follows the authorities' recommendations.
Does this mean that the royal couple will not be able to stay at Solliden this summer?
- No, it doesn't mean that. Right now it is so.
So the royal couple - yes the whole royal family and their summer plans - are simply in the hands of the Public Health Agency and Anders Tegnell, just like all other Swedes. The sad reality is that the king's only chance of any kind of Solliden summer is if the corona situation improves - and that the Public Health Agency changes its recommendations. Otherwise, the tradition is broken - and for the king it will be the first time in 73 years.
Öland – eller inte_ Hovet om kungaparets sommar _ Svensk Dam
We ask this from the court - and the message from Margareta Thorgren is straightforward and clear:
- No not right now. The royal couple follows the authorities' recommendations.
Does this mean that the royal couple will not be able to stay at Solliden this summer?
- No, it doesn't mean that. Right now it is so.
So the royal couple - yes the whole royal family and their summer plans - are simply in the hands of the Public Health Agency and Anders Tegnell, just like all other Swedes.
Öland – eller inte_ Hovet om kungaparets sommar _ Svensk Dam
Good. It would look really bad if the Royal family could travel around when the rest of us are asked to spend our summer vacation at home.
After the Crown Princess's birthday on July 14, many have been eagerly awaiting to finally see a photo of the entire large family gathered again. But there will not become a joint summer greeting this year either.
- No, it won't. There is no such thing this year, but there are the summer photos that appear sporadically on social media. We don't have a joint photo taken this summer, says Margareta Thorgren to Hänt.
Margareta confirms that the whole family was gathered during Crown Princess Victoria's birthday but that no group photo was taken. She doesn't want to go further to the reason.
- There are different circumstances so it is no oddity in it. We didn't take any photos last year either.
However, the summer greeting is not something that the royal family has intended to end entirely, but it will not come every year but when the opportunity is given. This year, the Swedish people have to settle instead for photos of the families and the children separately.
- There are a lot of photos, but there will be no portrait with the whole family, says Margareta Thorgren.
Hovet_ Därför kommer ingen ny familjebild på kungafamiljen _ Hä

Not sure what she is trying yo communicate. Very vague statements anout 'there are different circumstances'? What different circumstances? Wouldn't exactly that make it a little odd as everyone gathered for Victoria's birthday?!

I think a lot of statements by Margareta Thorgren are awkward. I don’t know if it only the translations into English that make them convoluted and odd, or if they truly are that cryptic.

Maybe this year no one really wanted to try and wrangle seven children into one nice photo.

I've read the article that LadyFinn quotes in Swedish and there's nothing awkward in MT's statement so it's probably a matter of things getting lost in translation. LadyFinn has translated word by word and I can't really think of another way to translate "andra omständigheter" than to "different circumstances".
Last year we got individual pictures of the three families including one of the Crown Princely family together with the King and Queen while in 2019 we had the big blue themed family picture.

So, what are the different circumstances she is talking about? I still have no clue and it seems a lame excuse.

I don't think she makes excuses. It has been decided that a group photo will not be done/published and that's that.

The posters who thought Margareta Thorgren was making a vague and cryptic excuse turned out to be correct. We now know what the "different circumstances" were ...
What do you mean by that?
I'm also confused. Was there any information released about last year's circumstances that caused the Swedish royal family not to release a family photo?

It seems likely we might not get one this year either due to the 'known' circumstance of them possibly not staying at Solliden (together) because of the Corona restrictions. However, that doesn't explain last year's lack of a family picture.
What do you mean by that?
I'm also confused. Was there any information released about last year's circumstances that caused the Swedish royal family not to release a family photo?

It seems likely we might not get one this year either due to the 'known' circumstance of them possibly not staying at Solliden (together) because of the Corona restrictions. However, that doesn't explain last year's lack of a family picture.
I suspect that TM alludes to the reorganisation of the Royal House that took place some months later. It was said when the changes were made public that they'd been in the works for a long time. After the changes were made public we've seen a conscious focus on what's now the core of the Royal House - The King, his two main heirs and their spouses and children.
I suspect that TM alludes to the reorganisation of the Royal House that took place some months later. It was said when the changes were made public that they'd been in the works for a long time. After the changes were made public we've seen a conscious focus on what's now the core of the Royal House - The King, his two main heirs and their spouses and children.

I see. However, I would argue that would be an excellent reason for one last picture of the whole family :whistling:
I see. However, I would argue that would be an excellent reason for one last picture of the whole family :whistling:
Nobody ever said that there won't be more pictures of the whole family
I suspect that TM alludes to the reorganisation of the Royal House that took place some months later. It was said when the changes were made public that they'd been in the works for a long time. After the changes were made public we've seen a conscious focus on what's now the core of the Royal House - The King, his two main heirs and their spouses and children.

That is precisely what I was alluding to, thanks. On the day that the reorganization was announced, the photograph of the King and Queen with all their children, grandchildren, and spouses on the Royal Family page was replaced with a portrait of the King, Crown Princess, and Princess Estelle. Evidently, they have come to believe that the optics of a large family are best avoided.
Obviously there will be a summer in Solliden for the royal family now.

Sweden to lift domestic travel restrictions for people without symptoms
Sweden will lift its coronavirus restrictions on domestic travel on June 13th, allowing people without symptoms to travel within the country this summer.
Sweden's previous recommendations advised against all non-essential journeys longer than one or two hours by car, but the new rules mean that people without coronavirus symptoms will be able to travel freely within the country for whatever reason, including leisure – as long as other health and safety rules are followed.
"The situation is still serious. This does not mean that the danger is over, it does not mean that life is returning to normal. Each and every journey this summer should be carried out with 'caution' as the keyword," Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told a press conference on Thursday afternoon.
Coronavirus BREAKING_ Sweden to lift domestic travel restrictions for people without symptoms - The Local
It's unclear though if the king and queen will travel to Öland/Solliden. The domestic travel restrictions have been lifted, but other restrictions are still in place - that includes that people over 70 should limit their physical contacts outside the home and avoid unneccesary travel. So we'll see what happens. I personally don't see the problem with them going to Öland. They will probably drive there themselves, and Solliden is a big and safe place for them to spend the summer holiday.
Up until now, the entire royal family's summer has been a single big question mark, just as it has been for all other Swedes. But now Victoria and Daniel can plan for a summer in their Villa Skönvik, and the royal couple can take possession of their summer palace again, after almost three months at Stenhammar.
At the same time, the king and queen will have to stay a little on their edge. According to Anders Tegnell and the Public Health Agency, it is also ok for seventy people to meet children and grandchildren, but only outdoors and at two meters distance.
But precisely this should not be a problem, at Solliden there is as much space as possible, and everyone lives in their own houses which are a good distance apart.
This is also really good news for organizers of Victoriadagen, who can finally get started on their planning. But also for Öland in general. The royal family's summer island is very dependent on tourists coming.
Glädjebeskedet_ Kungafamiljens sommar är räddad _ Svensk Dam

At this photo we see Solliden Palace, where the king and queen are staying. To the right of it is Kavaljershuset, where Carl Philip and Madeleine and their families are staying. And Victoria and Daniel's house Villa Skönvik close to the water. We can also see Solliden's boathouse.
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A representative from the public health authorities just clarified that people over 70 are free to travel, but must travel in a safe way (I think that means no public transportation) and of course follow the current guidelines once they are at their destination.

So the king and queen can travel to Öland this summer.
On June 19 Solliden closes at 14 instead of 17. June 19 is of course both the anniversary of Carl Gustaf and Silvia as well as of Victoria and Daniel. I wonder what is planned that they decided to close 3 hours early.

19th June is this year the Midsummer Eve, which is a public holiday in Sweden. It is always treated as official holiday by employers, so most employees working regular office hours do not work then. People usually gather with their family and friends to celebrate. So it might be that Solliden is closed earlier so that the staff can also go to celebrate the Midsummer Eve with their families.
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Victoria and Daniel have of course hoped, but they have not dared to plan for a summer at Solliden. But on Thursday, the government announced that it would release the restrictions when it comes to traveling within Sweden.
The Crown Princess couple will thus be able to bring Estelle and Oscar to their beloved Öland.
- Now possibilities to travel in Sweden are opening up. So the royal family will spend a period at Solliden as usual, says Margareta Thorgren.
Of course, this is a real joyful message. Not least for Daniel. In the spring he was the royal, except Victoria, who worked most in the king's service. The royal couple moved to Stenhammar when the corona virus became established and has remained there for months. And the Crown Princess couple has been working for the head of state and been responsible for the royal work in the capital.
But soon the prince can look forward to a well-deserved holiday at Solliden. And if we know him right, it will be the usual morning rounds on the golf course. The government's decision also means that Ewa and Olle Westling have the opportunity to go and visit Victoria, Daniel and their grandchildren. But then, of course, they will hang out at a safe distance.
Direkt från hovet! Nya uppgifter om Daniels framtid _ Svensk Dam
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Will the King & Queen also be holidaying at Solliden or are they remaining at Stenhammar? Is it at Solliden that Vic & Daniel have their own small home?
Will the King & Queen also be holidaying at Solliden or are they remaining at Stenhammar? Is it at Solliden that Vic & Daniel have their own small home?

V&D do have a hme at Solliden which they recently built. I am noy sure it can be described as small though.
Will the King & Queen also be holidaying at Solliden or are they remaining at Stenhammar? Is it at Solliden that Vic & Daniel have their own small home?

Like I wrote, Margareta Thorgren said to Svensk Damtidning, that the royal family will spend a period in Solliden as always, obviously it means also the king and queen.
Like I posted to this thread previously, at this photo we see the Solliden Palace, Victoria and Daniel's house Villa Skönvik and Kavaljershuset, where Carl Philip and Madeleine's families are staying. All the buildings are at Solliden area owned by the king.

Victoria and Daniel's house is not small, it has 328 square meters.
Svensk Damtidning has written about the Solliden Palace:
The Palace itself is 400 square meters on paper, but with all the passages and angles, tile stoves and thick brick walls, the living space itself is 200 square meters. Kavaljershuset has about 500 square meters.
Följ med till kungafamiljens sommarslott! _ Svensk Dam
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10 years of love - on Midsummer Eve. Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel couldn't get a finer frame for their 10-year wedding anniversary. And Svensk Damtidning can reveal that they will celebrate it at Solliden on Öland. Margareta Thorgren confirms that the king and queen will spend the midsummer weekend on Öland. And that the King and Crown Princess can now meet again.
- Yes it is true. The King and Queen are on Öland during midsummer. The Crown Princess family will also be on Öland this summer. But they are careful to follow the recommendations of the Public Health Agency.
And what does that mean in the case of the King and the Crown Princess?
- That social distancing applies.
So now it is free again for Sweden's head of state and his successor crown princess Victoria to stay in the same place, after strictly following the court's policy for almost three months. But they can only do it under certain conditions:
The celebration of the wedding day will take place outdoors and with observance of safety distance. Something that does not encounter any problems at Solliden, which has such large areas. And if it rains, the solution is likely to be a party tent. When it comes to such solutions, the king is a seasoned party general.
In addition, there is more to celebrate the same day. The King and Queen also have a wedding day, in their case it has been 44 years since they said yes to each other at the Stockholm Cathedral on June 19, 1976.
However, Margareta Thorgren is careful to point out that there will be no big or official celebration. The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel feel strongly with everyone who has had to cancel their weddings, baptisms and other celebrations this summer, and according to what Svensk Damtidning experiences, it will therefore be a more low-key celebration of the wedding day than was initially thought.
Vi avslöjar_ Så ska Victoria fira bröllopsdagen _ Svensk Dam
And what does that mean in the case of the King and the Crown Princess?
- That social distancing applies

i thought sweden didn't issue social distancing rules. did that get changed?
i thought sweden didn't issue social distancing rules. did that get changed?

We've had rules about physical distancing here since mid-march, just the same as in almost every other European country. That, and wash your hands, stay home if you are sick and all the other general rules. People over 70 have stricter guidelines, including very limited physical contact with people outside their household.
From their summer residence Solliden on Öland, the royal couple sends a midsummer greeting:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“The tradition of celebrating midsummer has deep roots in Sweden. This year, the celebration must be adapted to the circumstances. It is a way to show care for our fellow human beings. With this we want to wish everyone in our country, as well as all Swedes abroad, a bright and happy midsummer weekend. ”
Photo by Pernilla Klintberg/Solliden Palace
One more photo at Solliden Palace Facebook
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Svensk Damtidning:

When we contact Margareta Thorgren to hear about if Princess Madeleine is coming to Solliden this summer, the answer is:
- I have no update.
In other words, there is a risk that Madeleine will stay in the United States and in that case it will be the first time in her 38-year life that she misses the summer at Solliden. At the same time, the family has set up in their new big house in the lush Pinecrest villa area on the outskirts of Miami, with a pool in the garden, and membership in the private club at Hotel Faena that gives them free access to the private beach and hotel pool.
A small consolation, but still a consolation, when the royal family at Solliden has their barbecue evenings in the royal boathouse down at Kalmarsund.
Gåtan kring prinsessan Madeleines sommar _ Svensk Dam
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia on Instagram:

"We wish you a nice summer! ☀️
Since many stay at home this year and discover Sweden up close, we here on Instagram will share some of our strawberry spots where we are this summer. This is to show that our beautiful country has fantastic opportunities for a fun, wonderful and activity-filled #hemester #svemester"
It has undoubtedly been a different spring for Crown Princess Victoria and the rest of the Crown Princess family because of the corona pandemic. It was also unclear for a long time how and where the family would spend their holidays in view of the previous travel restrictions set by the government. But earlier in June, the restrictions were somewhat released and the limit of a maximum of two hours travel time from home ended.
Then the Crown Princess was finally able to give a happy message to Estelle and Oscar - namely that it will be a long summer on Öland and Solliden! Although it will not be an ordinary birthday for Victoria on Victoriadagen, which will be carried out without a paying audience, it must feel good to be able to breathe out with the rest of the family after a troubled and intense period.
As is well known, Solliden Palace is the royal family's private summer paradise. The family stays in Villa Skönvik, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's private summer place which was inaugurated on Victoriadagen 2013. A big difference for Estelle who lives in a 42-room palace at home but at Solliden has a summer vacation in a decent ordinary villa. The house is shaped like letter H and is built in a modern style with clean lines, large windows, three fireplaces, beautiful floors in limestone and a fantastic view of Kalmarsund. Here the children can run around on the big terrace, swim in their pool and celebrate that summer has come to Öland.
- A lot will revolve around the new dog Rio, but otherwise Estelle probably does something that eight-year-olds like, like swimming in the pool and hanging with grandma. And then she is so lucky to have her own pony, so she will certainly ride with it, says Helena Wiklund, court reporter at Svensk Damtidning.
Victorias glädjebesked till Estelle – efter all väntan _ Svensk Dam

Keep your eyes open: You can soon become neighbours with Victoria and Daniel at the outdoor dining area. Or end up behind Princess Estelle in a ice cream queue!
The Crown Princess family is soon on their way out in Summer Sweden, for a little private holiday before the royal family gathers at Solliden to celebrate Victoria's 43rd birthday on July 14.
So somewhere in Sweden they will be - Victoria, Daniel, Oscar and Estelle. However, the exact destination is, of course, secret, but they visit a new part of Sweden every year. Last summer it was the West Coast and Blå Jungfrun, the fascinating rock island in Kalmarsund, which received a royal holiday visit. Several times they have also been to Gotland, where among other things they visited the former limestone quarry on the island of Furillen and got to learn how to do pottery.
But there will be some new thinking this year:
- This summer, the Crown Princess couple is unusually flexible when it comes to their holidays, given the situation. But of course it is also important for them to be able to recharge the batteries and get time for recovery, it has been an intensive and different spring, says Margareta Thorgren.
Så blir Victorias semester med Estelle och Oscar _ Svensk Dam
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Forced to make changes - this will be the summer of the royal family
Victoria's general birthday celebration is canceled and Madeleine risks completely missing the Swedish summer - nothing is the same for the royal family this summer.
But there are beautiful environments at Solliden Palace, boat trips on the sea and love in the air.
The royal family's summer has got a romantic start as all their wedding days are in June. On Midsummer Eve it was 10 years since Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel got married.
“It is hard to understand that 10 years have passed, Victoria and Daniel still radiate love. It is noticeable that they live a happy and rich life and a lot has happened in the family”, wrote royal expert Karin Lennmor in her chronicle.
The Crown Princess couple has many memories from their big day, and they chose to celebrate.
- It will be a special Midsummer Eve - but completely private, said Margareta Thorgren.
Since June 13, symptom-free people can travel in Sweden, and the royal couple were able to travel down to Öland and their summer paradise Solliden Palace to celebrate midsummer.
Daniel and Victoria come to Solliden with their family in July - and also Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia with their sons.
On the crown princess's birthday, the general congratulations outside Solliden Palace is canceled. But the Victoria concert is broadcast in SVT from Borgholm Castle ruin, with only a few invited guests in the audience. The king and Silvia, who are seventy-plus, stay away.
According to the court, Madeleine may not be coming to Victoria's birthday, she and her family are currently stuck in the United States.
- We don't yet know about Princess Madeleine, it is due to US restrictions, says Margareta Thorgren.
It can also be a occasional boat trip for the family. Last year Victoria bought a four-million boat, the Nimbus 365 Coupé model.
- The King is a skilled skipper and the Crown Princess family likes to be at sea, Margareta Thorgren told.
Tvingas göra ändringar – så blir kungafamiljens sommar
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Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia on Instagram:

"We wish you a nice summer! ☀️
Since many stay at home this year and discover Sweden up close, we here on Instagram will share some of our strawberry spots where we are this summer. This is to show that our beautiful country has fantastic opportunities for a fun, wonderful and activity-filled #hemester #svemester"

Such a sweet photo - idyllic summer country vibes! I'd love to visit the Swedish countryside in the summer, I've only been in the winter when everything was covered in snow, which was gorgeous as well but it would be an extra treat to see the nature in all its glory.
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