Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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I would like to know how much these two media outlets have paid the couple.I have been following for many years, "¡Hola!", when this medio pay a lot for an exclusive, it requires the seller, a list of guests who must be there (...guests that the magazine considers make its exclusive more attractive), and how those guests must access the temple or events, to guarantee the exclusive, and that others media cannot access to photograph them. When the Web says there will be royals, I imagine the magazine would have made a list of royals to make it more attractive
This is why I think its important to know if the King, Queen and CP couple will appear in any photos or not.

It seems the general media will have very limited access and as much as the Royal Court may now be saying the Royal House members won't be appearing I just don't see how they are going to not feature the bride's parents and brother/sister in law in any pictures from the wedding ceremony and wedding dinner etc - which only Hello/Hola & Netflix has access to. If that is the case then the price they have paid will have been much reduced.

I know when Peter & Autumn sold their pics the Queen, Prince Philip, Charles and Camilla didn't feature in any posed pictures as far as I can recall but they did feature as Hello also used publicly available pictures, the official wedding pics etc. They were apparently paid £500,000 back in 2008 so I suspect ML and the Sham Man are getting a hefty fee for this commercial venture wedding.
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:previous: What about other royals, outside the NRF. We've heard that Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien from the Netherlands are planning to attend. Will they require constraints re: photos and filming? Most likely Margie Plus and the rest of the Durek circus are already looking forward... to their next 15 minutes of fame. :winkiss:
Well she is clearly using her title in a commercial context because the wedding is now a commercial entity to be bought and sold to the highest bider. I'd love to know how the Royal House responds if it does.

I think we can all agree that the famous agreement was just words.
No respect to follow it. And no consequences when its constantly broken.
:previous: What about other royals, outside the NRF. We've heard that Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien from the Netherlands are planning to attend. Will they require constraints re: photos and filming? Most likely Margie Plus and the rest of the Durek circus are already looking forward... to their next 15 minutes of fame. :winkiss:
I imagine some of the Ullens de Schooten family, children of Pss Madeleine Bernadotte, may come too. They tended to attend royal celebrations in Norway in the past.
I take the wedding is not going to be broadcast live online for free? From Durek's perspective he thinks is the wedding of the century, or at least the biggest he had in his past 200-300 reincarnations since he was an important Egyptian Pharoh.
In a recent opinion poll, carried out by InFact for Dagbladet, 54.4 % answered that they think Märtha Louise should give up the princess title.
There is a clear majority as 21.2 % respond that they don't think she should. 24.4 answered "don't know".

That Durek is a foreigner and the large influx from other countries is stated as the reason for the agreement. Plus that Hello! are professionals and want to reach the whole world with Norwegian advertising.
It seems like pure pretexts. The real explanation is obvious: Money.
That Hello! gets to buy the right to a royal wedding, is quite unusual. The shaman and the princess's decision is sure to be met with raised eyebrows around the European royal houses. And in the Norwegian public. Because this is not within royal custom.
The question is: Can she call herself a princess at her own wedding?
It doesn't seem that way. Because this is likely to become a thoroughly commercial happening.
Will there be flower girls and page boys?

At Hello! announcement is told that there will be seven bridesmaids and seven groomsmen. No news of flower girls and page boys so far.

In the run-up to the wedding, Durek's Instagram has got tens of thousands of likes and followers. Experts suspect cheating. His Instagram posts have now often got tenfold, and more, what he has used to get from "likes".
- My assessment is that followers and likes have been bought here, most likely. We don't know if he did it himself, says media scientist and author Magnus Hoem Iversen.
In May 2019, Se og Hør wrote that Durek had 129,000 followers, Märtha Louise 123,000. Now, he has more than double her: 481,000, Märtha Louise 228,000.
The extent of Durek's followers is highlighted by Hello!, which has got the exclusive right to cover parts of the wedding. Part of the explanation for the account's numbers may lie in the purchase of fake followers.
Buying likes and followers is not in itself illegal in Norway. But commercial use of these numbers can run afoul of both marketing law and consumer rights.

TV 2 has seen a letter to the Møre og Romsdal police district, in which Märtha Louise's manager Carina Scheele Carlsen is angry about that the police have released information to the press about the wedding venue. The plan was that the venue would have been told to the guests only when they arrived in Ålesund.
"We have tried to keep this a secret to the best of our ability, and no one in the press has been able to get this information, although there are some who know about it now. To our great astonishment, and then I include in addition to us as organizers, the communications and the security department at the palace, PST and DKP, it is the police who leak this information to the press."

It feels that this wedding is larger than life to Märtha Louise and Durek...
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Laurentine is one of MLs daughters godmother.

I think it will be:
Benedikte’s daughter Alexandra (another godmother)
Alexia of Greece (another godmother)
And maybe Victoria and Dan for Sweden
Maybe some of the Bulgarians as they seem to hang out alot

Most I imagine will avoid
I guess Princess Alexandra won't attend the wedding as her niece Mafalda will be christened on the same day.
^ another royal guest bites the dust then.

Didn't they ditch some invited guests because 'so many royals are coming' or something like that?
I just hope that ML and Durek's wedding is called off, I can't imagine this conman joining NRF.
Are you serious, I'm sure Durek predicted in a previous reincarnation his present self would be married to a princess and he would find ways to make her the heir, to make him a king consort, over her younger brother.

Remember, the way to tell if a self proclaimed shaman/life coach/guru/con-man tells the truth is if every past life he had and future life he will enjoy is always fulll of glorious stories of success. I've never heard of a shaman say in a previous life I worked on a coal mine or barely survived as a fisherman in a pacific small island, only great stories in fantastic places count for him.

So, the wedding goes, it was predicted in the stars already by the shaman.

Will there be flower girls and page boys?
That will distract the attention away from Darek's wedding arrival entrance recreating Liz Taylor's scene in Cleopatra entering Rome.
I'm sure she, Cleo, is listed as one of the spirits attending the event.
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Are you serious, I'm sure Durek predicted in a previous reincarnation his present self would be married to a princess and he would find ways to make her the heir, to make him a king consort, over her younger brother.

Remember, the way to tell if a self proclaimed shaman/life coach/guru/con-man tells the truth is if every past life he had and future life he will enjoy is always fulll of glorious stories of success. I've never heard of a shaman say in a previous life I worked on a coal mine or barely survived as a fisherman in a pacific small island, only great stories in fantastic places count for him.

So, the wedding goes, it was predicted in the stars already by the shaman.

That will distract the attention away from Darek's wedding arrival entrance recreating Liz Taylor's scene in Cleopatra entering Rome.
I'm sure she, Cleo, is listed as one of the spirits attending the event.
Wait a sec — doesn’t Martha Louise claim to be clairvoyant? Doesn’t she see what the outcome of all this will be?
No Official Programm of the 3 days . the Norway habitants has to stay home to allow this ridiculos Wedding to come. Great silence among the invited guests. What about the Apport for private airplanes and the Harbour , Where will the guests stay during 3 nights ?
Märtha Louise and Durek wanted to prevent the Norwegian press from filming with a drone, it emerges in dialogue with the police.
But the police gave NRK and TV 2 permission to fly with a drone and film from the air, in exchange for them sharing video and images with other media houses. Märtha Louise and Durek and their staff didn't like this.
"This has major consequences for us on several levels. I have great difficulty understanding how Møre og Romsdal police district can enter into media agreements without involving us in any way. We are the ones organizing the wedding and I would claim and expect that we have something to do with this", writes Carina Scheele Carlsen in an email to the police and reminds that the wedding is not public, as it was when Märtha married Ari Behn in 2002.

The noise surrounding the princess's gin production has barely died down when the news told that the British celebrity magazine Hello has bought the photo rights to the wedding, and Netflix has bought the TV rights.
There is no other word than scandalous, when she who was born and raised in a family, financed by hundreds of tax millions throughout, now runs a shop in a shop. Not only contrary to what his father the king has said, but completely contrary to what public opinion accepts as reasonable and okay.
What private event sells exclusive picture and TV rights to a British celebrity magazine, and to Netflix, with international distribution?
Perhaps the palace is also hiding behind the illusion that this is a private and not a public wedding?
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Durek may not understand how a European monarchy works, but Märtha, who was born a princess and is the daughter of a King, should know how things work. In addition to bringing a very problematic person into the royal family, she also causes so many problems because of the marriage and everything that involves it. Either she wants to end the monarchy, or she is really irresponsible. And won't the King put a stop to this?
This situation, together with Marius's, is a bombshell for the monarchy, and the royal family is doing nothing to improve the situation. The future of this monarchy is quite worrying.
It is strange indeed that the NRF hasn't made any statement at all (at least not one that I have heard of) about the marriage nor about Marius case. They are just silent.
Concerning Märtha, I think there is no doubt that she is irresponsible. She has been and still is pulling through her ideas and wishes no matter how much it might hurt her family or the instituion. Because, all these people out there don't understand her and she sees herself as a fighter. I know people like her and you will never convince them , they are egomaniacs
Silly little me thought this wedding was about a happy couple who want's to confirm and celebrate their love (in this life as well, I understand they have been together in quite a number of lives, being the soulmates they are.) before the world and not a means to earning money.
I may to some extent understand Durek, but surely ML would know that in a monarchy any wedding involving a royal is a public event and of great public interest.
I don't recall a monarchy working on the principle of the subjects having to pay fees so to speak for witnessing such a show.

But who knows. Perhaps ML and her shaman are trailblazers?
Perhaps we will have to pay in the future when the royal roadshow is on:
Watching a balcony appearance: 20 NRK.
Watching a carriage ride, 40 NRK for a front-row-place. 10 NRK for a place in a lamppost. (ladder is extra.)
Get a handshake 25 NRK.
Watching a royal wedding on TV 50 NRK. Standing outside the wedding venue getting a glimpse of the couple 200 NRK.
Having a royal attending your birthday with prices starting from 12.000 NRK. 60.000 extra if you want them to wear a tiara and sing karaoke.

In the evening, the residents of Geiranger gathered at the Norsk Fjordsenter. Mayor of Stranda municipality Einar Arve Nordang opened the village meeting where more details about the princess wedding will come from the police, Stranda municipality and the Stranda port authority. The local people have received a letter, information about what to expect. This is about traffic and closed roads.
The people are simply encouraged to contribute.
- Make sure it looks nice here - there are many cameras, many lenses that will show different sides of Geiranger.
- Everyone must remember to fly the flag!
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"Royal House reacts to Märtha and Durek selling the exclusivity of their wedding to international media and they replied as follows to Se og Hør:"

And as per usual with this family, a pretty soft response to the antics.
Silly little me thought this wedding was about a happy couple who want's to confirm and celebrate their love (in this life as well, I understand they have been together in quite a number of lives, being the soulmates they are.) before the world and not a means to earning money.
I may to some extent understand Durek, but surely ML would know that in a monarchy any wedding involving a royal is a public event and of great public interest.
I don't recall a monarchy working on the principle of the subjects having to pay fees so to speak for witnessing such a show.

But who knows. Perhaps ML and her shaman are trailblazers?
Perhaps we will have to pay in the future when the royal roadshow is on:
Watching a balcony appearance: 20 NRK.
Watching a carriage ride, 40 NRK for a front-row-place. 10 NRK for a place in a lamppost. (ladder is extra.)
Get a handshake 25 NRK.
Watching a royal wedding on TV 50 NRK. Standing outside the wedding venue getting a glimpse of the couple 200 NRK.
Having a royal attending your birthday with prices starting from 12.000 NRK. 60.000 extra if you want them to wear a tiara and sing karaoke.

This is a great list but I’ve got one thing to add: they can register at Cameo and make personalized videos for their fans. Anyone remember Peter Noone from Herman’s Hermits waaay back in the day? For $50 he’ll make a video just for you 🤣
So the local residents should help out and make their town look nice - so it looks good in the exclusive pics the two rent a royals sell and make a fortune from?
Why don't they take a leaf out of the Duke of Westminster's book and pay for flowers and decorations for the local area? They could certainly afford to give up some of the, no doubt 7 figure, pay cheques they'll be getting for their "happy day".
This is turning into a circus by the day.
I wondered before why the wedding is being held in a hotel even though the couple are being married by a Church of Norway priest and standard practice is for Church of Norway weddings to be held in a church building. Could the commercial deals and/or press restrictions be the reason? I haven't looked into it, but I wonder the Church might have rules about open access to its church buildings and/or commercial filming inside churches.
Good point, I know here in the UK a wedding service in a church is considered public and though by convention people may invite guests to attend and most people wouldn't dream of "gatecrashing" there is no legal standing to kick anyone who wants to watch the service out.
I would also suspect that the church may not want to host the sort of service ML and the Sham Man will be having.
Good point, I know here in the UK a wedding service in a church is considered public and though by convention people may invite guests to attend and most people wouldn't dream of "gatecrashing" there is no legal standing to kick anyone who wants to watch the service out.
I would also suspect that the church may not want to host the sort of service ML and the Sham Man will be having.
The same is true in the United States.

Have they confirmed that they are having an actual, legitimate member of the clergy perform the service?
The same is true in the United States.

Have they confirmed that they are having an actual, legitimate member of the clergy perform the service?
Months ago there was an article in "Town&Country" magazine where Durek confirmed that they are being married by a Norwegian priest :

Durek posted, "We are delighted to announce that Parish Priest Margit Lovise Holte will officiate our wedding in Geiranger on August 31st, following the Norwegian Church's wedding liturgy. Reverend Michael Beckwith will also participate in the ceremony with a greeting. We look forward to this beautiful day with great joy."

It hasn't been said that the wedding would be at a church.

Märtha Louise and Durek will be married at Vinjevollen in Geiranger on Saturday 31 August.
According to what TV 2 has learned, the wedding itself will take place in a tent, several sources confirm.
The supplier behind it is Lavvoutleie, which usually sells and rents out tents and lavvos in connection with events in Eastern Norway.
Good point, I know here in the UK a wedding service in a church is considered public and though by convention people may invite guests to attend and most people wouldn't dream of "gatecrashing" there is no legal standing to kick anyone who wants to watch the service out.
I would also suspect that the church may not want to host the sort of service ML and the Sham Man will be having.
Well, there is actually a word for it in Danish and no doubt Norwegian as well: "Globryllup" = wedding-gawking.
It was very common beforehand and probably still is in some places. You notice there is a wedding in your parish or a neighboring parish say Saturday, so you and probably a couple of friends went to the church, to have a look at the flowers, the families of the happy couple, the choice of psalms, the bride, her dress, did she look happy, perhaps there's a little bump showing... And then you would discuss the whole thing over a cup of coffee and a cake afterwards. It was a nice way to pass the time, before TV became common. And with a little luck you might learn some gossip you could tell all your neighbors.
So if you went to a church wedding as late as certainly 1975, you could rest assured there would be several sitting in the back enjoying the show.
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