Murder of the Imperial Family 17 July 1918

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
TIME: R.I.P.--At Long Last i ll let the modrators decide which of my artciles to keep or edit and the last lines about marieas son is still funny sorry but it is
Interfax-Religion Moscow, January 18, Interfax - The Russian Investigative Committee does not doubt the authenticity of the remains of the former Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family, which where found near Yekaterinburg.

"We are absolutely sure the identification of the remains of the imperial family was 100% correct", Vladimir Solovyov, the committee's investigator who has been in charge of the investigation into the killing of Nicholas II and his family since 1993.

On January 2011, Solovyov put his signature on a resolution closing the criminal case into the Romanovs' execution.

The case had been closed several times before, the last time on January 15, 2009.

"The new resolution contains nothing new compared to the previous one. The previous resolution has been brought in conformity with the October 1, 2008 ruling of the Supreme Court's Presidium. A new clause was added, which says that they were executed on behalf of the state," Solovyov said. Anger as Russia closes the case of the murdered Tsar | RUSSIA | The Moscow News
I wonder if they can locate Michael's bones this way as well?
According to the Crawford book on Michael and Natasha, they say Michael's bones have been paved over.

(They paved paradise and put in a parking lot. . . :whistling:)
What is God's name is the difference? They have all been dead for over 90 years.
According to the Crawford book on Michael and Natasha, they say Michael's bones have been paved over.

(They paved paradise and put in a parking lot. . . :whistling:)

With a pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot . . . :lol:

What is God's name is the difference? They have all been dead for over 90 years.

Maybe just idle curiosity or perhaps a desire to see the remains buried with some dignity. Wouldn't you want your ancestors or relatives to be treated with some respect, even if they are long dead?
By now,some special experts studying the murder of Tzar and the family have claimed that Lenin wasn't implied in their murder,but he was .Well,I talked to many old people who remember well those times.By sending the family to Ekaterinburg ,Lenin let the others decide how to make them disappear sooner from the Earth:sending in Camp of Siberia on works or to kill them immediately.It was he who commended their death and was satisfied,as he considered the Tzar guilty in his brother's death,Lenin just moved on.
What is God's name is the difference? They have all been dead for over 90 years.
Would be nice to give Michael a nice burial and his man, Mr. Johnson. Besides, find out where the bones are.
Maybe put them in a tree museum and pay a dollar and a half to see them. . :whistling:
Sorry guys, the torch for "Anna Anderson was Anastasia" has been well and truly extinguished and we are not going to reopen the subject.

The "Coble Report" published in March 2009 establishes that the remains of the Tsar, Tsarina, four daughters and Alexei have been identified.
None of the immediate Imperial Family survived Ekaterinburg.

A link to the report is here:

Members who wish to dispute the findings should take it up with the report's authors.

TRF Administrator
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Neither has the top candidate for the job. "That boy," Likhachev says with indignation of the 16-year-old would-be heir to the dynasty, Georgi Romanov, a distant relative, "is not fit." Young Georgi, Likhachev argued in a letter to Yeltsin, is "more Hohenzollern than Romanov." Moreover, when he led Georgi on a tour of the Hermitage, the former imperial palace, Likhachev was shocked. "The pudgy little fellow ran right over to the throne and tried it out for size. No, he won't do at all."

I think that is so utterly arrogant and presumptious. Georgi isn't really Russian, at all and to walk right over and sit on the throne, is just plain horrific manners.
I think that is so utterly arrogant and presumptious. Georgi isn't really Russian, at all and to walk right over and sit on the throne, is just plain horrific manners.
yes i agree with you
I think that is so utterly arrogant and presumptious. Georgi isn't really Russian, at all and to walk right over and sit on the throne, is just plain horrific manners.

yes i agree with you

Apologies but wouldn't these comments be better placed on the thread devoted to Maria and George Vladimirovich?

The sad anniversary of this massacre was a few days ago.:sad:
I don't think the butchery in a basement was justified, but put frankly, Nicholas had made so many mistakes, that killed MILLIONS of Russians. He sent them to war ill-equipped, refused to agree to reforms that would have made things so much better, he let his inexperienced wife meddle and didn't be upfront with the Russian people about the illness of his son (and the Russian people knew that something was wrong behind the scenes) and at no point made a single decision that did good for Russia. It was shameless butchery that set a demonic precedent, but it was the culmination of decades of horrific mismanagement. He should have been put on trial, along with Alexandra, but frankly put, I don't blame the hatred that the Russians felt.
Sure, their hatred was understandable and political, but why did the children have to be massacred as well? That, in my mind, is unspeakable and totally detestable.
I never said killing the children was excusable. The French in the midst of their butchery never killed the royal children at all, just eventually exchanged them as hostages.
May they rest in peace now and forever
the minute they died, I'm sure they did.
I'm sorry but for whatever hatred the Russians felt for Nicholas and Alexandra it did not call for what happened in that basement. First, there should have been a trial, second the Russian people did not condemn the Romanovs to die, only a select few bullies made that decision and then went on to terrorize the entire country. That's probably one of the reasons why Russians have never "forgotten" the Romanovs like the Bolsheviks wanted them to, because Russia didn't condemn them as a people.
And if the murders did need to occur there was no reason to murder Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Dr. Botkin etc. I could maybe MAYBE understand killing Alexei along with his parents, and I hate to even say that, but he was a political liability being Nicholas' heir. But the other 6 people who died that night served no purpose. Plus they killed Nargony prior to the murders in the basement.
I never at any point said it was justified or even understandable. I am stating that at that point, with feelings running high and the Communists fighting the Whites (pro-democracy/monarchy), that ti was no wonder they chose assassination at that point.
The communist murdered the family and their relatives out of fear, and no matter how high their emotions were I will never view what they did as understandable. Killing Nicholas, Alexandra and Aleksy is understandable; the dozen of others they killed is unforgivable, cowardly, and downright disgusting.
The murder of so many members of the Imperial Family is a symbol of the communist regime.The communists killed millions of people in Russia and in the countries under this kingd of dictatorship.
XeniaCasaraghi said:
I'm sorry but for whatever hatred the Russians felt for Nicholas and Alexandra it did not call for what happened in that basement. First, there should have been a trial, second the Russian people did not condemn the Romanovs to die, only a select few bullies made that decision and then went on to terrorize the entire country. That's probably one of the reasons why Russians have never "forgotten" the Romanovs like the Bolsheviks wanted them to, because Russia didn't condemn them as a people.
And if the murders did need to occur there was no reason to murder Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Dr. Botkin etc. I could maybe MAYBE understand killing Alexei along with his parents, and I hate to even say that, but he was a political liability being Nicholas' heir. But the other 6 people who died that night served no purpose. Plus they killed Nargony prior to the murders in the basement.

I totally agree there really was no reason to kill the royal family, they should have had at least a fair trail( not like a Marie Antoinette and Louis who were also killed unjustly) should have at least exiled them since Nicholas II abdicated already and mikhail didn't accept it, because I think when he abdicated he knew the Russian people no longer loved him as czar , but case and point there was no reason for killing them.
I just think they were innocent souls that were hated and shouldn't have been killed like animals. How could they murder them who loved each other very much and did almost everything together and got along. Look at this family picture ....they shouldn't have been murdered :( by looking at the picture who would have thought they would be murdered by the Bolsheviks.


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What happened in Ekaterinberg was wrong. The children were innocent. Nicholas was a fool and a terrible Tsar, Alix was a neurotic. Murder is wrong.
why did not they escape? They were hold at Tsarske Tselo for a long time
why did not they escape? They were hold at Tsarske Tselo for a long time

How could they escape? There was not a mounted effort by people in the area to liberate the Tsar and his family. In addition, the diplomatic efforts to get them out of the country never came about because of political opposition both inside and outside Russia.

Some of the royal family (such as the other Grand Dukes) could have escaped if they were savvy enough to know that the end was coming but I doubt many of them thought their lives would be lost, so they stayed on and we now know what happened. Grand Duke Michael, for example, was given relative freedom when compared to what Nicholas and his family were subject to but even Michael waited too long; his plan to escape via Finland was within hours of being completed when he was arrested again.
How could they escape? There was not a mounted effort by people in the area to liberate the Tsar and his family. In addition, the diplomatic efforts to get them out of the country never came about because of political opposition both inside and outside Russia

The British government initially offered to take them in and made arrangements, but unfortunately George V stepped in and prevented it from being carried out, mainly to placate his people and also ensure the survival of his good PR. The Hanovers were becoming Windsors and they were working at a PR campaign to prove how English they were. The one chance the Romanovs had at being saved was stopped because their cousin was so determined to protect his image.

All that had to be done was for the Brits to send in a warship and make a point that the Imperial Family was to be handed over, but it wasn't done. With the actions of the Whites, the Reds believed that killing them all would have ended the campaign of the Whites. There were those who wanted to get the Imperial Family out, but there was no organized effort at all.
Questions abou why the Romanovs didnt escape reminds me of questions like "why didn't the Jews fight or flee from the Nazis"? In both cases the victims did not know the extent of the danger they were in. For awhile in Tsarske Selo they believed they were soon going to be in England. Then they were assured that Kerensky didn't want to kill them only to get them out of the country. Even when the Bolsheviks came to power they still believed they would be ok, and even if they tried to escape they had no means.
Alexandra and Nicholas were aware of a possible trial, but not like the butchery of their entire family. Hindsight is the only time that one can see clearly, all the developments. Second, the entire family was immured and under 24/7 supervision, basically prisoners in a well maintained jail. No one could fathim literally murdering the entire RF, even the children. Even in the French Revolution the kids were spared and eventually shipped off to relatives in Austria.

The murder was unprecedented because it was the first time that the "State" decided that people were disposable for reasons other than criminal. NO one could fathom that Nicholas wouldn't be put on trial, or that Alexandra wouldn't be put on trial, even if they were executed in the end. Do you think that you could imagine such a thing? Now we can, but before that, it was unimaginable.
It is just so sad what happened to the Russian imperial family in 1918 period
Indeed. Even if Nicholaus and Alexandra had made their mistakes, killing not only them, but also their children and their servants, was really cold.
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