Princess Alexandra, Current Events 3: April 2006 - March 2007

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swedish media reports that Martin moved out of Alexandras house and that they are no longer together... what has been written about them in Denmark lately?
Yennie said:
swedish media reports that Martin moved out of Alexandras house and that they are no longer together... what has been written about them in Denmark lately?

Well acording to som newspapers like: seoghør,kigind,tv2 and bt Martin has been moving his things from Princess Alexandras house last friday,BUT i don´t know if it tru...I have my doubts about seoghør and kigind as a reliable media her in Denmark.

If they don´t live together then that is that....If they do live together well then that is that :eek:
Young men (or women) found on the re-bound seldom remain for long.
Well, if it is true that they've broke up....then may be this is the answer (for me) of why Alex looked sad in some of her event pictures.
Alexandra is a good woman, if everything ended wuth Martin..Im pretty sure she will find a better man for her...she deserves it :)
Princess Alexandra today at Internationalen Rotarier
Face to Face
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I think Princess Alexandra can do better anyway, maybe another European prince? Actually, the manager of the rain forest is a very nice looking man and they look good together. I wonder if he is available?
Joumana said:
I think a plastisch surgerie on her eyes wil gives her a much prettier look.

Yeuch... her eyes are gorgeous. Why must women always cut themselves up? Take her for what she is - a very beautiful, well preserved lady, for her age.
According to TV2, whose source is the Danish tabloid Kig Ind, Mr. Martin Jørgensen, Princess Alexandra's gentleman friend, has moved out of Her Highness' house on Svanemøllevej. It is thus believed that the relationship has definitively ended. How much (or probably little) the tabloid actually knows for sure, I do not know.

Source (in Danish):

/Lasse Pedersen
Is it definitely confirmed that he lived in her house to begin with? Part of me wondered if it was even true. Maybe he just visited. I'm not a prude, but she has children and they live with her. She had no way of knowing how long the relationship would last. She has a private life now, but letting him live in her house just doesn't seem consistent with the Princess Alexandra we see on her official rounds.
It is great to see Alexandra in something other than a suit! Those new outfits are so up to date and fun. It is also great to see her doing official functions.
royaltywatcher said:
I think Princess Alexandra can do better anyway, maybe another European prince? Actually, the manager of the rain forest is a very nice looking man and they look good together. I wonder if he is available?
I vote for the guy at the Odense zoo who showed her around! Was that flirting or what? Check out the body language, too. ;)

Anyway, here's what I really think: Alexandra doesn't have to have a man waiting for her to be happy, now does she? As long as she has a ton of interesting projects to work on, her boys, as well as a loyal network of discreet friends, she'll be just fine.
That said, good for her if she can find a new man who is good to her.
princess olga said:
I vote for the guy at the Odense zoo who showed her around! Was that flirting or what? Check out the body language, too. ;)

Yes, he is good looking. There seem to be a lot of good-looking men in Denmark.
I like Alexandra and I think she is very elegant, but I don't like her hats
royaltywatcher said:
Yes, he is good looking. There seem to be a lot of good-looking men in Denmark.

Yes we are a lot of good-looking men in Denmark...

;) :cool:
There is an information in Hola! That Alexandra and Princes Joachim attend together to the Circus and rumors about their getting together again!!!!!!!
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I love her skirts at the Randers Rainforest event and the Odense Zoo! But I don't think the formal hats go well with the informal knit tops. But I do like the overall looks: they make her look younger I think, as well as being stylish and pretty, and show off her great figure!
What's up with P Alexandra and Martin? Is their relatioship over? I heard that they lived together. Was it ever true?:confused:
I’ve noticed that Alexandra has more wrinkles than before, I didn’t find it much in her early post divorce and just like many posters I had noticed that Alex looks brighter and younger in that time (take a look back on this thread , but it seems turned differently…in recent events I found her look tired, sometime with a bit sad face (I hope it just me) even though she still shows her big smile to people . That wrinkles make me wonder if she has faced some other big problems in her life:( (I’ve read a book which says that wrinkle can be caused by depressed situation). One of her recent picture (very visible specially on her neck part), compare to early post divorced picture ,
The lady is over 40. Wrinkles happen; they add character. She has a beautiful slim figure.
My sister told me once that people age in a step function, in other words, they look the same for five years or so, and then all at once, they look five years older. I think Princess Alexandra just aged a step, and she seems to be in the sun more lately, and there has to be an incredible amount of stress in getting divorced, losing the royal part of her title, and being replaced in her role as the interesting young woman in the royal family by Princess Mary. The whole thing is really just awful. If getting a divorce is one of the greatest stresses you can experience, imagine doing it in front of everyone.
royaltywatcher said:
...If getting a divorce is one of the greatest stresses you can experience, imagine doing it in front of everyone.
Yes I think its the hardest part for her is, also about new rumours that she broke up with her boyfriend, again it become public media topic:rolleyes: :eek:. I'm not sure about she feels stress because of being replace by a new figure of family member since she knew that her brother inlaw would have wife and as a future queen she'll have more role than her. Hope she will find a better life in future, she is a bright and tallented woman/princess she deserve to have it.
I was really thrilled to learn that the princess and I were born on the same month. But mine is a day earlier than hers. And of course, she is older than me. [ =) ]

I wish her good health as the years will pass by. And most of all, happiness and success in everything she does. She is such a dedicated and beautiful person.
Azur said:
Is there any celebration for her birthday I wonder??

I think she could celebrate but in a private way..probably with her sons..remember that since she got divorce from Prince Joachim, her birthay is not celebrated anymore and the danish flag is not hoist that day either.
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