Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
This is getting messier by the day. What Mette-Marit did calling the victim was stupid, but it does show there's a deeper connection between them for her to overlook what's happening and call to check on her.

From the article on Hemmelige samtaler på Skaugum what I saw that I like was Marius admission

Excerpt translated by Edge browser:

"I committed bodily harm and destroyed objects in an apartment while intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine after an argument," he wrote in the message. He also emphasized that he wanted to apologize to the woman who was affected.

"So to you my girlfriend, I'm sorry. This should never have happened, and I take full responsibility for my actions," Marius wrote.
It didn't take long for the case to take a new turn. The victim's lawyer stated to Dagbladet that the victim and Marius were not boyfriends..."
It's good that both Haukland and Snekkestad are pressing charges, because this needs to be stopped.
Both for the victims themselves, but also because their action will hopefully lead to other victims of domestic/partner abuse to step forward. And not least because Marius, whether he realize he has problem or not, needs to be taken care of. One way or another.
And finally but not least, to hopefully prevent there will be a future fourth victim of abuse from Marius.

This is getting messier by the day. What Mette-Marit did calling the victim was stupid, but it does show there's a deeper connection between them for her to overlook what's happening and call to check on her.

From the article on Hemmelige samtaler på Skaugum what I saw that I like was Marius admission

Excerpt translated by Edge browser:

"I committed bodily harm and destroyed objects in an apartment while intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine after an argument," he wrote in the message. He also emphasized that he wanted to apologize to the woman who was affected.

"So to you my girlfriend, I'm sorry. This should never have happened, and I take full responsibility for my actions," Marius wrote.
It didn't take long for the case to take a new turn. The victim's lawyer stated to Dagbladet that the victim and Marius were not boyfriends..."
I think this is noteworthy from the article:
Se og Hør kjenner ikke til hvem som var til stede på dette hemmelige møtet, og hvor det ble holdt. Men Se og Hør har kilder på at kronprins Haakon (51) oppholdt seg på inne Skaugum samtidig med Marius og offeret.
Se & Hør does not know who was present at the secret meeting and where it took place. But Se&Hør have sources that say/state/inform that Crown Prince Haakon was present at Skaugum at the same time as Marius and the victim.

- in other words: If the meeting took place at Marius home that is attached to the estate of Skaugum, then Haakon may not necessarily have been present at the meeting or even known about it.

However, if the meeting took place at the main estate at Skaugum, it would have happened right under the nose of Haakon, who would either have been hiding in the attic with his fingers in his ears and his eyes shut tight or Haakon would have been present or Haakon would so to speak have "ensured the safety" of the victim by being nearby.

- I find all this positively odd!

I find it difficult to get my head around the possibility that Haakon would/might/could get himself personally involved in this, without lawyers present and while a police investigation is still going on.
I find it difficult to imagine Marius lawyer okaying such a move.
I find it even more difficult to imagine that the NRF legal advisors would okay such a meeting.
And I find it almost impossible to believe that the victim's lawyer would okay such a meeting.
- And at or near Skaugum of all places! Why not meet at a cafe from across the square from the palace in Oslo?!? That would be more discreet than this!

I simply do not know what to think about this!
Except there is a little voice in the back of my mind who suggest the possibility: that the NRF are trying to handle this on their own, but all the other voices in my head scream: No, the NRF would not do anything that stupid.
I'm simply baffled!
I'm very surprised about this turn of event as well. Clearly, the victim still has or had some personal belongings as Skaugum (as otherwise Marius could not have threatened to burn them) but it shouldn't have been to complicated to have someone else pick those up. And going to the thrashed apartment together? If for some reason it was deemed necessary for Marius to see the damage he had done in a clear state of mind that sounds like something the police could have taken him to (or video/photos taken that could be shown to him). It all seems very strange and fishy.
In my opinion what this means is that King Harald and CP Haakon have still not managed to get Marius to adhere to some very basic guidelines of conduct. Either because they have not attempted to do so or not been forceful enough. If he wants to keep living at Skaugum, he needs to be brought under some type of control or he will continue to damage the NRF further and further.

If the victim drops charges against Marius because he emotionally manipulated her, Marius will be happy to escape punishment, but his violent behaviour will continue and the NRF will be greatly damaged. Because they will be associated with a member of their family not facing the law like regular people. Because they will be connected to the emotional manipulation of a victim of domestic abuse, the cover-up of domestic abuse & a pattern of violent behaviour, and when the next incident happens, they will be complicit to some degree, no longer could they claim knowing nothing of Marius' violent behaviour.

And even though I am very certain the King and Queen had absolutely nothing to do with any of this, it will fall back on them too. And how will the Queen ever be able to speak of gender equality, one of her issues for many years, again if this this is not handled better asap?
As it wasn't the victim pressing charges, I don't think she can drop them. She may refuse further cooperation with the police but a lot of evidence was already gathered (and additional evidence is being gathered from his former girlfriend(s)) that can still be used in this case if i understand it correctly.
I'm very surprised about this turn of event as well. Clearly, the victim still has or had some personal belongings as Skaugum (as otherwise Marius could not have threatened to burn them) but it shouldn't have been to complicated to have someone else pick those up. And going to the thrashed apartment together? If for some reason it was deemed necessary for Marius to see the damage he had done in a clear state of mind that sounds like something the police could have taken him to (or video/photos taken that could be shown to him). It all seems very strange and fishy.
I'm sadly not surprised by this at all. Abusers are often, as Princess_Eleanor stated, emotionally manipulative along with superficially charming. Abuse victims often go through the cycle of good days and bad days with their abusers, holding on to the former and seeing the latter as normal. It wouldn't surprised me if Marius told her he was having a bad night, he still cares about her, she can trust, and he promises they can go to his place together without him hitting her, choking her, or threatening to burn up her clothes, and he really means it this time.
The pictures of them traveling together to Skaugum after all this exploded is disturbing to me… That the lawyers seems to be fully aware of it makes me wonder if we will soon hear that the case has been dropped at the request of both parts…..

Papz pics or not - everyone is allowed to take photos outside of the royal estates so in this case the lawyer really shouldn’t put the blame on the photographer…

Most lawyers would agree that no contact between the victim and the suspect is the preferable way to go while the police investigation is still ongoing.

”Natural as they have been living together for a long time and have a lot of practical issues to resolve” says her lawyer…. Well not many days ago she was afraid of him and refused to see him…. Had i been her, i would have priorited my own security over my things at his house… Haakon and/or Mette Marit may have been there too but they are frankly his family. Not her family…. I would at the very least have taken my parents or a number of very close friends with me if i was her to prevent the risk of being manipulated by him or ”his side”…

And i would definitely not have travelled in the same car as him. Especially not with him behind the wheel.
I wonder if this is part of Marius' team's strategy. By talking to her, he (and his mother) may create the impression in her mind that they care about her and this is all a horrible misunderstanding. It would also give Marius an opportunity to talk her into a settlement of some kind without her lawyer hanging around.

I suppose having the two of them revisit the apartment could give him a chance to create doubt in her mind about what happened.

(Didn't I read somewhere that he actually owns the apartment? If so, maybe he's assessing the damage that his tenant left behind...)

These would be risky strategies, to say the least, but Marius' team is probably desperate to find a way to minimize and resolve all of this.
From Marius and the victim's perspective I can somewhat understand; but by now there is a whole team of lawyers and advisers (as well as the NRF - although MM was the first to reach out it seems) involved who should have prevented this from happening you'd think.
If, as many are theorizing, Marius Borg Høiby's continued contacts with the ex-girlfriend he recently assaulted are aimed at minimizing legal liability for his actions, then why did he issue a statement admitting his actions together with a statement from his lawyer that he (Marius) was acknowledging criminal guilt?

Besides, even if he could convince her to refuse to cooperate with the police, what legal benefit would there be to him at this point? As many have pointed out, the police still have ample corroborating evidence to rely on: her medical records, physical evidence from the crime scene, the testimony of the friend who called the police, and the testimony of two earlier girlfriends (and possibly their medical records, if he injured them as badly as he injured his latest girlfriend).
Dagbladet reveals an unknown drug punishment:
Marius was fined for cocaine use in 2017. He was caught by civil police at the Palmesus festival in Kristiansand.
At 10pm on 1 July, two of the police officers spotted a man coming up the stairs to the roof terrace "Rooftop VIP".
In a submission from the Agder police district that Dagbladet has seen, one of the police officers refers:
- He picked his nose several times, I suspected that he had just snorted cocaine. We decided to take a check on him. We went up to him and introduced ourselves as the police. He told me his name was Marius, and I recognized him as Marius Borg Høiby - which he confirmed.

The media in Norway compete about who finds the most important stories first...
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As it wasn't the victim pressing charges, I don't think she can drop them. She may refuse further cooperation with the police but a lot of evidence was already gathered (and additional evidence is being gathered from his former girlfriend(s)) that can still be used in this case if i understand it correctly.

Yes, that's good, I hope the charges won't be dropped and Juliane & Nora will not back down!!

From Marius and the victim's perspective I can somewhat understand; but by now there is a whole team of lawyers and advisers (as well as the NRF - although MM was the first to reach out it seems) involved who should have prevented this from happening you'd think.

I don't think that Marius is doing what lawyers and advisers are telling him. Tbh I think he does whatever he wants as he did before.

Nor do I think that the King has any control over the situation, just like with Durek Verrett... He is a very nice and kind man and therefore, neither Marius nor Durek take him seriously. They do whatever they want and whatever benefits them, there is zero regard for what damages the King, the NRF and the monarchy.

All the parallels are clear now. Unless they threaten severe consequences, Marius will not do what the King, NRF advisers or even CP Haakon tell him to do, in my opinion. The only solution is that they need to be harsher, talking nicely and listening to their stories of "poor me" gets you nowhere with people like Marius and the shaman.
If, as many are theorizing, Marius Borg Høiby's continued contacts with the ex-girlfriend he recently assaulted are aimed at minimizing legal liability for his actions, then why did he issue a statement admitting his actions together with a statement from his lawyer that he (Marius) was acknowledging criminal guilt?

Besides, even if he could convince her to refuse to cooperate with the police, what legal benefit would there be to him at this point? As many have pointed out, the police still have ample corroborating evidence to rely on: her medical records, physical evidence from the crime scene, the testimony of the friend who called the police, and the testimony of two earlier girlfriends (and possibly their medical records, if he injured them as badly as he injured his latest girlfriend).
His statement seemed calculated to arouse sympathy for him, stressing his mental issues and addictions. Not only might that lead to the court sympathizing and giving him a lighter sentence, but it could also make his accusers feel for him and say less.

And, almost any statement he issues will also be positioned to move him away from the royal house and make his relatives look as good as possible. The statement gave the impression (to me at least) that his family has helped him get treatment in the past.

No matter what he did or didn't do, it's more important for his step-family and for Norway that the NRF comes out of this well, not that Marius comes out well.
Dagbladet reveals an unknown drug punishment:
Marius was fined for cocaine use in 2017. He was caught by civil police at the Palmesus festival in Kristiansand.
If I understand it correctly he was only 20 (or 21?) when that incident happened. The fact that he didn't want to admit to using cocaine in front of one his mother's best friend might imply that his mother was unaware of his drug habit at that time and that he was afraid of being "outted" by his mother's friend. That is speculative though.

In any case, after he was aprehended by the police and had to pay a fine, I would assume that his mother and his stepfather were somehow informed of the fact.
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If, as many are theorizing, Marius Borg Høiby's continued contacts with the ex-girlfriend he recently assaulted are aimed at minimizing legal liability for his actions, then why did he issue a statement admitting his actions together with a statement from his lawyer that he (Marius) was acknowledging criminal guilt?

Besides, even if he could convince her to refuse to cooperate with the police, what legal benefit would there be to him at this point? As many have pointed out, the police still have ample corroborating evidence to rely on: her medical records, physical evidence from the crime scene, the testimony of the friend who called the police, and the testimony of two earlier girlfriends (and possibly their medical records, if he injured them as badly as he injured his latest girlfriend).
The logic answer to that IMO is that Marius (and even some other members of the NRF perhaps) are acting without consulting Marius/their lawyers. And perhaps because it has worked before.
Get the victim away from her friends, family and lawyer and manipulate her.
Also, it may be that Marius does not understand the trouble he is in - because he is entitled or because he has always gotten away with it and why shouldn't he get away with it this time as well.
Because Marius cannot understand the trouble he is in - because he is unable to view things from another person's and the general public's perspective. Either because he lacks empathy or simply cannot comprehend it intellectually.
Or Marius is unwilling to accept the trouble he is in. - Because it is my impression that abusers often see themselves as alpha-males who feel a need to act and deal with things, if need be by "correcting" someone. (As it was put in the movie Shining.) So remaining passive goes against the image he has of himself. And no one and certainly no lawyer should tell him what to do! - You get my point?

Neither the victim's lawyer nor Marius lawyer will publicly admit they are hopping mad. They will work on some sort of public damage control and admit to some sort of meeting between the parts, because that's undeniable. Marius lawyer is not going to say publicly that this was against his advise and that he wants to strangle Marius. The victim's lawyer is not going to say my client was manipulated to go against my instructions. Not yet...

But I'm willing to bet my favorite pair of slippers that Marius was talking non stop from the second he picked up this third victim until he finally dropped her off somewhere. What has he been saying?

If it was just a question of the victim getting her belongings the most sensible way in this situation would be for her to be accompanied by her lawyer and a member of her family or a close friend.

Call it male intuition, my gut feeling is that Marius has pulled this exact stunt before and gotten away with it.

The serious question is whether they went to Skaugum itself. That is guarded by soldiers, (as per the Se & Hør article) so you don't just get in there without at least being registered. Whether they met with Haakon, even if it was only a chance encounter in a corridor. And whether Mette Marit was involved in persuading the victim in meeting and being picked up by Marius.
That's why my head is buzzing right now!

The sad thing is that I can actually easily imagine Mette Marit getting involved behind the back of the lawyers. Because by all accounts she is a very protective mother and right now her oldest son is in the biggest trouble of his life, so a natural instinct/reaction for her might be to do whatever she can to try and help her son in whatever way she can. Not out of malice towards the victim, but because her absolute main priority is to try and protect her son.
Remember how Snekkestad has talked about the abuse affecting her afterwards, which to me suggests that as soon the relationship broke up, so did the contact between Snekkestad and Mette Marit. And she knew Snekkestad for years!
It could IMO be a classical case of "Snekkestad is in the past. Lets move on and not talk more about this."

But where is Haakon in all this? Is he involved? If so is it because he is a devoted husband who will support his wive and stepson beyond I dare say reason? Is it because he can't bring himself to not to support his wife, due to her no doubt being deeply upset right now combined with her illness? Or is it because he has a backbone of a mollusk and dare not stand up to his wife and protect her against herself, which is something a spouse ought to do?
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But where is Haakon in all this? Is he involved? If so is it because he is a devoted husband who will support his wive and stepson beyond I dare say reason? Is it because he can't bring himself not to support his wife, due to her no doubt being deeply upset right now combined with her illness? Or is it because he has a backbone of a mollusk and dare not stand up to his wife and protect her against herself, which is something a spouse ought to do?
I'm much more cynical about where Haakon stands in all this. I look at the royal houses (and their senior members) as being focused on self-preservation above all. If they sense a threat -- say, a son that befriended a pedophile or grandsons using their royal titles commercially or a king whose philandering is over the top or a sister who wants to marry the wrong guy -- they take action, even if it is difficult personally.

(King Harald not shutting down ML and Durek is a glaring exception, of course.)

Haakon is in a tough position. Does he protect the royal house and do everything possible to create distance from Marius' problems, or does he act as a supportive husband and stepfather? I'm not sure it's possible to do both in this case.
So sad to see the victim has allowed Marius to talk her round seemingly.

My understanding is she didn't press the charges and that the police took the matter into their hands when they saw what happened. Likely that means she can't "drop the charges" and much of the process is out of her hands - other than to cooperate or not. Obviously if she does cooperate it will be easier to secure conviction but it seems the police have lots of evidence - the damage, the knife in the wall, the voice messages with threats etc to present a strong case.

His two exes going to the police is a huge step because as I understand it their claims mean the charge becomes a higher crime so even if he is just convicted of that there is at least some punishment.

What concerns me is the NRFs complicity by saying and doing nothing at Marius worming his way back into the life of someone he has abused mentally and physically. Mette Marit's inability to stop it suggests she is hoping that by allowing it the case will somehow disappear or be less bad than it is. Her ability to ever speak or work ever again for charities or at events concerning people in mentally or physically abusive relationships is gone forever by allowing her son to follow the pattern of an abuser.

I was all for giving MM the benefit of the doubt she didn't know more about Marius behaviour and whilst she may not have known its full extent her behaviour of late suggests to me she isn't as shocked by it as we all are. I'm sorry but I think if I or one of my siblings were going through anything like Marius is now - even though we are a decade older - we'd be forced back home and put under mum and dad's rules again. I'm really struggling to see a scenario where my parents or those close to me would think its a good idea or allow me to meet the alleged victim of my behaviour while the police are still investigating. Never mind if I was royal and that meant driving onto a royal estate where I would certainly be photographed. Sorry but any sympathy I had for Mette Marit (and potentially Haakon is gone)

As for the victims lawyer - I don't see what else she can say. I would suspect professionally she is fuming at what she probably sees as her client being played by a manipulative abuser but likewise she is too professional to say that to the press so down plays is slightly. I would suspect maybe the victim isn't all that happy that there is a case in the first place and adding fuel to the fire by calling out her behaviour will do the lawyer nothing good in terms of building trust with a client who probably doesn't want her there in the first place.

I would suspect Marius' lawyers are just as mad but at least it works in their clients favour. And I'm sure they are being paid enough to grin and bear it.
What? Did I understand the recent news completly wrong, or was a young and by this probably very impressionable girl brought into the The Royal Halls(!) to have some serious talk with her? What is going on there?

And if bad comes to worth, how will the Crown Prince decide? Will he cut off his future Queen's first born son? It does not look like this! And they are a very young Monarchy in Norway - a little bit more than 100 years on the Throne: They cannnot look up the history books, how their ancestors did decide in such cases. And the Norwegian public and her mood might be a big unknown to them - Interesting times!
It's good that both Haukland and Snekkestad are pressing charges, because this needs to be stopped.
Both for the victims themselves, but also because their action will hopefully lead to other victims of domestic/partner abuse to step forward. And not least because Marius, whether he realize he has problem or not, needs to be taken care of. One way or another.
And finally but not least, to hopefully prevent there will be a future fourth victim of abuse from Marius.

I think this is noteworthy from the article:
Se og Hør kjenner ikke til hvem som var til stede på dette hemmelige møtet, og hvor det ble holdt. Men Se og Hør har kilder på at kronprins Haakon (51) oppholdt seg på inne Skaugum samtidig med Marius og offeret.
Se & Hør does not know who was present at the secret meeting and where it took place. But Se&Hør have sources that say/state/inform that Crown Prince Haakon was present at Skaugum at the same time as Marius and the victim.

- in other words: If the meeting took place at Marius home that is attached to the estate of Skaugum, then Haakon may not necessarily have been present at the meeting or even known about it.

However, if the meeting took place at the main estate at Skaugum, it would have happened right under the nose of Haakon, who would either have been hiding in the attic with his fingers in his ears and his eyes shut tight or Haakon would have been present or Haakon would so to speak have "ensured the safety" of the victim by being nearby.

- I find all this positively odd!

I find it difficult to get my head around the possibility that Haakon would/might/could get himself personally involved in this, without lawyers present and while a police investigation is still going on.
I find it difficult to imagine Marius lawyer okaying such a move.
I find it even more difficult to imagine that the NRF legal advisors would okay such a meeting.
And I find it almost impossible to believe that the victim's lawyer would okay such a meeting.
- And at or near Skaugum of all places! Why not meet at a cafe from across the square from the palace in Oslo?!? That would be more discreet than this!

I simply do not know what to think about this!
Except there is a little voice in the back of my mind who suggest the possibility: that the NRF are trying to handle this on their own, but all the other voices in my head scream: No, the NRF would not do anything that stupid.
I'm simply baffled!
If they were living together ( I think so? Or she stayed with him a lot), she probably wanted her things back. That’s easy: a staff person helps Marius pack her things and they are returned to her without Marius being involved.
After seeing the pictures with the knife in the wall and a chandelier pulled out of the ceiling (😳😳😳), there is no way the victim and Marius should have met (even supervised) and especially not at that setting because being back where the abuse took place would be retraumatizing to her. This is absolutely the antithesis of everything we know about helping trauma victims.

I'm sadly not surprised by this at all. Abusers are often, as Princess_Eleanor stated, emotionally manipulative along with superficially charming. Abuse victims often go through the cycle of good days and bad days with their abusers, holding on to the former and seeing the latter as normal. It wouldn't surprised me if Marius told her he was having a bad night, he still cares about her, she can trust, and he promises they can go to his place together without him hitting her, choking her, or threatening to burn up her clothes, and he really means it this time.
Yep, classic part of this profile

But Mbruno was not implying that Ingrid Alexandra knew about Marius's abusing his girlfriend, he was implying that she probably knew about other aspects of his lifestyle such as his drinking and drug use and unsteady career.
Yes, thank you, I do know how to read and understood exactly what Mbruno wrote. Thereafter I consciously chose to reply in the way I did to make a point I feel is important and have gotten lost during this whole saga. People suffering from addiction, mental health issues and even those who have criminal convictions are as often as most other people beloved members of their families.
That Ingrid focused on her brother's positive sides (like she did for the other relatives she mentioned) in an official speech is neither strange nor unwise and there's also the high possibility that the then few years younger Ingrid had very little insight into her brother's lifestyle.
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OK, minimize the violence and abuse this time but what about next time and the next. Sadly, over time, loss of life is often an eventual outcome.

The NRF's ability to tolerate dysfunctional behavior and blatant deviance is so disappointing. I'm including ML and Durak and their ongoing circus with this disappointment.
"What on earth is the crown prince's family thinking about?"
Two very problematic aspects of the meetings to have taken place, the obvious power imbalance between victim and perpetrator and the equally obvious imbalance between an ordinary citizen and a member of the crown prince's family.

According to Aftenposten, Marius has been called in for questioning at the Grønland police station in Oslo on Thursday morning.
The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen tells that her client is questioned this week. Larsen is asked how her client reacts that there are two other women who have brought up their cases. Larsen says that she has no comment on that. She sees her case as one part, and lets the other cases - which she does not know - live their lives. It has been a very stressful time, due to the media pressure. Among other things, photos are taken of her without her having been prepared. She feels she's fair game, says Larsen.

The police have not yet said whether Høiby is actually charged with matters connected to Snekkestad and Haukland. If that were to happen, it would mean a significant expansion of the charges against Høiby.
I think that the victim has agency here. None of this mitigates the physical violence that Marius inflicted on her in the apartment followed by his verbally abusive phone calls.

In the immediate aftermath the victim had the wherewithal herself, or she listened and was guided into getting medical treatment, engaging a top attorney, giving information to authorities, and perhaps influencing Marius' statement, Pictures of the damaged apartment and Marius' voice on phone calls also were published. Maybe she was involved, or this happened without her knowledge, but the result made very clear that Marius inflicted considerable physical, material and presumably psychological damage. Then you have the two ex-girlfriends issuing statements about their bad experiences with Marius.

I find it hard to believe that her attorney or anyone else who has been guiding her did not strongly advise against her having any contact with Marius. It is not difficult for her to block Marius' calls, screen calls and to get the word to Marius and his team that all contact should be directed to her attorney and/or another trusted person. Children are not involved, she does not appear to be of limited means where she has to meet up with the guy who beat her up and terrorized her to get her waitress uniform in order not to lose her job or somesuch.

I think that this represents why law enforcement often characterize domestic violence as being so complex. It is fortunate that the victim did use better judgement early on to allow the legal case to be built against the person who harmed her, and quite frankly to control the initial narrative.
Yes, thank you, I do know how to read and understood exactly what Mbruno wrote. Thereafter I consciously chose to reply in the way I did to make a point I feel is important and have gotten lost during this whole saga.

Would it help if I likewise stated that I know how to read and therefore understood exactly what you wrote ...? However, the truth is that people who know how to read nevertheless sometimes misunderstand one another's posts.

Unfortunately, your reply to the original poster was phrased in such a way that it was easy to construe as a disagreement (e.g., his post included " I find it hard to believe that she has no knowledge of other aspects of his lifestyle," and your reply included "Even if she knew about him having issues with addiction and his mental health that does not equal her knowing about him abusing his girlfriend.") rather than quoting him in order to add onto his points, as you apparently intended to do. My apologies for misunderstanding.

In the immediate aftermath the victim had the wherewithal herself, or she listened and was guided into getting medical treatment, engaging a top attorney, giving information to authorities, and perhaps influencing Marius' statement, Pictures of the damaged apartment and Marius' voice on phone calls also were published. Maybe she was involved, or this happened without her knowledge, but the result made very clear that Marius inflicted considerable physical, material and presumably psychological damage.

It was previously reported that the victim was assigned a (very prominent) lawyer by the state due to the public interest in the case, and the lawyer stated that her client was "shocked and disappointed" by the leaks. (You may know all of that already, but I wanted to clarify for those not following the thread as closely.)
I wonder if this is part of Marius' team's strategy. By talking to her, he (and his mother) may create the impression in her mind that they care about her and this is all a horrible misunderstanding. It would also give Marius an opportunity to talk her into a settlement of some kind without her lawyer hanging around.
I suppose having the two of them revisit the apartment could give him a chance to create doubt in her mind about what happened.
It well could be that they are not alone. That the lawyers are present too. I doubt a lawyer would let a client go to the abusers home unattended.
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It was previously reported that the victim was assigned a (very prominent) lawyer by the state due to the public interest in the case, and the lawyer stated that her client was "shocked and disappointed" by the leaks. (You may know all of that already, but I wanted to clarify for those not following the thread as closely.)
Thanks. I recall the statements about the leaks, and I knew that the state was picking up the tab for the attorney, but I missed the part that is was the state that took the initiative in assigning the attorney.
It well could be that they are not alone. That the lawyers are present too. I doubt a lawyer would let a client go to the abusers home unattended.

The woman's lawyer hasn't told that she was with the woman and Marius. She said to the media only that: "The parties are in dialogue as previously mentioned and have a number of practical things that need to be sorted out after having lived together for a longer period."
If the woman's lawyer was there, why the woman went with Marius at Marius' car to Skaugum and left Skaugum with Marius at Marius' car?
Thanks. I recall the statements about the leaks, and I knew that the state was picking up the tab for the attorney, but I missed the part that is was the state that took the initiative in assigning the attorney.

No, you are correct. I apparently misremembered that point, and I apologize. Going back to recheck, the high-profile lawyer was selected by the victim although the state made the decision to provide legal aid funding.
I don't know about Norwegian law, but at least where I'm from in the United States (it may be different in other parts), a judge can invoke a restraining/no-contact order on an abusive perpetrator, even if the victim doesn't apply for one themselves, depending on the severity. Looking from the outside in, the choking and the knife in the wall would indicate a possibility of lethal escalation, which would definitely fall under the reasoning for a court-appointed restraining order. Does Norway have a similar, and if so, why might it not have been applied in this case?
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