Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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A Tent for a Wedding folowing the Norvegian Church Wedding Liturgy everyday something new.
Months ago there was an article in "Town&Country" magazine where Durek confirmed that they are being married by a Norwegian priest :

Durek posted, "We are delighted to announce that Parish Priest Margit Lovise Holte will officiate our wedding in Geiranger on August 31st, following the Norwegian Church's wedding liturgy. Reverend Michael Beckwith will also participate in the ceremony with a greeting. We look forward to this beautiful day with great joy."

Who is Reverend Michael Beckwit and what denomination does he belong to?
Who is Reverend Michael Beckwit and what denomination does he belong to?
See here:
As I understand not a "real" reverend, denomination I would guess similar to Durek's;)
In a recent opinion poll, carried out by InFact for Dagbladet, 54.4 % answered that they think Märtha Louise should give up the princess title.
There is a clear majority as 21.2 % respond that they don't think she should. 24.4 answered "don't know".

It is irresponsible of the media that they (while repeatedly conducting polls on the title issue) are almost completely ignoring the substantive issue of succession and minimizing news coverage of King Harald V's decision to use Article 36 of the Constitution to keep Princess Märtha Louise's right to succeed to the throne in place.

Even if the majority of the public agrees with the King's decision to keep Queen Märtha Louise and Prince Consort Durek a live possibility, it is a matter of state which deserves a modicum of discussion and coverage.

It hasn't been said that the wedding would be at a church.

Indeed, the couple announced early on that their wedding would be in Hotel Geiranger. That is why we are discussing why it is not being held in a church, as per the norms of the Church of Norway.

Months ago there was an article in "Town&Country" magazine where Durek confirmed that they are being married by a Norwegian priest :

Durek posted, "We are delighted to announce that Parish Priest Margit Lovise Holte will officiate our wedding in Geiranger on August 31st, following the Norwegian Church's wedding liturgy. Reverend Michael Beckwith will also participate in the ceremony with a greeting. We look forward to this beautiful day with great joy."

To be fair to Durek, he posted the announcement to his own public Instagram – as your link shows – so he was not confirming it for Town & Country specifically.
Indeed, the couple announced early on that their wedding would be in Hotel Geiranger. That is why we are discussing why it is not being held in a church, as per the norms of the Church of Norway.

I think to much focus is being put on why they're not getting married in a church. It seems nothing extraordinary given that the link you posted gives four equal options of where you can get married within the Church of Norway:
1. Your parish church
2. Another parish church
3. Outside or another place in Norway
4. Abroad

As I read it the webpage is describing different options for weddings within the church instead of mandating weddings to be held inside a church. .
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SAS strike may make problems to the wedding of the century...
SAS will probably have to put all planes on the ground next week, due to the fact that the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions is taking out all of its cabin crew in SAS on strike from Wednesday next week.
This may therefore affect the wedding guests, if they are to fly from Oslo to Ålesund next week with SAS.

Se og Hør has counted that an "average" wedding guest must count on costs around NOK 32,230.
The guests are invited to six different events, all of which require attire, which many have to buy.
The wedding guests have told to cover the wedding fees themselves. It must be done at the check-in counters at the various hotels, according to the invitation. The hotel rooms were reserved in advance by the bride and groom, but the guests could wish for cheap or more expensive rooms.
Transport to and from Ålesund must also be covered by the wedding guests themselves.
Many have probably also dug deep into their wallets when it comes to wedding gifts, Märtha Louise and Durek are known for their expensive and exclusive taste.

Historian Trond Norén Isaksen writes at his Instagram, that Haakon Lorentzen will attend the wedding.
See here:
As I understand not a "real" reverend, denomination I would guess similar to Durek's;)

She is quoted in his page as his major book fan and by having his books sold, possibly part of her book recommendation business she had for years, she gets a cut of the sales.
As I stated before, California's Hollywood culture is plagued with a culture of con artists shamans and life coaches, spiritualists and every fake priest of made-up churches. And they get their power from the circle of friends of celebrities. But as of now, Shaman Durek is about to become the king of all of them very, very soon.
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That wedding is not under a lucky star . I have often wondered why this couple which is so in love and must have noticed that many people are questioning them, didn't decide to get married quietly with just a few guests, family and friends, without making that international big fuss about it! Seems like they want the really big Hollywood star like show no matter how much criticism there is, no matter what problems have arised within the NRF. My advise (which is too late and nobody would listen to anyway) would have been, marry, be happy and live your life in Norway or US without bombing the world with your personal esoteric/or healing beliefs. Sure there are people who are believing in Durek's healing power and life style and it might help them, but the majority is not. So why don't keep themselves in their niche and just enjoy your personal marital life?

Hopefully they have invited affluent guests who are able to pay for all the extras.
That wedding is not under a lucky star . I have often wondered why this couple which is so in love and must have noticed that many people are questioning them, didn't decide to get married quietly with just a few guests, family and friends, without making that international big fuss about it! Seems like they want the really big Hollywood star like show no matter how much criticism there is, no matter what problems have arised within the NRF. My advise (which is too late and nobody would listen to anyway) would have been, marry, be happy and live your life in Norway or US without bombing the world with your personal esoteric/or healing beliefs. Sure there are people who are believing in Durek's healing power and life style and it might help them, but the majority is not. So why don't keep themselves in their niche and just enjoy your personal marital life?
That would be the case for people who are marrying in good faith, have a moral compass, and not looking to use others to make some hard cash. Basically, the equivalent of a get rich quick scheme.
I think to much focus is being put on why they're not getting married in a church. It seems nothing extraordinary given that the link you posted gives four equal options of where you can get married within the Church of Norway:
1. Your parish church
2. Another parish church
3. Outside or another place in Norway
4. Abroad

As I read it the webpage is describing different options for weddings within the church instead of mandating weddings to be held inside a church. .

It is not an absolute mandate, but marrying in one's own parish church is presented as the default option. The page states that most Church of Norway weddings take place in a spouse's parish church and that marrying in a non-church venue in Norway may require advance permission from the Church.

In addition, all previous royal weddings in modern Norway occurred in a church venue, including the princess's first wedding. So I do believe there is probably a reason why this wedding is not being held in a church.
Hola and Hello will cover a 4 days Wedding;
29/8 Arrival at Alesund City . Party "Meet and Greet " in the garden of Hotel 1904.
30/8 Boat Tour from Geiranger Fjord to Geiranger City followed by a latin American Pre Wedding Ball at Union Hotel
31/8 Arrival of the King and the Queen of Norway , the Crown Princes and their Children.
Wedding celebrated by M. Louisa Holte in a Tent . followed by .......
1/9 Brunch
Please correct my mistakes ...
People from Geiranger received instructions e.a. keep their city clean etc.
Guests have to pay their stay , their travel etc...
That wedding is not under a lucky star . I have often wondered why this couple which is so in love and must have noticed that many people are questioning them, didn't decide to get married quietly with just a few guests, family and friends, without making that international big fuss about it! Seems like they want the really big Hollywood star like show no matter how much criticism there is, no matter what problems have arised within the NRF. My advise (which is too late and nobody would listen to anyway) would have been, marry, be happy and live your life in Norway or US without bombing the world with your personal esoteric/or healing beliefs. Sure there are people who are believing in Durek's healing power and life style and it might help them, but the majority is not. So why don't keep themselves in their niche and just enjoy your personal marital life?
You are perfectly right. They just want the show.
See here:
As I understand not a "real" reverend, denomination I would guess similar to Durek's;)
What in the heck is a "spiritual maverick"?😒
It is not an absolute mandate, but marrying in one's own parish church is presented as the default option. The page states that most Church of Norway weddings take place in a spouse's parish church and that marrying in a non-church venue in Norway may require advance permission from the Church.

In addition, all previous royal weddings in modern Norway occurred in a church venue, including the princess's first wedding. So I do believe there is probably a reason why this wedding is not being held in a church.
I don't see it presented as the default option just the most common one.

What do you think is the reason for the wedding not being held in a church?
What do you think is the reason for the wedding not being held in a church?

I hoped that someone more knowledgeable than I might know the answer, but if forced to guess, I would still think it is related to the restrictions on press coverage and/or the commercial deals concerning the wedding. The couple's religiously unorthodox views and past conflicts with the Church notwithstanding, they are still being married by a Church of Norway priest in the Church of Norway liturgy, so it doesn't seem to me as if there are religious objections on either side (the couple or the Church) that would preclude using a church building.
As I understand it, one of the more practical reasons that the church preffers the weddings in church is because the priests are not travelling circus clowns (and many also quite old). They get alot of ideas of where couples wants to be married, on a boat, on a mountain, here, there and everywhere. In the high season they might also have several weddings in one day. So this is one of the reasons the church says the church is preffered, but many accept weddings outside close to the church , or if you know a priest personally like this couple does you might get a more freedom to choose other places.

The same way most majors atleast in the bigger places preffers to do civil weddings at the municipality building and not climb on top of Galdhøpiggen, but some, especially in smaller places, are more open to other places.
No answer to my post about the 4 days ? Am I right ?
people of Geinarger will not have the tourist cruises ans will sell nothing during 4 days. Are they happy?
I don't see it presented as the default option just the most common one.

What do you think is the reason for the wedding not being held in a church?
Maybe Durek is unbaptized and/or not a Christian?
What in the heck is a "spiritual maverick"?😒
A spiritualist who in contrast to all other spiritualists is skeptical of spiritualism?
A spiritualist who in contrast to all other spiritualists cuts to the bone and only have ten minute sessions, where he says: Forget about all that spiritualism, it's all about you! - Please pay 850 $ at the reception on the way out.
A spiritualist who is so far out that all the other spiritualists think: he be mighty loco!
A spiritualist who in contrast to all the other conmen... I mean spiritualists, actually believe in what he is saying?
A spiritualist who is so successful, so audacious, so inventive and so convincing that all the other con... again!?! Sorry, I mean spiritualists admire him for what he can get away with and wish they had the guts to do likewise.

You take your pick. :unsure:
A spiritualist who in contrast to all other spiritualists is skeptical of spiritualism?
A spiritualist who in contrast to all other spiritualists cuts to the bone and only have ten minute sessions, where he says: Forget about all that spiritualism, it's all about you! - Please pay 850 $ at the reception on the way out.
A spiritualist who is so far out that all the other spiritualists think: he be mighty loco!
A spiritualist who in contrast to all the other conmen... I mean spiritualists, actually believe in what he is saying?
A spiritualist who is so successful, so audacious, so inventive and so convincing that all the other con... again!?! Sorry, I mean spiritualists admire him for what he can get away with and wish they had the guts to do likewise.

You take your pick. :unsure:
No answer to my post about the 4 days ? Am I right ?
people of Geinarger will not have the tourist cruises ans will sell nothing during 4 days. Are they happy?
The harbour is open, the cruise ship Silver Dawn will anchor in the harbour that weekend

There is nowhere written that shops will close, rather the other way that they hope to sell more according to several interviews with shop owners and people in the hospitality business.
What in the heck is a "spiritual maverick"?😒
@hereditarytitles @Muhler my belief was its' a Ford car driven by a ghost? :ghost2:

The culture of self-help Durek belongs to is full of people like him that give themselves fancy titles to impress potential victims, I meant followers in need of a life coach. It's a thing. Their egos are bigger than the job and the job is to trick people into believing a shaman, or spiritual maverick, is the solution to problems you didn't know you had.
What's most amazing to me is the fact that they have clients/customers. I cannot remember anybody like this in Europe having a big success or is internationally known.
There are people who are adhering to spiritual experiences and the esoteric scene, but not in that dimension.

There are always people who are seeking for help because they are feeling unhappy or bad, and a therapy with a psychiatrist is not successful for everyone. Let them do their thing as long as it isn't harmful for others. What is agonizing me is such people as Durek (what would have happened to him if he didn't meet his Princess?)
and many more of these guys that Toledo is telling us about, are being successful.
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Durek worked the "lost souls" circuit starting in the US where there was a market. He unfortunately gained credibility through gullible stars or stars essentially selling the same thing such as Gwyneth Paltrow and her lifestyle company GOOP. Durek was briefly part of a short lived healthcare TV show offering healing through "spiritualism". And then Princess Märtha-Louise showed up. If he hadn't met his Princess he would have eventually phased out into obscurity like most of these con artists. For now we're all along for the ride and what a bumpy ride it has been so far!
Why so many post about Durek , we all know how he is and we fear what will happen after !
The Wedding is next week and Derek will be Member of the Norvegian Royal Family.
Märtha Louise has all what she wanted , a 3 days Weddings and being on the many pages of Hola.

On Saturday evening, Märtha Louise and Durek sat at the bar at the Grand Hotel in Oslo. The pictures sent by a tipster show that a camera team is following the couple. VG has also observed the couple.
Simon Eriksen Valvik, responsible for press and communications for the wedding, says the following to VG:
- I cannot comment on that.
But they are sitting on a Saturday night with a camera team in a hotel in the middle of Oslo city centre?
- It is clear that such a question comes after such an activity in the public space, but I still don't want to comment on it, says Valvik.

Former Playboy model Nikki Leigh attends the wedding.

Dagbladet shares photos from inside Vinje farm, where the wedding will take place.
The farm is at least 1200 years old. There is documentation of it as far back as 1603, and it has been in the same family ever since. The owner Jon Erlend Vinje (37) has rented the farm to the couple. The actual request to rent his place did not come as the biggest surprise.
- I was asked to Hotel Union for a coffee, then I really understood what was going to happen. So when the request came I wasn't too surprised, as they had visited the farm before and raved about the place.
How long have you known that the wedding was going to take place at Vinje farm? How has the collaboration been with the princess's team?
- I was naturally asked early in the process if it was okay to have it here. Carina Scheele Carlsen has been very pleasant and easy to deal with throughout. So we have had good cooperation.
The wedding itself will take place in the area with the fantastic view over the Geiranger Fjord.
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Just seen Durek’s instagram, it’s so boring and videos so low quality and amateurish. Noway, he has over 400k followers for real, wedding or not. Like some noticed here, suddenly climbing numbers of fans is fishy. IMO he buys followers. 🤔
Just seen Durek’s instagram, it’s so boring and videos so low quality and amateurish. Noway, he has over 400k followers for real, wedding or not. Like some noticed here, suddenly climbing numbers of fans is fishy. IMO he buys followers. 🤔
Just curious , how do you actually buy followers?
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