Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

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I think its worth considering posting about the PR strategy but maybe in another thread or a specific thread for it.
I disagree. It is not worth it in my opinion. It does no good and changes nothing and feeds into this current fad of dissecting everything for no good reason. But if people want to discuss, I agree that this thread shouldn't be the one to do it in.
I don't agree that anything BP did influenced speculation. Charles is not a figure of fascination the way Catherine is, particularly in the US. Social media was just not interested in speculating about Charles. He does not generate clicks that make it worth the effort. SM cannot create any interesting Gone Girl fan fiction about him. He is also seen as old and transitional. At 75, pretty much everything about his life is already in the public domain. He could be as open as he wanted, he did not have young children to consider.

KP could have released, word for word, exactly the information released by BP and still the speculation will happen the way it happened. Catherine generates way more interest and far more coverage. It is neither her responsibility or KP's responsibility to service the 'royal watching' industry or bored randos on social media by providing entertaining updates or blow-by-blow account of her health journey while undergoing a health crisis with a young family - oh, you're recovering from surgery, reeling from the shock of a new diagnosis and processing with your husband how you break the news to your young children but wait, let's get a video of you reading cards from the public to put on SM. That's got to be a priority. That will fill the vacuum. Such an inhumane way of looking at things.

Funnily enough, in spite of being in this exact position, she attempted to put out a family picture for Mother's day as they usually do and we all know how that panned out. Bad faith actors are bad faith actors.There was absolutely nothing KP could have done differently that would have stopped the lunacy.
Not exactly. For instance, they should have released the Mother's Day picture as a portrait, not as a news photo. That would have avoided all the major news agencies from rejecting it.

And, while it's true that Charles doesn't attract the same level of intensity, had Kensington Palace pushed out a few more statements and news photos, it would have avoided a lot the conspiracy nonsense.

I'm a bit skeptical of the idea that concerns about the children are driving their strategies. While I don't mean to imply that William and Catherine aren't making their kids a priority, that kind of thing wouldn't have much impact on the PR strategy.
I thought this article summarized pretty well. The writer sort of (?) makes a comparison between Kate and Meghan which I thought unnecessary, but that is not at all the focus of the article - it’s about privacy.


Everyone now is falling all over themselves trying to apologize to Catherine. Why? Because they behaved like immature, emotionally stunted, entitled toddlers. And they know it. Besides that- SM is just vile.

Furthermore- the photo issue was always overblown. It was a family photo. Not a war photo. People need to get a grip already. Again- that is a society problem. A SM problem. People need to get a grip on what’s important and what is not. Sadly, Catherine’s diagnosis has made that painfully clear.

The author also left out that the timing of the public announcement was obviously about what was best for the Wales children. The Wales PR team won imo. They released this when THEY were ready. And what is the result? The Wales and the rest of the RF have the support and love of people worldwide.
Not exactly. For instance, they should have released the Mother's Day picture as a portrait, not as a news photo. That would have avoided all the major news agencies from rejecting it.

And, while it's true that Charles doesn't attract the same level of intensity, had Kensington Palace pushed out a few more statements and news photos, it would have avoided a lot the conspiracy nonsense.

I'm a bit skeptical of the idea that concerns about the children are driving their strategies. While I don't mean to imply that William and Catherine aren't making their kids a priority, that kind of thing wouldn't have much impact on the PR strategy.

Maybe statements and photos would have shut down the conspiracy theories (I doubt it) but they’re not obligated to pander to society’s worst impulses. The vast majority of people weren’t sitting around seriously considering whether Catherine was actually still alive/getting a secret divorce/abducted by aliens.

They gave information right after the surgery that was accurate and clear based on what they thought to be true at the time. They said right from the start they would only update with any new significant information. When, sadly, very significant new information became available, they announced it publicly once Catherine and the family were ready to do so.

Also, what kind of statements and photos could they have released in the past few weeks that wouldn’t have seemed somewhat disingenuous in retrospect, once they made her diagnosis public?
I don’t think that matters.

My mother died of cancer when she was Kate’s age. At that time I was one year older than Prince George is now. I then lost my great grandmother to cancer 2 years later, and my grandmother was found to have cancer a year after that. It is a ghastly disease, treatment can be very hard on the patient. With that background all I care about is that Kate gets good treatment and is able to recover and take care of her family in peace.

As for criticism of the PR strategy— has anyone considered that the Wales’s staff might have been upset about this news too? Also, there’s no PR strategy that I know of that will stop Internet trolls from trolling. If anyone does know of one, hang out a shingle. You will have more clients than you can handle.
I am so very sorry - so very much loss and at such a young age to lose your mom. I would imagine that what Catherine is going through stirs up a lot for you. Please take good care, AnnieCat.
Maybe statements and photos would have shut down the conspiracy theories (I doubt it) but they’re not obligated to pander to society’s worst impulses. The vast majority of people weren’t sitting around seriously considering whether Catherine was actually still alive/getting a secret divorce/abducted by aliens.

They gave information right after the surgery that was accurate and clear based on what they thought to be true at the time. They said right from the start they would only update with any new significant information. When, sadly, very significant new information became available, they announced it publicly once Catherine and the family were ready to do so.

Also, what kind of statements and photos could they have released in the past few weeks that wouldn’t have seemed somewhat disingenuous in retrospect, once they made her diagnosis public?
I doubt the nonsense about Catherine's "disappearance" ever would have popped up if they'd been more proactive. (You don't seen any rumors about King Charles "disappearing.")

Even simple updates acknowledging that they were still following the "after Easter" plan would have helped.

You're right that they could have seemed "disingenuous," and that's the problem of not disclosing things about a high-profile person promptly. If we could turn the clock back, they would have been well advised to release the diagnosis a month ago.

Again, I appreciate (and agree) that Kate has the right to release what she likes, and I understand the idea that they wanted to protect the children. But, in this media environment, those decisions have big implications.
I doubt the nonsense about Catherine's "disappearance" ever would have popped up if they'd been more proactive. (You don't seen any rumors about King Charles "disappearing.")

Even simple updates acknowledging that they were still following the "after Easter" plan would have helped.

You're right that they could have seemed "disingenuous," and that's the problem of not disclosing things about a high-profile person promptly. If we could turn the clock back, they would have been well advised to release the diagnosis a month ago.

Again, I appreciate (and agree) that Kate has the right to release what she likes, and I understand the idea that they wanted to protect the children. But, in this media environment, those decisions have big implications.

But they weren’t still following the after Easter plan. Not the way they intended the original statement. I think it’s kind of silly to release an update to say: nothing has changed. We’re still following the plan we already outlined anyway.

Charles and Catherine simply aren’t in the same position. We’re seeing more of Charles because he is Head of State, and BP wants to show he is- and can- still do the job. The point of seeing Catherine more would be what? To prove to crazy people she’s not dead or something? Why pander to the insane?

KP made a statement she was going to be out for a period of time due to abdominal surgery. People complaining would have had an actual leg to stand on if she’d just disappeared and KP made no attempt to address her absence. That would have been a legitimate complaint

In this case- the media and SM have come off looking terrible. They already seemed like conspiracy fueled, hysterical, entitled nuts. Now they also look heartless. That’s the only big implication I see now that we know what’s going on.

The media also look incompetent. Are they really THIS clueless about what is and is not important? Is the need to generate clicks so great that they need to help fuel hysteria because the wife of the heir to the throne had surgery and didn’t give them all the medical information/photos they wanted when they wanted it?
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But they weren’t still following the after Easter plan. Not the way they intended the original statement. I think it’s kind of silly to release an update to say: nothing has changed. We’re still following the plan we already outlined anyway.

Charles and Catherine simply aren’t in the same position. We’re seeing more of Charles because he is Head of State, and BP wants to show he is- and can- still do the job. The point of seeing Catherine more would be what? To prove to crazy people she’s not dead or something? Why pander to the insane?

KP made a statement she was going to be out for a period of time due to abdominal surgery. People complaining would have had an actual leg to stand on if she’d just disappeared and KP made no attempt to address her absence. That would have been a legitimate complaint

In this case- the media and SM have come off looking terrible. They already seemed like conspiracy fueled, hysterical, entitled nuts. Now they also look heartless. That’s the only big implication I see now that we know what’s going on.

The media also look incompetent. Are they really THIS clueless about what is and is not important? Is the need to generate clicks so great that they need to help fuel hysteria because the wife of the heir to the throne had surgery and didn’t give them all the medical information/photos they wanted when they wanted it?
They were following the "she's on a break until Easter" plan until they released the Mother's Day photo, an epic fumble. (It never should have gone out as it did. Bad PR staff work.)

I must admit that I laughed out loud at the idea of the media looking "incompetent." That's a story that will NEVER be reported! :)

Ultimately, the media is like a hungry animal that needs to be fed constantly. This week, it is feeding on the fact of Kate's announcement. Soon, it will be hungry again. Unless Kensington Palace feeds it something, it will grow its own messages to fill the void.

As I said a few days ago, Buckingham Palace has been handling that "feeding" very successfully with strategic photo ops, videos, and comments. Unless KP does the same, we'll be back to conspiracy theories trying to fill in the blanks. (And, I'm not endorsing that scenario as something that I would like to see happen, I'm just stating what I believe is likely to happen.)
Otherwise conspiracy theorists would probably claimed that the Princess is dead/abducted/in hiding/in a comma or something similarly ridiculous.
The BBC's already had to deny that the film was edited, because idiots have suggested it. I really don't know what's wrong with some people!
Not exactly. For instance, they should have released the Mother's Day picture as a portrait, not as a news photo. That would have avoided all the major news agencies from rejecting it.

And, while it's true that Charles doesn't attract the same level of intensity, had Kensington Palace pushed out a few more statements and news photos, it would have avoided a lot the conspiracy nonsense.

I'm a bit skeptical of the idea that concerns about the children are driving their strategies. While I don't mean to imply that William and Catherine aren't making their kids a priority, that kind of thing wouldn't have much impact on the PR strategy.
Of course it would have an impact, the couple did not put the PR as their top priority, it is their children that are the top priority and rightly so. What statements could they have put out if they were not ready to reveal the cancer. They would be accused of lying now, if they had put out statements saying all is well and Catherine is getting better.
IMO if they had announced that she had major abdominal surgery without adding that it was no cancer they could' ve avoided conspiracy theories. Instead they should have added that there will be further information in due course.
People of course believed that it was no cancer. None knew that they DIDN' T KNOW yet whether it is cancer.
And to say that the surgery was successfull is even more confusing by announcing that it' s cancer at the same time.
I don't see how it is confusing. The surgery was successful in the sense that whatever had to be taken out was completely taken out with no complications to the patient after the surgery. Anatomopathological and probably immunohistochemical analysis/testing of the removed tissue later revealed it to be malignant.
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It's not confusing at all. People do not have major operations to determine whether or not cancer is present. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy is carried out, and then a decision is made on surgery. Abdominal symptoms can have many causes, especially in a woman of perimenopausal age. A decision must have been made on surgery based on other issues, and then testing on the tissue removed must have found cancer.
The BBC's already had to deny that the film was edited, because idiots have suggested it. I really don't know what's wrong with some people!
It also appears to be one take - I wondered about how many times did she have to practice to get it in one take and felt horrible for her. I would imagine she used a teleprompter but maybe not.
I’ve read that she wrote every single word. One opinion piece I read called it a “masterclass” in how to communicate and broke down the entire 2+ minutes explaining why.
Can you imagine having to do this when you’re sick and scared? I think it shows incredible courage and character. I hope they are having the family peace and privacy that they need.
The NY Times weighs in about the media:
That is a good point- the fascination with the BRF clearly continues. People are not apathetic to them. Which for the future of the monarchy- is a good thing.

SM really is a toxic, uncontrollable (it seems) monster.
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I’m not sure I agree with this NYT article at all. The rf would be a lot better off if interest in them was minimal.

We have a monarch because we are a constitutional monarchy not because of the existence of the rf. The monarch’s relatives don’t have to be public figures at all if they don’t want to live their lives in a goldfish bowl.

This recent kind of interest in The Princess of Wales is unhealthy & indecent bordering on hysterical.
The NY Times weighs in about the media:

The point how little power even tabloids have now to control the social media narratives was interesting. One reason I found this forum last year was because I was getting tired how in social media if the royals were talked of there were so much baseless speculation, and I wanted to find calmer place.
what a year for the RF so far. wishing them strength in this rough period. at least they will have the best of care. interesting that both charles and kate's illnesses were initially not thought to be cancerous, and then in a U turn it was discovered they were - i wonder if this is common in cancer diagnoses.

i feel sorry for kate and william for having had to put up with all the drama of the past weeks when they were also trying to internalise the news and how to relay this to their kids. now, kate's video message was so strong and poignant - a great move by whoever thought of it in their comms department. it immediately shut up all the mouths and had nothing but a positive reception. glad that those criticising have now shut up and stopped the ridiculous rumours that were circulated.
:previous: The cases are very different.

Charles had a procedure for an enlarged prostate and unrelated to that problem, a different medical issue was discovered while he was in hospital. So, in his case, there are two separate medical issues that both needed to be addressed. The first one wasn't cancer but the second one is.

In the case of Catherine, her medical issue that required surgery was -based on initial analysis- considered benign/non-cancerous but upon further analysis it turned out that cancerous cells were present, so the initial diagnosis was incorrect and had to be adjusted.
:previous: The cases are very different.

Charles had a procedure for an enlarged prostate and unrelated to that problem, a different medical issue was discovered while he was in hospital. So, in his case, there are two separate medical issues that both needed to be addressed. The first one wasn't cancer but the second one is.

In the case of Catherine, her medical issue that required surgery was -based on initial analysis- considered benign/non-cancerous but upon further analysis it turned out that cancerous cells were present, so the initial diagnosis was incorrect and had to be adjusted.

And to add to this, it is extremely common for an issue to be spotted on an MRI but the actual diagnosis not to be known until pathology reports are done, especially if the disease is caught very early. Sometimes that means trying to find just a couple of irregular cells.
They were following the "she's on a break until Easter" plan until they released the Mother's Day photo, an epic fumble. (It never should have gone out as it did. Bad PR staff work.)

I must admit that I laughed out loud at the idea of the media looking "incompetent." That's a story that will NEVER be reported! :)

Ultimately, the media is like a hungry animal that needs to be fed constantly. This week, it is feeding on the fact of Kate's announcement. Soon, it will be hungry again. Unless Kensington Palace feeds it something, it will grow its own messages to fill the void.

As I said a few days ago, Buckingham Palace has been handling that "feeding" very successfully with strategic photo ops, videos, and comments. Unless KP does the same, we'll be back to conspiracy theories trying to fill in the blanks. (And, I'm not endorsing that scenario as something that I would like to see happen, I'm just stating what I believe is likely to happen.)
Did they?
Yet, this story even reached Japan:

Fake King Charles death story spread in Russia, Ukraine

The British Embassy in Ukraine was forced to issue a statement saying, "We would like to inform you that the news about the death of King Charles III is fake." The country's embassy in Russia also issued a denial.

So despite the various PR moves BP did, still speculations existed to the point that UK Embassy needs to issue official statement. Yes, it didn't make any wave in social media (not even in this forums), but the news still reached Japanese media who's not really as crazy about BRF as American media (and this is NHK which is a serious news media, not a gossip tabloid).

The thing is, clicks/views/likes are the currency in this social media era. The more negative and horrendous (read: ridiculous) the story is, the more it generates clicks and between Charles and Catherine, the latter will generate more interest. I don't think any PR masters can make those conspiracy theorist stop making ridiculous theories. Those people have different logic, they'll denied facts even with the proof dancing in their faces and instead choose to believe lies with no proof whatsoever.
Lit a candle for the Princess of Wales and her family in Norwich Cathedral on Saturday (was away on a short break). Praying for her full recovery, and hopefully now there will be an end to all the nonsense and downright horrible speculation and scrutiny she has had to endure. All that matters is that she gets better.
Both the Archbishop of Canterbury and Cardinal Nichols of Westminster offered prayers for the Princess of Wales

Archbishop Welby said “I take this opportunity to praise her for her spirit of optimism in the face of such difficult news, and am pleased to hear that she is feeling stronger every day.”

“Her bravery in sharing in this way and her continued commitment to supporting others speaks to her compassion and sense of service,”

Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster added in his social media post: “I salute the courage of the Princess of Wales in speaking so openly about her personal health.

“Not only does she give encouragement to all who carry the burden of ill health, but she also speaks so movingly of the importance of her family life,” the cardinal said.

Also the RC Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle offered “prayers for the Princess of Wales, her family and for all who are suffering with cancer.”

Prayers, well-wishes pour out as Kate, the Princess of Wales, reveals she has cancer - Catholic Standard
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