"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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I read a book about the Korean war once and it said that the American military camps were DRY but there was a remarkable amount of medicinal alcohol supplied. Honestly I dotnt think it is much of a defence of H to say that he could not be using alcohol in Afghanistan because of the fact that the country was officially dry, for one thing he wasnt there very long, and for another Im pretty darn sure he was able to get hold of a drink or two, at least a tot on Christmas morning.
what a charmer he is. How anyone could think any more that he's good natured jolly not very bright but good hearted Harry, is inexplicable. That threat is just outright nasty. However, i still find it hard to believe that the army would allow him to use drugs when on active service in the field, that would be taking favouritism to an unacceptable level and endagering the lives of other soldiers. So Im starting to wonder if he ever did do combat duty....

I don't know of course, but there's a guy on Youtube named Trevor Coult who served in Afganistan at the same time as Harry, and if I've understood correctly, he says that Harry was nowhere near any real action, ever. He was kept safe in a bunker, playing video games.

I don't follow this guy so I could've misunderstood but it sounds plausible. I don't think it would've beed wise to send "the Spare" into battle to get killed, would it?
Andrew went into battle and fought, and risked his life, so no, the Spare is not considered to be so important that he has to be kept safe. I did dismiss the stories of Bunker harry as too silly to be believed, but learning of his ongoing drug use, I'm now not so sure. If they covered up for him on one drug test, they may have done it on other occasions.. but Im sure they could not do it if he was going to be flying.. so.. maybe he wasn't flying
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Well, men he flew with appeared on a couple of documentaries, and were actually named in one of Harry’s biographies, included the pilot Harry flew with on his missions in Afghanistan, so that is complete rubbish. This man married after they got home and Harry was to appear at their wedding.
A few thoughts....
I don't doubt that Nottingham Cottage was furnished "sparingly". A single guy was living there since late 2013, with a frat boy mentality. From what we are finding out via his book, He doesn't seem to have much respect for People, why would he be entrusted there with antiques and valuable art ?
I doubt it was furnished much differently when Kate and William lived there, but with a Woman's touch, cheerier and well kept up. I'm sure when Meghan moved, in the same. The Sussex's ALWAYS knew they would be getting a grander home anyway. With access to objet d'art too on some scale....IF wanted.

I just don't think for Cali girl Meghan, that was her cup of tea, but it made for good copy.....The ostentatious (then) Cambridge Home and the pokey-pathetic flat the Sussex's had. Of course Harry conveniently didn't mention that Nott Cott was once William and Kate's London base also.

No idea about Harry's drugs and what allowances were made. Doesn't make Him or his Superior's look good, If true. OR whoever enabled him to evade tests. His fellow Soldiers or his RPO's stationed there had to know "if" something was going on.

ALSO I'd like to point out that in 2017 Harry did basically the same amount of engagements as his then 96 year old grandfather. How DID he spend his time ? Was he then, age 34, STILL hard partying ?

The more I find out about him, IN HIS OWN WORDS, the less likeable I find him. Whoever was responsible for rehabbing and reinventing his public image is a magician. But he seems to be blowing that narrative to bits.

Lastly, as just a joke.....I wish Jimmy Kimmel would publish that "The Prince And The Penis" Book, because I think that would be a giant bestseller !!!! I know that I myself, and some of my royal loving friends would absolutely buy it !
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Well, men he flew with appeared on a couple of documentaries, and were actually named in one of Harry’s biographies, included the pilot Harry flew with on his missions in Afghanistan, so that is complete rubbish. This man married after they got home and Harry was to appear at their wedding.

And Harry himself has said that he was smoking weed every night when living in Perry's mansion, when he was happily married with a child and away from England. So that suggests to me that he did not want to/was incapable of, staying away from drugs for any long period of time.
ALSO I'd like to point out that in 2017 Harry did basically the same amount of engagements as his then 96 year old grandfather. How DID he spend his time ?

The more I find out about him, IN HIS OWN WORDS, the less likeable I find him. Whoever was responsible for rehabbing and reinventing his public image is a magician.

L it !
in the years before he became engaged, Harry DID seem to disappear for periods of time. I did not follow him but I read royal forums, and it seemed that he would vanish off the radar at times. I suppose it miht be that there wasnt enough money to have him working full time, until Phil retired, but it was a bit unclear what he was doing. Might have been spending more time in the US or Canada seeing Meghan. Might have been doing some conservation work, but also might have been having a bit of drinking and doping and general fun, while Meg was at work
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This is the engagement roster for the royals in 2017. Harry was in Toronto for the IG in that year. And the Cambridges did few as well, if you look at their numbers.

And Harry, and Meghan, were in Botswana that summer and joined in some elephant conservation.

Not to disagree with you but William was also a search and rescue helicopter pilot for over half of 2017 and Catherine, as a young mother, was only working part-time.
I just don't think for Cali girl Meghan, that was her cup of tea, but it made for good copy.....The ostentatious (then) Cambridge Home and the pokey-pathetic flat the Sussex's had. Of course Harry conveniently didn't mention that Nott Cott was William and Kate's London base also.
The Sussexes also rented a home in the Cotswold. What throws me off is that the "wow!" scene took place after the wedding, was that her first time in their home? Or are William and Kate's digs so fabulous that it elicits 'wows" even after repeat visits.

What about Clarence House, was it not worthy of a wow or two?
Curryong, William and Kate were married and parents to two children under 5. The Queen specifically wanted them to enjoy a less hectic work schedule and have the time to devote to themselves and their kids that she unfortunately missed, do the the untimely death of her Father.

Harry was never a hard worker, putting in the time or effort. He certainly is unlike EITHER of his parents in that regard. From what I'm getting he liked showboating though and getting public recognition for his efforts. His PR was very important to him.
Yet another thing that him and Meghan bonded over.
Curryong, William and Kate were married and parents to two children under 5. The Queen specifically wanted them to enjoy a less hectic work schedule and have the time to devote to themselves and their kids that she unfortunately missed, do the the untimely death of her Father.

Harry was never a hard worker, putting in the time or effort. He certainly is unlike EITHER of his parents in that regard. From what I'm getting he liked showboating though and getting public recognition for his efforts. His PR was very important to him.
Yet another thing that him and Meghan bonded over.
Diana wasnt the hardest worker, but its not so much Harry not wroking, but what did he get up to when he wasnt working? It sounds as if drug use is still a steady part of his life, rather than being, as I had thought, something he did in his younger days when he was unhappy and struggling with his depression over Diana's death, which went on for years.
I was quite shocked to find that he was still at it, in 2020, when he was married, settled, had escaped from the UK where he was unhappy, and had a child to occupy him and freedom to do whatever he wanted. And yet he was still smoking dope. That makes me sceptical about his years in the army, I think it is very possible that he was a drinker and drug abuser back then and although he pushed his colonel to keep him on ops, he had no real intention of modifying his lifestyle.
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The answer to the blind eye for his drug use and drinking is in the book:
“Colonel, I need to find a way of getting back onto operations, or else I’m going to have to quit the Army.
I’m not certain Colonel Ed believed my threat. I’m not certain I did. Still, politically, diplomatically, strategically, he couldn’t afford to discount it. A prince in the ranks was a big public-relations asset, a powerful recruiting tool. He couldn’t ignore the fact that, if I bolted, his superiors might blame him, and their superiors too, and up the chain it might go.

He knew exactly his worth for the armed forces.

The more of his own words I read- the less I like Harry.

This story could probably be used in many different scenarios to describe his life. He did know his worth/what he could get away with.

I’ve said it before, but the media has nothing to do with my poor opinion of the Sussexes now. They did it themselves. It is all their own words.

The moment they started doing things their own way- is when their true colors started to surface imo. Not a pretty picture. Palace PR were geniuses. Too bad neither of them were capable of seeing all they did for them. They managed to make these 2 look good.

Maybe excessive drug use does indeed explain this mess of a book. In his own words- still using in CA. I honestly didn’t know a thing about the potential effects of long term cannabis use or how mental health issues can factor into the effects. Between this forum and googling- well, it’s been educational.
I don't think we can judge people's hard work by the number of engagements because as Harry points out in the book, there was a budget for engagements, resulting in Harry and William only being allowed to do the amount agreed by their father.
I have never smoked marijuana, but in many circles, it is not seen as more harmful than alcohol, so in theory, smoking a joint a day may not be seen as any more harmful than other royals gin and whatever habit. At least now that he is in California, he is not breaking the law.

However, like alcohol, marijuana can be abused. If Harry is smoking a joint a day, I am not sure if that would be considered abuse, but I can't be sure that he does not smoke more than that or goes on binges. Also, as others have pointed out, marijuana may not be good for people with certain mental health issues.
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Tty picture. Palace PR were geniuses. Too bad neither of them were capable of seeing all they did for them. They managed to make these 2 look good.

Maybe excessive drug use does indeed explain this mess of a book. In his own words- still using in CA. I honestly didn’t know a thing about the potential effects of long term cannabis use or how mental health issues can factor into the effects. Between this forum and googling- well, it’s been educational.
well there's a reason that drugs are mostly illegal. They are potentially very harmful. There are people who can use and not lose brain cells or damage their liver, but too much use will probably leave you far from well mentally or physically. Harry seems to be addicted, or at least not willing to stop, though he now has the freedom that he wanted.
I just am concerned that the army may have been willing to let him skip tests when on active service, or possibly they managed it, not letting him fly if he was using. Either way, Harry must have known that he was using his position to skip drug tests even if he just did it a few times.
It also shows that even though it's a family tradition for these fabulously wealthy and privileged people to give each other cheap, boring, or silly gifts — although Harry may have been a bit young for it at the time, he still hasn't "gotten it" in the interval.

Not even two seasons of The Crown have made the point to him.

Harry's memory of his grand aunt is just his disgust on an inexpensive gift she gave him.

When I was a small child in the 60s my grand aunt gave me a small gift, a coin purse she had made of brown pleather lined inside with some black fabric. It was for me to save coins and for years I carried it in my school bag. I'm 62 now and I still have that little bag in a little 'treasure' chest with the last coins I had before I left Spain in the 80s. And I think of her every time I see it.

Harry has shown no respect for his family, even those long gone like Princess Margaret. Instead of ridiculing her for being a 'cheap' gift giver he should have taken the time to see documentaries and stories about her life and use it to refer and reflect on his own life in the book.
I have never smoked marijuana, but in many circles, it is not seen as more harmful than alcohol, so in theory, smoking a joint a day may not be seen as any more harmful than other royals gin and whatever habit. At least now that he is in California, he is not breaking the law.

However, like alcohol, marijuana can be abused. If Harry is smoking a joint a day, I am not sure if that would be considered abuse, but I can't be sure that he does not smoke more than that or goes on binges. Also, as others have pointed out, marijuana may not be good for people with certain mental health issues.
it can increase things like paranoia, and I daresay he was using other drugs, if he's gone on smoking regularly now when his life is more settled, I would guess that drug use is part of his life. He may see it as medicatoon, but from the book it seems that it just making him more incoherent.
Evidence provided from our National Health Service (NHS) shows that cannabis isn't helpful to people with underlying mental health issues (exceptions might occur). Regular cannabis use is linked to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Users are more likely to develop a psychotic illness if they use cannabis, particularly if a family member has or had mental health issues eg depression.

Cannabis can have the following effects.
• Long term use can have a small but permanent effect on how well you think and concentrate.
• Smoking cannabis can cause a serious relapse if you have a psychotic illness.
• Regular cannabis use can lead to an increased risk of later developing mental illness. Especially if you use cannabis when you are young.

I don't want to get into a debate about drugs but I think it's relevant to include the UK health position on this, as it is a significant aspect of 'Spare'.
Maybe excessive drug use does indeed explain this mess of a book. In his own words- still using in CA. I honestly didn’t know a thing about the potential effects of long term cannabis use or how mental health issues can factor into the effects. Between this forum and googling- well, it’s been educational.

Hopefully you saw what it does to teenagers. And we know that Harry has continued to drink, sometimes heavily, all the time he claims to have been using, as well...

I just remembered that one of Harry's 2017 visits was to the leading psychiatric inpatient/outpatient hospital in the city here, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, because someone I know was offered the chance to meet him (back when this was still considered a privilege). Harry was there because of his claimed interest, but more probably because Diana had visited the site in the 90's.

Now I'm just thinking if CAMH had only known the truth, they might have been more interested in and helpful to Harry than he was to them.
Why shouldn’t Harry have been interested in the mental health facility? He was in the forefront of the Heads Together idea along with his brother and sister in law, and conducted a podcast interview on mental health/anxiety issues etc, including his own that was much admired and praised by health professionals. And he was the first royal to do something of that nature.
Why shouldn’t Harry have been interested in the mental health facility? He was in the forefront of the Heads Together idea along with his brother and sister in law, and conducted a podcast interview on mental health/anxiety issues etc, including his own that was much admired and praised by health professionals. And he was the first royal to do something of that nature.

Yes he was at the forefront of Heads Together along with his brother and sister in law, so why did he struggle to find help for his wife, or at least not know how to go about it.
I'm just curious if someone knows the answer to this. Does Harry at all mention at all in The Book if Meghan indulged in recreational marijuana use with Harry ?
I remember reading ( not sure where) that at her first marriage to Trevor in Jamaica that they gave as "Party Favors" little bags containing marijuana.

So obviously it was "part" of their lifestyle. I know People that do regularly also, but would never have given it as a general "wedding party favor" to guests.
Harry, bizarrely mentions Courtney Cox by name in the Book supplying guests at her house with illegal "magic mushrooms". He could have gone the "unnamed famous actress" route, BUT he actually named her. Still wonder how She feels about that. I know its a liberal Hollywood crowd....but still....

Just wondering if Meghan got any mention regarding " indulging " at all.
Agree. I am shocked by Courtenay Cox, if it is true. You'd think that if Harry went to her house for drugs, he would keep it quiet, if he was a freind of hers. When did this take place?
well there's a reason that drugs are mostly illegal. They are potentially very harmful. There are people who can use and not lose brain cells or damage their liver, but too much use will probably leave you far from well mentally or physically. Harry seems to be addicted, or at least not willing to stop, though he now has the freedom that he wanted.

I just am concerned that the army may have been willing to let him skip tests when on active service, or possibly they managed it, not letting him fly if he was using. Either way, Harry must have known that he was using his position to skip drug tests even if he just did it a few times.

True that. They tend to be illegal for a reason. And- all drugs- illegal or otherwise- can certainly become a problem if they’re abused.

Agreed. The biggest issue would be using his position to get out of tests and/or flying while on something.
I cant believe that the army would let him fly if stoned, so presumably he was kept clean for his time on active service. But that was relatively short times, and we dont know for obvious reasons, exactly how many times he flew. but learning of his continuing drug use up to the present, i AM increasingly willing to believe that perhaps he didn't do active service at all, or very little.
Why shouldn’t Harry have been interested in the mental health facility? He was in the forefront of the Heads Together idea along with his brother and sister in law, and conducted a podcast interview on mental health/anxiety issues etc, including his own that was much admired and praised by health professionals. And he was the first royal to do something of that nature.

That is not the issue. THe issue is that Harry went on using drugs and is still using up to the present day, it seems, so he might have been wiser to check into a place like this clinic. I had genuinely thought that his heavy drinking and drug use were back in his younger days when he was still struggling with his grief for Diana, and that since then, he had sought help and had given up his drinking and drug use. HARRY is the one who has brought up these issues and made it fairly clear that he was taking drugs for years, is still taking them, and that he was eluding testing for drugs while in the army.
I cant believe that the army would let him fly if stoned, so presumably he was kept clean for his time on active service. But that was relatively short times, and we dont know for obvious reasons, exactly how many times he flew. but learning of his continuing drug use up to the present, i AM increasingly willing to believe that perhaps he didn't do active service at all, or very little.

Agreed. I really can’t see that happening either.
I also just remembered that either in the Brown or Bowers book, a reason for the dissolution of Meghan's first marriage is her ex-husband being portrayed as "a stoner with far too little ambition", basically. Further ironies.
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