Princess Marie's Partnership with the Syddansk University 2009 - 2024

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Are you sure, that she said it like this? :huh:

According to the article she said: "Helt uventet blev jeg prinsesse i Danmark, og det har været en stor udfordring".

So the answer is yes.
Well, what did she expect, being in a relationship with a Prince of Denmark and especially after he proposed? :p
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Great pictures ;) I think it's always a pleasure seeing Marie on an engagement.
Elle est vraiment belle.
Princess Marie inaugurated the new campus of the Syddansk University in the
city of Slagelse, April 4, 2011.

** Prinsesse Marie besøgte Slagelse ** gallery **

Thank you, Iceflower :flowers:

Again very positive press for our Marie and not just from the local Southern Jutlandic fanpaper... I mean newspaper.
I guess that being labbled "a babe" must be a comliment. :lol: Not sure about "thin" though. :) - Personally I think la Marie could do with two or three kilos more.
Anyway, Southern Danish University (SDU) has, in contrast to the other universities in DK, branches in a number of towns. Now also in the town of Slagelse. - Something the good citizens are not at all displeased with, hence the very warm welcome to the fair Marie.

How rare (and good) to hear something like that from a man ;):)

Here are some more pics from yesterday:

** Prinsesse Marie tog på arbejde i Slagelse **

Thank you, Iceflower & Marika86. I knew we could count on = Jyske Vestkysten to cover our Marie. :p

And believe me, we guys love curves! :lol: That I can say with 100 % certainty.
If you don't believe me, try look at the gender statistics for those watching the programmes with Nigella Lawson. ;)
I actually find Maxima to be the most attractive of the current CP's. She looks like a woman.
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It seems it has been a while since we sew Marie at an official event, she looks great in white but lacking color with that look. Liking the hair style.
Am I seeing Caroline Heering in those pictures?
FasterB said:
Yes, I can understand that, but it is Britt, who is the L-i-W for Pss Marie and not Caroline Heering, who is private secretary for CPss Mary.

I know who Britt and Caroline are, but that still looks like Caroline to me.
I think it definetely is Britt. They do look a bit similar but Caroline's hair is more reddish and have another style, also the ladies eyes look like Britt's and not Caroline's.

Princess Marie as Patron of the Syddansk University attended the university fair "Master and More" in Hamburg, Germany, today, November 15, 2012.
The Syddansk University presented several of their study courses and Marie told the audience about her own study experiences abroad.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** Pic 6 **

** ppe gallery ** video: Royaler Besuch in Hamburg **

** Prinzessin Marie von Dänemark zu Besuch **

** gallery: Uddannelsesmessen "MASTER AND MORE" **

** pp gallery: Princesse Marie : Une ex-étudiante modèle à Hambourg **

** gallery: Royaler Besuch auf der MASTER AND MORE Messe am Millerntor **

** Prinzessin Marie von Dänemark besucht Universitäts-Messe ** translation **
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #47, 2012.
Dagens stjerne - The star of the day.
Written by our man in Germany, Ken Richter. (*)

Our Marie went to a mess in Hamburg for European universities, to promote South Danish University and she succeeded. She was the big attention-magnet of the day!
As Ken Richter remarks, she was the only royal, let alone celebrity to visit Hamburg that day and being young and pretty, the German press showed up in force! To the slight surprise of the poor Marie. (See the previous post by Iceflower :flowers:).

Marie chatted with some of the students present about how it was to study in DK and then she gave a short speech in English telling about how much it meant for her to study at a foreign university herself: "International studying opens up new windows and I had not been here now, had I remained in France.
Denmark has some of the best universities in the world and South Danish University is close to Germany and yet there is a big cultural difference".

However, one of the local reportes, from Bild, Lea Fliess, apparantly hadn't learned the difference between a royal on the job and a celebrity. She was surprised that Marie didn't go walkabout in the city and spend the night at a hotel, but she also added: "Marie is royal and we don't have that at all in Germany. We only have politicians and that's why she's interesting".

(*) Who being from Jutland not doubt has a "Jutlander-hook" on his car. I.e. a trailer hook. And I should be be extremely surprised if he didn't do any shopping on the way home.
We, like most Jutlanders now, go on a monthly pilgrimage to the German stores, where we save quite a lot of money! Because the major supermarkets here in DK, in their endless wisdom, insists on having some of the highest retail prices in Europe.
At the same time the Parliament insist that we pay 25 % vat - and have reduced subsidies on dental work and glasses, so while we Jutlanders go to Germany to shop, we now also get our teeth fixed and get new glasses.
Yet, our politicians cannot understand why the cross-border shopping has exploded. - So if you are short of politicians in your country, you can have some of ours - for free.
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Thanks, Ricarda. :flowers:

Well, it confirms my little remark. :p
However I doubt very much the good Lea Fliess has talked to any "palace insiders", and I also doubt, as is hinted, that our Marie should drive to Hamburg in a limo, when she's shopping there.

Also, if Mary can shop in Copenhagen relatively unnoticed, Marie can too, so it's hardly an issue of her going to Hamburg to be incognito.
Actually I don't think that Mary can go shopping in Copenhagen relatively unnoticed. There always seems to be someone with a camera or at least handy around.
Considering that we haven't seen that many pics of Marie shopping in Copenhagen this explanation (going to Hambourg instead) seems quite reasonable to me. Whether she goes there by limo or by bycicle I really can't say. :) (And I think the journalist wanted to stress out that Hambourg is near to Marie's home and easy to reach by car, not so much what type of car she uses. But there are some words which are automatically associated/used when it comes to royals/famous & rich people.)
With relatively unnoticed I mean that when they go shopping in Copenhagen, it's rarely mentioned in the papers the next day. There are no crowds gathering, there is no hype.

It on the level of: "Isn't that Marie over there"? "Yeah", and then moving on.

Or at the dinner table: "Mary walked into our store today". "Oh", and continue eating.

Considering how often they must be shopping in Copenhagen (and in our Marie's case in Southern Jutland too) it's not much that comes to our attention.
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Let's get back to the topic of this thread - thanks!
A brief video of our Marie arriving at the annual party at the Southern Danish University Friday:

She took part in the official part of the party, which include speeches and presenting prizes. There were 4.000 guests present.
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