Princess Alexia, News and Events Part 1 (Jan 2022 - present)

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, her work as a royal is starting at the bottom and she'll will just have to suck it up, I guess.
Often when royal women christen ships they receive a gift from the company that owns the ship. In the past some have even received tiaras. I wonder if Alexia will receive something of substance.
You are right about that, though in the Netherlands the gifts will be more modest than that. I remember seeing a diamond brooch that Pss Irene received in the late 50s after baptising a ship -though for the life of me I can not remember where I saw it.
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Often when royal women christen ships they receive a gift from the company that owns the ship. In the past some have even received tiaras. I wonder if Alexia will receive something of substance.

An industrial vacuum cleaner?

Some sort of bling-bling we may hope. Presenting her with a model of the vessel may, no matter how well made it is, not find a place in an eighteen year old girl's room or apartment...
I did some reading up on what such a vessel is doing.

It's quite an important thing actually! Not least in the Netherlands which to a very large extent is a mix of a delta and huge areas that are dammed up.
In such a geography silting is big and constant issue.
So there is no chance Alexia's little sucker is going to have an idle life!

To put it simple: It's basically a big trawler that suck up silt and sand as it sails along. Instead of a net it trails a set of seriously powerful pumps over the seabed. A filter system prevents large objects from being sucked into the pumps, but if need be whatever large objects the pumps may encounter can be either bulldozed down or picked up.
Anyway, water is pumped overboard while the silt and sand and gravel is pumped into the hull to be off loaded somewhere else or used to fill up something inland.
The vessel basically "vacuum" a large area - and then it can start all over again. Because silt and sand is constantly brought along by the rivers and deposited on the Dutch coastline. - And that's how it's gonna by until the Rhine changes course or run dry, whatever. Which is unlikely to happen any millennium soon.

Not a particularly glamorous job, but for the Netherlands a pretty vital job. And if you are a crew member: Well, you pretty much got a job for life and can expect to be home every few days.
Muhler said:
Not a particularly glamorous job, but for the Netherlands a pretty vital job. And if you are a crew member: Well, you pretty much got a job for life and can expect to be home every few days.

It is very important indeed, to protect the country from flooding as well. These ships often place the sand in front of the coast, after which the beaches can broaden in a 'natural' way. Which in its turn can protect the Dunes, which are protecting the low lands behind it.

They often can be used abroad too, Boskalis is or was active in Dubai f.e.

In 2018 Queen Máxima baptised the Vox Amalia of Van Oord. Pss Amalia was not an adult yet and did not accompany her mother. wordt vernieuwd

In 2009 then Pss Máxima baptised a simular ship from the same company (Van Oord): the Vox Maxima.

-> I imagine the next ship will be a Vox Ariane.

In 2003 Queen Beatrix baptised a simular boat for Boskalis, which was called 'Prins der Nederlanden' and in 2002 Pss Margriet baptised a simular ship of IHC Holland, which would be active in the Yangtse River in China. So I suppose we can speak of a (family) tradition.
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:flowers: :flowers:

Looking neat and so is the vessel.
Alexia certainly seems to be perfectly nice when she's in action. It's a shame that her photographic persona somehow gives off the opposite impression. Not in the sense of the gendered cliché, but it probably really would benefit her if she smiled more.

She got to sit on the bridge, and you can see the resemblance to Amalia here.

And contrary to the jokes about how unglamorous this initially seemed to be, the shipping company is clearly doing quite well for itself (all that vital work) and was very happy to welcome her. Not everybody gets a band and champagne for their first event!
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:previous: Alas, but it sure would be nice with a band and champagne on the first day on the job.

Alexia sure can't talk her way out of being a daughter of Queen maxima!
Her big sis, Amalia, looks quite bit more like her dad.
Alexia definitely resembles a redheaded version of her mom (especially around the mouth, I think) and her sisters definitely take after their dad's side, but you can also see how she can't explain away being Amalia's sister, there, either, which is a more unusual occurrence.

(And I say this as someone who has spent large stretches of time not looking like my own sister.)
She's a world famous pop-singer?!?

That explains a lot of things. She didn't go to school in UK, she went on a world tour.

I know King WA is moonlighting as an airline pilot. Never imagined him to be a country singer as well.
That family is full of surprises!

Now that I watch this video again, you can clearly tell this is King WA.
The Dutch boyband "Aantal jongens" has recorded a song for Princess Alexia to motivate her to study in Groningen.

Bunte online, the German tabloid, reports: Princess Alexia has difficulties with the press.
Alexia der Niederlande: Ihr Lebensentwurf sorgt für fiese Kommentare: "Faul & arrogant"

On april, at the Day of the King, the family gave an interview. And Princess Alexia's statements to the press are criticised.

"lazy", "disinterested", "arrogant"... Why? Alexia answered very short and went not into detail, what she is exactly doing during her sabbatical. And the press pretends to be enraged...

Well, personally I do belong to the folks, which think, the press and through them the public has a right to know. This is part of the business of the institution called Royalty.

BUT: The Dutch state seems to be totally unable to protect the Royal Family and if you will any member of the society from the North African drug Mafia. So, what does the press excpect? That the Princess lays completly open, what she is doing? This is crazy! What is going on in the Netherlands?
It’s not exactly Alexia’s fault. She’s not shy and dignified like Amalia (if she is, it comes out very differently) and she’s not self-confident and openly happy like Ariane (if she is, it comes out very differently). Middle child, and she gives off an impression she’s haughty and a bit aloof, and that’s not the result of one interview.

Who knows why? It doesn’t seem to match who she really is at all — someone who’s perfectly nice, engaged, and intelligent.

But royals have media issues. Alexia’s are unfortunately starting sooner. But she has access to a lot of resources if she decides to do something about it.
I agree that she often comes across aloof but at other times (for example her 18th birthday interview) she seems a very nice and approachable young woman.

It’s perfectly understandable that she doesn’t go into detail about how she is spending her gap year (that has little to do with security - it’s about privacy; Amalia didn’t do it either). At some point in the next few months it will be announced where and what she will study, the press pressuring her for that information on king’s day won’t change the family’s agreed upon timing.
According to the newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden, Pss Alexia will study at the University of Groningen next year. They claim that they have encountered a university email adress with her name.

Other sources point out it is very well possible she registered at multiple universities.

I doubt she would register at multiple universities... That's not typical for the Netherlands. Her earlier comment that she would tell when she knows is a bit weird; as decisions (by future students) need to be made at the latest by May 1 as that is the last day of registration (NF studies have a deadline of January 15). After that date, you could still change your mind and try to switch but it isn't a given.

I'd be quite surprised if email addresses for all first year students had already been created for the next academic year... Nonetheless, it's been mentioned more than once that she might be heading to Groningen - which two of her father's cousins already did - and I could recommend :)
I imagine they will announce it at the summer photo shoot? They must have one in 4 weeks or so. These sessions have become so boring that it is nice if they actually can share something there.

Anna van Lippe-Biesterfeld, daughter of Prince Maurits, also studies there.
Indeed it was. The court couldn't be bothered by handing out a new photo to mark the day it seems, though she looks lovely on this photo of course.
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Princess Alexia will study at the University College London (UCL) with the bachelor Science & Engineering for Social Change aan de Faculty of Engineering.

Description of the programme:

Make a positive mark on the world by gaining in-demand skills needed to solve key challenges of society. By studying a broad range of topics through this degree – taught from engineering, social and political perspectives – you’ll gain multi-disciplinary knowledge that is sought-after in business, charity, government and policy roles. Delivered by a university that is globally recognised for its cross-disciplinary and real-world expertise, this programme will help you become a next generation leader in social change.

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