Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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I'm of the opinion that the louder you shout for outside affirmation the less fulfilling and happy you are on the inside. That incredible overshare convinced me of the complete opposite of his prowess and the sugary public declarations that they're trying to convince themselves and other people it's true, not that it actually is.

This makes so much sense. One would think that if the princess and the shaman were so enraptured with each other with their newfound, deep and spiritual connection, they'd actually want to disappear off the radar with each other (and perhaps the children after a while) and just revel in exploring each other.

I honestly don't remember how long they had been together as a couple before the Princess and the Shaman dog and pony show started but in my thinking, if that was immediate, then the dog and pony show is taking center stage over the relationship itself and that would be very telling.
I always think that, IF Princess Ragnhild had inherited the throne everything could have been different. Maybe she could not wed Mr. Lorentzen, but if she did it, or married another royal. Princess Ragnhilds children are "normal". Lots of norwegians dislike the unformal style of Crown Prince Haakon and even more his sisters strange choices.

My biggest concerns now are: In the first place that shaman guy and the negative effect it has on the popularity of the monarchy and second if Mette-Marit does not make to become queen (because of her illness), what happens then... I think she can not step in as a first lady, she is not suited to do so.
Norway has been without a queen before.
If MM does not live long enough, the country will manage just fine.
Ingrid-Alexandra will have to step in much earlier, unfortunately.
:previous: In the unfortunate event that MM does succumb to her illness, I fully expect Princess Ingrid Alexandra to step up.

ML is not needed, fortunately. Especially as she has taken pains to emphasize that she has "stepped away from" her Royal role and feels liberated from being Royal.
I want to believe that Princess Mette-Marit will live for many years to come.
But if unfortunately this does not happen, Princess Martha Louise should support her brother along with Princess Ingrid Alexandra.
Norway has gone through periods when it had no queen and this has happened in other countries as well. The father of the current King of Sweden died before reaching the throne, for example.
But I hope Princess Mette-Marit is lucky and can get over it, she now looks fine.
I think "looking fine" is deceptive for the kind of chronic illness MM has unfortunately. IPF doesn't have great odds on life expectancy in general, but of course she has access to world class health care and IIRC it was caught fairly early so there's hope yet.

If in the sad eventuality that she leaves her family much too soon, I would hope ML would step up both in private obviously and publicly, especially if IA and SM are still teenagers. Though I don't think they are at that place yet where it needs to be a consideration in ML's private life, especially as she has taken further steps away from royal life recently.

Having read some reviews of his treatments and book from journalists I'm amazed so many people have supposedly fallen for his shtick, which seems less "authentic shaman" and more "pinch of everything with some word salad thrown in". Though a couple said he comes across as very charming so there's that.
I rather think some people in Norway (and beyond) would rather want Oslo to freeze over first before, in that very unfortunate case, Märtha Louise should step up. Especially now that she's with this guy.

She has always been different, she has a characteristic that not everyone believes in but that does exist, but lately she has been really very different.
I would be inclined to indeed call her a weirdo at the moment. What has happened..... Did her divorce set something off?
I want to believe that Princess Mette-Marit will live for many years to come.
But if unfortunately this does not happen, Princess Martha Louise should support her brother along with Princess Ingrid Alexandra.
Norway has gone through periods when it had no queen and this has happened in other countries as well. The father of the current King of Sweden died before reaching the throne, for example.
But I hope Princess Mette-Marit is lucky and can get over it, she now looks fine.

She sure should.
And she should be supporting her brother and sister-in-law already now. Today. But where is she?
Busy earning money giving lectures on how she escaped the royal boy. How confined and alien she felt within the royal family. How she has realized herself by breaking free.
In other words: Me, me, me, myself, and my needs. - Bah!

Please send me a PM if she says something about supporting her family. It'll probably be a long wait though...

Surely there is a ribbon she could cut somewhere. Something she could attend without saying much. Some way she could represent the NRF in a lower capacity during these years where they are desperately short of fully functional members.
Ingrid is only fifteen and she is way more mature than her aunt.
Märtha-Louise doesn't have to return as full royal, but surely she can represent the family, or at least stand in from time to time. Just once or twice a month. or is that too much to ask?

In the worst case scenario, which is far from unrealistic, we will in a few years have a Norwegian Regent Couple who are too frail to do anything but the most essential duties, but who desperately hang on, in order to support their son, daughter-in-law and especially their granddaughter.
We have a husband who is basically the only working adult left in the NRF. A husband and father who is worried and preoccupied with his sick wife and his unhappy children.
We have a late teenager, who should enjoy and live life, get an education and start dating, but instead has to step in as a working royal, while being concerned about her mother - her father and younger brother.
And while this happens ML and her shaman are touring the world babbling about realizing themselves, free from responsibilities and tweeting about how happy they are. - Bah! I say!
A big nightmare everything. I hope ML and family retire completely from royal official life. We don't need them. Princess Astrid Mrs. Ferner has always represented Norway in a very positive way. Her family has always been 110 % discrete. The same can be said about the Lorentzen family (only Ragnhild had a blast in media many years ago about bad advisers etc. in the royal family), they have been 110 % discrete and professional. Finally, the Haraldsen family have been acting discrete in the media.

Then you have the ridiculous Behn family and the Sjaman guy. Don't want to talk about them. I think it was the mother-in-law Marianne Behn that brought all that angels and demons things into ML head. I feel sorry for the King and the Queen. Not easy to do anything to stop all this.
I do not think that Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah are to blame for their mother's behaviour... > "the ridiculous Behn family".
Then you should do some research on Marianne Solberg Behn and her lifestyle. Everything started when ML married into the Behn family.
Then you should do some research on Marianne Solberg Behn and her lifestyle. Everything started when ML married into the Behn family.

That may be so, but her daughters are not accountable for her behaviour. That was what I meant to say.

The dailymail about the launch of Durek Verrett's new self-help book in Los Angeles on October 15:

** dm: EXCLUSIVE: 'I'm proud of you my bro!' Gwyneth Paltrow heaps praise on Shaman Durek, boyfriend of Princess Martha..**

I did see the video in the article and I am glad to have learned, that the Shaman is doing "online courses" now. Yeah, I am sure his cosmic energy will have a positive influence not only onto the visitors of the online courses but onto the whole Internet - good energy vibes via fibre optic cabel and Satellite. And via satellite he can start the heal this universe. :D

I am not sorry, neither for Charlatan, ehrm Shaman, nor for Märtha Luise! The fun part is, that they might have started as "wisom seekers", but now they are conman and conwomen untited in striving for other peoples money. And who cheats others, cheats him- and herself too!
I think "looking fine" is deceptive for the kind of chronic illness MM has unfortunately. IPF doesn't have great odds on life expectancy in general, but of course she has access to world class health care and IIRC it was caught fairly early so there's hope yet.

If in the sad eventuality that she leaves her family much too soon, I would hope ML would step up both in private obviously and publicly, especially if IA and SM are still teenagers. Though I don't think they are at that place yet where it needs to be a consideration in ML's private life, especially as she has taken further steps away from royal life recently.

Having read some reviews of his treatments and book from journalists I'm amazed so many people have supposedly fallen for his shtick, which seems less "authentic shaman" and more "pinch of everything with some word salad thrown in". Though a couple said he comes across as very charming so there's that.

Does it really look like she would be eager to "step up" or that she would do a good job supporting her brother?

The dailymail about the launch of Durek Verrett's new self-help book in Los Angeles on October 15:

** dm: EXCLUSIVE: 'I'm proud of you my bro!' Gwyneth Paltrow heaps praise on Shaman Durek, boyfriend of Princess Martha..**

The way Märtha Louise promotes this book at her Instagram "So proud of your work, my love" and the photo of her and the Shaman ... it's all about her and the Shaman, she doesn't have time to her brother and his wife and her parents.
:previous: so the publishing company chooses ethics above commercial profit? There is still hope for this world after all..
Durek Verrett responded to the book criticism in a live Instagram broadcast last night.
On Wednesday, publisher Cappelen Damm confirmed to Dagbladet that they will stop publishing the self-proclaimed shaman Durek Verrett's book "Spirit Hacking" in Norway.
Verrett held a live broadcast on Instagram, where he talks about the situation and explains the book. He also leans towards the Norwegian press, which he accuses, among other things, of bullying.
Durek Verrett - Tordner mot norsk presse - Dagbladet
The book of Durek "Spirit Hacking" was not to be published in Norwegian

Thanks for the link! So, cancer is self-inflicted and the Shaman can heal it?

That's not funny! Not funny at all and very dangerous for Shaman's victims!

But is it a reason for censorship, for de-platforming, for practically banning this book? I don't think so! Freedom of speech is a high good. Also the freedom to talk rubbish - what most of us, me included, do anyway. So, yeah, rap has it's Parental Advisories for example, it should be publicy warned about the book - but not publishing and practically banning it, is an overkill! They should publish it and donate the profit, if there is any, to cancer research!
Attacking the country of which the father of his girlfriend is head-of-state … classy.

Surely if Mr. Verrett is free to spout these harmful lies, his publisher is equally free to reconsider associating their publishing house with such bile?
That twitter link tells me that Verrett is being called out and denied publishing in Norway for good reasons. Reading the statement "Among other things Verrett writes that cancer is self-inflicted" tells me this man is dealing in taking something so deadly serious as cancer and twisting and churning it (perhaps in his cauldron) to feed the masses half truths and totally insane remedies.

While it can be said that a great percentage of cancers *are* self inflicted (smoking, poor diet, exposure to known carcinogens over time), to actively claim to be able to *cure* cancer is signing a death warrant for those that would put their faith in him. As a wife of a cancer survivor, it takes more than a shaman and his "beliefs " to fight and survive a cancer battle.

I actively cheered very, very loudly reading that the book will not be published in Norway. Those publishers that refused to publish this book have integrity and for that I applaud them. ?
Attacking the country of which the father of his girlfriend is head-of-state … classy.

Surely if Mr. Verrett is free to spout these harmful lies, his publisher is equally free to reconsider associating their publishing house with such bile?

I couldn't agree more! And it also speaks volumes about the character of his Norwegian "goddess" that she is apparently okay with this.:bang:
Thanks for the link! So, cancer is self-inflicted and the Shaman can heal it?

That's not funny! Not funny at all and very dangerous for Shaman's victims!

But is it a reason for censorship, for de-platforming, for practically banning this book? I don't think so! Freedom of speech is a high good. Also the freedom to talk rubbish - what most of us, me included, do anyway. So, yeah, rap has it's Parental Advisories for example, it should be publicy warned about the book - but not publishing and practically banning it, is an overkill! They should publish it and donate the profit, if there is any, to cancer research!

There is freedom of speech, but the publishers are also free not to publish a book.

- Anyway, I'm sure the good Durak has a website where you can order his book - now that it has received a lot of attention in Norway...
Crown Prince Haakon commented on the book to his sister's boyfriend on Thursday afternoon.

Crown Prince Haakon told VGTV on Thursday afternoon that it is up to the publisher whether they will publish a book or not, but he had this to say about the content, as he knew it:

- We have quite different approaches to these questions. I had probably started from research on health and Norwegian health care, said Norway's heir to the throne.
If I were either Harald, Sonja or Haakon I'd be hoping that this relationship wouldn't last in the nicest way possible... I don't think the Shaman is giving the NRF a very good look at all. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt when I first heard that he was dating ML, though he's been giving me a lot of reasons to doubt him! :ermm:

However, as others have said, it takes two to tango, and if ML is still with the Shaman after all this she must be attracted to his, er... strange, ways :whistling:
I wonder what he thinks about all that.
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