Princess Madeleine and Chris O'Neill Expecting First Child

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:previous: It's these inconsistences that make their situation interesting and provoke thought.
Its my opinion based on Chris' demeanor so far, eg the decision not to take a title or to move to Sweden prior to the marriage. IMO this was never an option, same goes for the child being born in Sweden. I think he wants to stay as independet as possible and moving to Sweden on a permanent basis would contradict just that in many ways.

Another option based on the facts you mention is that Madeleine realizes the strains is being a royal and didn't want to move back to Sweden full-time.
Well, it's of course difficult to analyze someone you don't know, but I also think Chris O'Neil would not thrive in Sweden.

Judging from his background and professional life I think he views Sweden, Swedish politics and the Swedens themselves as socialists who represent most of what he and his family does not believe in.
It would be very difficult indeed I think for him to adapt and basically assimillate into the Swedish mindset.
Apart from that, he may have married and love a Swedish Princess, but that does not mean that he believes in the monarchy.

So I don't think it's a much a case of Chris being an alpha-male, as a case of his mindset, his political views and all he and his family stand for being, if not incompatible, then certainly being less than willing to adopt the lifestyle of a Swedish prince.
Apart from that, I also think he considers the fact that Madeleine and her children are destined to become secondary royals in Sweden anyway. And if his wife is happy in USA, why go and settle in Sweden?
I also think he considers the fact that Madeleine and her children are destined to become secondary royals in Sweden anyway. And if his wife is happy in USA, why go and settle in Sweden?

I think he's banking on Victoria and Daniel having more children and Carl Philip marrying and producing children so their children will be further from the crown so they won't have to move to Sweden.

I notice that in their engagement interview in October 2012 Chris said he was taking Swedish lessons so he may speak fluently in due course. I also notice that Madeleine said, "For the time being we will continue to live in New York due to both of our current obligations. However, we will not exclude the possibility of moving to Sweden in due course." Has there been a more recent statement from them on this point?
I don't think this pregnancy was planned, which is causing all these "problems" they are having now (title, place of birth, succession).

In my opinion, Princess Madeleine was planning to live in New York for some years, than move to Sweden and start a family.
I don't think this pregnancy was planned, which is causing all these "problems" they are having now (title, place of birth, succession).

In my opinion, Princess Madeleine was planning to live in New York for some years, than move to Sweden and start a family.

Interesting how different people can form completely opposite views about such things. I think the pregnancy was most definitely planned. Heck, if it wasn't they were very careless!:lol: They were already living together. Why get married unless they wanted to have children? As I see it, these "problems" were primarily caused by the marriage, not the birth of a child.
They were already living together. Why get married unless they wanted to have children?

I never said they didn't wanted to have children. You don't need to get pregnant during your honeymoon, it's perfectly normal to wait some year before start a family.

And "accidents" can happen all the time. My grandparents were married for more than ten years and with two children (aged 10 and 9) when my grandmother got pregnant "by accident" (her words). And that was how my mother came into the world. :flowers:

Also, there are married couples who don't want children. I know quite a few of them.
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I never said they didn't wanted to have children. You don't need to get pregnant during your honeymoon, it's perfectly normal to wait some year before start a family.

But often people who are living together only get married when they want to have children. And I think that's particularly likely where one member of the couple is the daughter of a King.

And "accidents" can happen all the time.

Of course they can. But these days if you don't want to get pregnant there are some pretty reliable options. Plus, the timing of this one suggests to me that it was intentional or at least not a surprise.

Also, there are married couples who don't want children. I know quite a few of them.

I'm one half of one of them.
Well, planned or not, this little girl will be a bless, just like any other bab
For a close comparison, Prince Constanjin of the Netherlands, WA youngest brother's children were created counts and countesses by royal decree by Q Beatrix. They have been living in Brussells for quite some time and were in the succession until Beatrix abdicated.
What perplexes me about this whole thing isn't that Madeleine wants to pick and choose when she is a Princess - she seems to have the support of her family, and as she's not the heir I can't see any problem with it - but rather the idea that this child might be given a title. If we had any real reason to believe that the family was going to return to Sweden and take up more of an official role - and that this daughter would likewise one day fulfil an official role - I would get it. But we don't have any indication of that. Chris made it clear that he didn't want a title when he got married, and they've since made it clear that they aren't going to be full time royals, with Madeleine only acting as such while in Sweden. So I don't get why they would then want a title for their daughter.
My question is:

Do they really want their child to have a title?

Or, is it just people taking their lead from the media and making a 12 course Banquet of the notion that they do. Has anyone seen an interview, read a reputable article, or has the Palace stated, that Chris and Madeleine want their child to have a Swedish title.

Or, is it just that we don't know but boy is the supposition/prediction/allegation/suspicion selling papers and filling up acrimonious pages of royal forums such as ours.

In short, are we just spinning our wheels and burning a ***t load of rubber?
My question is:

Do they really want their child to have a title?

Or, is it just people taking their lead from the media and making a 12 course Banquet of the notion that they do. Has anyone seen an interview, read a reputable article, or has the Palace stated, that Chris and Madeleine want their child to have a Swedish title.

Or, is it just that we don't know but boy is the supposition/prediction/allegation/suspicion selling papers and filling up acrimonious pages of royal forums such as ours.

In short, are we just spinning our wheels and burning a ***t load of rubber?

No, Madeleine and Chris haven't said that they want their child to have a title. But Madeleine has stated many times that she wants to keep her title and represent Sweden as the Princess of Sweden, so that makes me think that she wants a title for her daughter, and she wants to have the cake and eat it. And keeping herself the title would also give her a safe future if something goes wrong at the marriage.
And I still say that it is very stupid from the king's solicitor to tell to a swedish magazine already in September that the child will be a prince/princess and a HRH as a decided case, if that wasn't talked about at all.

About Madeleine and Chris having children so soon: After the engagement the swedish press wrote that all Madeleine's friends knew that she has wanted children for so many years and that they were certain that Madeleine and Chris would start a family right away.
About Madeleine and Chris having children so soon: After the engagement the swedish press wrote that all Madeleine's friends knew that she has wanted children for so many years and that they were certain that Madeleine and Chris would start a family right away.

Exactly, I personally think that Madde tried to get pregnant straight away, possibly even prior to their marriage, and that there were never plans to give birth in Sweden, let alone live in Sweden. No, I think that the intention has always been, since getting seriously involved with Chris, to stay in New York, be Mrs O'Neill in private (the choice is by Madeleine, of course) and be Princess Madeleine when attending events in Sweden or when attending social functions with her MIL. It would only fit the picture if Madeleine's daughter would become an HRH since Madeleine herself doesnt seem to get what is so controversial about this attitude. Instead of realising the problem, she seems to be 'disappointed' or 'offended' by critizism or 'media intrusion'.
About Madeleine and Chris having children so soon: After the engagement the swedish press wrote that all Madeleine's friends knew that she has wanted children for so many years and that they were certain that Madeleine and Chris would start a family right away.

But in the interview given to a Swedish magazine after the marriage, Madeleine told that she would like to have some free time and only after that to start a family. While Chris told nearly the opposite.
(snip) I think that the intention has always been, since getting seriously involved with Chris, to stay in New York, be Mrs O'Neill in private (the choice is by Madeleine, of course) and be Princess Madeleine when attending events in Sweden or when attending social functions with her MIL. It would only fit the picture if Madeleine's daughter would become an HRH since Madeleine herself doesnt seem to get what is so controversial about this attitude. Instead of realising the problem, she seems to be 'disappointed' or 'offended' by critizism or 'media intrusion'.

So..............she wants to have her cake and eat it, too.
But in the interview given to a Swedish magazine after the marriage, Madeleine told that she would like to have some free time and only after that to start a family. While Chris told nearly the opposite.

Bet they won't make that mistake again. In future they'll make sure they get their stories straight.
For a close comparison, Prince Constanjin of the Netherlands, WA youngest brother's children were created counts and countesses by royal decree by Q Beatrix. They have been living in Brussells for quite some time and were in the succession until Beatrix abdicated.
The children of Prince Constantin are still in the line of succession. But since the abdication of their grandmother they are not members of the Royal House anymore.
Too bad no more pictures of M&C show up in the media. I liked those non-posed spontaneous pictures where they actually are very cosy with each other.
Much better than the posed 'look at me working a normal office job' pics that she posts on Facebook.

In the absence of real news, maybe some speculation on pics that would be worth a lot of money to the pabs ;-):

- Chris carrying Zorro in the NYC snowstorm
- Chris rubbing Maddie's baby belly
- C&M taking a walk with baby in a fashionable stroller (news alert: what brand does she pick?)
- Chris with baby in a baby sling (now that would be one sweet pic)
- ???
- C&M taking a walk with baby in a fashionable stroller (news alert: what brand does she pick?

Carolina Herrera :flowers: My nieces had that pushchair and it is lovely! Perfect for a little princess
Too bad no more pictures of M&C show up in the media. I liked those non-posed spontaneous pictures where they actually are very cosy with each other.
Much better than the posed 'look at me working a normal office job' pics that she posts on Facebook.

In the absence of real news, maybe some speculation on pics that would be worth a lot of money to the pabs ;-):

- Chris carrying Zorro in the NYC snowstorm
- Chris rubbing Maddie's baby belly
- C&M taking a walk with baby in a fashionable stroller (news alert: what brand does she pick?)
- Chris with baby in a baby sling (now that would be one sweet pic)
- ???

Her baby registry is online so we can all see now what she picked.
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On the cover of Expressen Ectra

The super-exclusive maternity clinic
Here Madeleine can deliver in luxury
Gourmet dishes - own butler - the view

An article about the luxurious hospitals, among them New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell, which according to Svensk Damtidning Madeleine has chosen.
Chefs, Butlers and Marble Baths - Not Your Average Hospital Room -

New York/Cornell is to New Yorkers what Cedars-Sinai and St. John's is to Los Angeles... both super posh, prestigious hospitals.

I once spent four days at Cedar's suffering from a serious bout with the flu. My modest room had deep, thick carpets, TV and dvd/vcr,a large private bathroom and views of the Hollywood Hills.

I can only imagine what the suites for the non-commoners were like!:ermm:
The baby will also be born a swedish citizen (because of the swedish mother) and thus could use a title if a title is given to her.

Well, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Naturalized US citizens who don't give up their original citizenship are still required to give up their titles. And I can't think of anyone with a foreign title who was born an American citizen(I was trying to actually research this and didn't get anywhere).
On the cover of Expressen Ectra

The super-exclusive maternity clinic
Here Madeleine can deliver in luxury
Gourmet dishes - own butler - the view

An article about the luxurious hospitals, among them New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell, which according to Svensk Damtidning Madeleine has chosen.
Chefs, Butlers and Marble Baths - Not Your Average Hospital Room -

Lots of hospitals in the U.S. now have fabulous amenities.
Svensk Damtidning speculates about which duchy the king gives to Madeleine's daughter. The king had a duchy close to his father's duchy, and Estelle's duchy is close to Victoria's. If the same goes for Madeleine's daughter, Dalarna (Dalecarlia) could be the choice. And also Medelpad has border with Madeleine's duchy. And of course Öland is close to Madeleine's heart as she spends her summers there. The last duke of Öland was Carl X Gustaf (1622-1660).
Ulrika Näsholm from the press department says that it is the king who decides the duchies.
I don't think it would be Dalarna if the little one really get's a duchy. Dalarna has also borders to Värmland which is Carl Philips duchy. And by speculating into the future I think it's nicer that a child of him and Sofia - who grew up in Dalarna - becomes a Duke or Duchess of Dalarna.
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