Prince Louis and Princess Tessy to Divorce: January 18, 2017

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:previous: me thinks it would be better for Tessy if her "friends" did not make comments to the press.

this should not be in the press for all to see
"Ultimately I think she grew up. She finished her masters and got a job. She travels on her own and works really hard. It was all sweat and blood with her. But when you are that high energy and active and come home and find your husband not doing anything, it must be frustrating.'The flashpoint came after Louis landed a six-month internship in Belgium. 'I think he found a certain freedom that was very tempting,' the friend added.
'He was free to go out, have fun and see his friends, not have a curfew, go home and have chores to do. He was a kid again."
:previous: I agree, I think commenting to the press was not a wise move of Tessy's friend, as such comments only add more fuel to the fire.
:previous: I agree, I think commenting to the press was not a wise move of Tessy's friend, as such comments only add more fuel to the fire.

I suspect the friends may have been encouraged by the former Princess.
I feel so sad for Louis and Tessy's sons. They can read, they have access to the internet. They know what's going on. And their friends and their parents talk. It isn't very wise from Tessy to let her "friend" to diss Louis and the grand duchess like this.
Princess Tessy should ignore the tabloids. Luxembourg's gossip magazines drag every GDF member (MT's weight, Louis' dyslexia, Stephanie's barrenness/lack of style, etc.) The "gold digger" label is the easiest to throw at Tessy. So what if Prince Louis isn't as public or successful? He has a bachelor's degree, is pursuing a Master’s and currently employed.

Tessy is entitled to a fair settlement but I don't think her in-laws should pay (even to avoid bad press). A share of Louis' trust fund and his salary seems reasonable. Usually the original request is negotiated down so if Tessy wants a specific amount, it's better to ask for more from the start. Luxarazzi commented that the GDF's wealth is overstated; they've been selling assets for years. Of course the GDF is still rich enough. The comments about GD Maria Teresa must sting. She was full of praise for Tessy in last year's Point de Vue 60th birthday interview. I read somewhere MT felt closest to Tessy of her 3 daughters-in-law.

ETA: I agree Tessy shouldn't have let her friend talk. The RTL interview and Daily Mail article all point to Tessy pressuring Louis (and his parents) to give up and settle quickly.
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Princess Tessy should ignore the tabloids. Luxembourg's gossip magazines drag every GDF member (MT's weight, Louis' dyslexia, Stephanie's barrenness/lack of style, etc.) [...]

There is hardly anything what comes close to a tabloid or gossip magazine in Luxembourg.
Maybe not compared to UK or US tabloids but enough to upset Princess Tessy. Her counsel brought up "character assassination" and accused Louis/court aides of being the source behind Privat's articles. Luxarazzi considers Privat and Promi tabloid level and after a brief browse at their websites/twitter, I agree.
Princess Tessy should ignore the tabloids. Luxembourg's gossip magazines drag every GDF member (MT's weight, Louis' dyslexia, Stephanie's barrenness/lack of style, etc.) The "gold digger" label is the easiest to throw at Tessy. So what if Prince Louis isn't as public or successful? He has a bachelor's degree, is pursuing a Master’s and currently employed.

Tessy is entitled to a fair settlement but I don't think her in-laws should pay (even to avoid bad press). A share of Louis' trust fund and his salary seems reasonable. Usually the original request is negotiated down so if Tessy wants a specific amount, it's better to ask for more from the start. Luxarazzi commented that the GDF's wealth is overstated; they've been selling assets for years. Of course the GDF is still rich enough. The comments about GD Maria Teresa must sting. She was full of praise for Tessy in last year's Point de Vue 60th birthday interview. I read somewhere MT felt closest to Tessy of her 3 daughters-in-law.

ETA: I agree Tessy shouldn't have let her friend talk. The RTL interview and Daily Mail article all point to Tessy pressuring Louis (and his parents) to give up and settle quickly.

How do you know if any of this is true????

The DM isn't the most reliable of sources

Anyone can publish anything citing 'a friend' as a source and then those who believe it go ahead and make unfounded judgments, assumptions and inferences which can be quite harmful in reality
We don't know 100% of what's going on. However, Tessy is clearly upset at what's being written in the less respectful media back home. Her counsel brought it up in court, if the Telegraph article is to be believed. Compared to Louis' and GDF's silence, Tessy is open to the media and that makes her an easy target. She agreed to the RTL interview; there's not much privacy with so many Instagram followers. Tessy could issue a denial about the DM article or "friend."

I still like Tessy but her image is taking a beating. Louis and MT aren't faring so well either (immature husband and mother-in-law drama) ... Whoever is talking to DM isn't helping.

Privat or Promi has riled Tessy before. She complained on Instagram last year about a (Privat?) article claiming she only got the DS-48 job due to her connections or title.
. . . So what if Prince Louis isn't as public or successful? He has a bachelor's degree, is pursuing a Master’s and currently employed.

Tessy is entitled to a fair settlement but I don't think her in-laws should pay (even to avoid bad press). A share of Louis' trust fund and his salary seems reasonable.

ETA: I agree Tessy shouldn't have let her friend talk. The RTL interview and Daily Mail article all point to Tessy pressuring Louis (and his parents) to give up and settle quickly.
Tessy is coming across as hard as nails and her friends are not helping. I can't imagine that calling Luis a failure is going to help in any way. Certainly, he seems to have encountered that "royal" hiccup that seems to adversely affect the odds of employment. That is a struggle with self-esteem as well. That the Grand Ducal family is keeping silent is admirable but nothing less that is expected of any family. That they should not have to pay her money is also only fair.

As to money, well she is working and he is working and obviously, the house was not paid for from of either of their salaries, so I suspect it was either a gift or paid for from his trust fund. Tessy is suing for both the house and more money.

To me that makes her a gold digger. I doubt very much if the principal of the trust is being used to augment their lifestyle but rather the interest on that principal. Suing for maintenance to come out of that interest is one thing, suing for the principal is another.

I am also going to say that Tessy has been a most fortunate woman in that there has been enough money available to run a home in Kensington, attend University, employ help with the children and pay exorbitant school fees for the boys' education and keep Tessy in the style she has become accustomed to. Loius' Trust has paid for both their university educations, the housekeeping and daycare when they were both in University. The interest would have been the only income.

That is not a small amount of money yet since Princess Tessy is such a high-flying success and Louis a dismal failure, perhaps she should be paying maintenance. However, she does not help her case when she is jetting off on holiday to Abu Dhabi in what I imagine are the children's school holidays as it shows the lifestyle her marriage afforded her is what she wants maintaining.

You are basing your judgement of Tessy on the DM

How do you know that it's true?

Anyone can write anything and quote a 'friend'

How do you know she's going for the principal of the trust?
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I thought that the Lux public was very devoted to the RF, and so its not likely that there's going to be nasty stuff in the papers?
I thought that the Lux public was very devoted to the RF, and so its not likely that there's going to be nasty stuff in the papers?

I think that the majority of the UK citizens are devoted to the royal family but they have the worst tabloids ever in Europe. So there is no connection in that. Privat and Promi are boulevard press magazines but nowhere near the posion, the vomit, the vitriol, the sulphur and the smell of vinegar which damps out of the British media.

However there has been a campaign by Privat and Promi against "the censorship" of the Luxemburgian State. The media is pretty restricted. They have to accept a code of conduct to get access to information etc. Privat and Promi (both owned by the same publisher) tried to break the "information cartel" of the Luxembourgian media.
Escalating the situation via English press is not a wise move.
Surely Tessy and her sons are entitled to continue to live in the manner to which they have been accustomed. It may be that Louis will have to be more generous than he wants to be.
I love the double standards when it comes to believing the DM :bang:

If this was Prince Harry or the Cambridges and the DM quoted 'friends' as a source no one would believe it. 'None of their friends would ever talk', 'they are making it up' or something along those lines.

But tessy the gold digging commoner of course it is true. The friends are 100% her friends. Tessy is getting them to do her dirty work. She is throwing her ex and his family under the bus......

All we have is rumors by a trashy list of tabloids known for fabricating stories or inventing credentials 'as friends' to back up story.

Even the most cordial divorce can get tied up in money talks. Things like the family home where the boys were raised.
I suspect the friends may have been encouraged by the former Princess.

I'm not sure, I get the impression that the friend commented of her own will. Whilst it could be plausible given the fact that Tessy is publicly complaining about the negative press, her friend, whilst defending her, had a rather negative tone to her answers which makes me think that she wasn't prompted by Tessy to participate in the divorce.

I do agree with the poster who said that it's best for Tessy to just ignore the gossip press, because tabloids are just rags at the end of the day and are full of fake rumours. I hope she realises this soon - it is clear that she is feeling hurt enough by the divorce (understandably) so reading such articles just adds to unwanted offence.
I love the double standards when it comes to believing the DM :bang:

If this was Prince Harry or the Cambridges and the DM quoted 'friends' as a source no one would believe it. 'None of their friends would ever talk', 'they are making it up' or something along those lines.

But tessy the gold digging commoner of course it is true. The friends are 100% her friends. Tessy is getting them to do her dirty work. She is throwing her ex and his family under the bus......

All we have is rumors by a trashy list of tabloids known for fabricating stories or inventing credentials 'as friends' to back up story.

Even the most cordial divorce can get tied up in money talks. Things like the family home where the boys were raised.

Beautifully said!

I think Tessy is the one being thrown under a bus and I have to say that it really surprises me that so many believe in the existence of this elusive 'friend' and the veracity of her statements.

Maybe us colonials, here in the Antipodes down under, have a more highly refined b#*!?*#! meter. I have to say that mine has been going off the scale with some of the things that are being said about this lovely young lady.
The people of Luxembourg are very fond of the Grand Ducal family, my question, does the public have any great interest in this divorce and the parties involved or have they largely ignored the goings on because they have their own lives to carry out, go to work, pay bills, hope ISIS doesn't carry out a truck attack? I'm inquiring because I'm curious because it does involve the Grand Ducal family although divorce isn't entirely unheard of in the Royal Family.
No word in their official Press . Is it the Grand Duke's Order??
I think that the majority of the UK citizens are devoted to the royal family but they have the worst tabloids ever in Europe. So there is no connection in that. Privat and Promi are boulevard press magazines but nowhere near the posion, the vomit, the vitriol, the sulphur and the smell of vinegar which damps out of the British media.

I wouldn't say the majority of UK people are devoted to the RF, no....
It was Tessy who gave an interview to RTL. It was she who decided to have an instagram account with 6000 followers, many of whom journalists. It was she who chose to flaunt her lifestyle there. It was she who decided to post nasty/ poor-little-me messages there. It was she who decided to make this divorce a spectacle. So it is not illogical to suspect that it was she who is talking/ has friends talk to the DM. The story is harldy interesting enough for them to put an investigative journalist on it.

If the princess really feels she is too good for her husband she can console herself with the thought that she can learn a thing or two at least: shut up about private matters, stop whining -especially while on holiday in Dubai with or without two Chanel bags, and stop talking to the press. If not for her own sake then at least for the sake of her children.
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Do you think Tessy wants to be a new Diana?
No No, there was Dianamania in the UK , but in Luxemburg never a Tessymania, ex wife of the Grand Duke third Son.
Yeah it's not like Stephanie and Gui are divorcing.

She's got to start being more media savvy if she wants to be the next Kim K
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