Queen Paola Jewellery

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
RachelD said:
Paola comes from a royal Italian family...right?
More Princely than Royal. Her father was Don Fulco, Principe Ruffo di Calabria, Duca di Guardia Lombarda.
Warren said:
More Princely than Royal. Her father was Don Fulco, Principe Ruffo di Calabria, Duca di Guardia Lombarda.

Line I: Ruffo di Calabria The members of this line bear the title Don/Donna and the surname Ruffo di Calabria.

Principe (con Decreto Ministeriale 15-5-1928) Don Fulco (* Napoli 12-8-1884 + Ronchi di Apuana 23-8-1946), 13° Duca di Guardia Lombarda e 17° Conte di Sinopoli dal 1901, Patrizio Napoletano; Senatore del Regno d’Italia dal 6-4-1834 (convalida 4-5-1934, giuramento 5-5-1934), Questore del Senato 15-4-1939/5-8-1943 e 6-8-1943/12-7-1944 (dimissionario), Membro della Commissione per il giudizio dell'Alta Corte di Giustizia 22-9-1937/2-3-1939, Cavaliere dell’Ordine Militare di Savoia, insignito di Medaglia d'oro, 2 Medaglie d'argento e 4 Medaglie di bronzo al Valor Militare e di Croce al merito di guerra; fu un celebre pilota di caccia ed "asso" della Prima Guerra Mondiale con 20 aerei velivoli nemici abbattuti in duelli aerei.
= Torino 30-6-1919 Luisa Gazelli, figlia di Augusto dei Conti di Rossana e San Sebastiano e di Maria dei Conti Rignon (* Torino 19-5-1896 + Roma 27-4-1989) (v.), Dama di Palazzo della Regina d’Italia.
I saw that the Queen fabiola has a very beautiful tiara. Is this jewelle is somtime load to the Queen Poala?

I fear not, but may be I'm wrong.

In fact I don't undersatnd how the Belgian Royal Family wear not very much jewelles because we can think that with theirs owners in the Belgian Congo the could have a lot of diamands.

But it's true that the belgian monarchia as it exist toay is not very ancient and, may be, don't have a lot of jewelles. Actually I don't know.
Queen Fabiola does not share her personal jewelry with Paola or any other member of the family. The tiara she received from Franco is only used by her (and not very frequently)., as is the tiara she received from jeweller Wolfers.

The Belgian RF owned a lot more jewels in the past, dispite being 'new', but many went to Queen Marie-Jose of Italy, GD Josephine-Charlotte or were sold by Princess Liliane. Of other jewels the whereabouts are unknown to, but they are generally considered to be sold (like the floral diademe of Queen Marie-Henriette).
The Belgian Queens have an unfortunate and depressing history of dispersing their collections rather than passing them down. Only a few major pieces appear to have come into Paola's possession; courtesy of King Leopold III, many jewels were "lost" to the Princess de Réthy, which have subsequently been auctioned off.

Time will tell if Queen Fabiola leaves her collection (the extent of which is unknown) to Paola or Philippe/Mathilde, or if it too will be dispersed.
Queen Paola was so beautiful and elegant in her younger years but she is still elegant today. Fit to be a Queen. I wish she had more tiaras to wear, she is a Queen and should be adorned with proper jewels, especially during big gatherings of royals. Just my opinion...
It's sort of odd that there hasn't been a tiara purchased for her. At least not recently. There must be a reason, either that the family won't spend the money or she doesn't want another. **shrugs** Anyone have some insight?

The 1907 scandal explains why some of the jewels are gone...but it's been a century. New purchases? I think it's time. It also doesn't explain why there are so few, because usually the queen of a country leaves most of her jewels to her eldest son's husband (the future queen). Strange.
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Well, Queen Marie-Jose of Italy received a lot of jewels from her mother (Queen Elisabeth of the Belgians). Leopold III gave most jewels to his second wife. Many were sold by the couple, so that leaves very little for Paola.

There is no known reason why the Belgians didn' t purchase mor jewels. Perhaps they do not have enough money to buy expensive jewelry or they simply don't think it is that important and are ok with the collection as it is now. Considering the modesty of both Queens I suspect the last explanation is closest to the truth.
Perhaps the political situation in the country (lack of unity) contributes? Maybe the RF does not want to appear wasteful?
I actually think The Belgian Empire Tiara is quite lovely. I really like the fact that only the reigning Queen or Queen consort can wear it.
I hope that one day the royal family can buy the Cartier tiara that belonged to Queen Elisabeth of Belgium back.
That's a really beautiful one. I believe it was Princess Liliane who sold it (the house of Cartier then bought it back).
It would be the perfect gift for Princess Elisabeth when she becomes Queen!
Queen Fabiola does not share her personal jewelry with Paola or any other member of the family. The tiara she received from Franco is only used by her (and not very frequently)., as is the tiara she received from jeweller Wolfers.

The Belgian RF owned a lot more jewels in the past, dispite being 'new', but many went to Queen Marie-Jose of Italy, GD Josephine-Charlotte or were sold by Princess Liliane. Of other jewels the whereabouts are unknown to, but they are generally considered to be sold (like the floral diademe of Queen Marie-Henriette).

I suppose I can understand why the dowager Queen Fabiola does not lend out her personal jewelry-it seems to have quite a bit of sentimental value-but I sure wish she did. Queen Fabiola has a stunning collection, truly worthy of a queen. The creative way she used her pieces made it look like she had more than she did.

I am hoping that her collection will remain in the BRF after she passes away.
I do hope that Queen Fabiola leaves the beautiful trefoil leaf tiara to Queen Paola. It would greatly enhance the collection of the Belgian queens, and possibly allow for the smaller of the tiaras to be borrowed occasionally by the crown princess or other family members.
Whenever I see a new post about the Belgian royal Jewels, my heart leaps and I hope that this time we will see a new Tiara or parur on one of the princesses, or Queen, donated maybe by a wealthy Belgian or a Saudi Prince, but alas it is no meant to be:cry:
The demi parure has been given to the State of Belgian which is an excellent solution or I should say donated.
Whenever I see a new post about the Belgian royal Jewels, my heart leaps and I hope that this time we will see a new Tiara or parur on one of the princesses, or Queen, donated maybe by a wealthy Belgian or a Saudi Prince, but alas it is no meant to be:cry:
I love the Belgain Jewels, where were they made?
Do you think that the Queen should have excepted this gift, even though it was stated that they are to be the property of Belgium?

Would it have been better to except a gift of some sort that would have
helped the Congo people themselves.

Queen Elizabeth on her recent visit to Canada asked her gifts to be
in a monetary manner donated to Charities that would benefit Canadians.

And of course we will not get into the Belgiums history in the Congo.
If she hadn't accepted it, that would have been a scandal (offending your hosts! the horror!) and if she'd have asked for something specific that could have always been spun as presumptuous too. And I think the Congolese gov't knew all the possible outcomes and still chose to give her this gift. She did the best thing she could have, IMHO - accept the gift but give it over to the state to take some of the sting off the "scandal".
Yep, if Queen Paola had refused the gift and it was from the First Lady of the Congo, it would have been viewed as a snub and an insult. There is a very bad history of atrocities in the Congo when it was under Belgian rule so this would have added to hard feelings. Let's face it, the King and Queen are very aware of the situation in the DRC and what has happened, they don't live locked up in the palace. In accepting the demi parure and then donating to the State, there was face saving on the part of all parties in the two countries.:flowers:
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from swedens wedding 2010


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