Queen Letizia's Evening Wear Part 5: September 2018 - October 2019

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woow Finally!! I waited 8 years to see this dress again.. My best bday gift. Thanks Leti
Gorgeous gown and hairstyle on Letizia tonight a vast improvement on the messy arrival ensemble.
The dress looked fabulous in 2011. But tonight when Letizia wears the order and sash with it, it doesn't look good at all. Because Letizia wears the sash like that, it ruins the look totally.
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Very elegant tonight and with a beautiful tiara!!
Because Letizia wears the sash like that, it ruins the look totally.

Hiow shpuld she wear the sash oterhwise. A nmot so wide version would be better but that is nothing on which she has influece.
A necklace would have completted the look. Like one of the diamond riveres from the joyas-de-passar.
This dress is absolutely gorgeous! Letizia looks fabulous tonight. I had completely forgotten she had worn this before. Wonderful that she pulled it out again!
I liked the first time; not impressed at all this time.

And what is it about Felipe's posture? Is it that hard to stand up straight?
I love that dress. It’s one of my faves.
A beautiful gown. I can’t see any problem in the way she wears the sash.
Delightful to see her in this ravishing gown again. Such a lovely drape and subtle colour.
Stunning gown, thrilled to see again. :flowers:

Her hair and styling is wonderful. Do wish for a necklace though.
The dress looked better when she wore it in 2011. The sash, as worn, spoils the whole look. It should be worn over the shoulder. This seems somewhat disrespectful to the order and country.
The dress looked better when she wore it in 2011. The sash, as worn, spoils the whole look. It should be worn over the shoulder. This seems somewhat disrespectful to the order and country.

My question is; is there a protocol that sashes shouldn't touch bare shoulders? I've seen other royal ladies do this as well and there must be a reason. I personally think it would look better if the sash had been worn the usual way.
And I agree with other users; a necklace would have perfected the look.
One of my favorite gowns of hers though.
This evening gown looks simply gorgeous. Wonderful to see it recycled again. Like previous posters I wish she had worn a necklace to complete the look. Otherwise its great look from Letizia.
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This wasn't a dress for a state dinner - its full princess gown and I was never a huge fan of it when worn to the Cambridge wedding pre dinner. Letizia's frame suits more sleek and slender column gowns.
My question is; is there a protocol that sashes shouldn't touch bare shoulders? I've seen other royal ladies do this as well and there must be a reason. I personally think it would look better if the sash had been worn the usual way.
And I agree with other users; a necklace would have perfected the look.
One of my favorite gowns of hers though.

It seems to be a thing for the Spanish royals that they believe sashes should not touch bare shoulders. Most of the other houses don't really follow that rule.
It just looks plain silly and gives the entire gown an odd, unfinished look.

For a State occasion if the decoration doesn't fit the strapless look, wear another gown.

The sash is not an accessory to play with but an honour. Except when you are the Queen of Spain and the dress is the only thing that matters.
It seems to be a thing for the Spanish royals that they believe sashes should not touch bare shoulders. Most of the other houses don't really follow that rule.

Even Q.Letizia wore a sash over bare shoulder (state visit from peru 2004) im not sure its the "bare shoulder" maybe she is afraid the sash could slip down on bare shoulders? Maybe its just "her style" like both joyas bracelets on one arm

peru visit 2004

Hiow shpuld she wear the sash oterhwise. A nmot so wide version would be better but that is nothing on which she has influece.
A necklace would have completted the look. Like one of the diamond riveres from the joyas-de-passar.

hmm, I can not agree with you this time i dont think the diamond riveres work with the delicate floral tiara&wedding earrings, if the royal house had a collier like the dutch "house diamond" i might agree but the SRf does not own a suitable necklace imo. Most of the necklaces to small or just not suitable imo.
EDIT: Ironically, Felipe has the same sash in smaller as he has a higher rank
It just looks plain silly and gives the entire gown an odd, unfinished look.

For a State occasion if the decoration doesn't fit the strapless look, wear another gown.

The sash is not an accessory to play with but an honour. Except when you are the Queen of Spain and the dress is the only thing that matters.

Tbh i don't understand your point about sash as accessory . we have seen a lot royals playing with the sash. Mary has gathered a sash, Maxima wore her sash and the collier so that both slipped down, had she worn another dress that may not have happened:flowers:
This wasn't a dress for a state dinner - its full princess gown and I was never a huge fan of it when worn to the Cambridge wedding pre dinner. Letizia's frame suits more sleek and slender column gowns.

Imo this ball gown just perfect for her, i dont like her slim/sleak dresses. ;)
Stunning gown, thrilled to see again. :flowers:

Her hair and styling is wonderful. Do wish for a necklace though.

Necklace? Maybe but nothing large. Just a single drop otherwise between the busy print on dress and the sash with huge gold insignia, a fussy large diamond necklace would be over kill and in my opinion take away from the classic look. Plus it wouldn't be Letizia, more like Camilla. This dress is to be made focal and eye catching. Of course the world knows how I feel about sashes on any female.
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Perhaps in 2004, newly married nobody remembered to give her indications on how she should place her sash ... but the women of the Spanish Royal Family always wear it like that, the sash should not touch the bare skin. And when there were no strapless dresses, but with open necklines, they adapted it to the strap.

Men cover their sashes with the vest and jacket, so they are also partially covered.

Queen Isabel II


Queen María de las Mercedes


Countess of Barcelona


Infanta Pilar


Infanta Elena


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