Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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And what were they going to talk about?
But I'm curious if they got in touch.

It is curious that Shaman Durek encouraged Martha Louise to contact the Dukes of Sussex.

Meghan and Harry being bigger fish that ML perhaps?
And fortune-cookie quotes embossed on the satchels. Fortunately on the backside...

And being genuinely curious, can someone who is in touch with the spirit-circles (alternatively who can ask a spirit) explain the symbols in Durak's satchel?
Ready for the next chapter in this saga?

As you may recall Durek published a book in Scandinavia - mainly in Norway I believe, in which he made some... interesting... medical observations among other things. And as such the book was withdrawn by it's Norwegian publisher. Then after a few alterations it was republished by another Norwegian publishing house.

But now two weeks after it ended up in the bookstores and here in the middle of book-selling high season, the book has not sold well!
The book has not even made it among the top-100 most selling books in Norway. (That translates to a sale of more than 400 books in bookstores.)
The publishing house informs that they have sold some 200 copies through their website.

The Norwegian paper, Verdens Gang, that I have enclosed a link to is almost bursting with barely contained glee between the lines.
The Danish tabloid BT, doesn't bother hiding their glee. As it is mentioned in the article: Shaman Durek says he can cure cancer and talk to the dead. But he can't sell books.
Ready for the next chapter in this saga?

As you may recall Durek published a book in Scandinavia - mainly in Norway I believe, in which he made some... interesting... medical observations among other things. And as such the book was withdrawn by it's Norwegian publisher. Then after a few alterations it was republished by another Norwegian publishing house.

But now two weeks after it ended up in the bookstores and here in the middle of book-selling high season, the book has not sold well!
The book has not even made it among the top-100 most selling books in Norway. (That translates to a sale of more than 400 books in bookstores.)
The publishing house informs that they have sold some 200 copies through their website.

The Norwegian paper, Verdens Gang, that I have enclosed a link to is almost bursting with barely contained glee between the lines.
The Danish tabloid BT, doesn't bother hiding their glee. As it is mentioned in the article: Shaman Durek says he can cure cancer and talk to the dead. But he can't sell books.

what kind of medical observations Mulher?

i never warmed up to durek. there's something off about him and his relationship with ML.
what kind of medical observations Mulher?

i never warmed up to durek. there's something off about him and his relationship with ML.

Among other things that cancer is self-inflicted in the sense that it is the outcome of a subconscious wish not to live anymore.
A positive outlook will as such remove cancer. It is basically down to whether you have the will to be cured or not.
As such Durek start by asking his patients: "Why do you want this cancer?"
Durek added in his book that this approach is easier with children, because they reply "honestly" - Because I don't want to be here anymore.
Kidney-stones and psoriasis can be cured in the same way.

That combined with a number of other statements on among other places his website, like his ability to "cleanse" women who have had many sex-partners and remove the physical imprints such activity has made in their vaginas, made the Norwegian medical profession label him a dangerous quack.

In his book, Spirit Hacking, he tells this story: When he was fourteen, a sorcerer came into his room and flew right through Durek, burning a hole in his body. And lying there in a pool of blood, the room was filled with an army of angels. One of them (I guess there are skeptics among angels as well) asked: "This is the child of light who has come to wake up the people?" Joining hands with the angle, the two of them fought off the dark forces with knives and magical weapons.
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... he's lost it :)

i don't disagree that optimism probably helps cope (and who knows, maybe even heal illnesses) but the thought that cancer patients 'want' cancer is simply outrageous and i no doubt sympathise with the families and the patients who are suffering it to have to hear this nonsense.
Among other things that cancer is self-inflicted in the sense that it is the outcome of a subconscious wish not to live anymore.
A positive outlook will as such remove cancer. It is basically down to whether you have the will to be cured or not.

Right! I guess my sister, age 35, really, really wanted to leave her husband and two young boys to fend for themselves. It's good to hear people aren't buying what this fool is selling. Now, will someone please get Martha Louise away from him and to a safe place, even if they have to kidnap her. This man is a danger to her and her children.
:previous: I can assure the "shaman" that my poor
terrified mother had no secret desire to develop painful stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and to die six weeks after diagnosis without ever having had a chance to make her peace and say goodbye to her loved ones.

Seriously, what has happened to ML's soul that she can tacitly agree with these bizarre and cruel ideas??:sad:
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Perhaps ML, in her quest for a new and more fulfilling life after Ari, believes her Shaman has put a ring on it and declared his undying, everlasting love for all eternity. Unfortunately though, it looks like the ring she's wearing is worn through the nose.

I consulted my crystal ball to scry just what those from the Great Beyond say in regards to this book and the answer I was given was to "use the rent free space in your head for something worthwhile". ?
My deepest sympathy for your loved ones, Moonmaiden23 & MsLeonie.
It must be infuriating to read such nonsense.

Perhaps ML, in her quest for a new and more fulfilling life after Ari, believes her Shaman has put a ring on it and declared his undying, everlasting love for all eternity. Unfortunately though, it looks like the ring she's wearing is worn through the nose.

I consulted my crystal ball to scry just what those from the Great Beyond say in regards to this book and the answer I was given was to "use the rent free space in your head for something worthwhile". ?

As with so many things I think it's about money.

The Norwegian (and Danish) press has been doing some digging into Durek's business and those who do business with him. It's a very lucrative business to be "alternative" it seems!
One of the partners is the actress Gwyneth Paltrow, whom ML has met BTW. Durek is Paltrow's spiritual guide/advisor - or at least that's how it started. Because Paltrow has set up a profitable business, Goop. That business sell all sorts of remedies and tools for alternative treatment, from dildos (I kid you not!) to crystals. Paltrow back in 2015 advocated women to steam-clean their vaginas (still not kidding!) which should result in said women "balancing their hormones."
Apart from that Goop sells jade-eggs to be inserted in the vagina in order to enhance sexual energy. - That led to a lawsuit and a settlement.
As well as selling a drink that should work against depression.

Despite strong criticism Goop is estimated to be worth 1.5 billion DKK = 223 million $.

This business works so well, very much because of name-dropping. If you can get a famous person or a person with a title to advocate or at least use the products sold be Goop, it increase the sale very considerably.

- Now we come to speculations.

Durek is interested in Princess Märtha-Louise, because of her title. Whether he genuinely loves her or he is just charming her and using her as a stepping stone to a new market (the Norwegian and through that the Scandinavian market) or whether they are genuinely kindred spirits privately as well as commercially is secondary. It's business first and foremost IMO.
Her title is useful, whether she is allowed to use it or not, really doesn't matter, she still has a title, she is still a royal and that's what matters.

But Märtha-Louise also need Durek.
It is no secret that ML is in need of serious cash, if she is to maintain her current lifestyle for much longer. She is also interested in selling her books and lectures in other markets. And here connections come in. The more connections, the better. The more famous persons who advocate or at least read her books or appear with ML, the better for her sale.
She has pretty much exhausted the Norwegian market - in several ways. And the income in my estimation can hardly support the lifestyle she wish to live. So the US market is attractive, she just needs to get a foot in. And this is where Durek comes in...

I have for some time now been wondering whether we are seeing two hecklers trying to heckle each other, or whether we are seeing the beginning of a business co-operation.
In both cases ML is not finished embarrassing the NRF - and I say that without having consulted my ancestors and guardian angels.
But the royal family is very rich. Should she also receive money from her parents or not?
This all seems very strange and is bad for the image of the Norwegian royal family and the monarchy.
King Harald and Queen Sonja and Prince Haakon should try to open their eyes to Martha-Louise while it's time.
I've thought hard about putting these thoughts into words but I can't help but see the striking similarities. The "connections" bit that you mention, Muhler. This world is filled with manipulators that look for "easy marks" and stroke the egos and get a whole lot of "sheeple" to follow them and along with that flock, comes the blessed and almighty green dollars in the pockets, fame and fortune and a pretty comfy lifestyle to boot.

Isn't this also somewhat along the lines of what we see in the award winning Sociopath Manipulator of the Decades that went by the name Jeffrey Epstein? He's another one that could charm the pants off of a lot of people (literally) and convinced them that he was the answer to their prayers? Is ML the Shaman's Ghislaine Maxwell counterpart?

Maybe, and I can't 100% rule it out, the Princess and the Shaman are truly star crossed lovers with their moon in the seventh house and Jupiter aligned with Mars (if you get this reference, you'll see I'm dating myself here) throughout the eons and are meant to be but I think outsiders looking in see a whole lot different than perhaps these two are seeing through rose colored glasses. Just some of the ideas that this shaman presents, to me, are downright dangerous.

Just a few thoughts here.
I don't know how much money, stocks, art and jewellery the NRF owns, but certainly while the King and Queen are both alive, ML can't get her hands on any of it. - So not doing any royal duties and thereby getting an apanage, she needs in income - a substantial income!

Whether the NRF have seen through her. I guess they have, but they still love her I imagine. But going so far as to give her a very considerable sum - that is likely to be used up anyway - that's a step I don't think they will take. The Norwegians won't like it! Because it's seems obvious to me, that the Norwegians have seen her for what she is.

But as time goes and she is using up her disposable funds quicker than she is generating new incomes, she will be more and more desperate to get money. Even going to extraordinary lengths if need be IMO. Even at the expense of her family.
As we have seen from her lectures, interviews and books, she is very fond of talking about me, myself and I - and very little about everybody else, who should otherwise matter in her life.
So will she have serious qualms about embarrassing the NRF further if need be?

I got the reference, Osipi.
My hair is grey as well.

His ideas are dangerous. We are, alas, descending into a world where an alarming number of people have more faith in Google or a shaman than doctors.
If people who ought otherwise be rational die, from listening to such con-men, so be it. But if they persuade others to follow a dangerous path (as we have seen recently with vaccinations against measles) or prevent their children from getting treatment, that's dangerous.
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I think she may really be in love with this man, and love blinds her to the point of agreeing with what he does. Or there is interest from both parties in this relationship.
Whatever it is is very sad and Martha-Louise's family must be very sad about all this and they should be worried too.
I think she may really be in love with this man, and love blinds her to the point of agreeing with what he does. Or there is interest from both parties in this relationship.
Whatever it is is very sad and Martha-Louise's family must be very sad about all this and they should be worried too.

I think that first and foremost, Martha-Louise is in love with herself. Even before meeting the creepy guru she has forged a path which many times caused the royal family discomfort and concern. She is disrespectful of her heritage and family and deserves a new title: former Princess Martha-Louise of Norway. P
For some reason or other M-L seems to be in constant revolt against her family and is doing as much as she can to embarasse them - i'm pretty sure she gets an appanage form her parents, and this is the only thing to reign her in a bit (like not using her Princess as a unique selling proposition)

I hope she wont have another child together with the Shaman ... with modern methods a lot is possible
Add my grandmother and her four siblings to the list of people who clearly wanted to die prematurely of cancer - pretty sure my great-uncle was racing to leave his wife and twin children behind after passing away from leukaemia at 35 :bang:
I'm glad that people aren't buying this nonsense.
Shaman's sister has posted a photo of her with Märtha Louise to her Instagram
Congratulations to my brother’s beloved, Märtha Louise, Princess of Norway, on her amazing talk at @TEDxAmsterdamWomen last night. It was wonderful to spend time together this weekend, and to meet so many like-minded women at the event. Love you! Give Durek a big kiss and hug for me. xoxo.....

And the Shaman posted the same photo to his Instagram
Family is everything to me. I was so happy that my sister @demidelanuit and my lady @princessmarthalouise @iam_marthalouise are so close. These two power houses are a unstoppable force of creativity and wisdom. They both guide me to be a better man. Thank You! Tribe, tag the women who guides you.
PML's speech at the TEDx event is on
. She seemed to be very nervous at first, but I thought she did very well. I guess I'm just glad she didn't provide a platform for the shaman and only focused on herself.
"Princess Martha's boyfriend, Shaman Durek, has tried to put pressure on the press not to undermine his reputation.

Now he announces several lawsuits against Norwegian media.

Here he leaves an interview with the newspaper VG that asked questions about his past."

That won't be wise!

No need to declare war on an already hostile press-corps. And the legislation in Norway may differ considerably from USA.
The press may actually try and prove he is a fraud! And that shouldn't be too difficult...


In this article you will find the mail Durek's lawyer has send to the Norwegian paper VG and the state public network NRK:

It was refused, which IMO is hardly surprising. Such agreements are usually only used in very special exclusive interviews here in Scandinavia.

Nevertheless Durek decided to let himself be interviewed and here the paper VG asked Durek about the conditions he attempted to set up. After which Durek, supported by his PR-person broke off the interview.

Later the paper got this mail:

Well, well, well. Talk about a cultural difference!
Like I said before the Scandinavian press have to have their arm twisted before agreeing to such conditions.
Also, Durek is a public figure who is dating a member of the NRF and as such (that is the stand of the Norwegian press) he must expect questions, also critical questions, about his private life as well as his business and other things of public interest.

IMO the Norwegian press will not back down!
And if he takes this to court he will lose. - In more ways than one. The combined Norwegian press will be up in arms and on the warpath!

It gets better!

Shortly before the relationship with ML was made public, Durek tried to have his ex-boyfriend, Hank Greenberg, to sign a non-disclosure agreement - Read it here:
A livid Hank Greenberg refused.

And since he seems happy to talk to the Norwegian press, Durek has made one more false move.
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I think that first and foremost, Martha-Louise is in love with herself. Even before meeting the creepy guru she has forged a path which many times caused the royal family discomfort and concern. She is disrespectful of her heritage and family and deserves a new title: former Princess Martha-Louise of Norway. P

M L has made it clear many times that she don’t want to be seen as a traditional Princess and don’t want to be seen as a member of the Norwegian Royal Family.

But she can’t talk herself away from being the biological daughter of the King and Queen (maybe the shaman can help her with an excuse for that too?). And she clearly had no problems in touring as ”The Princess & The Shaman” before her family put a stop to that (likely by threating her to not give her any money wich would make her life as a royal almost without any royal engagements impossible).

In this day and age you can’t force anyone to be who they don’t want to be - but perhaps it would have been better for everyone involved then if The King not only relived her of her ”H.R.H status” but also lifted the ”Princess” name from her......
She is not doing royal engagemetns, she is not getting any official income..I don't think she's behaved very well but she's not really scandalous.. I imagine that the King will decide if he wants her to lose the title of princess..
That won't be wise!

No need to declare war on an already hostile press-corps. And the legislation in Norway may differ considerably from USA.
The press may actually try and prove he is a fraud! And that shouldn't be too difficult...


In this article you will find the mail Durek's lawyer has send to the Norwegian paper VG and the state public network NRK:

It was refused, which IMO is hardly surprising. Such agreements are usually only used in very special exclusive interviews here in Scandinavia.

Nevertheless Durek decided to let himself be interviewed and here the paper VG asked Durek about the conditions he attempted to set up. After which Durek, supported by his PR-person broke off the interview.

Later the paper got this mail:

Well, well, well. Talk about a cultural difference!
Like I said before the Scandinavian press have to have their arm twisted before agreeing to such conditions.
Also, Durek is a public figure who is dating a member of the NRF and as such (that is the stand of the Norwegian press) he must expect questions, also critical questions, about his private life as well as his business and other things of public interest.

IMO the Norwegian press will not back down!
And if he takes this to court he will lose. - In more ways than one. The combined Norwegian press will be up in arms and on the warpath!

It gets better!

Shortly before the relationship with ML was made public, Durek tried to have his ex-boyfriend, Hank Greenberg, to sign a non-disclosure agreement - Read it here:
A livid Hank Greenberg refused.

And since he seems happy to talk to the Norwegian press, Durek has made one more false move.

Just when I think he can't get any more bizarre than he already is....

Please keep us updated on the progress of all this, I'm finding it fascinating.
Having your boyfriend threaten the Norwegian media with lawsuits just because they ask critical questions isn't helpful at all... And using your princess title to promote a show by yourself and your shaman-proclaimed boyfriend was apparently sufficiently scandalous for the king to put a stop to it.

Durek doesn't have to engage with the Norwegian media but out of commercial interest chooses to as he wants to use them to advance his own business. However, as the boyfriend of the king's daughter (something he likes to point out himself all the time and he even uses it to raise his own profile at the future queen's confirmation) he should move very carefully but that's clearly not what he intends to do.
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Shortly before the relationship with ML was made public, Durek tried to have his ex-boyfriend, Hank Greenberg, to sign a non-disclosure agreement - Read it here:
A livid Hank Greenberg refused.

And since he seems happy to talk to the Norwegian press, Durek has made one more false move.

And was in it for Hank Greenberg to prompt him to sign this non-disclosure agreement? It seemed very one sided, so I fully understand that he did sign it and have the threat of legal action over his head with every word he might utter about his own life.
Just when I think he can't get any more bizarre than he already is....

Please keep us updated on the progress of all this, I'm finding it fascinating.

With pleasure. :D

It's not the first time Durek has threatned to sue the Norwegian media, who... shall we say... distorts his perception of reality. He has done that twice.
First because his book was stopped in Norway.
And second because a satire-show in Norway made this scathing satire you can see in the top of this article:

It's about a child who is dying from cancer and who is not ready to die yet. A doctor has called in Durek to help and even though the parents are skeptic, the boy ends up dying with a smile on his face.

Durek couldn't see the fun part of that one and responded:,.../2019/10/29/195622435/1/original/11533387.jpg

Within three nano-seconds the NRF distanced themselves from any notion that special considerations should be imposed on the press in regards to interviews, questions and presentation of the royal family:

And the court emphasize that they have in no way helped or offered advise to Durak in regards to the interview with NRK and VG.
Contradicting what Durek said during the short interview: That he is being counseled by the court.
The court also makes it clear that they never set up conditions prior to interviews, even though they at times have conditions in regards to the use of photos and interviews, after they have taken place. That can be a ban on selling an interview to other medias (i.e. profiting too much on the NRF) or banning the use of photos of the children.

- In other words: Durek acts before he thinks, when he threatens with lawsuits.
And the court are very busy distancing themselves as far as possible from Durek. - Somehow I don't think he will be invited for a cup of tea at the palace any day soon.

In response to Somebody:
Durek didn't break up with his boyfriend in amiable way - to put it mildly!
I believe a number of saucy details about the ending of that relationship can be found further back in this thread.
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