Prince Henry is someone who at this stage in his life hasn't experienced any of these kinds of commitments to another person, his deeply felt commitment is to his work and his life achievements right now, gosh, anyone could understand that, even if it has to be explained to them.
Lots of females might like to have Prince Henry as a husband, I couldn't fathom wanting that, sorry, and there is nothing wrong with someone wanting the man. It is only a problem if the let down is an issue or the feeling of never being able to have him causes some kind of sadness. Personally, being a wife I will tell you this, having a husband in my opinion is a great thing for me. No woman truly understands a man, for being a man, lol. One could gab about types of guys and be so wrong and it would just be kind of disgraceful to even try and perhaps indignant to even try to come up with a type to put them in. As far as wanting a royal husband, I couldn't understand that and I would cry if I had to have anyone different than who I have got. Marriage does change you, so much, that once you get married, your a completely different person, your mind matures with the person your with for so long it's like kind of unexplainable, but it's great.