Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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In response to Somebody:
Durek didn't break up with his boyfriend in amiable way - to put it mildly!
I believe a number of saucy details about the ending of that relationship can be found further back in this thread.

My question was not why Durek wanted him to sign it but why it would be in any way interesting for his ex to do so as it was all about protecting Durek and nothing at all that seemed beneficiary for Hank.
Within three nano-seconds the NRF distanced themselves from any notion that special considerations should be imposed on the press in regards to interviews, questions and presentation of the royal family:

And the court emphasize that they have in no way helped or offered advise to Durak in regards to the interview with NRK and VG.
Contradicting what Durek said during the short interview: That he is being counseled by the court.
The court also makes it clear that they never set up conditions prior to interviews, even though they at times have conditions in regards to the use of photos and interviews, after they have taken place. That can be a ban on selling an interview to other medias (i.e. profiting too much on the NRF) or banning the use of photos of the children.
I am sure the NRF doesn't like to be lied about so blatantly and be pulled into this mess that they are actively trying to distance themselves from every step of the way.
Seems like 2019 was a year of disastrous interviews for more than one person. I'll say the same thing about the "shaman" that I've said about the other disastrous interview. Perhaps Mr. Verrett presumed that because his "love" is a princess, everyone would see his words and actions as golden and fall at his feet throwing money? This is how legends in their own minds think. :D

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."
My question was not why Durek wanted him to sign it but why it would be in any way interesting for his ex to do so as it was all about protecting Durek and nothing at all that seemed beneficiary for Hank.

Ah, I see.

Well, IMO it wouldn't be at all in the boyfriend's interest.
You can also turn the question around: Why would it be in Durek's interest to try and pressure his ex into signing a gagging order?
Surely he can sue the ex anyway if what he is saying isn't true? Or sue if he divulges too many intimate informations? I.e breach of privacy.

Seems like 2019 was a year of disastrous interviews for more than one person. I'll say the same thing about the "shaman" that I've said about the other disastrous interview. Perhaps Mr. Verrett presumed that because his "love" is a princess, everyone would see his words and actions as golden and fall at his feet throwing money? This is how legends in their own minds think. :D

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."

To that I will add that Durek probably thought that he would be treated as a kind of semi-royal or at least with the respect he (no doubt believe) is entitled to as the high ranking celebrity he is...
Or, as you say, he expected people would be in awe of him descending on Norway. Keep in mind, He is the Child of Light.

- He should have asked some of his ancestors or spirit guides, surely some of them were prophets, and they could no doubt tell him that prophets more often than not end up as martyrs. :D
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Ah, I see.

Well, IMO it wouldn't be at all in the boyfriend's interest.
You can also turn the question around: Why would it be in Durek's interest to try and pressure his ex into signing a gagging order?
Surely he can sue the ex anyway if what he is saying isn't true? Or sue if he divulges too many intimate informations? I.e breach of privacy.

Good point; that's another interesting question. It was Durek who proposed it, so, yes, he must have had his reasons for it...

Still, I wonder why Durek thought that his former boyfriend would be willing to sign something that had only benefits for Durek and none at all for him (Hank). Is he that blind for other people's perspective and/or did he offer something in return?
"Princess Martha's boyfriend, Shaman Durek, has tried to put pressure on the press not to undermine his reputation.

Now he announces several lawsuits against Norwegian media.

Here he leaves an interview with the newspaper VG that asked questions about his past."

What a mess ML gets herself into time after time,and then with this pretentious creature,get a life!!!But then out of our view please mange takk!
Its not preposterous for me to think that sooner or later, this "shaman's" true nature will be revealed and the stardust will clear from ML's eyes and she'll see who he really is. As the saying goes, love is blind but the neighbors ain't. ;)

Give Durek Verrett enough rope and he'll eventually hang himself with it. I believe this is already in progress from what I've read.
She is not doing royal engagemetns, she is not getting any official income..I don't think she's behaved very well but she's not really scandalous.. I imagine that the King will decide if he wants her to lose the title of princess..

I thought she still headed her royal patronages and supports them. I haven't heard that she has been removed from them, perhaps I missed that. That would be a proper and logical step in my opinion.

The moment that her boyfriend threatened to sue the press in her country should have been enough to give her head a shake. So sad. I didn't mind when she was conversing with the angels and encouraging others to follow a less travelled path. It wasn't too damaging and one could roll their eyes and say "well, that's the princess", if they didn't agree. But this....sad.

However, Denville, I do think her behaviour in this phase of her life is scandalous.
The Shaman has "undermined his reputation" of his own accord, the press didn't need to manipulate anything in order to do so! :whistling:
I presume he must be bisexual?

From what I've seen and heard of him, I think he is all the way homosexual. I think he dumped his boyfriend and has latched onto Martha Louise because she was an easy and very willing target and, to his mind, she will make him famous. That boyfriend can't do that. I have a feeling Martha Louise was the most stupid woman he could find who was marginally famous. I can't imagine an American woman of any fame would want him. I'm just wondering how much longer this thing with ML will last. He is currently (in)famous in Norway but I don't see him being satisfied with that. I think his long-term plan is to get to the United States, either with or without ML and build his brand here.
From what I've seen and heard of him, I think he is all the way homosexual. I think he dumped his boyfriend and has latched onto Martha Louise because she was an easy and very willing target and, to his mind, she will make him famous. That boyfriend can't do that. I have a feeling Martha Louise was the most stupid woman he could find who was marginally famous. I can't imagine an American woman of any fame would want him. I'm just wondering how much longer this thing with ML will last. He is currently (in)famous in Norway but I don't see him being satisfied with that. I think his long-term plan is to get to the United States, either with or without ML and build his brand here.

Durek is from the U.S-he was born and grew up in California. And he already is acquainted with some U.S. celebrities. Gwyneth Paltrow featured him on her Goop website. Some places he is called her spiritual guide or healer.;)
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So much confusion there is back from Durek! I think this relationship will end sooner or later. Martha Louise is being used and only she doesn't see it. Let's see if this story will end well for Princess Martha Louise's side ...
When I read the bit about how he (Verrett) believes that women who have had many lovers have an "imprint" in their intimate parts that needs to be cleansed...the first word that came screaming through was MISOGYNIST.

I mean, okay fine. But what about promiscuous males? No cleansing necessary?:ermm:
:previous: same here, but apparently Gwyneth Paltrow advocates that line of thinking as well, so it's not just a male vs female thinking..

I'm all for open minds and thinking outside of the box, but people like this shaman irk me when they stimulate people to do so, but then turn out to only want them to think along their own school of thought ("inside their box" if you will ;) no visual image intended).

His utterings about "if you don't overcome a disease you didn't want it enough" are hurtful, disrespectful and dangerous imo

To me he comes across as one who thinks he knows it all and can mold others the way he wants them, and maybe in M-L he found someone who is indeed very moldable...but he probably thought that would give him a platform into a bigger european audience to promote his worldvision, and that is unlikely to happen.

imo he also comes across as a person who is very sure of himself and when someone doesn't agree, he will lay the blame with the other; that too will not work with many people and certainly not with the media

This is one time that I would have liked him to hook up with a british princess, just to see what the british media would make of him...they'd have a fieldday :lol:
When I read the bit about how he (Verrett) believes that women who have had many lovers have an "imprint" in their intimate parts that needs to be cleansed...the first word that came screaming through was MISOGYNIST.

I mean, okay fine. But what about promiscuous males? No cleansing necessary?:ermm:
What on earth must her family feel? Are they concerned she is being manipulated by this modern day Rasputin wannabe or are they merely resigned to the continuing embarrassment wrought by her increasingly eccentric behaviour.

Personally I wrote her off where she became obsessed with Angels and co-founded her Angel School. I was pretty well convinced that Elvis had long since left the building.
I won’t link to it, but the ‘Fail’ has a tacky story about the shaman today.
Personally I wrote her off where she became obsessed with Angels and co-founded her Angel School. I was pretty well convinced that Elvis had long since left the building.

Most norwegians lost their positive interest in her when she married Ari. But that is long forgotten now and Ari is treated like he is a saint because he is dead and because of her new even more controversial boyfriend.

People have short memory......
Most norwegians lost their positive interest in her when she married Ari. But that is long forgotten now and Ari is treated like he is a saint because he is dead and because of her new even more controversial boyfriend.

People have short memory......
I can only agree with you here, Hans-Rickard! Exactly how I perceive things about Märtha.
I remember vividly the "storm" her wedding caused (at least pushed by the media...) to the then so called "scandal-author" Ari Behn, who had himself being filmed using weed on film in the presence of prostitutes... As a consequence she had to put down her HRH along this wedding.
And yes, post mortem almost every celebrity becomes a "saint"...:whistling: Late Pr Henrik of Denmark also comes to my mind here! How much of an annoying embarressment he was for "Queen and country", his eccentricities, the extra treatments for his dachshounds, his bad danish ... right after his death he was canonised.
I just wished they had regarded Ari the worthful individual, with problems and mistakes like everyone, he was instead of putting him on a pedestal now!
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When I read the bit about how he (Verrett) believes that women who have had many lovers have an "imprint" in their intimate parts that needs to be cleansed...the first word that came screaming through was MISOGYNIST.

I mean, okay fine. But what about promiscuous males? No cleansing necessary?:ermm:

Oh, eww. If she loves him, she can have him, but I'd like to think she's more sense between the ears than to hook up with someone who thinks something so repulsive, especially when she has three impressionable daughters. Who knows what kind of garbage they've picked up in the time he's been with M-L.
When I read the bit about how he (Verrett) believes that women who have had many lovers have an "imprint" in their intimate parts that needs to be cleansed...the first word that came screaming through was MISOGYNIST.

I mean, okay fine. But what about promiscuous males? No cleansing necessary?:ermm:
I can't Believe it !!!! What he says had been said centuries ago when they even believed that the first lover of a woman would leave such inprint in them such as their first child (with another Partner) would have all the physical charasteristics of their first lover.
They really thought it in past centuries, that's one of the Reason men insisted on having virgins when they married.:bang:
They say the memory is the second thing to go. Anyways, I found this video quite interesting and can't remember if it was posted here or somewhere else I stumbled on over the past couple of days.

This is a message that really slams it to the "shaman" and his outrageous and preposterous beliefs on a woman's need for "cleansing". I'm glad there is a doctor of medicine willing to stand up and debunk crapola when he sees it. Not much Durek Verrett could say in reply to this. :D

They say the memory is the second thing to go. Anyways, I found this video quite interesting and can't remember if it was posted here or somewhere else I stumbled on over the past couple of days.

This is a message that really slams it to the "shaman" and his outrageous and preposterous beliefs on a woman's need for "cleansing". I'm glad there is a doctor of medicine willing to stand up and debunk crapola when he sees it. Not much Durek Verrett could say in reply to this. :D

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
Absurd. The Princess and Mr Verret are two adults, living their own life. What kind of doctor is that to vent such opinions about two individuals without even having met the two in person, without a proper anamnese, without any consultation. It is soliciting towards a disciplinary procedure for improper and unprofessional execution of the medical profession.
Hahaha [emoji16][emoji16]
Absurd. The Princess and Mr Verret are two adults, living their own life. What kind of doctor is that to vent such opinions about two individuals without even having met the two in person, without a proper anamnese, without any consultation. It is soliciting towards a disciplinary procedure for improper and unprofessional execution of the medical profession.

I don't think a doctor is going to get into trouble for telling the truth!
I don't think a doctor is going to get into trouble for telling the truth!
It´s not the point if he will get into trouble or not, but if it is reputable or serious of this doctor, claiming at the same time the other person was just not, to make a diagnose about people without anamnese or consultation...:whistling:
If I'm a doctor, and some barely literate quack is going around saying kids get cancer because they're unhappy, you damn well better believe I'm going to say something about that. I'm the doctor. I have the MD. I went to school for years to study and practice medicine. This "shaman" who likes talking out of his posterior did not.

That doctor was responding to dangerously stupid comments M-L's boytoy made. My mother is going through cancer treatments right now. I don't like the idea of someone without a medical degree or license to practice medicine telling me it's my mother's fault she's sick. So, yes, if a doctor wants to make a video setting this clown straight, I'm all for it. He did nothing wrong. It's no different from an auto mechanic making a video after someone said you can fix a flat tire by filling it with marshmallow fluff.
The only thing that was the sole aim of the video presented was to debunk and give logical and informative reasons why Durek's statements about "imprints" are totally unfounded. It doesn't take knowing either Durek or ML to know that the insane need for a woman to "cleanse" is so preposterous that the record had to be set straight. The doctor in the video was performing a service to people that may have read or even slightly believed that what the "shaman" stated is true. Kind of like debunking a tabloid story with the real facts. ?

Cancer, on the other hand, isn't a disease of the mind or the soul. Its a biological invasion of the body that needs to be attacked, dealt with and eradicated (if possible) by any means available to the medical profession. This past year saw us here face that battle not only with my husband who is now cancer free but still battling to recover from the war he went through to beat it. We also lost our beloved furbaby, Max, to cancer last September. Nobody in their mind, consciously or unconsciously, *wants* to go through this kind of thing. When you slice your hand open, you need stitches to fix it. You didn't slice your hand because you like the color red.
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