Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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There does not seem to be any news worth reporting about the NRF right now except this...!
It´s such a disgrace that the continous good work of TM and the CP couple is totally overshadowed by this story - and I don´t completely blame the Princess for that. It´s the scandal hungry media and those of us who are mainly interested in royal love life who keep this machinery running.
Yesterday they have been in Mind Studio, London. Shaman posted photos to his Facebook

Last night @remindstudio was on fire with Lit students learning Soul Talk. Here I am with my Goddess @princessmarthalouise thanks to all the beautiful souls that came out for themselves to see how much power they have inside.
Life is a sacred dance back to yourself. Every step is a step inward - Shaman Durek
London Tribe there are still events in the #unitedkingdom check out my #linkstzer on my page for more events.
How do you talk to your soul?

Svensk Damtidning's article about their reporter Anna von Koch attending Shaman and Märtha Louise's "workshop".
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(1) It is not entirely surprising to me that the percentage who say she should lose the title is low. Tradition holds much weight in a mainly ceremonial monarchy, and stripping the title would institute a considerable change from European traditions (traditionally, it was common for even the worst of kings to keep their titles).

(2) It is more surprising that the percentage saying she should keep the title has risen from 2010. I suppose that many people, in particular the voters who reached their majority after 2010 and grew up hearing about Princess Märtha Louise's angel school, have grown accustomed to her commercial strategies and self-promotion and do not see a major difference between her "lessons" and Mr. Verrett's.
1. Well, considering how controversial she is (due to the stuff I mentioned in my previous post), I do in fact find it surprising!! And as you probably know by now, Norwegians aren't exactly known to be fussed about tradition.
2. As a so-called ''presseekspert'' (press-expert) said it on television the other day, ''when a person is under attack from the media, people tend to be more sympathetic.'' - Which, IMO, was what we saw with Märtha in 2010 (heavily criticised for using her title to promote her courses about ''talking with the dead'') and now in 2019 (heavily criticised for using her title to promote her spiritual tour with a controversial and extreme ''Shaman''). Because polls between 2008 (the year after she started her ''angel-school'') and 2015, where the question was asked without her being under a media storm, showed less support for her to keep it (around 30%).



Yes, the figures suggest that Princess Märtha Louise is seen as irrelevant to the monarchy rather than an asset to it.
What I read from the figures is that most people really don't care about ML and that they do not find her important enough for her antics to harm the monarchy.
Hmm, although she is ''irrelevant'' to the monarchy as an institution, she is the King's princess-titled daughter. And previous polls (conducted during the last two decades) have actually shown that a majority of people have an opinion of what she's doing.
So, why isn't she more damaging to The Royal House?
Well, probably because most sensible people wouldn't turn their back on a ''pretty amazing'' monarch and 114-years with history and pride, just because of the King's non-working-royal daughter. I mean, we're talking about an institution here that symbolises our independence:
*Prince Carl of Denmark being elected by the Norwegian people as constitutional monarch of an independent Norway in 1905, taking the name of Haakon VII, and who later became known for his ''NO'' to Hitler. He died in 1957 as King Haakon the Great (as VG wrote it on their front page at the time). Yes, and due to a movie and an upcoming tv-series, almost everyone knows who he is (read about it in this thread - link).
*King Olav V and CP Märtha (there is planned a tv-series about her too BTW, read about it in the same link), also known for their WWII efforts, and he for his service as monarch from 1957 and until his death in 1991.
*And King Harald V, known for his widely praised ''inspirational'' speeches (some of which he writes himself) and his equally praised efforts as a symbol during national crises.



She's the eccentric aunt. Annoying and irritating at times, sometimes entertaining but otherwise relegated to the periphery. An: "Oh well, that's aunt Märtha for you." if you get my meaning.
After 12-years with controversy, most people are just saying: ''Oh, she again,'' and that is on a day to day basis. But when she is doing something controversial (such as promoting a new spiritual project, etc), people still tend to care, either by going against her or by supporting her.


BTW, another poll:
It was conducted by Ipsos for the Republican and left-winged tabloid, Dagbladet.

Bør Märtha gi fra seg prinsessetittelen?
Should Märtha give up the princess-title?

No, 50% (33% in 2015).
Yes, 32% (the same number as in 2015).
No opinion, 17% (35% in 2015).

And except that the questions this time were asked by phone and not online like 4 years ago, no further information was provided.
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Thanks, LadyFinn. :flowers:

It's one of Svensk Damtidnings reporters who went to a session with Shaman and ML, and describes in details what went on and what effect it had on her personally.
- Reading it I seriously wonder if these people don't really deserve being parted with their money! If these people find - gratification or whatever it is - in such a seance and are willing to pay expensive money for that, well why not? Sometimes I really want to be :beamup:

But do you want to a read translation? Think carefully! You are guaranteed a headache.
Its often said that a fool and his money are soon parted. Question is how does a fool get the money to begin with? :D

But seriously, I think a translation of what is involved in this workshop can only serve to show perhaps how people are being led down the proverbial garden path. Knowledge is power and if it prevents just one person from being taken in by this kind of spiel, its worth it.

Workshops like this are a dime a dozen here in the States and there's always a hook that draws people in. As I've said before, one needs to know exactly what something is before they decide they're going to accept it or reject it. There are legitimate workshops out there and retreats for spiritual health but "How to be a shaman for only $24,356.07. Food included" is questionable at least to me.

It just really, really bugs me when I see spirituality for sale.
Here in Germany there is this youtube-and-tv-show "Kalkofe". The this named comedian makes fun of the tv-personalities and one of his main targets is "Astro-TV": Imagine the shaman in different versions 24 hours a day - that is their program!

But many people fall for this and pay a lot of money for talking to their dead aunts and stuff, clairvoyants, whatever.

And this is life: The stupid always will be discriminated against! Everywhere, all the time!

And to the audiance of the "Princess and the Shaman": I wonder, if they are the victims... or if this is something for their vitae, so they can hold their own work shops, now that they have been enlightend by the Princess and the Shaman.

You know: A big Pyramid Game, a Ponzi scheme of "Spirituality"!

But a Princess, which gets involved in this, that is a scandal!:ermm:
Found it, Victor1319.

I don't know what I think is most amusing, the real Astroshow or the parody!
In fact I feel more like crying. :ermm:

My first reaction was: That's a set-up!
And then: The host is sitting there lying through her teeth to a person, who is grieving for a lost relative, whom she believe she has seen in vision!!
How can you avoid being crucified (pardon the pun) by the public for doing that?!?
Yeah, yeah, the astro-host may provide comfort I can hear someone argue, but in my book that is deeply immoral.

It is not entirely surprising to me that the percentage who say she should lose the title is low. Tradition holds much weight in a mainly ceremonial monarchy, and stripping the title would institute a considerable change from European traditions (traditionally, it was common for even the worst of kings to keep their titles).

It is more surprising that the percentage saying she should keep the title has risen from 2010. I suppose that many people, in particular the voters who reached their majority after 2010 and grew up hearing about Princess Märtha Louise's angel school, have grown accustomed to her commercial strategies and self-promotion and do not see a major difference between her "lessons" and Mr. Verrett's.

I would have liked to see a question as to if Princess Märtha Louise should be using her title in this manner.

Yes, the figures suggest that Princess Märtha Louise is seen as irrelevant to the monarchy rather than an asset to it.

Prince or Princess are titles acquired by birth. It is unusual to be stripped of a princely title except, in the past in Denmark and Sweden, for unequal marriages. I actually find the percentage of respondents who favor stripping ML of her title quite high (25 %) considering how unusual that would be.
Okay, let's learn what Svensk Damtidning's reporter had to say about the session with Shaman, she took part in.
Courtesy of the scans, LadyFinn, kindly provided for us. :flowers:

The reporter, Anna von Koch, decided to follow the whole thing with an open mind.
It started with everyone being told to breathe deeply while tapping two fingers against their wrists.
Then Sham calls on good spirits and angels and opens a gate to the universe that will fill everyone with love and power. And here some begin to sob while others laugh hysterically.
The whole thing clearly has an effect on the around 50 presents. Some begin to rock back and forth on their chairs while others move their heads in a circle like in a trance.
A man howls like a wolf while a woman pretends to give birth.
The reporter actually finds it upsetting when a woman sitting behind her begins to growl like a lion.

The purpose is to find your true self and the reporter admits that Shaman has a strong charisma, preaching to those present to "take in the light."
When he tells those present to get rid of their bad energies, some begin to shake and cough. The reporter finds it intensive, like someone suffocating.

The reporter tries to go along, drumming away and breathing deeply - yet, she feels nothing. Looking around she notice she is not only one, being unaffected. Shaman notice that as well.
He doesn't blame anyone though. He explains that the road to the true self is different for different people. He tells the reporter that it is the will of the spirits that she remains calm.

After the session some are crying quietly and others are hugging each other.

The session lasted three hours and the reporter noticed that Shaman was heard and seen more during the session (he filled the room) while ML was more analytical and reasoning.

The reporter ends by concluding that the session was enriching and that it was interesting to hear the wisdom of life from both Shaman and ML.
It is a course in love, patience and respect.

- I will add that this is of course a quid pro quo. Svensk Damtidning gets this exclusive as well as an interview - in return they are not too critical.

And on another note: ML's "angel school" is that equivalent to the post above in which Astroshow lie to people about being in contact with their dead relatives?
In other words: Is ML claiming to be in contact with dead people on behalf of grieving relatives? Even if her "message" is reassuring.
In other words: Is ML claiming to be in contact with dead people on behalf of grieving relatives? Even if her "message" is reassuring.

Her former partner in business talked the same stuff like the Shaman, but without the "ancestors". This is called New Age...
skip to minute 11:00 (may be I skipped the good stuff...)

There are other vids to find on youtube with "märtha Luise angel school" and they are all in nowegian... So, no, I can't answer your question.

But anyway, do we really want to find out? :ermm:
Thanks, Victor1319 ?

Yes, I'd like to know. Because it provides another facet to ML's personality.

I watched some of the video and If I'm to sum up: To my ears it sounded like: Blah, blah, very tenuous explanations, blah, blah.

Don't get me wrong. People can believe they can communicate with spirits and angels from now on until the cows come home. Whatever makes them happy. Whatever they believe in, fine, that's people's private matter.
It's just that to my ears what was said in the video is nonsense.

It's even more nonsense, when it's used to explain the "basis" of a commercial business.

To illustrate: I once saw a documentary about a teenage girl living somewhere in Eastern Europe, who claimed to be in possession of abilities to "see" things. Like what kind of illness people suffered from and so on.
People came to see her from the region she lived in and they firmly believed in her skills. And she didn't profit from her "skills", that was a gift from God, as far as she and those who believed in her felt and I believe she and the locals felt it would be immoral to profit from such a blessing.
She also firmly believed in her skills and as such she was perfectly willing to undergo scientific tests in a controlled environment.
She failed. She wasn't able to "see" more or less than the average person undergoing the same tests.
While I believe this shook her personally, it did not rock the conviction of those in her country who still believed she was somehow "blessed."
- That I can respect. She didn't try to profit from her supposed abilities. She simply tried to do good. Nor did she try to "explain" anything, it was simply a divine gift as she saw it, and she just used that "gift" to the best of her abilities while being thankful to God for being able to do so. You don't try and explain gifts from God. Nor did she claim to really understand her "gift."
So there were no "twisted atoms" nor any "ancestors" from her mouth to explain what I believe was a statistical fluke combined with a good deal of placebo effect and a lot of empathy.
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Prince or Princess are titles acquired by birth. It is unusual to be stripped of a princely title except, in the past in Denmark and Sweden, for unequal marriages. I actually find the percentage of respondents who favor stripping ML of her title quite high (25 %) considering how unusual that would be.
Well, as you can see from my two previous posts, the number is even ''higher'' in other surveys (over 30%). And the percentage of those who want her to keep the title is usually around the same level, except for when she is under ''heavy'' criticism from the media, such as in 2010 and now in 2019 - when the number is at over 50% (I give an opinion on why in post 215).
So I don't think many here in this country think of it as ''unusual to be stripped of a princely title,'' especially not when several commentators and so-called experts (in newspapers and TV-debates) have asked for it to happen since 2007. Yes, twelve-years with talk about it. And most Norwegians probably have no idea that it is so ''unusual'' either.


Is ML claiming to be in contact with dead people on behalf of grieving relatives? Even if her "message" is reassuring.

The angel-school have sold courses where various mediums have been hired in ''to teach people to speak with the dead.''
Does she claim to have contact with them herself? Yes, she has previously said: ''Det er ikke vanskelig å komme i kontakt med de døde heller, på samme måte som med englene. Også den kontakten kan vi opprette når som helst, når vi ønsker det.''
''It's not difficult to get in contact with the dead either, just like the angels. Also that is a contact we can create at any time, whenever we want.''
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So, Märtha Luise and her fellows are not so far away from german cable tv, where you can talk to your dead grandma for some hefty money...

Ouch! :ermm::sad:

Hopefully this is not her motivation for her new love to the Shaman - I hope she sees him for what he is - either a lightly crazy or a con man - and not as her personal Obama-Meghan.
I saw PML on Hest360. It's like she has different personalities. On Hest360, she seems very likable, fun, outgoing. But then in her spiritual world, her persona seems more serious, subdued, even less pretty, .. and I would run a mile in the opposite direction.
Forgive my ignorance, I was born in another millennium, but what's "Happy Hacks"?
Forgive my ignorance, I was born in another millennium, but what's "Happy Hacks"?

I am pretty sure it derives from "computer hacking", invading a computer system - like "life hacks", which are tricks to make life easier, what would make "happy hacks" tricks to achieve happiness.
:previous: MM is also following Gwyneth Paltrow, I wonder if she's friends with her or knows her too or if she is following because of the celebrity status.
:previous: MM is also following Gwyneth Paltrow, I wonder if she's friends with her or knows her too or if she is following because of the celebrity status.
Mette-Marit has been good friends with Gwyneth Paltrow, Marie Chantal of Greece and Rosario of Bulgaria for a long time. Other members of that set were Madonna and Stella McCartney.
Mette-Marit and Haakon are friendly with many in the European jetset and were guests at the religious wedding of Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo. Other friends are the designer Valentino Garravani and the deceased journalist and editor of Vogue Italia Franca Sozzani.
:previous: MM is also following Gwyneth Paltrow, I wonder if she's friends with her or knows her too or if she is following because of the celebrity status.

If i'm not mistaken her boyfriend is Gwyneth Paltrow's go-to healer. I am not sure whether ML met him through her or the other way around.
If i'm not mistaken her boyfriend is Gwyneth Paltrow's go-to healer. I am not sure whether ML met him through her or the other way around.

It can be either of the two. It seems like they might have just met when that photo was taken or not because ML was thanking Gwyneth a lot and there was a hashtag 'newfriends.'
Princess Märtha Louise & Family Current Events Part 8: May 2018 -

Mette-Marit has been good friends with Gwyneth Paltrow, Marie Chantal of Greece and Rosario of Bulgaria for a long time. Other members of that set were Madonna and Stella McCartney.

Mette-Marit and Haakon are friendly with many in the European jetset and were guests at the religious wedding of Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo. Other friends are the designer Valentino Garravani and the deceased journalist and editor of Vogue Italia Franca Sozzani.

Ah, I see, thank you for confirming my curiosities.

IIRC Marius (I know, not an official member of the NRF) is friends with Justin Bieber and co., so it wouldn’t surprise me if IA and Sverre also mingled with or knew some celebrities too.

If i'm not mistaken her boyfriend is Gwyneth Paltrow's go-to healer. I am not sure whether ML met him through her or the other way around.

Yep, I was wondering more about MM rather than ML [emoji2]
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Oh The Princess is amazing

Märtha Louise posted a photo with Gwyneth Paltrow.

Märtha Louise posted about the 'The Mandela Mile' in commemoration of the Mandela Day. This is a walk for peace, women’s empowerment and for saving our planet, among others.

Congratulations to Princess Alexandra and Nicolas! ??????

A stunning announcement

You are right for the ambitious Bride ! she wore a small fringe tiara for her Wedding and two small for the other clothes.
Not a lot of Royal attendance !
The Romanovs would most likely have been there, but having a baby yesterday and a war preventing them from traveling is a good excuse to stay home. I was also expecting to see the Napoléons there and was hoping to get my hopes confirmed about a certain condition they're in... But haven't seen them so far. Prince Leka has posted from the wedding so he's there.
All those pretenders, including the Egyptians, seem pretty close to each other .

Edit: I've seen pictures of the Prince Napoléon attending the wedding alone. So maybe... [emoji102]

Nicolas Fontaine behind the excellent website Histoires Royales was a guest at todays religious wedding between Prince Joachim and Princess Yasmine of Ponte Corvo and have written a post about it complete with some very good pictures.
Princess Yasmine wore a tiara made by jeweller Julian Pellicia that she had helped design and a dress in silk mikado made by Hervé Couture with a long train embroidered with among other things Napoleonic bees and her monogram. The train is exactly 3,08 metres long which is also the birth date of their son Joachim.

Frederic de Natal, the man behind the website Monarchies et dynasties du monde, was also a guest at the wedding and has written a post about his experience.

Another post by Histoires Royales shares more information about the wedding tiara: - "Princess Yasmine designed a classic tiara, reminiscent of the low single-row tiaras of the Empire style. Drop-shaped pearls are supported by scrolls and round pearls form a crown on the lower part. There is also a stylized “M” in the center of the tiara whose white gold structure is set with diamonds. Under the Murat initial is an emerald, a valuable and symbolic stone for the princess. This emerald is a gift that the prince made to his wife, at the birth of their first child. Joachim and Yasmine welcomed a little heir, also named Joachim , in August 2021."
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Shaman Durek posted a photo of him and Märtha Louise to his Instagram yesterday
"Spending time in the Hamptons with my Goddess and our family is so refreshing. Family is everything to me. Being in a relationship with someone who plays video games with you, dances with you, takes walks on the beach with you, kicks ass at escape rooms and stares at the stars with you. Not to mention the deep life enhancing conversations we have, is literally heaven on Earth. Life can't get better than this. I feel blessed and a better man for having a woman like @princessmarthalouise"
i found it surprising that ML only just met gwyneth as i knew that gwyneth was/is a good friend of mette marit, and i would have thought these two knew each other already...
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