Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Does ML share custody of her children with her ex-husband?

Where are the children? At school in Norway or abroad?
:previous: There is a considerable difference between having conversations with daisies and being involved with a person who claims to be able to cure people of serious diseases.

If a Princess hugs a tree nothing happens.
If a Princess support a person, whose "treatment" in the worst case scenario can end up in someone dying, it's seriously bad!

Okay, let's look at this.
A) ML is totally besotted with Shaman and she will eventually learn that she is being taken for a ride by a heckler.
B) ML actually believe all this (or worse know this is a scam, but I don't think so) and she is willingly lending Shaman all possible assistance. She has willingly become a confirmed disciple if you will.
C) We must take into consideration that their attraction is genuine and mutual.

Whatever, this is actually IMO more serious than ML has realized.
Because she is using her title and position, and no doubt money and personal involvement as well, in a person who is more than likely to end up in a police investigation for quackery or who is facing a civil lawsuit. That means a Norwegian princess may very well end up in court and or will be interrogated (with full Miranda) by the police somewhere within a few years.

If I can envision this drama, the Norwegians can too - and do.

In the eyes of the world such a scenario may be nothing more than a passing soap on the news, but Norway is a village, a tribe. It matters what a leading member of the first family of the village is involved in!

So I will ask the question: Is it possible ML will be facing an ultimatum:
Preferably drop Shaman altogether. Or if you don't ,do not get yourself remotely involved in his dealings. Don't even get yourself involved in anything resembling healing.
If you don't, you lose your title. And don't expect the NRF or the Norwegian state to help you.

Now, how would ML react to such an ultimatum?
If she believes Shaman is the most wonderful being to walk the Earth since Valentino, she will either flatly refuse in defiance or turn her back on Norway (and if need be the NRF) and follow the man "she was destined to meet before they were even born."
If she follows her man, dropping her title and status, anything can happen. But from a national perspective it will be less embarrassing for the "Norwegian village."

But if she refuse, then it can be ugly, certainly for the NRF on a personal level.
The last thing the NRF need right now is a major row within the family. There are more than enough problems within the NRF as it is, with Mette-Marit seriously ill. (I can BTW envision the King going ballistic, should Shaman suggest he should try and treat her!) And with the Regent Couple feeling their age, there will be a lack of adults able to work full time in the next few years.

Märtha Louise can not rejoin the NRF as a working member. That hope (which I shared) is now out the window. ML's credibility in the eyes of the Norwegians which was very low to start with has now been totally ruined.
And the more she is getting herself involved in this spiritual roadshow, the less they want her. - Even if there were no other alternatives within the NRF left. It's that serious, judging from comments!

Okay, will Shaman run away, having realized that Norway is not California and that dating a Princess (while being a shaman) is not the same thing as dating an ordinary celeb?

Well, if he is a sensible man, who may even be fond of ML, he will realize that this in the long run is damaging to him and cut his losses.

If they genuinely love each other and genuinely believe in their own skills, they may very well try and stick it out together. After all they have been partners in previous lives, remember... - (Yes, I sell mermaids too...)

However, why should he? Why should he let go of a pretty good income? There will be a full house at his shows. Some of those going will be won over and buy more products or services.
He will still have his followers in particularly USA, who are unlikely to care about what happens in Norway. And even less likely to believe anything but his version.
He hasn't done anything illegal in Norway so far.
A genuine princess of the blood from a genuine monarchy is lending him her name, title and status.
Okay the local press are a bit rough on him, but if he is a psychopathic personality, (I.e. believing in his own superior skills, lying through his teeth, acting impulsive, manipulating, charming without sincerity, articulated, convincing, persuasive, ruthless, serious risk-taker, showing little genuine concern for anyone but himself, self-absorbed and so on...) why should he let go of this blue-blooded milk-cow? Especially if she is totally besotted with him.

- So the ultimatum to ML may not be that far away IMO.
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Just to add a tiny bit of information that might be relevant in the comparison with dutch P.Irene:
In Irene's endeavours she uses the name "Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld", not her title...

I'm not quite sure yet what to think of Märtha Louise's new situation; i'm all for free thinkers and am happy for her that she has a new love in her life and am aware of how stories about a person can be taken out of context, particularly on the internet....but....i don't have a good feeling about the "healing" and "commercial" aspect of this man...
Hmmm I'm torn.

At first I am just happy ML his happy and if they were private people are doing different jobs I'd be happy for them.

Part of me also feels that, really is there such a big difference between what ML and Shaman do, she claims to talk to angels including people's beloved relatives and he claims to heal people.

But then as Muhler says, if someone follows the Shaman's "treatment" it could result in their health getting worse and even death. I suppose the worse thing for ML's clients is that they feel some comfort from "communicating" with other wordly spirits.

I was surprised to hear she still uses her Princess title for her work, in general most royals avoid commercial enterprise and royal titles never mind when its something a bit controversial like ML does.
The main story across the Norwegian press tonight is that they all seem to quote a paper called Fædrelandsvennen = something like the Friend of the Fatherland = or more fittingly: The Patriot.
The editorial in that paper calls for Märtha Louise to give up her title as princess.

- I don't know enough of the Norwegian press to classify that paper, however judging from it's name it smells like a national conservative paper.
What is so interesting is that all the other papers quote this particular editorial, rather than putting it into an article compiling all sorts of opinions and comments.
To me, this smells like a: We agree, but we are not saying that out loud - yet.

In the editorial it says:
That ML should give up her title because it should no be used in a commercial context.
And while ML is free to date whomever she wants to and believe whatever she wants to, it becomes a national matter when she and her boyfriend use her title in a commercial context.
The editorial notes that this has led to a very considerable increase in the sale of tickets to The Princess and the Shaman tour.
It is unacceptable to actively use the title as Princess to increase the sale of tickets, is the opinion of the editor.
The editorial goes on to urge ML to give up her title as Princess, something she has been encouraged to do before. And which she should do, both for her own sake but also for the sake of the NRF.

TV2 in the latest interview did indeed ask ML directly whether she is willing to give up her title. She responded that the question wasn't relevant and that she very much felt a part of that family (the NRF). In short: No.

The news about the happy couple has indeed started to spread worldwide.
A quick Google will bring up articles from German, British, US, French, Scandinavian and so on papers.
Hardly headline news, but nevertheless being featured on the celeb-news sections.

That includes Daily Mail, which provides a fairly accurate summary of the Norwegian press coverage, or more correctly the Norwegian TV2 coverage:

The next chapter of this story will be tomorrow on the National Day. And whether Shaman and ML will make an appearance somewhere during the festivities and if and how the lunch with the Regent Couple and CP-couple went.

But the most interesting chapter will start when the Shaman & the Princess Tour starts. Then the press coverage will depend on what is being said and what is happening on that tour.
If they think the Norwegian press is hard on them, they can expect the exact same treatment in Denmark, and the same questions and having to relate to the same statements and quotes by Shaman - the Internet never forgets...
If the Danish press decides to sink their teeth into this, that is. Right now we are having a very lively general election here in DK, so the interest may be limited.
Unless Shaman makes the big mistake of thinking that what happens and is being said in another country like DK will not be reported in Norway, because the Danish audience is much more likely to consist of people who actually know about Durek as a shaman or people who are genuinely interested in these spiritual matters - and as such constitute a genuine market for him.
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Hmmm I'm torn.

At first I am just happy ML his happy and if they were private people are doing different jobs I'd be happy for them.

Part of me also feels that, really is there such a big difference between what ML and Shaman do, she claims to talk to angels including people's beloved relatives and he claims to heal people.

But then as Muhler says, if someone follows the Shaman's "treatment" it could result in their health getting worse and even death. I suppose the worse thing for ML's clients is that they feel some comfort from "communicating" with other wordly spirits.

I was surprised to hear she still uses her Princess title for her work, in general most royals avoid commercial enterprise and royal titles never mind when its something a bit controversial like ML does.

That's how I look at it as well. I don't see the huge difference between Märtha Louise's previous business and her new one, except for her branding herself as 'The Princess', which I think was a serious error on her part as there was a reason for her to no longer be a royal highness.

Furthermore, I noticed in the short bits of the interview that ML didn't want to talk about her parents' previous reactions to her angel school and the discussion that they had about giving up her princess title (this I understand very well); and later on when asked whether she feels her parents' support she states that she feels the support of many people (and by saying so the implicit message is that her parents do NOT support her in this relationship).

In general, I thought ML was rather 'flat' in the interview; probably quite nervous as it can't be a pleasant experience to defend your new love and business on national television; while making sure not to further incriminate your parents the king and queen. Moreover, imo the holding (and kissing) hands was unappropriated as well for a princess on national television (when not announcing your engagement).

Just to add a tiny bit of information that might be relevant in the comparison with dutch P.Irene:
In Irene's endeavours she uses the name "Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld", not her title...

I'm not quite sure yet what to think of Märtha Louise's new situation; i'm all for free thinkers and am happy for her that she has a new love in her life and am aware of how stories about a person can be taken out of context, particularly on the internet....but....i don't have a good feeling about the "healing" and "commercial" aspect of this man...

Another relevant difference imo is that Irene had not been in line to the throne for several decades when she started all of this; and seems less interested in using it as a money making business but comes across (at least nowadays) as sincerely wishing to connect people to nature (more than anything else). So, while I also have some doubts about what she did (her current endeavors seem more nature, while her previous ones seemed to be more spiritual focused), she did NOT promote herself as a princess and it wasn't that commercial.
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That's how I look at it as well. I don't see the huge difference between Märtha Louise's previous business and her new one, except for her branding herself as 'The Princess', which I think was a serious error on her part as there was a reason for her to no longer be a royal highness.

Furthermore, I noticed in the short bits of the interview that ML didn't want to talk about her parents' previous reactions to her angel school and the discussion that they had about giving up her princess title (this I understand very well); and later on when asked whether she feels her parents' support she states that she feels the support of many people (and by saying so the implicit message is that her parents do NOT support her in this relationship).

In general, I thought ML was rather 'flat' in the interview; probably quite nervous as it can't be a pleasant experience to defend your new love and business on national television; while making sure not to further incriminate your parents the king and queen. Moreover, imo the holding (and kissing) hands was unappropriated as well for a princess on national television (when not announcing your engagement).

I apologize in advance if I am misinformed as I have not been closely following her career, but hasn't Princess Märtha Louise consistently used her title for her professional work for almost two decades? The comments summarized in Muhler's posts have been ongoing for many years without any effect (so I am not sure there will be a difference this time).

That is an interesting point on support from other people versus the king and queen.

Whatever, this is actually IMO more serious than ML has realized.
Because she is using her title and position, and no doubt money and personal involvement as well, in a person who is more than likely to end up in a police investigation for quackery or who is facing a civil lawsuit. That means a Norwegian princess may very well end up in court and or will be interrogated (with full Miranda) by the police somewhere within a few years.

I cannot find the article I read on the issue, so I once more apologize if my recollection is wrong, but wasn't a court forbidden from forcing her to testify in a lawsuit in the 1990s on account of her royal privilege? As for police investigations, the Constitution provides her with immunity from prosecution.
I apologize in advance if I am misinformed as I have not been closely following her career, but hasn't Princess Märtha Louise consistently used her title for her professional work for almost two decades? The comments summarized in Muhler's posts have been ongoing for many years without any effect (so I am not sure there will be a difference this time).

That is an interesting point on support from other people versus the king and queen.

I don't think she ever marketed herself so explicitly as 'The Princess' as she is doing now in her 'The Princess and The Shaman' roadshow.

She of course never hid that she is a princess and I am sure that has benefitted her financially but this time it's even bolder than in previous endeavors. And it seems the connection to a celebrity shaman attracts more interest as well; previously they could probably just ignore it as 'some weird women doing angel stuff' (implying that didn't hurt anyone, while they don't think that's the case with her association with the shaman).

And it's not the first time that this discussion about her title has come up; but other than her loosing/giving up her style as royal highness it seems that the royal family so far somewhat supported her, while that might not longer be the case...

I cannot find the article I read on the issue, so I once more apologize if my recollection is wrong, but wasn't a court forbidden from forcing her to testify in a lawsuit in the 1990s on account of her royal privilege? As for police investigations, the Constitution provides her with immunity from prosecution.

I don't know about this case: but at that time she was still a member of the royal house and a royal highness. Now she is neither, so that might make a difference.
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:previous: It would be interesting to know which laws (if any) were relied on in that case.

From the Constitution, the precise wording is

§ 37.

De kongelige prinser og prinsesser skal for sine personer ikke stå til ansvar for andre enn kongen eller hvem han forordner til dommer over dem.

Article 37
The Royal Princes and Princesses shall not personally be answerable to anyone other than the King, or whomever he decrees to sit in judgment on them.​
I cannot find the article I read on the issue, so I once more apologize if my recollection is wrong, but wasn't a court forbidden from forcing her to testify in a lawsuit in the 1990s on account of her royal privilege? As for police investigations, the Constitution provides her with immunity from prosecution.

It won't protect her from a foreign police investigation, nor will it protect her from being sued personally abroad.
I'm not sure if she has diplomatic immunity, which may at first protect her from a more in depth foreign police investigation.
But the Norwegian government will be put in an embarrassing situation if she personally ends up in something as serious as say a charge of quackery, which has caused harm to someone.
While she may get off the hook abroad, due to her status, she is likely to become a persona non grata in whatever country the police is investigating her, and for a member of a royal family to be persona non grata is hugely embarrassing!
And if the matter is serious enough she may face a request of being extradited pending a trial.

In that case there will be a huge Norwegian outcry of stripping her of her title at the very least. The King will not be able to refuse.

As for a foreign civil lawsuit, I doubt very much her diplomatic status can protect her, because that's got to do with her business in that country. Otherwise we would see many diplomats setting up businesses in foreign countries, doing pretty much what they want.

Her protection may also be somewhat tenuous in Norway itself.
In regards to her business she is subject to Norwegian legislation like everybody else. As for immunity against lawsuits and criminal charges, that's up to the monarch. The monarch can decide to strip her of her immunity. (I'm not sure how it works in Norway, but in Denmark, the monarch can alternatively sentence a member of the royal family who has done something criminal.) The King would be under severe pressure to do just that, should it come to a criminal charge.

All that because ML helping to set up contacts between her clients and angels, is hardly likely to harm anyone. But being personally associated with, and going so far as to lend name and title to a person who may convince a desperate client who is ill from cancer to drop chemo and instead undergo a shamanistic therapy and dying as a result of lack of proper care, is in a totally different league! Especially if there is money involved.

It is equivalent to someone calling themselves experts in nutrition (or worse actually having an education in nutrition) and advocating and convincing parents to feed their babies a say strict vegan diet, with the result that the children ends up badly malnutritioned.
The parents are ultimately responsible but the nutritionist is in trouble as well!

Märtha Louise being romantically involved with a shaman (without any formal education or license or anything. And there are after all formal educations in alternative medicine.) is her own business. But in getting herself personally involved, as she has, in his treatments is very ill advised!
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Thank you for this very interesting….
Mind you I think it would be of no use to strip her of her title of "Princess". She will remain so in the eyes of the world because she will Always be mentioned as "the former Princess".
Today is national day for Norway, I Wonder if she will be seen with him.:eek:
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:previous: It would be interesting to know which laws (if any) were relied on in that case.

From the Constitution, the precise wording is

§ 37.

De kongelige prinser og prinsesser skal for sine personer ikke stå til ansvar for andre enn kongen eller hvem han forordner til dommer over dem.

Article 37
The Royal Princes and Princesses shall not personally be answerable to anyone other than the King, or whomever he decrees to sit in judgment on them.​
Thanks! In my understanding this wouldn't apply to ML (anymore) as Märtha Louise is no longer a ROYAL princess (just a princess, like her aunt, and her nephew (who of course is a prince not a princess - neither one of them is 'royal')).
:previous: There is a considerable difference between having conversations with daisies and being involved with a person who claims to be able to cure people of serious diseases.

If a Princess hugs a tree nothing happens.
If a Princess support a person, whose "treatment" in the worst case scenario can end up in someone dying, it's seriously bad!

Okay, let's look at this.
A) ML is totally besotted with Shaman and she will eventually learn that she is being taken for a ride by a heckler.
B) ML actually believe all this (or worse know this is a scam, but I don't think so) and she is willingly lending Shaman all possible assistance. She has willingly become a confirmed disciple if you will.
C) We must take into consideration that their attraction is genuine and mutual.

Whatever, this is actually IMO more serious than ML has realized.
Because she is using her title and position, and no doubt money and personal involvement as well, in a person who is more than likely to end up in a police investigation for quackery or who is facing a civil lawsuit. That means a Norwegian princess may very well end up in court and or will be interrogated (with full Miranda) by the police somewhere within a few years.

- So the ultimatum to ML may not be that far away IMO.

Ultimatum by whom? The King is obviously happy for his daughter. Otherwise he could have refused to comment.

And why do you foresee a lawsuit coming up for the Princess only because she´s linked to a shaman? In my hometown there are dozends of people earning their money with shamanism. People who believe in it consultate shamans -and most of them, from what I´ve heard of, were quite happy to have made the experience. I don´t believe that everything about it is complete nonsense as well as I don´t believe they can cast miracles! People who don´t think this could help them (spiritually) don´t consultate shamans, and that´s fine, too. Everyone is free to use a shaman or not, and everyone is responsible for himself.

I agree with you that it is a problem for ML to earn money by her relationship with a shaman; but a lawsuit...?
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Ultimatum by whom? The King is obviously happy for his daughter. Otherwise he could have refused to comment.

And why do you foresee a lawsuit coming up for the Princess only because she´s linked to a shaman? In my hometown there are dozends of people earning their money with shamanism. People who believe in it consultate shamans -and most of them, from what I´ve heard of, were quite happy to have made the experience. I don´t believe that everything about it is complete nonsense as well as I don´t believe they can cast miracles! People who don´t think this could help them (spiritually) don´t consultate shamans, and that´s fine, too. Everyone is free to use a shaman or not, and everyone is responsible for himself.

I agree with you that it is a problem for ML to earn money by her relationship with a shaman; but a lawsuit...?

No comments is also a comment...

The ultimatum, should it come, will be presumably follow the chain of command - The government (on behalf of the Parliament) to the King to Märtha Louise.

I can easily see a lawsuit in the horizon. We are not talking about a man who is placing crystals on your back, urging you to think positive, while listening to whales singing - that's sound placebo-technique and helps coping with stress, simply by relaxing and focusing on something else.
In Shaman we are talking about a man who among many other things claims to have been resurrected - literally. And who claims that sheer will is the best way to be cured of something - among many statements.
That's a man who at some point will say something silly to the wrong person who happens to have good lawyers.

And Märtha Louise is not just his sweetheart, she is officially his business partner. That is evident from the Princess and the Shaman tour.
Do you really believe a lawyer going for Shaman would spare his companion?

Well, if people believe it helps sleeping with a seven-pointed star made from paper, silver or gold under their pillow, they will feel better.
In my younger days I was a bookbinder, we produced edition after edition of a book called The Seven Star, listing hundreds of examples of little wonders sleeping with a seven-pointed star had, The book even included a seven-star in cardboard, with the note that a seven star made from silver or gold would work even better! :whistling:
In Danish, English, French and German. It was great business!
- Now, what's the harm done in this example? None I guess, except that some ended up with a seven-star made from silver in a drawer somewhere.
But what if the author at a lecture had claimed that the silver star might cure your diabetes? Well, insulin is expensive, why not give it a try? The placebo effect does make you feel better - for a while... So you drop your insulin altogether until your body collapses.
Many would now seriously consider a lawsuit.

It's something like that I see in the horizon.
While I do think that perhaps Princess Märtha Louise has crossed a line with this, it remains to be seen how it all pans out.

In general, Muhler, it sounds like you want her to be offered an ultimatum about this.

Spirituality does exist, but mostly the people with true abilities remain anonymous or at least not known to the big public.
:previous: I do indeed believe it would be much wiser is she, preferably of her own free will, gave up her title.
Especially as she has shown no inclination to return to "active duty" in connection with the lack of full time working adults in the NRF in the coming years.
Not even for a while or part time. So what's the point of her having her title?

Miss Märtha Lousie would be much more free to earn a living on Angel Schools and she would avoid the constant criticism in Norway.
On top of that the thread would be about her relationship with an American who calls himself a Shaman and who profess to have a number of healing abilities. Interesting, a little controversial but not very controversial.

I do not believe in spirituality. I do believe firmly in natural science and psychology.
There are many forms of alternative treatments that require a considerable education and where you need to be certified. These people treat their clients according to a certain standard and with respect for their own abilities, meaning that when they spot something that is beyond their skills they advise seeing a doctor. - That I respect!

Where I call charlatan and humbug are when people without any basic skills claim to be able to cure or alleviate serious illnesses. Based on... what?
Tribal shamans went through years of intensive training before they were even allowed to call themselves a shaman.

I have very little respect for people who prey on the sick, vulnerable or psychologically lost.
I think, the problem is, that Märtha Luise is a scandinavian princess:

Folks from other denominations would say, Durek might have a point, or he is talking to evil demons and evil demons through him,

but Scandinavia is pretty hardcore protestantic - they say "Humbug". Protestantism..., Protestantism has somehow saved christianity by diminishing everything it considered excessivly and making the believe in Jesus more "abstract" and by that has opened the way for science and enlightment. And now comes the "Shaman"... Wrong time (it is not the Seventies anymore) and totally wrong place!

The thingy by Märtha Luise with talking to the angels, that was somehow "innocent", but now everything is about Big Money! I googled it, the prices for seeing their show "The Princess and the Shaman" are quite high - one can see the best music artists for that money.

So, yes, I think @Muhler has a point!

Here is an testimonial from the Shaman from youtube:

I think, it is funny!:lol:

But if one watches the vid above - it has all the right words!

Internet, Data Highway, Creativity... Who does not want to be creative on the data Highway in the Internet?

If one were a con artist without snake oil, one had to tell a story with the right words in it, to rake in some money. Today it would be probably Artificial Intelligence, Crispr - the gene editor: or an Algorithm for an Artificial Intelligence to edit Genes and the informations get saved on a blockchain... the way to new super meds! Or something like this.

And the Shaman has the right words!:whistling:
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The Norwegian press has started to dig deeper into Durek Verrett as well as the business of ML herself.

The Shaman and the Princess tour will start in Denmark on Sunday, and as mentioned before the tickets have been selling like warm pastry! Not least after the title of the tour was published a week ago.

It has been announced that a new limited company will be set up shortly to specifically handle this tour, PML International. That company hasn't been registered yet though.
According to Norwegian legislation a tour like the one ML and Shaman is embarking on is subject to 15 % "performer tax." - Presumably to be collected from the company overseeing the tour, i.e. PML International.
It has to be reported to the Norwegian tax agency three weeks in advance when a foreign performer comes to Norway so that tax can be paid, usually via the event organizer. Which is presumably to be PML International. Alternatively Durek Verrett can be labelled a lecturer, in which case he adheres under the normal rules for taxation of foreigners working in Norway.
A spokeswoman for ML has stated that everything is being handled correctly in accordance with the laws of taxation. - But by which company?
PML International hasn't been officially registered yet and Astarte Inspiration (see below) is in debt. So that leaves ML's personal company Princess Märtha Louise Cultural Communication. (Again see below.)

When ML left the NRF as an active member, she set up a company called Prinsesse Märtha Louise Kulturformidling (cultural communication.) Later on she has set up Astarte Inspiration, which the Angel School belongs to, but that company is to be closed down, due to the company having a deficit. Instead PML International is to take over. - Who owns the shares in PML International is of course an interesting question...
And what is to happen to the debt in Astarte Inspiration is another interesting question.

The Norwegian paper Dagbladet has asked whether setting up PML International means that ML will focus on doing business abroad, but have so far not received an answer.

I must confess I'm not familiar with the Danish rules of taxation in regards to foreigners coming to Denmark, whether to "perform" or "lecture" but presumably they are similar to the Norwegian.

- To me this could suggest that this joint tour has been set up fairly late. Perhaps within the past couple of weeks. It is of course interesting to speculate who came up with the idea of making what seemingly was a solo-tour by ML to a kind of joint venture with her boyfriend.

Read here:

And now to our Shaman.

The press has really been digging into past statements of his, leading to medical people as well as organizations representing people who suffer from various illnesses, like Leukemia to warn against him and even label him "dangerous" - yes, there are no holes barred in Norway these days!

He is being quoted for saying:
Jeg har vist at jeg har krefter i den fysiske verden, som mennesker ikke forstår hvordan kan skje. (...) Folk kaster opp, rister og gråter smerte de aldri har hatt inni seg. Her om dagen jobbet jeg med to personer på sykehus. Den ene hadde nyrestein, den andre bukspyttkjertelbetennelse. Hun med nyrestein ble helbredet på ti minutter. Hun andre, helbredet. Hun ble skrevet ut i går. Begge har sendt meg nydelige videoer. Når noen kommer til meg og sier «jeg har psoriasis» (...), så går jeg til kjernen av det problemet,
"I have shown that I have powers in the physical world that people cannot understand how it is possible... - People throw up, convulse and cry (of) pain they have never had inside them (before). Just the other day I worked with two persons in a hospital. One suffered from kidney stones, the other from pancreas inflammation. The one with kidney stones was cured in ten minutes. She, others, cured. She was discharged yesterday. Both have send me nice videos. When someone come to me and say: I have psoriasis... - Then I go to the core of the problem."

On Verrett's webpage you can read:
dersom du er syk eller i rullestol, paralysert eller i koma, trenger du mer enn én time, du må booke to timer. Vi garanterer ikke at du blir helbredet for din lidelse. Å bli helbredet fra sykdom har å gjøre med pasientens villighet.
- "If you are sick or in a wheelchair, paralyzed or in coma, you need more than one hour, you must book two hours. We do not guarantee that you will be cured of your ailment. To be cured of a disease depends on the will of the patient."

ML and Verrett were seen arriving at the palace in Oslo Friday afternoon, as is evident of this article and photos.
There are no info as to whether they lunched with the Regent Couple, but presumably they did.


Thanks for the video, Victor1319.

I see from the comments that the Norwegians are out in force...

And thank you for your comment regarding Protestantism.
I am a little hesitant about speaking on behalf of Norwegian Protestants, only repeat what I have said before: The Norwegians quietly take their faith very seriously and indeed Lutherans believers tend to have a less than, shall we say, overbearing view on spiritualism and supernatural beings.
So I believe you nailed it.

I've looked into the prices for the tickets of the tour in Denmark. A whopping 995 DKK!!!
That's more than the price for a concert ticket to a major international name!
Okay, I'm a Jutlander, which means I have a close and dear relationship with my money, but almost a 1.000 DKK? For a magic show?!? That's daylight robbery!
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:previous: I do indeed believe it would be much wiser is she, preferably of her own free will, gave up her title.
Especially as she has shown no inclination to return to "active duty" in connection with the lack of full time working adults in the NRF in the coming years.
Not even for a while or part time. So what's the point of her having her title?

Miss Märtha Lousie would be much more free to earn a living on Angel Schools and she would avoid the constant criticism in Norway.
On top of that the thread would be about her relationship with an American who calls himself a Shaman and who profess to have a number of healing abilities. Interesting, a little controversial but not very controversial.

I do not believe in spirituality. I do believe firmly in natural science and psychology.
There are many forms of alternative treatments that require a considerable education and where you need to be certified. These people treat their clients according to a certain standard and with respect for their own abilities, meaning that when they spot something that is beyond their skills they advise seeing a doctor. - That I respect!

Where I call charlatan and humbug are when people without any basic skills claim to be able to cure or alleviate serious illnesses. Based on... what?
Tribal shamans went through years of intensive training before they were even allowed to call themselves a shaman.

I have very little respect for people who prey on the sick, vulnerable or psychologically lost.

Whilst I'm a practicing Christian and do believe in spirits etc, I don't agree with spirituality such as the role of the Shaman for this bolded reason. The whole practice seems very dodgy to me (for want of a better word) and even dangerous in some cases. I want to trust Martha Louise's new partner for the sake of her happiness but I don't get good vibes, I'm afraid..
On Verrett's webpage you can read:
dersom du er syk eller i rullestol, paralysert eller i koma, trenger du mer enn én time, du må booke to timer. Vi garanterer ikke at du blir helbredet for din lidelse. Å bli helbredet fra sykdom har å gjøre med pasientens villighet.
- "If you are sick or in a wheelchair, paralyzed or in coma, you need more than one hour, you must book two hours. We do not guarantee that you will be cured of your ailment. To be cured of a disease depends on the will of the patient."

This probably is not the most pressing question at hand, but how does one book an appointment with a shaman whilst in a coma?

And thank you for the information on the princess's registered companies.
The money is the thing that raises the most suspicion and skepticism.

I'm Catholic-we have Saints. But people that have extraordinary faith do not intercede for others for money reward. In fact, many would say they would lose any extra intercessory abilities they have if they were motivated by venality.
:previous: I do indeed believe it would be much wiser is she, preferably of her own free will, gave up her title.
Especially as she has shown no inclination to return to "active duty" in connection with the lack of full time working adults in the NRF in the coming years.
Not even for a while or part time. So what's the point of her having her title?

Miss Märtha Lousie would be much more free to earn a living on Angel Schools and she would avoid the constant criticism in Norway.
On top of that the thread would be about her relationship with an American who calls himself a Shaman and who profess to have a number of healing abilities. Interesting, a little controversial but not very controversial.

I do not believe in spirituality. I do believe firmly in natural science and psychology.
There are many forms of alternative treatments that require a considerable education and where you need to be certified. These people treat their clients according to a certain standard and with respect for their own abilities, meaning that when they spot something that is beyond their skills they advise seeing a doctor. - That I respect!

Where I call charlatan and humbug are when people without any basic skills claim to be able to cure or alleviate serious illnesses. Based on... what?
Tribal shamans went through years of intensive training before they were even allowed to call themselves a shaman.

I have very little respect for people who prey on the sick, vulnerable or psychologically lost.

You're right. Unlike the royal houses in Sweden and Denmark, where there are several adults working for the monarchy, in Norway are only Kings and Prince Haakon, because Princess Mette-Marit is sick and therefore can not always work. I think it would be much smarter for Marta Louise to help her brother instead of being involved in controversy.
Ok I know very little about Martha Louise ....has she always been this way, to take up with this type of person? He sounds like a con man.

The money is the thing that raises the most suspicion and skepticism.

I'm Catholic-we have Saints. But people that have extraordinary faith do not intercede for others for money reward. In fact, many would say they would lose any extra intercessory abilities they have if they were motivated by venality.
You are right, if really you are able to cure people, it is a gift of God, you cannot mix profit with it.:eek:
"To be cured of a disease depends on the will of the patient."

I'm convinced there is more between heaven and earth than we know, and also that the mind is a strong influence of a person's physical well-being, but i have a categorical problem with a statement like this and a person who utters such statement.
I've seen enough illness in familymembers or other people in my surroundings who fought their hardest and wanted nothing more than to get better and survive, but who lost their battle say something like this always sounds to me that they didn't want it bad enough

Sometimes life just isn't that simple and fair...
No comments is also a comment...

And Märtha Louise is not just his sweetheart, she is officially his business partner. That is evident from the Princess and the Shaman tour.
Do you really believe a lawyer going for Shaman would spare his companion?

Well, if people believe it helps sleeping with a seven-pointed star made from paper, silver or gold under their pillow, they will feel better.
In my younger days I was a bookbinder, we produced edition after edition of a book called The Seven Star, listing hundreds of examples of little wonders sleeping with a seven-pointed star had, The book even included a seven-star in cardboard, with the note that a seven star made from silver or gold would work even better! :whistling:
In Danish, English, French and German. It was great business!
- Now, what's the harm done in this example? None I guess, except that some ended up with a seven-star made from silver in a drawer somewhere.
But what if the author at a lecture had claimed that the silver star might cure your diabetes? Well, insulin is expensive, why not give it a try? The placebo effect does make you feel better - for a while... So you drop your insulin altogether until your body collapses.
Many would now seriously consider a lawsuit.

It's something like that I see in the horizon.

Well, He did comment! He said he was happy she had a new boyfriend and looking forward to meet the guy, something like this.

I´m not an expert, but Shamanism has very different techniques other than you wrote about in your examples! It is an ancient, archaic way of coming in contact with different kind of spirits, arisen masters etc. This has nothing to do with putting a crystal star under ones pillow....:whistling: Things having absolutely nothing to do with each other getting mixed up here....

I think, the problem is, that Märtha Luise is a scandinavian princess:

Folks from other denominations would say, Durek might have a point, or he is talking to evil demons and evil demons through him,

but Scandinavia is pretty hardcore protestantic - they say "Humbug". Protestantism..., Protestantism has somehow saved christianity by diminishing everything it considered excessivly and making the believe in Jesus more "abstract" and by that has opened the way for science and enlightment. And now comes the "Shaman"... Wrong time (it is not the Seventies anymore) and totally wrong place!

The thingy by Märtha Luise with talking to the angels, that was somehow "innocent", but now everything is about Big Money! I googled it, the prices for seeing their show "The Princess and the Shaman" are quite high - one can see the best music artists for that money.
So, yes, I think @Muhler has a point!

Well, as I understand it, shamanism is beyond times or "zeitgeist" - it is an ancient technique you will have to learn long and hard to be able to perform it!
So, this has nothing to do with the "1970s" or any other period.

Märtha Louise said in an interview a couple of days ago what she answers when being asked how it was like being a Princess. She said she does not know because she does not know how it feels like NOT to be a Princess, because she was, and that this was a fact.
That shows the ML sees that title not just as a "brand", but obviously as a part of her personality!
Can you just swap a part of your personality?!

And last, why would her talking to angels be more "innocent"?! ML went on tour with a female friend (her angel-school partner) on this as well just as selling books!
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Well, He did comment! He said he was happy she had a new boyfriend and looking forward to meet the guy, something like this.

I´m not an expert, but Shamanism has very different techniques other than you wrote about in your examples! It is an ancient, archaic way of coming in contact with different kind of spirits, arisen masters etc. This has nothing to do with putting a crystal star under ones pillow....:whistling: Things having absolutely nothing to do with each other getting mixed up here....

I know about what the King said. In fact I believe I read about three quotes.

What I meant was that sometimes not saying anything is a statement too. - That does not only apply to this case.

And let us make one thing very clear: Durek has absolutely nothing in common with a genuine, traditional, tribal shaman!
A traditional shaman was a kind of priest, GP, councilor, herbalist and psychologist in one person and as such served a vital function in tribal communities - and only after years of intensive training.
- Durek is neither of these.

There are lots of people these days who run around calling themselves druids, shamans, gurus, witches and what not - but who have very little in common with the real thing.
Then there a few who actually seriously study and try and rediscover the ancient arts of medical care and psychological methods as well as incorporating parts of the old religions in their treatment.
- Durek does not.

The example I used about crystals does not necessarily have anything to do with shamanism, as you are very well aware, but was an example of a stress-relieving technique used in alternative treatment.
Lying still for an hour, listening to calming sounds/music, with a crystal on your forehead and elsewhere on your body, means you are eventually going to relax - that's logic. It's just called "Crystal-Therapy" or something fancy.
- But that's not what Durek is saying.
Well, as I understand it, shamanism is beyond times or "zeitgeist" - it is an ancient technique you will have to learn long and hard to be able to perform it!
So, this has nothing to do with the "1970s" or any other period.

Yeah, but he is more of a Guru, right? He just calls himself Shaman! Probably because of these "à la mode" latin american rituals like Ayahuasca, which are shamanic.

Can you just swap a part of your personality?!

I don't know Märtha Luise, nor her personality. But she might have been more than ready for this "Shaman"! It looks like her whole vitae culminates here...:ermm:

And last, why would her talking to angels be more "innocent"?! ML went on tour with a female friend (her angel-school partner) on this as well just as selling books!

Oh, I did not know that! My fault! But it surely raked not that much money in like her gig with Shaman.

Well this told me all I needed to know ;-)

In some ways they seem perfect with their slightly "out there" ideas.

I can't help but think someone is being quite clever here - making the relationship public just before they go on a tour. Now theres 100x as much media coverage as before. I just hope they are both in it together and ML isn't just being used
Well this told me all I needed to know ;-)

In some ways they seem perfect with their slightly "out there" ideas.

I can't help but think someone is being quite clever here - making the relationship public just before they go on a tour. Now theres 100x as much media coverage as before. I just hope they are both in it together and ML isn't just being used

Yes, we have of course to take into consideration that both of them know perfectly well what they are getting into. No accident there, I agree. The question is who came up with the idea? One or both? Or ML's discreet partner at the Angel School?

In fact I have heard it being suggested from Norwegian side that it is Durek who is being used.
I.e. the conman is being conned. (By his "intended victim") - If so it's in perverse way better than any soap! :lol:
But personally I prefer to let the benefit of doubt of that one go to ML.

- I had, after Mette-Marit went public with her illness, hoped and indeed expected that Märtha Louise would help out with the royal duties. Even is she is far from generally respected among the Norwegians, surely she could cut a ribbon here and there, give a speech or two and visit the odd retirement home. - Harmless stuff, you know.
But with this, perhaps the Norwegians are fortunate she is no longer an active royal - and if it was now left to me to decide, no longer a royal at all. Even if it means the NRF will be stretched to breaking point for the next ten-fifteen years work-wise.

Latest news from Norway.

There will not be a press conference in connection with Princess and Shaman show in Copenhagen tomorrow.
Nor will they answer individual questions, nor will it be permitted to take photos during the show.
A spokesperson says:
Vi har hele tiden hatt fotoforbud på kurs vi holder, også dette. Det er av respekt for de som har kjøpt billett for egen del. Vi har ingen ytterligere kommentar
"We have all along prohibited photos at the course we are having, also this one. It's out of respect for those who have bought a ticket out of personal interest. We have no further comments."
- The comments from the readers in the bottom of the article are hardly positive towards ML and Durek!

Durek is pretty irritated!
Friday he put up a video where he express his annoyance against the Norwegian press.
It's in English, so I'll him speak for himself...

Finansavisen - The Norwegian equivalent to Financial Times, have in their editorial called the Princess & Shaman tour for "swindle."

The editor, Trygne Hegnar, is here quoted for elaborating his editorial:
Han er jo ikke en sjaman, men en sjarlatan. Han driver med helbredelser ved healing, og da hevder at han kan helbrede kreft og masse rart, sier Hegnar i gårsdagens sending av Økonominyhetene på HegnarTV.

- At han kan tillate seg å si at han kan gå inn i kroppen og snu det som foregår i kromosomer og atomene, og det kan han snu og påvirke slik at vi kan leve lenger, det er noe skikkelig erkesludder alt sammen. Det som nesten er trist for kong Harald og dronning Sonja er at de får en ny svigersønn som er like.. som den forrige,

"He isn't a shaman, but a charlatan. He is curing people with healing and then he claims he can cure cancer and other good things.
That he can allow himself to say that he can enter the body and twist what is going on in chromosomes and the atoms and that he can twist and influence it so that we can live longer , that's a bunch of terrible arch-nonsense all of it. What is almost sad for King Harald and Queen Sonja is that they are getting a new son-in-law who is... like the last one.

Jeg skiter i hva Märtha Louise gjør med kjærestene sine, enten det er hestetrenere eller biljardspillere eller folk som tror. Altså Märtha Louise har jo sagt til oss at hun kan snakke med hester og bikkjer, at hun kan snakke med bestemødre og avdøde, så hun er jo på en måte helt utafor.

"I don't give a sh*t about what Märtha Louise is doing with her boyfreinds, whether it's horse-trainers, billiad-players and people who believe. After all Märtha Louise has told us that she can talk to horses, that she can talk to grandmothers and diseased, so she is in a way (already) totally derailed.(? I'm not entirely sure about the last few words.)"

- Men, at hun driver næringsvirksomhet og tar 595 kroner billetten for å prate tull med denne nye kjæresten sin, det er næringsvirksomhet og det har jeg greie på. Det er noe som heter markedsføringsloven, og da skal man levere det man lover, sier Hegnar, som mener Märtha Louise aldri kan levere halvparten av det hun lover og det hun skal selge sammen med Shaman Durek.

"But that she is doing business and charge 595 NKK (less than half of what the Danes have to pay) a ticket to talk silliness with this new boyfriend of hers, that's doing business and I have problems with that. There is something called the Legislation Regarding Marketing and according to that you must deliver what you promise. - Märthe Louise can never deliver half of what she promises and that she is about to sell alongside Shaman Durek."

- Vær gjerne forelsket og hold på med det. Stikk til skogs opp i Lommedalen og bli der, men ikke driv næringsvirksomhet med tullete tanker og på en måte forlede folk til å tro at du kan helbrede folk for kreft eller endre atomene i kroppen min. Det er bare til å le seg ihjel av,

"Do be in love and keep on being that. Go into the woods up in Lomme Valley (a beautiful spot!) and stay there, but don't do have a commercial business with silly thought and somehow misguide people to think you can cure people of cancer or other atoms in my body. It's to laugh yourself to death over."

Hegner goes on to encourage ML to go home to her parents and take her love, her joy and preferably take her new beau with her.

- Men du må ikke drive forretninger i Norge. Det er bare helt skjørt.

"But you are not to do business in Norway. That's just totally crazy."

- Jeg skulle ønske at kong Harald kalte henne inn og ga henne et rapp på rumpa. Når de får spørsmål om næringsvirksomheten, og ikke kjærligheten - den kan du ha for deg selv, den driter jeg i - men når de da får spørsmål om næringsvirksomheten, da sier de bare «det kan vi ikke uttale oss om, da må dere snakke med hennes sekretær». Sånt går ikke vet du.

"I'd wish King Harald called her in and spanked her on her bottum.
When they get questions about the business, not the love, you can keep that to yourselv, I don't give a crap about that - but when they are asked about the business, then they just say: We can't talk about that, you must talk to her secretary.
- That won't do, you know."

- Det er fint at man kan tro på at det finnes noe annet mellom himmel og jord en det vi har i hodet, men ikke driv og selg det til andre.

"It's fine that you believe there is more between heaven and earth than what we have in our heads, but turn it into a business and sell it to others."


- Phew! the blood-pressure be high in this one! ?
A tricky translation since I tried to stay as close to what and how he said it as possible. I still hope it makes sense.

You can watch the video of him here:

Now, I know to little about Norwegian press to give a background on Hegner.
What little I have learned suggests he is a controversial figure with strong opinions, apparently not least against ML.

ML and Durek have been asked for a comment and that goes like this:
Vi har ingen kommentarer til Hegnars respektløse karakteristikker. Han må få lov til å mene det han vil

"We have no comments to Hegnars disrespectful characteristics. He is allowed to have the opinion he has."
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