Would by chance be any webpage(s) dedicated to him? He is so goodlooking!! He's an I'll say it again Felix is the most beautiful out of the Benelux Princes and of all European
I'm not getting how everyone can choose between Guillaume and Felix, they look identical. Though by pictures it seem Felix is taller. They're both very attractive.
Felix is taller and his face (nose, forehead, lips) is different. They sort of have the same hair color/style. If you look at enough pictures of Guillaume (*g*) they dont look anything alike. In distance shots you can only tell them apart by height in the last couple years.
Are these pictures taken when they were vacationing on the french riviera or are they in luxembourg? Also, does luxembourg have any beaches...and what is the weather like there? Thanks a bunch!
Luxembourg does not have any beaches. It is an inland country. It is about 32°F in January and about 64°F in July. Around the city of Luxembourg in rains about 40 inches a year. It is humid subtropical.
I mean, I can tell them apart, but they are both equally attractive. How tall are they? I like tall men, though....my boyfriend is 5 inches shorter than me....hmmm. lol.
Both Felix and Guilluame are major studs, they would be eye candy for anyone.
Hey at the national fate 2004 felix was interviewed... it was in french... he mentioned that he was going to a european business college... does anyone else know anything about this
yer on that fate day he was interviewed it was all in french took me a while to translate, i found it on the luxembourg web http://rtl.lu/news/ i think because he doesnt have the same duties as guillimaue will he has looked to career options to being a business man