Princess Letizia is pregnant with the second girl!!!

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Congratulations to the happy couple. I hope the baby is healthy and strong - no matter what the sex.

Hey guys, was it said if she is gonna give birth in the same clinic (Ruber International) and be taken care by dr. Recanesens as it was during the pregnancy with Leo?
LaChicaMadrilena said:
Hey guys, was it said if she is gonna give birth in the same clinic (Ruber International) and be taken care by dr. Recanesens as it was during the pregnancy with Leo?

Probably. Since Infanta Elena had both of her children there, and since Dr. Recasens is Letizia's doctor I don't see why not follow the second pregnancy as well;)
I think that too. Letizia know her doctor and trust him so why she should change him?:ermm:
It seems that the Royal House has not confirmed anything on this topic.

There have been some speculations. It seems that there was some type of problem, so it is not sure 100 % that repeat doctor and clinic. This topic is very complicated, for a doctor turn submitted to the pressure, chased by the press, having to guard a big discretion ... it is not easy .. it has been said that Recansesn was the second option because the chosen doctor did not want. The topic of the clinic, the being a private clinic also provoked some polemic. It seems to be that at first they thought about a public Hospital, and is not known if apart from the safety and intimacy topics, there were other reasons in order that they went to the Ruber.

A pregnancy of the Princess of Asturias creates an immense expectation, and they have to value many things. I imagine that there will be necessary to wait to know it sure.;)
I wonder if they're also gonna do the "celulas de madre" thing like they did with Leonor.
Prince Felpie could announce the sex of the baby during the pregnancy prince Felipe will announce the sex of the baby who waits for during the pregnancy if, arrived the moment, she considers it opportune, so that the authorities value the measures to adopt in the future. (Thursday 12 of October of 2006) XORNAL I Madrid. - Thus it has indicated it the heir of Corona in an informal conversation that has maintained with the journalists during the traditional reception which they offer the Kings in the Palace of the Zarzuela in the occasion of the Day of the National Celebration. During char it, Felipe has commented who the pregnancy of Letizia goes "well", in spite of having "the normal" annoyances of the first months of gestation. Also, asked for infant Leonor, the prince has said that he already walks "but with aid" and that "water" says to much the word. In a while of the reception, the prince has talked minutes with the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, and a journalist has taken advantage of that moment to ask his opinion to him on the constitutional reform. Felipe has indicated that he continues himself speaking, although at the moment is nothing determined on the matter. In this sense, it has indicated that the political parties must put themselves in agreement to choose the best moment in order that this step is Pacific, and has emphasized that the successory subject in the constitutional reform is not a point that goes in solitaire, but that also is the subjects already advanced by the Government with respect to the Senate, the Constitutional Treaty of the UE and the enumeration of all the Independent Communities, the Newspaper informs into Catalonia.
The sex of this baby will probably be announce earlier
I think that the prnce will make it that if that poses problem and that personally done too much noise during the pregnancy I hope that he will not say it by respect for their intimacy and that of the child a child is a child some is his sex and with the new eyes of felipe and letizia the baby will aurra the same place in mor heart only leonor that this qoit a boy or a girl if felipe says it it will be also can be to relieve one by pressure for letizia which must all support in more of its beginning of difficult pregnancy as of other woman it is on but with a great pressure
I don't think they will announce it earlier, it would be a precendence, it haven't happened in any RF before. In "El mundo" it was written that they don't want not only to publish the news but also know the sex for themselves, untill the baby is born. Moreover, whether the girl or boy, it's a baby, THEIR baby, the child they will love as they love Leonor. Publishing the news before the child is born would be bringing politics in their intimate, family life.:ermm:
Look at this article (hola):

The Princes of Asturias will announce, if it is created opportune, the sex of their future baby.
Prince Felipe, happy and delighted with the future arrival of his second child, spoke distendidamente with the journalists and indicated as much that he, as well as his wife would not like to know sex of the baby until the birth, but if, arrived the moment, it considered itself opportune would approve that it knew before if is girl or boy so that the authorities value the measures to adopt in the future. “We will not have any disadvantage”, pointed Don Felipe, although at the moment the Prince does not see urgent reform the Magna Carta, although if he were a man he would open the debate on the successory order of Corona and would make the constitutional reform necessary to compare the rights of women and men in the succession to Corona (...).
The first word of Leonor
(...) As far as the questions on if they are looking for a day-care center, Don Felipe responded: “She is still very small, but she is customary to be with other children, because she plays with our nephews and the children of other friends”.

This is the way hola works. First they create an eye-cathing heading ("The Princes will announce the sex of the baby!!!") what makes us (or at least me :lol:) have the heart in the troat, and then we find out that the article tells more or less the same information as the others.

As far as I'm concered, revealing the news would make sence if there would be any possibility to change the constitution still before the birth of the baby, in next 6-7 months. The politicians would say: okay, we have enough time to change the constitution. The Princes would say that they expect the boy, and then the constitution would be change in favour of Leonor, still before the birth of her little brothers. But let's face the truth, it's barely possible to change it so quickly. So I don't think revealing their "secret" would make any difference.

Similar article from el mundo:
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It doesn't appear that the Spanish government is in any hurry to change the Constitution.
Do you guys think Letizia will have a scheduled C-section? Since her next delivery will be less than 2 years from Leonor's the doctor may want to do another c-section to prevent problems.
ldt20 said:
Do you guys think Letizia will have a scheduled C-section? Since her next delivery will be less than 2 years from Leonor's the doctor may want to do another c-section to prevent problems.
I was thinking the same... Well, it will probably depends on how her state will look like in some certain moments of the pregnancy.:rolleyes: But for the doctors it's surely easier to "make" a scheduled c-section than an emegency one...
If it is a scheduled c-section, I wonder if they'll let the public know beforehand or we'll find out right after Letizia delivers the new baby.
Some doctors say that if the woman had c-section once that's more than probably that she will has it next time. It all depend f.ex. of the baby's size and woman's pelvis size during pregnancy (going bigger than before or not). Woman can ask for c-section too. But it all depend of the woman, her health during pregnancy and pregnancy.

In Letizia's case I think that she will has it second time.
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magnik said:
Some doctors say that if the woman had c-section once that's more than probably that she will has it next time.
Mathilde delivered little Elisabeth via c-section, but then had a natural labour. We will wait and see, in every woman these cases look differently. I think it won't be known publically by the time Letizia goes to hospital.
That's right. It all depend of the woman - her health during pregnancy and pregnancy etc. All pregnancies and women are different.
I was wondering does anyone knows why Letizia had to have a c-section with Leonor?
Supossedly, labor was really slow and was not advancing, which I guess it means she was not dilating enogh.

jordana2 said:
I was wondering does anyone knows why Letizia had to have a c-section with Leonor?
Thanks ldt20
I was wondering about that for a while now, that would be a good reason for a c-section.
Princess breaks tradition with pregnancy

MADRID, Oct. 15 (UPI) -- Princess Letizia, the wife of Spain's Crown Prince Felipe, has broken with tradition by revealing early that she is eight weeks pregnant.

full artice & source
dazzling said:
Princess breaks tradition with pregnancy

MADRID, Oct. 15 (UPI) -- Princess Letizia, the wife of Spain's Crown Prince Felipe, has broken with tradition by revealing early that she is eight weeks pregnant.

full artice & source


"The announcement violates the unspoken protocol among Spain's royalty and marks Letizia's most recent attempt to win over the public's hearts and break from the country's staunch traditions, said The Sunday Times of London."

Their ability to twist the truth is just amazing...:bang:
jordana2 said:
I was wondering does anyone knows why Letizia had to have a c-section with Leonor?
Wasn't Leonor in the breach position?
LadyK said:
Wasn't Leonor in the breach position?
We don't know that. For the press conference with dr. Recanesens and Felipe we can deduce that she didn't have contractions strong enough (or just didn't have enough contractions at all) and the labour wasn't progressing, so they decided to do an emergency c-section.
Anna_R said:

"The announcement violates the unspoken protocol among Spain's royalty and marks Letizia's most recent attempt to win over the public's hearts and break from the country's staunch traditions, said The Sunday Times of London."

Their ability to twist the truth is just amazing...:bang:

Well, I guess thats the way to make their paper sell or to be read. Its not a very good way though. I dont know where people get the hearts to say such things.
dazzling said:
Well, I guess thats the way to make their paper sell or to be read. Its not a very good way though. I dont know where people get the hearts to say such things.
Dazzling I agree with you, but I would say that they doesn't get the hearts when they think about the money...
magnik said:
Dazzling I agree with you, but I would say that they doesn't get the hearts when they think about the money...

I did not mean the money, i meant how can they have the heart to write things that could/does hurt other people, who they dont even know adn which is not true :)
dazzling said:
I did not mean the money, i meant how can they have the heart to write things that could/does hurt other people, who they dont even know adn which is not true :)
Dazzling I know and you has the answer - for money - becouse people are curious and they'll pay for any infos no matter is it true or false and for what source does it came from.
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Ahhhhhhh, Princess Letizia seems to be a very profitable item for press, why didn't they leave her in peace?, poor girl, although I love seeing her too much.
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