Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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So he said "his family was weak" ? what does he mean, and "that their family was responsible for his ancestors's slavery"? I cannot remember that any of the Scandinavian countries was involved in slavery. He really should learn something about history before he talks nonsense.
When did he and ML attend a royal wedding in Denmark, though? The last royal wedding in Denmark was in 2008 unless he means Alexandra SWB.
Exactly. Not only is he full of it, he’s not used to being fact-checked without the racism card.

And when the NRF don’t treat him nicely enough, he’ll say they’re racists, too. At least Rasputin was deferential to his royals and helpful to a sick kid and his anxiety-disordered mother…

I’m sure they were at the 2008 wedding in spirit, though. :rolleyes:
When did he and ML attend a royal wedding in Denmark, though? The last royal wedding in Denmark was in 2008 unless he means Alexandra SWB.

yes, the 2019 wedding of Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
So directly from Durrek
"- I have never experienced racism from Märtha's family. They have been absolutely fantastic, says Verrett."
but of course recollections can later change ;)

He also mentions the Danes
"He says that he also experienced racism when he and Princess Märtha Louise attended a royal wedding in Copenhagen. Not from the Danish royal family, but from one of the guests.
- They said my family was weak and told me about how their family was responsible for my ancestors' slavery, says Verrett in the podcast."
It wouldn't be impossible as DK handled about 10 % of the slaves transported across the Atlantic.
But to say, what this person allegedly said, sounds so far out that I dare claim that Durek made it up.

Alexandra was married on the Island of Funen in 2019. In the town of Svendborg, near her current home at Egeborg Castle. That's about 150 km from Copenhagen. A very scenic town in an even more scenic countryside. I think even a shaman would have noticed that he was not in a city of 1.6 million. I've been in that part of DK quite a few times and you'd had to have come directly from a tiny hamlet in outer Mongolia to mistake Svendborg for a city.
And that I think, unless I somehow missed it, is the only royal wedding in DK during the time Durek has known ML.
I challenge anyone, including the most ignorant, to tell a black person this to his or her face… People of that “class” would never be this overt. Heck, you would never hear this coming out of the mouth of the most backward of racists, unless it’s through scrolling social media. The KKK covered themselves up for a reason. It would be more believable if he said this happened in one of his many past lives. Unless I’m misunderstanding this whole demagoguery.
Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett will be married at Vinjevollen in Geiranger on Saturday 31 August. This is revealed in a decision from the Møre og Romsdal police district, which states that it will not be possible to operate with a drone during the wedding.
The police district has applied for permission from the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority to be able to close the airspace over Geiranger in the period 30 August to 2 September.
TV 2 and NRK have been granted permission to operate with drones, but the decision states that it will not be permitted to operate with drones for the following activities:
On the arrival of two speedboats that will transport wedding guests on 30 August
During the wedding at Vinjevollen on Saturday 31 August
When moving personnel with security measures
And no Church Wedding of course?
I am not familiar with the rules of the Church of Norway. But I imagine that since Martha has no living former husband it's pretty simple for her to be married with the blessing of the Church.

DV's situation is less clear to me. I don't know if he was ever married before, if he is baptized or if it even matters to the Church of Norway.🤔
I am not familiar with the rules of the Church of Norway. But I imagine that since Martha has no living former husband it's pretty simple for her to be married with the blessing of the Church.

DV's situation is less clear to me. I don't know if he was ever married before, if he is baptized or if it even matters to the Church of Norway.🤔
For the record: In 2005, Verrett entered into a sham marriage with Zaneta Marzalkova, a Los Angeles resident of Czech nationality, when she was 21 years old. In 2008, Marzalkova filed for divorce from Verrett, which was granted by Los Angeles Superior Court.
For the record: In 2005, Verrett entered into a sham marriage with Zaneta Marzalkova, a Los Angeles resident of Czech nationality, when she was 21 years old. In 2008, Marzalkova filed for divorce from Verrett, which was granted by Los Angeles Superior Court.
Summonizing the information about Märtha's religion I assume that she is protestant , a religion which is much more liberal when it comes to second marriages.
I can only say what is still the custom in Germany when it comes to religious marriages. A second marriage after divorce is not possible in a church for a member of the Catholic Church, if you are protestant, no problem. Many people nowadays just marry in a civil wedding and not in a church if they are not religious. I am still confused if Märtha and Durek will have a civil wedding plus a church wedding (if there is a priest involved) Maybe that is different in Norway or other countries where Catholics are not the majority.
For those asking about the wedding rules of the Church of Norway, begin here:

For the announcement that the royal couple would be married by a Church of Norway priest (despite their previous public disagreements with the Church, and despite announcing that they would be married in the Hotel Geiranger instead of Church building), see LadyFinn's post here:

As Hans-Rickard posted earlier, the Church sometimes grants permission to church weddings to take place outside of church buildings – but the general rule is to hold Church of Norway weddings inside an actual church, so I still wonder why the couple opted for a hotel instead.

The sale of the gin made for Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett's wedding was stopped because the Vinmonopolet called the use of the monogram illegal. Now the gin is back on the shelves, but the monogram is only hidden behind a small piece of black tape. The piece of tape stands in stark contrast to the bright ethics, and is easy to remove. The princess title, however, has not been removed with a piece of tape.
In one of Durek's latest Instagram posts, he is pictured with a large watch.
Watch expert and journalist Thor Svaboe doesn't take long to find out which brand and model Verrett has hanging around his left wrist: an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Diver.
- This is one of the most sought-after status watches in the last five years, says Svaboe.
The Royal Oak model is a very nice watch, with one of the classic designs from the 70s, which can be very hard to come by. The type Durek has is a more sporty version, and not necessarily as rare.
- The sports version often comes in fun colors and is a typical summer watch with a rubber strap. Audemars Piguet's offshore model, which is the one Durek has, is a larger model and a little more sporty.
Although the sports version is not as rare as the "pen version", it is still of the exclusive kind. When the watch was launched in 2017, the indicative price was around NOK 200,000.
- On the second-hand market now, this watch is still worth around NOK 200-250,000 (€ 17 000 - 21 000) used.
Märtha Louise and Durek arrived in the evening to Geiranger, where the wedding will take place on 31 August.
They arrived in a rib boat, and were met by the hotel director of Hotel Union, the host hotel for the wedding.
Durek shared a small update from Møre and Romsdal, with video from Hellesyltfossen.
Earlier today Märtha Louise's manager Carina Scheele Carlsen was also in Geiranger with a camera team, which has been following the couple for a few months.

The director of the information department of the Swedish Royal Court Margareta Thorgren didn't want to answer Svensk Damtidning's question of whether Victoria and Daniel, or anyone else from the Swedish royal family, intend to attend the wedding.
- This is not an official wedding, but is designated as a private wedding. We do not comment on private weddings.
Carina Scheele Carlsen, Märtha Louise's manager, also puts the lid on.
- Unfortunately, we will not comment on which guests are coming and that is because the wedding is private, not official.
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Since it's not all about him (Durek) he's probably not even noticed. :p

So close to the wedding date and do I understand Princess Victoria and Daniel have not confirmed? Since this is a private nonroyal wedding we may not know. Although, what if they gave a wedding and hardly anyone showed up. :oops:
A minor detail. :giggle:

After all they believed in crocodile gods and in one god having the head of a jackal and that they themselves were deities (and probably closely related as well, back in ancient Egypt.)
As I'm reading down the comments the reincarnation thing was also in my mind, too!

Will the priest or judge ask Martha "do you take this person, Durek and all his reincarnations and five incarcerations in the USA, as your husband as long as your checks clear? I now pronounce you...a train wreck in the making. You may kiss the gullible bride now, Mr. Durek, Prince consort of Norway or whatever new name you'll use after the wedding for your Shaman business ventures"

The director of the information department of the Swedish Royal Court Margareta Thorgren didn't want to answer Svensk Damtidning's question of whether Victoria and Daniel, or anyone else from the Swedish royal family, intend to attend the wedding.
- This is not an official wedding, but is designated as a private wedding. We do not comment on private weddings.
Carina Scheele Carlsen, Märtha Louise's manager, also puts the lid on.
- Unfortunately, we will not comment on which guests are coming and that is because the wedding is private, not official.

Has the Swedish royal court made this distinction between "official" and "private" foreign royal weddings in the past?
Durek's sister Demetria De La Nuit claims on Instagram and TikTok in a video that her brother and Märtha are threatening to sue her for millions of dollars.
In the video, the sister also shows the letter in which she is allegedly threatened with legal action by Durek. Durek is said to have demanded that she removes a video in which she asks about a private meeting with him and demanded that she publish a new video in which she apologizes for asking for a chat with him.
- Not only do you want me to make an apology video and share it on TikTok. You also want me to send you the video in advance so you can approve it. My answer is no. You have to be kidding me.
Durek's sister Demetria De La Nuit claims on Instagram and TikTok in a video that her brother and Märtha are threatening to sue her for millions of dollars.
In the video, the sister also shows the letter in which she is allegedly threatened with legal action by Durek. Durek is said to have demanded that she removes a video in which she asks about a private meeting with him and demanded that she publish a new video in which she apologizes for asking for a chat with him.
- Not only do you want me to make an apology video and share it on TikTok. You also want me to send you the video in advance so you can approve it. My answer is no. You have to be kidding me.

When there is a weeding in the works, the tradition in the USA is the couples usually register their names at a store for the guests to consider buying gifts toward the new home. Durek and Martha are the first couple I've seen that the gift registry is at a courthouse.

Nice way to enter a marriage by taking the family of the groom to court. This, I fear, foreshadows what will happen next when Durek is a 'prince-by-marriage' in his mind and start making demands to his new in-laws. Like for example, demanding that his wife as senior child should be the next queen of Norway and remove Haakon of these duties.

Don't be surprised when it happens, 'cause I won't.
Durek reveals on his Instagram story that there will be more wedding products than just the gin- their own exclusive wedding chocolate.
Bengt Dahlberg at Geiranger chocolate confirms that they have made their own chocolate for the wedding.
- There is a wedding chocolate, a "special edition", coming.
The chocolate will not be limited to the wedding party, but will also be sold in their shop, he can say.

An unknown camera team has followed Märtha Louise and Durek closely lately, among other things, on a boat trip in Tjuvholmen. The photographers have also appeared together with the couple on red carpets, but who they are and why they follow them, the couple has remained silent about.
TV 2 has identified one person in the team as the New York-based sound man Nikola Chapelle. When TV 2 tries to get in touch with Chapelle with questions about what kind of project he is working on with the couple, no answer. TV 2 has also managed to reveal the identity of award-winning photographer Daniel Carter. But there is also silence from Carter when TV 2 tries to get in touch with him.
TV 2 has asked various TV and other channels, but no one knows anything about possible program production with Märtha Louise and Durek. Märtha Louise's manager says they have no comment on this.
TV 2's royal house expert Ole-Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen guesses that it is a documentary we can expect, perhaps about the wedding and an ultimate climax to their somewhat controversial love story.
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Durek reveals on his Instagram story that there will be more wedding products than just the gin- their own exclusive wedding chocolate.
Bengt Dahlberg at Geiranger chocolate confirms that they have made their own chocolate for the wedding.
- There is a wedding chocolate, a "special edition", coming.
The chocolate will not be limited to the wedding party, but will also be sold in their shop, he can say.

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Durek reveals on his Instagram story that there will be more wedding products than just the gin- their own exclusive wedding chocolate.
Bengt Dahlberg at Geiranger chocolate confirms that they have made their own chocolate for the wedding.
- There is a wedding chocolate, a "special edition", coming.
The chocolate will not be limited to the wedding party, but will also be sold in their shop, he can say.
How low is that? First alcohol now chocolate? I have never heard of a wedding couple that makes a business out of their wedding. They must urgently be in need of money. Maybe that is what their future income will be like, selling their name/fame to earn millions to maintain a certain lifestyle? Are they completely blind about what is going on right now in their country, don't they know how controversial their marriage is ? I cannot believe it(n)
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Märtha Louise and Durek arrived in the evening to Geiranger, where the wedding will take place on 31 August.
They arrived in a rib boat, and were met by the hotel director of Hotel Union, the host hotel for the wedding.
Durek shared a small update from Møre and Romsdal, with video from Hellesyltfossen.
Earlier today Märtha Louise's manager Carina Scheele Carlsen was also in Geiranger with a camera team, which has been following the couple for a few months.

The director of the information department of the Swedish Royal Court Margareta Thorgren didn't want to answer Svensk Damtidning's question of whether Victoria and Daniel, or anyone else from the Swedish royal family, intend to attend the wedding.
- This is not an official wedding, but is designated as a private wedding. We do not comment on private weddings.
Carina Scheele Carlsen, Märtha Louise's manager, also puts the lid on.
- Unfortunately, we will not comment on which guests are coming and that is because the wedding is private, not official.
A camera team that has been following the couple for a few months? Are they also planning to release a "docuseries" on Netflix?
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