Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 15: January 2009 - December 2013

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and they've been raised in France with a french step dad (philippe junot). .

Philippe Junot? Nothing to do with the Casiraghis.

You might be talking of Vincent LIndon ? the french actor who used to date with Caro when the trio was young?

There step dad is Ernst, and he is not french.
Have to say, Pierre is the most "Italian" of the Casiraghis to me. It seems like, living in Italy and taking Italian studies, he feels a real connection to his father's heritage. I'm not saying that Andrea and Charlotte don't, it's just Pierre seems the most "proactive" about it.
About what language they speak, I know that they speak English with an accent (Andrea has quite a pronounced one), I'm just saying that I've heard more than once that Pierre speaks a blend of English and Italian. The Grimalidis, Casiraghis and Hanovers speak English far more than I would expect of a sovereign family of a French speaking country. Alex can speak German (we heard that on the Fête Nationale broadcast a few years ago, when she talked to the cameraman in German), Caroline can speak German and Ernst can speak French. But they talk to each other in English, because it is a language they are both efficiently fluent in. And it would seem that the Casiraghis and their friends speak English amongst themselves as well. I think there's a part of one of the videos about the Rose Ball where you can hear their friends talking at the table in English. Nobody ever said that the Casiraghis don't speak French. On the contrary, they probably speak it a lot. After all, as you pointed out, they do come from a country where French is the official language. But there's nothing wrong with blending languages into a dialect of your own (kind of like Spanglish - but not the American version. "Trucko"? Seriously? :lol:). It doesn't mean any language is valued less or anything. Particularly when, in other languages, you can express in one word a sentiment that would take a whole sentence to explain in English. So I think that the family, knowing and speaking as many languages as they do (they all speak French, English, German and Spanish - Caroline speaks Italian and Albert speaks Portuguese, I'm not sure how many of them are capable of speaking Monegasque - Stephanie's children probably would given that they were raised largely in Monaco where it's part of the curriculum) they just talk in whatever suits best, knowing that everyone will understand. I happen to think that a person who can mix languages comes across as smart and well educated and, dare I say it, a little exotic.
I hoping you mean Vincent Lindon too. We certainly missed something if the trio grew up with Junot for a father figure. :eek: :ROFLMAO:
Philippe Junot? Nothing to do with the Casiraghis.

You might be talking of Vincent LIndon ? the french actor who used to date with Caro when the trio was young?

There step dad is Ernst, and he is not french.

Yes, of course! I have no idea where I had my mind when I wrote Junot! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I meant Vincent Lindon, of course. And well, yes, I know he wasn't a real step dad, since Caroline and him weren't married, but he acted as one, and he shared a life with the casiraghis for many years and acted as paternal figure.
Have to say, Pierre is the most "Italian" of the Casiraghis to me. It seems like, living in Italy and taking Italian studies, he feels a real connection to his father's heritage. I'm not saying that Andrea and Charlotte don't, it's just Pierre seems the most "proactive" about it.

I've never heard Alex. Can you post a link where I can find the video?
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Sure, here's the link. She talks somewhere near the end of the video, around 26:00 mark. I'm less sure it's German now, it sounds like she's speaking French but I can't hear for sure because the lady talks over the top of her. I also stand corrected about the event - it was Albert's enthronement, not Fête Nationale. Or were they on the same day that year? I can't remember. :ermm: In any case, it's still cute. :wub:
No way to hear which language she is speaking but by the shape of her lips I'll bet it's french. It's also natural. Even if Ernst talks to her in german, and she takes german lessons the natural language of a child is the language her mother, brothers and children in school speak. By my experience with children with parents from 2 language backgrounds I guess that she understands very well german, she speaks it a little bit, but her natural language is french.
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree here. Regardless of where they were brought up, each one of them is eventually going to choose what they want to speak. I know, from first hand experience (I have seen them on more than a few occasions when I lived in Paris - granted I don't know them personally and my observations were purely voyeurism but I have heard them speaking to each other on most of the occasions that I have seen them) that Caroline and Ernst speak English together, and I can't imagine they would simply change what tongue they are speaking in simply because they're talking to their daughter. You can also hear in the video of the Rose Ball (search Youtube for "The Rose Ball at Monaco" and you'll find it) that the Casiraghis and their friends are speaking English amongst themselves. You can quite clearly hear one of them speaking in English (I think it's Tatiana's brother? :ermm:) and there's a reply from someone else (off screen) in English. Just because they grew up in France does not mean that they'll always speak French, even if it is the most natural. My experience (not necessarily of children - I find children will often speak in whatever language they're spoken to) is that people who speak several languages will often blend them. People grow up and change and develop their own way of speaking and their own style of language. We also mustn't forget who the family socialises with - many people of many different nationalities speaking many different languages. Diversity is practically essential. They may give interviews in French but that's because the interviews are usually for French speakers. Charlotte's first interview was for a French station, so of course she spoke in French. You seem a little stuck on the idea that just because the Casiraghis are natives of a French-speaking country and spent most of their childhoods in France, that they'll just always speak French no matter what. I'm all for patriotism to your country but what about a little open-mindedness?
I thought the casiraghi spoke several languages? I can't even master Spanish lol so speaking several languages is impressive to me... I thought I read somewhere that Pierre mostly speak Italian *shrugs* but he can also speak French and English fluently... I like Andreas accent while speaking English
They do speak several languages. We know for certain that they can all speak French and English fluently, Pierre can speak Italian so one would assume Andrea and Charlotte at least have a knowledge of the language as well. Apparently they all speak Spanish (it seems the whole family does) and they probably have the basics of Monegasque. And no doubt, with Ernst in their lives, they can speak German. This is what I mean about being skilled with other languages and using them to create your own "style". I did say that Pierre spoke a blend of English and Italian. English and Italian, Italian and English - what's the difference?
Sure, here's the link. She talks somewhere near the end of the video, around 26:00 mark. I'm less sure it's German now, it sounds like she's speaking French but I can't hear for sure because the lady talks over the top of her. I also stand corrected about the event - it was Albert's enthronement, not Fête Nationale. Or were they on the same day that year? I can't remember. :ermm: In any case, it's still cute. :wub:
Thank you! It's super cute!
I also like the end of the video, with the whole family and the monegasque anthem sounding:flowers:

Edit: they speak spanish too? I thought only Caroline speaked spanish.
I think I read somewhere that Andrea had Spanish classes. I suppose it goes in hand with the international politics thing. The three Grimaldis all definitely speak Spanish - I think Albert speaks Portuguese as well (I don't know that one for sure - I only read a story saying he talked to some of the waiting staff at a restaurant in Portuguese but the author could have gotten it wrong; Spanish and Portuguese are very similar languages. I never learned the latter but I can still understand it because it sounds so much like Spanish) but I could be wrong about the Casiraghis. Maybe they don't speak Spanish at all. :ermm:
Its fascinating to hear of all the languages everyone on here speaks. I feel less like a leper. :D People always make fun of me when I add French, German, and sometimes Spanish words or phrases into my English. And my dad lives in Belgium, so I have a lot of Dutch phrases in my vocabulary too, so people get really confused when I talk sometimes. Especially when the words aren't directly translatable. I agree that the Casiraghi's most likely use a unique mix of the languages that they are most comfortable with. Pierre's may be more Italian and French, since those are the languages of the locations he frequents, while Charlotte's may be French and English since she is living in London. But they are very linguistic, so it may be any other combination.
I think I read somewhere that Andrea had Spanish classes. I suppose it goes in hand with the international politics thing. The three Grimaldis all definitely speak Spanish - I think Albert speaks Portuguese as well (I don't know that one for sure - I only read a story saying he talked to some of the waiting staff at a restaurant in Portuguese but the author could have gotten it wrong; Spanish and Portuguese are very similar languages. I never learned the latter but I can still understand it because it sounds so much like Spanish) but I could be wrong about the Casiraghis. Maybe they don't speak Spanish at all. :ermm:

Or it goes in hand with summer hollidays in Ibiza, wich seems to me it´s more Andrea's thing... :cool::cool::cool: Ih ih ih...
I think I read somewhere that Andrea had Spanish classes. I suppose it goes in hand with the international politics thing. The three Grimaldis all definitely speak Spanish - I think Albert speaks Portuguese as well (I don't know that one for sure - I only read a story saying he talked to some of the waiting staff at a restaurant in Portuguese but the author could have gotten it wrong; Spanish and Portuguese are very similar languages. I never learned the latter but I can still understand it because it sounds so much like Spanish) but I could be wrong about the Casiraghis. Maybe they don't speak Spanish at all. :ermm:

I think Andrea knows Portuguese too, because of Tatiana, whose mother is Brazilian. I think Tatiana is more Brazilian than Colombian. Her whole dad's family are more New York than Colombian, whereas her mom frequents Rio and Paris.
But Tatiana does know spanish, right? That would make Andrea know at least some basic spanish (I guess)
I think Tatiana knows spanish, she has relatives in South America, so maybe Andrea knows a bit of the language, it's not that hard to learn if you already know french and italian, the three of them (spanish, italian and french) are very similar.
He's like crazy hot in those suspenders. They are sweet together.

Are they living in Rome now?
He has a very nice outfit!! And Beatrice is just a doll!!! Very beutiful girl!!
Beatrice is working in Rome, so I guess she moved there. I don't know if Pierre moved too or just visits often.
^Thanks. That's what I guessed, or something. I wondered if that magazine she works for is based there. She must be finished with her law studies... I wonder what Pierre will do. I could definitely see him starting his own business. He has the personality for it, I think.
# 232
Pierre in suspenders????

It gave me a bad moment when I imagined Pierre in "suspenders"....

...until I realised that he is not wearing women's undergarments, but what we Brits call "braces" :)
What I like about Pierre and Beatrice is that they seem to be more carefree teenagers then "serious adultus"(although they are..).I remember pics from summer 2009,on a portuguesse beach, where they are enjoying and..kicking ech other! xD I just love this kind of expressing "feelings".Me and my boyfriend(both 19) are exactly the same..:D
^Awwww. ;) I think of all the trio and their significant others, Pierre and Bea are definitely the cutest and seem to be the most into each other. Who would've thought--considering all his excursions, if you will, just a few years ago, that he would've settled down and be apart of the cutest couple of them all!
I do not think he is settled down for the rest of his life! Maybe he is in a relationship for once,is that what you mean? He is still young,we do not know his future! (although he could get the hand read and see...)
I just like what's going on right now. He seems to like her for right now, and no one can doubt she likes him, and they look good together right now. :D

I only wondered about him living in Rome because he seems to have been there for awhile. And it's not really holiday season, so I thought it's possible he's homesteading there for the time being. Of course no one can know, I just wondered. that's what I do. I wonder about things. :cool: I can't help it. I was born this way.
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