Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2003-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
About the discussion of Sofia Hellkvist attending the Opening of the Riksdag and Prince Daniel (and Jonas) did not. I never think it was an option for the future Prince Daniel to attend the Opening in 2009. In May 2009 he underwent a kidney transplant that kept him away from many possible events (e.g. the Nobel festivities, in December 2009). The reason was (told from the Court) that he shouldn't be in big crowds that could possibly infect him during his recovery. My reflection is that the King thought as inappropriate that Jonas would attend that year and not the future husband of the Crown Princess. But that is obviously my own thought and it could that he couldn't attend because of other unknown reasons. Why care? That is history, and the King as given her permission to attend this year, quite in order because she is engaged with Prince Carl Philip.
About the discussion of Sofia Hellkvist attending the Opening of the Riksdag and Prince Daniel (and Jonas) did not. I never think it was an option for the future Prince Daniel to attend the Opening in 2009. In May 2009 he underwent a kidney transplant that kept him away from many possible events (e.g. the Nobel festivities, in December 2009). The reason was (told from the Court) that he shouldn't be in big crowds that could possibly infect him during his recovery. My reflection is that the King thought as inappropriate that Jonas would attend that year and not the future husband of the Crown Princess. But that is obviously my own thought and it could that he couldn't attend because of other unknown reasons. Why care? That is history, and the King as given her permission to attend this year, quite in order because she is engaged with Prince Carl Philip.

Thank you for pointing out the historical perspective.
About the discussion of Sofia Hellkvist attending the Opening of the Riksdag and Prince Daniel (and Jonas) did not. I never think it was an option for the future Prince Daniel to attend the Opening in 2009. In May 2009 he underwent a kidney transplant that kept him away from many possible events (e.g. the Nobel festivities, in December 2009). The reason was (told from the Court) that he shouldn't be in big crowds that could possibly infect him during his recovery. My reflection is that the King thought as inappropriate that Jonas would attend that year and not the future husband of the Crown Princess. But that is obviously my own thought and it could that he couldn't attend because of other unknown reasons. Why care? That is history, and the King as given her permission to attend this year, quite in order because she is engaged with Prince Carl Philip.

The court told that Daniel didn't attend at the Nobels because there is about 1500 people at the worst flu time of the year and the doctors adviced him to stay away so that he wouldn't get an infection. Daniel attended at the Victoriadagen celebrations in July, and a big wedding with Victoria at the end of August and at an icehockey match in October.
Jonas attended at the Nobel prize ceremony although Daniel didn't. So why it would have been difficult for Jonas to attend at the Parliament opening?

Gallery from today, also the arrival to the concert
IBL Bildbyrå
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The court told that Daniel didn't attend at the Nobels because there is about 1500 people at the worst flu time of the year and the doctors adviced him to stay away so that he wouldn't get an infection. Daniel attended at the Victoriadagen celebrations in July, and a big wedding with Victoria at the end of August and at an icehockey match in October.

I'm as sure that he did attend events with large gatherings as I'm sure my thoughts are as much speculation as everyone else here. Of course the Nobels was no dream for a newly transplanted person. But I would believe that the Opening of Parliament is almost as big when in comes to people in attendance.

I believe we should watch at this both years a bit different. To be honest a lot of things have happend in the praxis at Court when it comes to this. It was not given that the men engaged to Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine would attend official state events. But things have changed, and apparently the King has changed his mind. Sofia Hellkvist has attended state events on a regular basis the last years (even before she was engaged). Yes, it was family affairs too, but still state events. So I see it as natural development as engaged attend other state events too.
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I'm as sure that he did attend events with large gatherings as I'm sure my thoughts are as much speculation as everyone else here. Of course the Nobels was no dream for a newly transplanted person. But I would believe that the Opening of Parliament is almost as big when in comes to people in attendance.

The Plenary Hall (Plenisalen) where the King declares the Parliamentary session opened, takes about 500 people at the balconies. 349 members of the Parliament and some officials sit doen at the Hall.

Group photo

From Expressen
Here the prince's fiancée the big leap into the big leagues.
A strong indication of the king's side:
He gave today the permission to Sofia Hellqvist to be with the rest of the family at the opening of the Riksdag - something that neither Prince Daniel or Chris O'Neill got to be on before their royal wedding.
- Ultimate decision-maker within the Court is the King, says Margareta Thorgren from the press department.
The fact that she now had to go with the opening of the Riksdag was also a big surprise. Never before has the king allowed any of the partners of the royal children be involved with as traditional and solemn opening of the Riksdag before a wedding. Engaged has not been enough, neither to Prince Daniel or Chris O'Neill.
- Because Sofia Hellqvist is engaged to Prince Carl Philip, she will come to participate in several of the royal family's official duties, says Margareta Thorgren.
- It is the king in consultation with his court staff who make the decisions about which who from the family participates at various events. Sofia Hellqvist will appear at Prince Carl Philip's side in a variety of contexts.
What then?
- That we will tell you in connection with the current arrangements.
Sofias stora kliv in i kungliga finrummet Nyheter Expressen

BILDEXTRA Riksmötets öppnande - Sydsvenskan

Sofia Hellqvist se estrena en la apertura del Parlamento junto a la Familia Real Sueca - Bekia

Prins Daniel mot riksdagen Stoppa Pressarna
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The Plenary Hall (Plenisalen) where the King declares the Parliamentary session opened, takes about 500 people at the balconies. 349 members of the Parliament and some officials sit doen at the Hall.

Of course it's not the same, but less at the Opening of the Riksdagen (looking at the news from the opening right now, and it looks crowded :ROFLMAO: ). But still hundreds of people at this event.
Nor is the way you sometimes write about some of the royals, but I have to deal with it. I'm sure you can deal with some sarcasm.

That's fine... Royals are no saints... Someone can find negative aspects about them too!

What a difference between the 1974 Opening and the one that is taking place today!!!

The main reason is that, until 1974, the King was still formally the head of the Swedish government, pretty much as Queen Elizabeth II is still the formal head of the UK government, although that position is more symbolic than real (the de facto head of the government being of course the PM, not the Queen).

In 1975, however, a new constitution came into force in Sweden and officially separated the King as the ceremonial Head of State from the government. As he is no longer part of the government, the King no longer reads from the throne the government program for the current parliamentary session. Instead, he makes a general speech declaring the parliament open, which is followed, I believe, by a more specific statement on the government's agenda read by the PM.

BTW, in the past, the new monarch, upon his/her accession, would physically sit on the Silver Throne and deliver a speech at the State Hall, see for example

When he celebrated his 40th jubilee, however, Carl XVI Gustaf addressed MPs at the same venue, but did not physically sit on the throne. I suppose CP Victoria won't either when she is inaugurated, reflecting the new post-1975 constitutional settlement.

What do the Swedish "experts" on this board think ?
I prefer the old ceremony over the new slimmed down version,the old ceremony was full of pomp and majesty.The contrast between 1974 and 1975's ceremonies could not be greater.Having seen the king with his splendid military guard and sitting on the Silver Throne in 1974 and then coming up the escalator in 1975 was too much for me :D
At least the British still do a fully formal opening of parliament. I think the Swedish people as a whole prefer their "modern" monarch without all the extra pomp.
At least the British still do a fully formal opening of parliament. I think the Swedish people as a whole prefer their "modern" monarch without all the extra pomp.

I think the Dutch have reached the best compromise: not as much as pomp as in the UK, but preserving the King's majesty, both at the inauguration (inhuldiging) and the opening of parliament (Prinjesdag).
I too prefer the old way of opening the parliment and it´s a shame that they didn´t keep the old opening when they changed the constitution in 1975, i mean they could have done some minor changes to the old ceremony like having the PM read the governments speech and the king could still have read and speech like the ones he reads today. The ceremony was so splendid and regal and had an 250 year old history that went out the window at once.

I hope that Victoria will sit on the silver-throne atleast on her inauguration, i don´t see the reason why she couldn´t - it can´t be the fact that she isn´t being crowned beacuse it´s been almost 150 years since we had a coronation in Sweden.

I imagen Victoria on the silver-throne draped in the hermine and wearing the braganza tiara, it would be a great sight. But then is the question about morning her father that could ruin that, if he doesn´t change his mind about abdication later.
I think a problem, with the old Ceremony was also that it was held in the Hall of State in the royal palace and therefore the Goverment and the members of Parliament etc had to come to the King. The new Ceremony however takes place at the Parliament building which is more logical.
The old way of Opening Parliament was, no doubt, better. I'm also glad the British retain some of it's pomp and ceremony. Although, when she opens Parliament in other parts of the realm, the pomp and ceremony has watered down. I just think it's best to keep a great deal of it in the modern world.

The old way was a bit more stylish I think.

Let's have a look at the uniforms for the pleasure of the nerds. :p

The soldiers escorting the King is from the Drabant Guard.
A Drabant guard was from medieval times a king or other royal's personal bodyguard. Usually consisting of nobles (knights), later on predominatly noble officers. They were called drabants because they were always close the king.
These drabants wear combat unforms from the late 1600's. They are actually cuirassiers. As you can tell from the breast plate, heavy sword and stiff knee-length riding boots.
The boots are very stiff, making it akward to walk, hence the characteristic stomping march.
The purpose of the boots was to protect the legs as a cuirassier rode with the knees locked behind the knees of the riders next to him thus forming a sweeping wall advancing towards the enemy.
The Swedish cuirassiers were among the first to actually charge into an infantry formation in the hope of breaking it. That was extremely dangerous but equally efficient if the infantry broke. - In that case the infantry would stand next to no chance and would simply be cut down.
Before that it was standard practice for cuirassiers to ride close up to an infantry formation, fire a pistol, and wheel back allowing the next line of cavalry to do the same.
When the infantry had suffered enough casualties, the sword was drawn and the infantry charged in the hope of breaking them.
The Swedes went in straight away.

Standard cuirassier tactics when facing enemy cavalry was to use the heavy sword to cut down on the head of the horse. The second cut would be aimed at the rider, as the horse went down.
Pistols were used at extreme close quarters when facing enemy cavalry, since the cuirasses offered very good protection from pistol shots, even at point blank range.

The Swedes were also among the first since Roman times to introduce standard, almost identical, uniforms for the entire army. Hence why the cuirassiers (and dragoons) wear Swedish blue and yellow.
That also included general issue footwear. Shoes for infantry and boots for cavalry. There was no such thing as right and left shoes in the Swedish army.

The cavalrymen without cuirasses are dragoons and they stem from the Great Nordic War, in the early 1700's. But their function, history and tactics is another story, for another post. (At that time there was no such thing as light and heavy dragoons yet).
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JHMO --- all prospective in-laws should receive the same treatment. If neither Daniel nor Chris were permitted to attend the Opening of Parliament than neither should have Sofia. However, JHMO, I think the King will never get over Carl Philip not being his heir and he will cater to CP whenever and wherever possible. If that means Sofia as a fiancé, then he will agree to it. If it means that Sofia attend the Opening of Parliament, then he will agree to it. That's all ...
JHMO --- all prospective in-laws should receive the same treatment. If neither Daniel nor Chris were permitted to attend the Opening of Parliament than neither should have Sofia. However, JHMO, I think the King will never get over Carl Philip not being his heir and he will cater to CP whenever and wherever possible. If that means Sofia as a fiancé, then he will agree to it. If it means that Sofia attend the Opening of Parliament, then he will agree to it. That's all ...

Can someone explain what JHMO stands for? I am trying to figure it out, but nothing comes in mind.
sofia looks lovely and very appropriate. it looks like there's a 'branding' campaign to make her look acceptable, presentable and 'ready to join the royal family', with her recent charity outing and this impeccable presentation of herself today.
JHMO --- all prospective in-laws should receive the same treatment. If neither Daniel nor Chris were permitted to attend the Opening of Parliament than neither should have Sofia. However, JHMO, I think the King will never get over Carl Philip not being his heir and he will cater to CP whenever and wherever possible. If that means Sofia as a fiancé, then he will agree to it. If it means that Sofia attend the Opening of Parliament, then he will agree to it. That's all ...

Just an idea to think about: Do we really know that "being not allowed to attend" was the reason why neither Daniel nor Jonas were at the opening of the parliament back in 2009? Maybe they were allowed but had their very own reasons not to attend. Daniel had a very obvious reason with his very recent kidney transplant which later also stopped him from attending the nobles. Jonas did attend the nobles but wasn't there at the opening of the parliament. Maybe he had an important meeting at work he couldn't skip?

For Chris the opening of the parliament as a fianse was never an option because he got engaged to Madeleine after it and married before it. And he made it clear that he wants to stay a privat person. So attending at official events is his own decision and he can't be made because he has to because of his titles.

Sofia this year obviously had the permission to attend and she did attend. Very surprising to me also, but she did a good job.

So, maybe, just maybe, it's just a complete mess of circumstances what let it look to the outside that Sofia is handled differently. But also maybe she is handled differently because the SRF decided to take a different road than in the past. We never know.
So to summarise, Daniel was unable to attend the 2009 State Opening due to his health issues at the time and Chris was unable to attend the 2012 State opening because he wasn't actually engaged to Madeleine at the time. Sofia has attended the 2014 State Openingon account of her being engaged to carl Philip. Simple!
sofia looks lovely and very appropriate. it looks like there's a 'branding' campaign to make her look acceptable, presentable and 'ready to join the royal family', with her recent charity outing and this impeccable presentation of herself today.

I agree there is a re-branding attempt going on. It's going to take a lot more than a few outings to white wash Sofia, with all the photos and videos of her nude/making out with porn stars, etc out there in the public domain.
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