Queen Margrethe II announces Abdication for January 14, 2024

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My goodness, I am as shocked as everyone else! Also very impressed that they managed to keep this news completely to themselves, no whispers in the media beforehand!
Does anyone think that Marie and Joachim might move back to Denmark to take on more duties and help F&M ?

It is likely. They sold their villa near Copenhagen last year, and bought another a few months ago, which indicate a sudden change of plans. I suspect they plan to relocate to Denmark shortly to help Fred and Mary. Princess Benedikte has taken on many arrangements to help the Queen, but I suspect she will retire too.
I wonder if this has anything to do with why Christian didn't go to Australia. Maybe he spent time with his grandmother consulting about the future (in addition to his studies).

One nice thing about this is that the new reign will begin on a happy note, rather than with a funeral. That opens the door for new celebrations!


But there is the difference, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was a consort not a Queen Regnant like her daughter Queen Elizabeth II. so the Queen Mother wasn't going to upstage the QEII.

It's interesting that Queen Margrethe will be both a (former) queen regnant and a queen mother.
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Like many of you i’m stunned and in shock… This took me completely off guard… 2 weeks time is not that much… But she has always been The Queen of surprises and dramatic statements…

Thank you Daisy for 52 years of incredible Queen’ship !!

I truly hope she has taken this decision after her own wish, and not because of a serious illness
Has Christian finished highschool?
This is unexpected, and yet, when you think about it, it isn't totally shocking. Knowing Daisy, I'm sure she has excellent reasons for taking this decision, and that she sincerely believes that abdication is in the best interests of Denmark, and the crown.
And how lovely for the crown princely family (minus Christian) that they were able to squeeze in a visit to Mary's family before this big life changing event is taking place.

I think that the trip was also a chance for Mary to let her family know the news in person of the upcoming abdication.
Completely shocked!! What a wonderful Queen, I do hope it has been a decision made by her for positive reasons. It’s no coincidence that this comes so soon after the recent affair rumours, if this was announced previous to that story I’d have been overjoyed, excited for Mary and Frederik. Hopefully everyone can now move on, and support the new King and Queen who I’ve no doubt will be wonderful in their new roles.

Do we think the Australian trip was planned so Mary could share this news with her family?
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It's interesting that Queen Margrethe will be both a (former) queen regnant and a queen mother.

A Queen Mother is the widow of a King who is also the mother of the new monarch. As a Queen Regnant Queen Margarethe cannot be a Queen Mother.
This is unexpected, and yet, when you think about it, it isn't totally shocking. Knowing Daisy, I'm sure she has excellent reasons for taking this decision, and that she sincerely believes that abdication is in the best interests of Denmark, and the crown.

I firmly believe the death of QEII really set the idea of abdication into motion. She was visibly distraught and moved and I think she saw the immense amount of pressure a grieving Charles was under and remembered how hard her ascension was. Abdication is the kinder option for monarch and heir. Allow the heir to take over free from grief and remain a supportive figure in the background as needed(and enjoy a much deserved retirement). That, plus her health issues and Christian reaching his age of majority, make the timing seem right.

Do we think the Australian trip was planned so Mary could share this news with her family?

Its was also their last chance to visit without too much of a fuss. Traveling to a foreign country, even on holiday, is tricky for a sovereign. Plus there will be a renewed media interest in the new King and Queen in Australia that won't make for quiet trips for a while.
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Shocked. Was doing other things today and actually told by a friend I’d made into a Daisy fan.

I hope she’s well and I wish her a peaceful and fulfilling post-queenship.

I will miss her majesty (lowercase) combined with her wonderfully whimisical, theatrical, intelligent goofiness.
I firmly believe the death of QEII really set the idea of abdication into motion. She was visibly distraught and moved and I think she saw the immense amount of pressure a grieving Charles was under and remembered how hard her ascension was. Abdication is the kinder option for monarch and heir. Allow the heir to take over free from grief and remain a supportive figure in the background as needed(and enjoy a much deserved retirement). That, plus her health issues and Christian reaching his age of majority, make the timing seem right.

However, according to her address (see the post by Lumutqueen on page 1 of the thread), the train of thought which led up to this decision was instigated by her back surgery earlier this year:

In February this year I underwent extensive back surgery. Everything went well, thanks to the competent health personnel, who took care of me. Inevitably, the operation gave cause to thoughts about the future – whether now would be an appropriate time to pass on the responsibility to the next generation.

I have decided that now is the right time. On 14th January, 2024 – 52 years after I succeeded my beloved father – I will step down as Queen of Denmark. I will hand over the throne to my son Crown Prince Frederik.​
A Queen Mother is the widow of a King who is also the mother of the new monarch. As a Queen Regnant Queen Margarethe cannot be a Queen Mother.

Not necessarily. There's no hard and fast rule for that. Queen Juliana was occasionally described as "queen mother," even though she had been a queen regnant and was no longer a queen.

I believe it's just a "description," not an official title, except in the case of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who used it as a title.
Not sure about protocol. I wonder if M&F will do a state visit, incoming or outgoing, to UK first, before eventually going to Australia?
It is after all King Charles' turf, so I imagine it would be common courtesy to say hi to him first?
Or is Australia, royal protocol speaking, so independent that paying their respect to King Charles first, won't be considered necessary?
Is there a coronation in Denmark? Or simply a proclamation?
Is there a coronation in Denmark? Or simply a proclamation?

Simply a proclamation. I guess a grand ball will be hosted at night since the ascension takes place after an abdication instead of the passing of the previous monarch.
Can't see any change being needed.

Christian and Mary can step in as Rigsforstander, so can Benedikte and even QMII in an emergency.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Benedikte retire on her 80th birthday in April. (And I hope her nephew is as inclined to celebrate Benedikte as his mother would be!)
Queen Margrethe II just announced in her live broadcast New Years speech that she intends to abdicate on 14 January 2024 – the 52nd anniversary of her ascension to the throne.

Thank you for sharing this news with all of us.
Her decision does seem quite sudden, but perhaps she merely wants to ensure a smooth transition for her son?
Simply a proclamation.

The wording is going to be different though. It's going to be a first.

Normally the PM would proclaim three times from the Balcony at Christiansborg (The Parliament): Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II is dead. Long live His Majesty King Frederik X.
Yes I suspect Mary visited to tell her family and see them one last time before becoming Queen. I suspect the family knew (I mean with inly two weeks notice until she abdicates they must have known ) hence why the whole family came together for Christmas with Daisy, one last time with their mother and grandmother as sovereign.

I guess Daisy will keep Marselisborg Palace and maybe use the French Chateau, if her health allows it (and I suspect of course a residence at Amalienborg) Maybe catch up with her also widowed sisters who have also in recent years lost husbands and positions of importance and had to take a back seat.
What a surprise and what a shock. I hope she will not disappear from public view. She is such a great favourite with so many royalty watchers. A larger than life character that always makes us smile.

It is a pragmatic and sensible decision. Letting the heir waste his/her best years is counterproductive. Demographics simply have changed so much that abdications seem more and more logical.
I sure was not expecting this today, especially given her statements in the past. But, given what she said in her speech it seems that her sugery (and likely other things like additional limiting health issues), maybe the death of QEII, gave her pause and during her rehabilitation (which no one knows how difficult that really may have been) to think about the future and what was best for the monarchy.

She certainly cannot be begrudged a well-deserved and well-earned retirement to rest, relax, give more time to her passions/hobbies and, at the same time, watch as her son/heir take and DIL take over and move the monarchy forward. She can still attend the bling events and even still have an engagement here and there (as Princess Beatrix does). Plus she can also be there to support and advise Frederik. Thus, this transition can be seen as a happy occasion for everyone, even if with bittersweet undertones.

It is obvious to me that this is not something she just woke up on December 31st and decided to have a "drop the mic" moment at the end of her speech. This, imo, has been in the planning stages for months. There are too many variables and logistics to handle to just decide this with two weeks notice. This, again imo, has been in process bts and strictly on a need-to-know basis with only the necessary personnel and staff involved. She did not just spring this on the PM and government.

In this context, Mary taking a longer holiday to Australia and then the family going to New Zealand makes sense. Maybe Mary wanted to tell her family in person about the huge change that was about to happen and spend some longer quality time with her family. And the CP family wanted some quiet time before this was announced to the public.

This is no way was a last minute decision. Nor do I believe there is some machination by QMII to make Frederik King for any other reason than she believes it is time for this transition and Frederik, Mary and Christian are more than ready for this change. She has said many times that she has confidence in Frederik and that he is ready for this role. She is not going to hand over the reigns to Frederik if she did not believe he was ready, committed and fully prepared to take on the responsibility.

It will be interesting how the program/events will happen going forward. This is the first time that in DK in centuries that a change in monarch is not resulting from the death of the reigning monarch. Usually, it is quite a somber transition with a country in grief. Any Dane on this thread, please correct me if I am wrong in that assumption. So, given that this transition happens because one monarch steps down and another steps in and it is more of a happy tone, will there be any type of celebratory banquet. A way to mark this really unprecedented event.

Also, it is a special touch that the transition will happen on January 14th. I wonder if this become more the norm in DK if January 14th will become the set date for any transition of this type.

As for the issue of royal jewels. Mary will now be the one to wear the Crown Jewels as Queen consort. QMII may pass on to Mary some of her own pieces for her use. I assume she will continue to wear the ruby parure as Queen Ingrid did. But, I think QMII will keep some pieces for herself to wear when/if she attends events where tiaras are required, especially ones that were personal gift to her. I doubt she will have to ask Mary for permission or anything like that.

Also, I wonder if now Mary will finally be made a commander of the Danneborg that she will be Queen consort.

Question: Will the Order of the Elephants now all be changed to Frederik's monogram as King or will all those orders issued under QMII remain with her monogram as they were awarded under her reign? There will also be a new family order as well. Will all the CP kids receive a family order now that their father is King? or do they have to be of age? So many logistics to consider, handle, address and officially put into motion that there is no way this has not been in the works for a significant amount of time. I mean will even the names of certain things such as the CPC Awards and their centers at the universities in Aarhus and Copenhagen respectively - will those have a name change?

I truly wish QMII a well-deserved and well-earned rest. I hope that she and her sisters can spend some sister time together as well. QMII has made her mark on the monarchy and the DRF for 52 years and she has apparently stepped down while on top, popular, respected and on her terms.
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I guess Daisy will keep Marselisborg Palace and maybe use the French Chateau, if her health allows it (and I suspect of course a residence at Amalienborg) Maybe catch up with her also widowed sisters who have also in recent years lost husbands and positions of importance and had to take a back seat.
I guess she will retain her Palais at Amalienborg as the one of Frederik and Mary was renovated so that it could become the Kings Residence. And probably also Marselisborg. The question is if at Fredensborg she will keep the use of the Palace or if that will be given over the new King and Queen

Well, she is very fond of Gråsten, and Queen Ingrid retired there and that was much appreciated locally!

I also imagine QMII will take over Kancellihuset at Fredensborg, which M&F use often. Because so did Queen Ingrid.

What will happen on the 14th is that after the proclamation has taken place, the colours of the Royal Lifeguard Regiment will be moved from the mansion used by QMII to the mansion used by M&F. At the same time the guards on duty will have moved or will be the next shift move to the guard-room in the mansion used by M&F.

Where ever QMII resides after her abdication there will be a detachment of guards outside. Unless M&F are in residence it will be from another army regiment.
I think we can take QMII's words for exactly what they are.

In the aftermath of her back surgery she did some serious reflection.

We have discussed before in these threads that outgoing state visits clearly were hard on her (can't blame her!) and it is no secret that she isn't as mobile as before.
I think QMII is a woman who prides herself in doing her very best when she is on. Its her duty.
And if she feels she can't live up to her own (no doubt high) demands then there is a logic solution.
Also, abdications for retirement isn't a sensational thing anymore. Even popes do it!

I don't think there are any deeper motives behind this than this.

Good opinions pools for Frederik are nice, but not decisive.
That there have been a few small controversies here and there doesn't really matter. They weren't big to really rock the boat. And there have been other and worse things in her reign.
Christian's age doesn't really matter either. She could still step in as Rigsforstander if need be. (I actually don't think she will, unless it's an emergency.)
I am happy for QMI that she is going to have a well earned retirement after 52 years of service to her nation.

Best wishes to the future King and Queen of Denmark.

I am still convinced that The Netherlands ' Princess Beatrix has been sending out cheerful "Join me and enjoy your retirement " messages to her peers for 10 years now.;)
Where ever QMII resides after her abdication there will be a detachment of guards outside. Unless M&F are in residence it will be from another army regiment.

That was one of my doubts, she will always have a regiment with her then? She gets to keep her ladies in waiting, doesn't she?
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