Sheikh Muhammad's marriage to Princess Haya & her role in Dubai

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El Jood said:
You Have had enough of what ??
I have expressed my opinion and havn't hurt anyone
I don't think expressing my opion would hurt you in anyway....

well, I think that u have the right to express your opinion, though u use to express it any single time some1 posts a pic of Hayah, well, ok, so u think she's so ugly, so what ? what can we do for u ? plz, tell us how we can help u, don't want u to be so scared by Hayah anytime a new pic of her is posted in this forum.

I can't wait to c Hayah with a baby, she'll be a wonderful mum, I wish she had a baby girl, whom she certainly will name Alia.....:) ;) :) ;)
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lovy_bear said:
Hi houri,

I was actually talking about the concept that I outlined in my previous post on a general basis (not specifically in relation to the political system in parts of the Gulf region, regarding interracial relationships/marriage or its citizenry). As for rulers of (certain) countries marrying someone who isn’t a part of their community on an ethnic/cultural basis, I personally don’t find that there’s anything wrong with that, just as I don’t find that there’s anything wrong with a person marrying someone who is a part of their own community as well (regardless of their status, especially on a class basis in this case). I believe in the prior idea, considering that a leader’s spouse wouldn’t necessarily use their status to influence the citizenry in a “bad” way, through perhaps “different” social, cultural and political means, if that’s what you meant by the ruler and his/her mate having an impact on individuals within the prior’s society through many of their actions.

In reference to certain supposed laws in the Gulf which allow a ruler (and/or the person’s ethnically mixed child(ren)) to marry an “outsider” and keep their status, (especially through occupation means) while it isn’t the same for a “commoner”, I actually never knew that that law existed and don’t agree with it one bit (I never acknowledged the law, nor did I state that I agreed with it in my former post). Again from my personal viewpoint, I believe that a person (whatever their ethnicity, culture, status, occupation etc. is) should be able to marry whomever they want (whether a local from their ethnic/cultural community or not-as long as they do it for the right reasons and not for status ideals or certain stereotypical views (whether good or bad), that they have of most or all of the members within the ethnic/cultural group of the person that they’re marrying or are already married to).

As for your last comment, whether a person gets married through an arranged marriage or not (and this generally speaking and not specifically in relation to the practices of some members within the Gulf region in regards to choosing a spouse), they can still eventually fall in love with each other in the end, meaning that an “arranged marriage” can very well (and many times does) evolve into a “love marriage” for some people (even though many individuals who wed through a “love marriage” can eventually fall out of the feeling). Also there are different types of arranged marriages (but I don’t want to get into that right now). If what you actually meant was that some Gulf citizens place more emphasis on cultural values within a potential future spouse than on love, I don’t believe that the two concepts (cultural values and love) have to necessarily be separate and not joint. A person (regardless of their background) could very well find certain qualities in a person (whether cultural nor not) attractive or appealing, which would make them fall in love with the person (whether in the present time i.e. pre-marriage or in the future i.e. post marriage).

Anyway, what I meant to say by the above quote was that, rather than becoming angry and upset (or even jealous in some cases) over a person who is a part of a given ethnic/cultural community being in a relationship with an “outsider”, a person (who is a part of the same cultural group as the prior) should move on and find and/or concentrate on their own mate (i.e. find (or concentrate on) someone who will (or already does) love and care about them on a relationship basis). The point that I was trying to make was that some anti-interracial people (especially in regards to ethnically mixed relationships/marriages by individual members of their own community), shouldn’t get all possessive over the so-called rejecter and shouldn’t base their self-worth (especially through ethnic means) based on who some of the members of the opposite gender within their cultural group, decide to and/or prefer to marry in regards to race (unless off course as you earlier mentioned, there are certain social, cultural and political inequalities within a specific region in reference to certain practices i.e. status/occupation, marriage and interracial relationships/marriage in this case).

Hi lovy_bear :)

I just talk about double standard , when the ruler make laws and the ordinary people should follow it and the ruler have the choice to not follow it !!
example if woman from gulf marry from man from another country she will lose a lot from her rights in her country she even can't give her nationality to her children :confused:

I just try comparing and wonder
if you make rules and break it people will wonder , in case of mo are you think he will agree to let one of his daughters marry some one not from UAE or not from gulf ?!
I was wondering if there is still going to be a celebration of the two getting married, or did they decide not to bother?
she looks adorable, i heard that Mo will make a huge wedding for princess haya at the end of this year ,in Khaleej times
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I hope that's true
Its already been postponed long enough.
~*~Humera~*~ said:
I hope that's true
Its already been postponed long enough.

I agree...I didn't think it was ever going to happen. Thanks for the pictures, Humera.
sommone said:
I agree...I didn't think it was ever going to happen. Thanks for the pictures, Humera.

you're welcome.
Im looking forward to the reception. Haya's marriage ceremony was beautiful but simple and I'd love to see her in more festive clothes and jewellery.
can any one explain for me because I am not sure that I understand , before a months they had married
so why they will do a reception ?!
Sorry Houri, but I don't know...I'm just hoping they actually have one this time.
houri said:
can any one explain for me because I am not sure that I understand , before a months they had married
so why they will do a reception ?!

houri its kind of like what Prince Hamzah and Princess Noor did. They married in a religious ceremony privately, in the presence of family members. But they did not have a reception with guests until almost a year later. Princess Haya also married (had her "nikkah" ceremony) in the presence of her family members. But they still haven't had an official reception yet.
Usually most people have the nikkah and reception at the same time. But sometimes some couples dont have an official reception right away.
Prince Ali and Princess Rym also didnt have an "official" reception because they cancelled it.
Thanx Humera , but we also in my country do the same I mean first nikkah ceremony then after months or year we do the big ceremony when the bride move to live with the groom in their new house
the official reception as I know mean that the bride will move from her family house to live with the groom .

so as I understand that Haya or that what it seemes that she live with mo already .
so why they will do a reception ?
houri said:
Thanx Humera , but we also in my country do the same I mean first nikkah ceremony then after months or year we do the big ceremony when the bride move to live with the groom in their new house
the official reception as I know mean that the bride will move from her family house to live with the groom .

so as I understand that Haya or that what it seemes that she live with mo already .
so why they will do a reception ?

Yeah i know sometimes if a couple is young or still studying at school or something, they only do the nikkah ceremony which means they're married but they dont have the reception until the bride is ready to leave her parents' house.
But in Haya and Sheikh Muhammad's case, they already are married and living together as you mentioned. But they still haven't had their official wedding reception as all couples do. They were going to have it soon after the wedding but it was postponed for one reason or another including the death of Sheikh Zayed.
Now it seems that they might be able to have the reception after all.
As happy as i am for Haya, i've got a feeling that this marraige won't last. I think as the years go on, she'll find it more and more difficult accepting being some1's 2nd wife. I know that she didn't go into this marraige lightly, but like i said i doubt it will last - i give it 10 years max!
Amina said:
As happy as i am for Haya, i've got a feeling that this marraige won't last. I think as the years go on, she'll find it more and more difficult accepting being some1's 2nd wife. I know that she didn't go into this marraige lightly, but like i said i doubt it will last - i give it 10 years max!

well i love princess Haya the most , and i wish for her all the happiness , i try to understand that her marriage was her choice ,and this is what she is really wanted , but i have to admit that her marriage is wrong , this is not her , but when i think a bout it i found princess Haya trying to protect her self, in their world you have to be strong enough to face all the hate , that she faced before she needs Moh powers , and i think this is what makes her marry him.

Why is HAYA not yet pregnant if she realy loves mohamed al maktoum???
Thats no reason to get pregnant, otherwise every woman would get pregnant everytime she fell in love. Some women wait years after marriage to have children.
Haya has only been married for a year. Maybe its her choice to wait a little more before starting a family.
I think Mohamed didnt want more children ..Iheard that if they have ababy he will be the crown prince of Dubai .....after death of shekh Rashed ..
I dont think thats the real reason . Shes a young woman so I think she would want children of her own even though hes got his own kids.

I think eventually they'll have kids of their own.
I don't know but i don't feel a romance between Princess Haya en Mohamed A Maktoum.

shame on her. He likes her father
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Why is it ashame? Younger women marry older men all of the time.
sommone said:
Why is it a shame? Younger women marry older men all of the time.
I think people say it because of plural marriage things,well we dont know her reasons but seeing recent photos of Haya,my heart goes out for Sheikh's first wife,while she cant be photographed and is never seen with her husband and has to be wrapped up in veils and burqas,Haya is free to wear couture designe dresses and walk hand in hand with her Hind endure this pain wonders me....
Isn't Hind used to Mo having more than one wife?
cute_girl said:
I think people say it because of plural marriage things,well we dont know her reasons but seeing recent photos of Haya,my heart goes out for Sheikh's first wife,while she cant be photographed and is never seen with her husband and has to be wrapped up in veils and burqas,Haya is free to wear couture designe dresses and walk hand in hand with her Hind endure this pain wonders me....

Did it ever occur to any one that maybe Hind isn't bothered by it? We won't know as we don't have her side of the story.:cool:
We will never have her side of the story.
sommone said:
Did it ever occur to any one that maybe Hind isn't bothered by it? We won't know as we don't have her side of the story.:cool:
she's certainly bothered unless she doesnt have human being's feelings.but I think it's not Haya herself that bothers her,it's her husband.
cute_girl said:
I think people say it because of plural marriage things,well we dont know her reasons but seeing recent photos of Haya,my heart goes out for Sheikh's first wife,while she cant be photographed and is never seen with her husband and has to be wrapped up in veils and burqas,Haya is free to wear couture designe dresses and walk hand in hand with her Hind endure this pain wonders me....

I dont think thats true at all. Just because Hind isnt photographed doesnt mean she doesnt dress up like Haya does. Infact Arab first ladies are famous for wearing the best, most expensive, and latest European clothing. They are among the top couture clients in the world. All the biggest designer names have their boutiques in the Gulf and since that region is notoriously wealthy, even many of its average women can afford to shop at such expensive outlets. Even the ladies of the Saudi royal family, who are never seen or photographed, get the latest collections from Europe. One only needs to see a few interviews from these women in the western media and realize that they might be all covered up on the outside in front of the camera, but they have the best clothing, whether its lingerie, or a suit or a gown.
A low profile in the media can be deceptive but you can be sure that these women dont want for clothing or jewels.
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cute_girl said:
she's certainly bothered unless she doesnt have human being's feelings.but I think it's not Haya herself that bothers her,it's her husband.

Haya isn't the first woman to come into Mo's life outside of his 1st wife, Hind. There are/were other women in the past, and at this point, I believe that maybe it doesn't bother her so much. Now, I'm not saying that this is the right behavior to have in this situation, but I'm just suggesting it as a possibility. I mean I could always be wrong, but then as I said before, we won't ever know because her side won't ever get told.
has it happend to you to oppose what you've said before?
it happend to me an hour ago,I know this is off topic but I hope you just laugh as we did.
as me and friends were having lunch the chief resident asked me and one the guys to examine a woman who'd come with abdominal pain.we asked her to lie on bed,just when my friend leant forward to examin her,she started screaming and shouting over and over "get lost,get loooooooooost"!we were both shocked and didnt know what was wrong i suggested maybe there's a pin on the bedcothes!
at last when our chief calmed her down asked what the matter was?she replied"this idiot wanted to touch me!!"I just couldnt help myself laughing,the woman was over 60!
anyway there're really some women who wants to wrap up themselves in black chadors and veils and...their honor is that no man out of the circle of family has ever seen them like the women i mentioned,she was saying"i came here to be examined,not to commit adouTRFy!"
maybe this is Hind who's chosen not to be's maybe her own decision to live like that,maybe she's even satisfied with polygamy as it was what the prophet did too.who knows?
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