Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 1: November 2002 - November 2003

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Hi Josefine,
She is a very beautiful young lady. I like the updos on Madeleine when she wears a tiara. Very elegant! :flower:
i look pictures she wore necklace same as Princess Diana's necklace ? its different or not !

I think i look said Princess Madeline would choose Prince William for husband i dont think so he will become king after his grandmother the Queen 2 that makes sense britian rules ! if Prince William will married at age 25 like as his dad do that !

Sara Boyce
Since she's not a member of the British Royal Family, I think it's unlikely that she would own one of Diana, Princess of Wales' necklaces.

Madeleine has moved in with boyfriend

translation later....But Expressen visited her boyfriend at Östermalam and there was madeleine opening the door, she siad hi with a smile, she did not let them take photos couse her mam and dad would be very angry,
- you don´t want to see my dad angry...

Officially her boyfriend name is on the contract but Expressen says that she has basically moved in,
her address are still drottningholm castle
neighbors tell about a happy princess that always great them with a hello.

Expressen ask about if she will get engagement, she tells them maybe in the future, that would be nice, but for now she is to young.

I myself don't think she has moved, but stays with him a lot…
The paper just wants to sell a story therefor the headline…
What do you say?
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I agree with you Josephine. Maybe she has her own toothbrush and some clothes there, but I guess she´s also much at Drottningholm. I wonder ,why she didn´t want to be photographed, but answered such personal questions ( Ok, maybe the mentioned slippers she wore are too ugly for the public :p ) ?
I also wonder when crown princess Victoria finally move to her boyfriend?! She is almost 26, they are a couple for over a year and she has the money to do!

There´s Madeleines and Jonas new home


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I agree, its a very nice house!! :p

I was wondering, though, do you think the Swedish public cares that Madeleine is living with her boyfriend?

I'm just asking because I was thinking the other day if there were double standards in regards to men and women in royal life. I mean, in every article that I've read about future brides for the Princes William and Harry (for example) one of the qualifications is that the girl should preferably be a virgin, although in this day-and-age, exceptions can be made. Yet, here is royal princess living with her boyfriend. Likewise, Zara of Britain is always living with her jockey boyfriend. Have times just changed from when Diana married Charles (and she had to undergo a checkup to verify her virginity) or, are royal women allowed to do what they like, while women who marry into royality must follow a different standard?
Do you all think she is really living w/ her boyfriend or is it just magazine gossip?

BTW, Madeleine looked very lovely on her first state visit.
Originally posted by Jalmey@Jun 2nd, 2003 - 5:36 pm
I was wondering, though, do you think the Swedish public cares that Madeleine is living with her boyfriend? ... I'm just asking because I was thinking the other day if there were double standards in regards to men and women in royal life. I mean, in every article that I've read about future brides for the Princes William and Harry (for example) one of the qualifications is that the girl should preferably be a virgin, although in this day-and-age, exceptions can be made. Yet, here is royal princess living with her boyfriend. Likewise, Zara of Britain is always living with her jockey boyfriend.
Interesting question Jalmey.

I think that the standards would be different for the girl whom William or Harry lives with rather than on the boys themselves. And the double standard is also that the attnetion here is being paid to Madeline living with this young man rather than the other way around as it surely would be with the young girl whom William or Harry chose to live with. I think that if William espescially chose to live with "Jane" there would be a lot of press about her suitability as a future queen and talk that she wasn't a "proper" lady even though it is 2003 and plenty of (non-royal) couples do it in this day and age.

Unfortunately for the young ladies whom William and Harry fall in love with, there will be lots of pressure on them to behave a certain dignified and proper way and living with either of the boys before marriage would be highly frowned upon.

And because Zara and Madeline (and eventually Beatrice and Eugenie) are born royal, the expectations and standards for them are different.

3 JUNE 2003
Princess Madeleine of Sweden has apparently decided it's time to step out on her own, leaving the plush surroundings of the royal palace for a flat in the centre of Stockholm.

But, according to reports, the 20-year-old royal isn't living solo – she's sharing the relatively modest 92-metre square home with her boyfriend, Jonas Bergstrom.

The plan to move in with her 24-year-old beau began when she began studying History of Art at university in January. "What young person doesn't want independence?," the princess is quoted as telling the Swedish press after it was revealed that she was living on her own. "Even though my parents don't think it’s a good idea."

The princess began dating law student Jonas in December of last year, just a few weeks after a split with ex-boyfriend Erik Grannath. However, though the two have sparked a romance, Madeleine has insisted the new living arrangement doesn't mean there will be wedding bells anytime soon.


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Originally posted by Alexandria@Jun 2nd, 2003 - 7:39 pm
I think that the standards would be different for the girl whom William or Harry lives with rather than on the boys themselves. And the double standard is also that the attnetion here is being paid to Madeline living with this young man rather than the other way around as it surely would be with the young girl whom William or Harry chose to live with. I think that if William espescially chose to live with "Jane" there would be a lot of press about her suitability as a future queen and talk that she wasn't a "proper" lady even though it is 2003 and plenty of (non-royal) couples do it in this day and age.

Unfortunately for the young ladies whom William and Harry fall in love with, there will be lots of pressure on them to behave a certain dignified and proper way and living with either of the boys before marriage would be highly frowned upon.

And because Zara and Madeline (and eventually Beatrice and Eugenie) are born royal, the expectations and standards for them are different.
Hello Alexandria!

Thanks for answering. I see what you are talking about. I mean, you're very true in stating that if William and "Jane" were to move in together, it would cause quite a riot. Already, people are up in arms over Prince William and his roommate Kate [something], and they are supposedly platonic friends.

I can see how Madeleine's behavior can be "looked over" (if that's the correct phrase) because she most probably isn't going to become Queen and shall serve only as a "spare." But, isn't it quite possible that she could very easily replace "Jane?" I mean, isn't it possible that Mad might become a royal bride herself one day? If she were to marry Felipe or William or Frederik would her past relationships come up? Would people think she wasn't a "suitable" match because she lived with former boyfriends?

I highly doubt it. She's beautiful and very-well polished, and don't get me wrong, I like Mad a lot! I'm just saying that because she's royalty, she gets "away" with stuff that non-royals marrying into royalty couldn't.
Next Tuesday, 10th June Princess Madeleine will celebrate her 21st Birthday.

Do anybody know if there will be a public or private celebration and if so what is planned for the day?


I don´t think there will be any official celebrations, since 21 isnt a "special" birthday in Sweden...

but I´m sure she´ll celebrate her birthday with a private birthday party ;)
Polfoto 06-06-2003


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Happy Birthday Princess Madeleine, she turns 21 today, June 10
I've always wondered what would happen if Crown Princess Victoria married Crown Prince Felipe or Frederick. Would the two countries combine under one royal house, or would a sibling then become a new crown prince/ess?
Yes Happy Birthday :)
Anyone knows if she has anything special programed for today? :flower:
Crown Prince Frederick grandmother Queen Ingrid was born princess of Sweden, doesn't that make Frederick and Victoria cousins, not in first degree but still familly :question:


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Alla ville festa med "Madde"

Prinsessan firade 21-årsdag på innekrog i Stockholm i natt
Det blev ett jättekalas när prinsessan Madeleine i natt firade sin 21-årsdag på innekrogen Tarantino i Stockholm.
Kungen och drottningen skålade glatt med födelsedagsbarnet som gratulerades med kyssar av pojkvännen Jonas Bergström.
- Madeleine är så glad och lycklig i kväll, sa prinsessan Lilian när hon lämnade festen i natt.
Festdeltagarna som skulle gratulera prinsessan var mycket glada i hågen när de anlände till innekrogen vid elvatiden i går kväll. Dessförinnan hade de festat på flera andra ställen i Stockholm.
Det dracks vin och hurrades för det lyckliga födelsedagsbarnet som glatt fick ta emot presenter i form av färgglada paket som hon nyfiket öppnade på plats. I ett av paketen låg en bok.

Hon kysstes av sin pojkvän
Kungen höll också ett humoristiskt tal till sin dotter.
Kungaparet skålade för Madeleine med syskonen Victoria och Carl Philip. Men de var långt ifrån ensamma.
Prinsessan Christina och hennes make Tord Magnuson med sonen Victor var också med. Liksom prinsessan Lilian och drottning Silvias brorson Patrick Sommerlath.
Vid samma bord satt även alla kungabarnens kärleks-partners.
Kronprinsessan Victorias pojkvän Daniel Westling, Carl Philips flickvän Emma Pernald och också Madeleines pojkvän, Jonas Bergström, som under kvällen blygt kysste födelsedagsbarnet.
Vid tolvtiden i natt lämnade prinsessan Lilian festen.
- Det har varit ett underbart kalas. Madeleine är så glad och lycklig i kväll, sa hon samtidigt som hon eskorterades till bilen av en säpovakt.

Kungen var på glatt humör
- En mycket trevlig kväll, men nu är det dags att åka hem, sa en glad Tord Magnuson när han lämnade krogen.
Kort därefter kom de övriga gästerna. Kungen skrattade och vinkade glatt till fotograferna innan han nådde bilen.
- Det var en kul kväll, ända tills ni kom, skojade han.
Drottning Silvia bara log när hon och kronprinsessan följde efter.
Can anyone translate the above article into english or at least give a brief summary of what it is about? Were Daniel W., Emma P, and Jonas B. there at the party or was the article merely naming the princesses' boyfriends and the prince's girlfriend? Thanks in advance :angel:
I´ve tried it. As I´m not really talking English and Swedish, it can be a little bit confusing :p I´m already seeing Josefine, as native swedish speaker laughing, in my mind :lol:
I wonder, who was the tattletale, who told the press, what happend inside and I also wonder why Aftonbladet repeats the sentences that often.
The translation:
Princess celebrated 21. birthday at an in-tavern in Stockholm at night
There was a big party when princess Madeleine celebrated at night her 21. birthday in the in-Tavern Tarantino in Stockholm.
The King and Queen toasted happy at the birthday-child, and boyfriend Jonas Bergström congratulated with kisses.
-Madeleine is so pleasant and happy this evening, said princess Lilian, when she left the party tonight..
Particpants of the party which wanted to congratulate the princess were in high spirits (happy in mind?) when the came to the tavern at eleven o´clock (11pm) in the evening
Before that they have partied at some other places in Stockholm.
They drank wine and cheered the happy birthday child, which received presents in form of brightly-coloured packets, which she opened there curiously. In one of the packets was a book.

She was kissed of her boyfriend
The king held also a humorous speech for his daughter
The royal couple drank at Madeleine with her siblings Victoria and Carl Philip. But they weren´t alone there.
Princess Christina and her husband Tord Magnuson with son Victor were also with them. Also princess Lilian and the nephew of the Queen, Patrick Sommerlath.
At the same table sat also the partners of all royal children.
Crown princess Victorias boyfriend Daniel Westling, Carl-Philips girl friend Emma Pernald and Madeleines boyfriend Jonas Bergström too, which kissed shy the birthday-child during the evening
At about midnight left princess Lilian the party.
-That was a wonderful party. Madeleine is so pleasant ans happy this evening, she said, when she was accompanied by a bodyguard to the car

The king was in a humorous mood.
-A really pleasant evening, but now it´s time to go home, said a happy Tord Magnuson, when he left the tavern.

Shortly afterwards came the other guests (out). The king laughed and waved to the photographers before he reached the car.
-That was a cool evening, until you came, he joked

Queen Silvia just smiled, when she and the crown princess followed
"What type of grades has madeleine made through out her acedemic carrer? Has she had braces? Does she or victoria have any medical problems?"

It looks to me like both Madeleine and Victoria have had braces, which brings to mind why Prince William didn't see an orthodontist. He obviously should have and the same goes for Zara Phillips. Queen Margarethe also needs to see a dentist. What is it with some of these royals and their bad teeth? Are they afraid of dentists or what?
Hm, I´m not sure, if princess Madeleine and Victoria have had braces (At least they hadn´t permanent ones). In princess Madeleines dentition overhangs the canine (not really outstanding, but visible) a little bit and princess Victoria has a slant incisor, but maybe just a piece of it broke out. Princess Victoria can be really happy, that her eating disorder hasn´t influenced her teeth-structure, both girls have wonderful white teeth. If Queen Margrethe wouldn´t have started smoking, she would have wonderful teeth too :p The only thing that would help her would be those little white plates, could Veeners, I think. Prince William hat braces! But he asked his dentist to replace/put out the braces, because he feared he wouldn´t find a girl with that.
The photo of Princess Lillian in the outfit she wore to Madeleine's Birthday shows what a wonderful figure she has for a lady of her age, I hope I look that good when I am her age!
I´ve to agree, gita. She has a great figure. But on the other hand, she´s an old lady, there you actually haven´t weight problems anymore. That would be more common in Queen Silvias age, that you gain a little (or a little bit more ;) ) So for me it´s Queen Silvia, who makes me marveling. She didn´t seem to age much in recent years and she has a as good shape as her daughters!
But I admire Lilian for her agile appearance (she´s almost 88 years old!) and her sometimes very "young" and funny sense of fashion. Just remember the millenium-dress she wore in Silvester 1999/2000
Oh yes I remember the silver outfit she wore at the millenium celebrations, that made me laugh! Princess Lillian seems very dear to the both the King and Queen but the Royal children seem to love her with all their hearts.
That black suit of Princess Lilian's is impressive -- what a chic outfit for an elderly woman. Gotta love it.
Originally posted by thissal@Jun 11th, 2003 - 12:56 pm
It looks to me like both Madeleine and Victoria have had braces, which brings to mind why Prince William didn't see an orthodontist. He obviously should have and the same goes for Zara Phillips.
Prince William did have braces! This site actually had a picture of him with them on. (Its not up and running right now for some reason though...). Why does it look like Wills needs to see an orthodontist?

To me it looks like his braces paid off! He has a nice straight smile!


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He does have straight teeth, but that doesn't solve the other problem many orthodontists will correct. But that may have been his choice, so that is fine. Either way, he looks soooo good. B)
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