Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2003-2024

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Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2014

The events surrounding the state opening of parliament have just been added to the court calendar. It will take place on the 30th of September and the entire royal family will be in attendance, including Prince Carl Philip, and therefore Sofia will most probably attend as his fiancé, like Chris did last year, this will be her first representational event if I'm not mistaken.
The events will include:
. A church service at the Cathedral in Stockholm
. The actual parliamentary session where the King will officially open parliament, at the Houses of Parliament, The Riksdag
. A performance at the concert hall (in the past years including last year the performance used take place at the royal opera house...I wonder why a change in venue)
And the whole thing will most probably be televised like it usually is
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The events surrounding the state opening of parliament have just been added to the court calendar. It will take place on the 30th of September and the entire royal family will be in attendance, including Prince Carl Philip, and therefore Sofia will most probably attend as his fiancé, like Chris did last year, this will be her first representational event if I'm not mistaken.
The events will include:
. A church service at the Cathedral in Stockholm
. The actual parliamentary session where the King will officially open parliament, at the Houses of Parliament, The Riksdag
. A performance at the concert hall (in the past years including last year the performance used take place at the royal opera house...I wonder why a change in venue)
And the whole thing will most probably be televised like it usually is

Chris and Madeleine were married last year when he attended the state opening of parliament so that was not strange, was it?

Whether Sofia will attend remains to be seen, when I read this post:

do you think we will see her at opening of parliment?

We will see. Daniel and Jonas Bergström didn't attend at the opening of the Parliament in 2009 when they were engaged with Victoria and Madeleine.

Perhaps it is different now, or not. I am curious either way.

And she was already by Carl Philip's side at Victoria's birthday concert, so according to me that was her first representational appearance.

P.S.: Is she now allowed to accompany him when he does his patronage visits? Even abroad?
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Chris and Madeleine were married last year when he attended the state opening of parliament so that was not strange, was it?

Whether Sofia will attend remains to be seen, when I read this post:

Perhaps it is different now, or not. I am curious either way.

And she was already by Carl Philip's side at Victoria's birthday concert, so according to me that was her first representational appearance.

P.S.: Is she now allowed to accompany him when he does his patronage visits? Even abroad?
yes you are right about that, I got mixed up because it was his first time attending the events.....Well Victoria's birthday was her first official appearance with the family but it was a family affair as opposed to the state opening of parliament, which in my opinion is more related to representing the nation.....and as Carl Philips fiance Sofia can attend all the events he is listed to attend I think, both local and abroad...for instance Prince Daniel attended Queen Margrethe of Denmark's birthday celebrations back 2010, even though they werent married yet.
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yes you are right about that, I got mixed up because it was his first time attending the events.....Well Victoria's birthday was her first official with the family appearance but it was a family affair as opposed to the state opening of parliament, which in my opinion is more related to representing the nation.....and as Carl Philips fiance Sofia can attend all the events he is listed to attend I think, both local and abroad...for instance Prince Daniel attended Queen Margrethe of Denmark's birthday celebrations back 2010, even though they werent married yet.

That is true, that was more a family appearance and this is a nation-thing.
We will see on September 30th.
And on September 24th Carl Philip has an attendance at the opening of the Carl Larsson. The Good Life exhibition in Copenhagen.
So if Sofia is now allowed to accompany him there might be a fair chance of her also being there. At least I hope so, I think it is high time that we see them together (officially) again.
Well, I think that if Daniel did not attend she will not go IMO. It would be really strange is she went there while the future prince consort didn't go...
. A performance at the concert hall (in the past years including last year the performance used take place at the royal opera house...I wonder why a change in venue)

Actually they are alternating between The Royal Opera and The Concert Hall. Last year at the Opera and 2012 at the Concert Hall. So it's business as usual.
It would be nice to see Prince Carl Philip & Sofia again. they haven't carried out any engagements together since Victoria's birthday concert.
It would be nice to see Prince Carl Philip & Sofia again. they haven't carried out any engagements together since Victoria's birthday concert.

Exactly, I want to see more of them together before they get married and before the events surrounding the wedding start.

I do not think she will attend the opening of state parliament - considering that there is no precedent - but it is fun to dream.

Perhaps she will join Carl Philip for his visit to Denmark, then we will at least have seen them together again when he has to sit alone for the last time when parliament opens.
Princess Madeleine will not attend the opening of parliament, her name has been scrapped from the calendar on that day.
12.30 The church service at the Stockholm Cathedral
The members of the Royal Family will travel in procession from the Royal Palace and will arrive at Riksplan shortly before 14.00 where they will be met by the Speaker.
14.00 Ceremony in the Chamber
19.00 Performance on The Stockholm Concert Hall
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According to SVT play, SVT Forum sends in their program live from the opening at 13.25, here is the link

Here is a link to the live broadcast at the website of the Parliament, it should be in english.
Opening of the Riksdag session - Riksmötets öppnande tisdag 30 september 2014 -

Sofia Hellqvist will attend at the opening. Princess Madeleine and the family is left in the United States because of her work with Childhood, says Thorgren.
Princess Madeleine has long stood as a participant in the royal calendar, but her name has in recent days been removed.
- It is not always that everyone can join, but it is a goal that the family has, says Margareta Thorngren.
Sofia Hellqvist följer med på riksmötet Nyheter Aftonbladet
So once again, it is different when Sofia is in question. Daniel and Jonas didn't attend at the opening in 2009.

The royal family arrived to the Stockholm Cathedral.

Leaving the church service

Live broadcasts, the royal family arrives with the carriages to the Parliament just before 14.00. Or they should have, they are late.
SVT Forum | SVT Play
LIVE: Riksmötets öppnande - TV4 Play

Gallery, the church service
IBL Bildbyrå

At the Parliament

Someone took photo of Victoria at the Parliament (!)


The royal family went to another room to meet some members of the Parliament.

Kungafamiljen har anlänt till Storkyrkan Svensk Damtidning

Bildextra från riksmötets högtidliga öppnande Svensk Damtidning

King Carl XVI Gustaf opens parliament - The Local
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So sad that Chris and Madeleine weren't there. I would have loved to see the whole family at an official event again.

Victoria looked wonderful. She has grown on me enormously during the last few years. She seems really at home in her job as Crown Princess nowadays ( I remember years long ago when it looked very different). I liked her outfit very much. Black and cream-white. Perfect for the occassion. And her hairdo was nice too. I like it when she wars her hair like that.

I'm also mighty surprised. I didn't expect Sofia to be there, even though I always liked her and was already sad that we wouldn't see her there this year. IMO she had a good premiere at an official royal event. She also has a nice outfit but it's sad that she didn't have a single little extra in a different colour than black. OK, she has a white cluth and a bit of white colour in her facinator, but a brooche like the queen had or a necklace in white would have done her good. She looked enormously dark in most of those pictures.
I did like that Sofia was appropriately dressed, but I wish she'd stop with the always looking for a camera to look at. At this point that's my only gripe with her.
Any good photo of silvias necklace
First i thought it was Lilians necklace with Diamond clasp but probably not. I hope we will have a better photo
Is it usual practice for the women to wear black and white?

All three have, with Sophia almost duplicating the Queen's outfit.
Is it usual practice for the women to wear black and white?

All three have, with Sophia almost duplicating the Queen's outfit.

This is discussed every year. Yes, it is usual practice to wear black and white. A long time ago the traditional Swedish court dress was used at the opening of the Parliament. Queen Silvia chose to wear black outfits with some white details to honor the traditional Swedish court dress after it was abolished, in the 70's I think.

Video of the royal family arriving
Kungliga gästerna anlände stilenligt SVT Play

Video of the whole ceremony in the Parliament from the arrival of the guests
Riksmötets öppnande 2014 SVT Play
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Is it usual practice for the women to wear black and white?

All three have, with Sophia almost duplicating the Queen's outfit.

Yes this ín Honour of the old swedish Court dress with train and all which was worn to the Old Opening of Parliament which took until 1974 lace in the Hall of State of the Royal Palace.

Here is a Video from the 1974 Opening: Riksdagens högtidliga öppnande 1974 | SVT Play
Does anyone know why Sofia were there too?

Well, the reason is that she can attend at the state events because she is engaged to Carl Philip. Of course the king makes the final decision and the king has obviously decided that she can attend at the Opening of the Parliament, although Daniel and Jonas didn't attend in 2009 when they were engaged with Victoria and Madeleine.
Well, the reason is that she can attend at the state events because she is engaged to Carl Philip. Of course the king makes the final decision and the king has obviously decided that she can attend at the Opening of the Parliament, although Daniel and Jonas didn't attend in 2009 when they were engaged with Victoria and Madeleine.

Thanks:flowers: Well of course she can attend but CG's s son- in- law could not.... :whistling:

What a slap in the face of Daniel
That's totally off-topic, but I've noticed that the same people who complain when Prince Carl Philip and Sofia act like Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel and Princess Madeleine and Chris also complain when they act differently. The truth is that they just want to criticize the couple, no rational reason is needed.

But it's funny to observe the double standards.

What a slap in the face of Daniel

Oh, poor Prince Daniel. I hope he'll not spend the rest of the day crying because of this. :whistling:
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Thanks:flowers: Well of course she can attend but CG's s son- in- law could not.... :whistling:

What a slap in the face of Daniel

I'm not sure I would view it as "a slap in the face of Daniel". To me, it is more a case of evolving norms within the SRF, and perhaps, a desire by the King and Queen to be seen to including Sofia within the family so as to quell any negative views of her.
thank you LadyFinn for all the links and info.

Nothing against Sofia, but I thought it was odd that she attended as a fiance but Daniel did not in 2009.

She looked great though. A great first outing at Parliament.
back on topic: I find all the outfits very appropriate IMO for the occasion and yes even the one Sofia is wearing (for those saying that who criticizes her is not objective and all);):whistling:.

I'm curious to see the dressed of tonight...
Oh, poor Prince Daniel. I hope he'll not spend the rest of the day crying because of this. :whistling:
I don't believe Daniel really gives a damn. He is just too much of a gentleman and altogether nice person. Sarcasm and nastiness on his unknown thoughts really quite low class , poor humor and small minded.
I don't believe Daniel really gives a damn. He is just too much of a gentleman and altogether nice person. Sarcasm and nastiness on his unknown thoughts really quite low class , poor humor and small minded.

I'm sorry, but are you calling me low class and small minded? I hope that's just a language misunderstanding.

that is my opinion.... and IMo all the in laws should be treated equally...

I know it's your opinion, and I gave a response to it. That's how a discussion forums works.
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So, do you think Sofia looked "princely" enough ?
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