Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Two of Marius Borg Høiby's former girlfriends have accused him of violence, and one of them has been questioned by the police. Høiby's defender does not wish to comment on this.
- This is a police matter. As a defender for Marius, it is not possible or correct for me to comment on any new claim or information in the media. The earliest we will comment anything more is if the police take new formal steps in the case, writes lawyer Øyvind Bratlien in a message to NTB.

Abida Raja, who was invited to meet Queen Sonja at the Palace on Women's Day last year:
Unfortunately, what has happened is nothing new.
This is not just the reality of Juliane Snekkestad and Nora Haukland, but a reality for all of us women.
The fact that this topic is now receiving so much media attention, because of who Marius is, perhaps says more about us and our society.
Hundreds of stories like this go under the radar every single day: unreported, untold and taboo in the family.
That Juliane Snekkestad has reported the incident to the police so quickly is remarkable in itself. For many women, it can take a lifetime to find the strength to share their truth.
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They, as a family, can surely go conditional control on him. Lay out rules perhaps contingent on him having a home: therapy, rehab, blood tests, medication, curfews perhaps. The reason rehabs work is because of these things. And the reason it doesn’t often have long lasting is lack the lack of attendees to apply that level of control over themselves. This after he serves whatever punishment he has too. Many people are victims of DV. May people perpetuate it. With no real consequences. Given the profile of him it is an opportunity to actually have consequences.
Two of Marius Borg Høiby's former girlfriends have accused him of violence, and one of them has been questioned by the police. Høiby's defender does not wish to comment on this.
- This is a police matter. As a defender for Marius, it is not possible or correct for me to comment on any new claim or information in the media. The earliest we will comment anything more is if the police take new formal steps in the case, writes lawyer Øyvind Bratlien in a message to NTB.

Abida Raja, who was invited to meet Queen Sonja at the Palace on Women's Day last year:
Unfortunately, what has happened is nothing new.
This is not just the reality of Juliane Snekkestad and Nora Haukland, but a reality for all of us women.
The fact that this topic is now receiving so much media attention, because of who Marius is, perhaps says more about us and our society.
Hundreds of stories like this go under the radar every single day: unreported, untold and taboo in the family.
That Juliane Snekkestad has reported the incident to the police so quickly is remarkable in itself. For many women, it can take a lifetime to find the strength to share their truth.
I'm not completely following along - why is Juliane praised for reporting the incident? It is a third girlfriend (R) whose friend called the police and it seems after that both J and N came forward on social media and are now being interviewed by the police as well.
I admit I'm curious about that as well, and about what he "protected" his sister from. It would of course have been expected of her to say something nice about each of her brothers in her coming-of-age interview and speech, but the comments about protection and loyalty are rather specific, whereas a vague "he has always been there for me" would have sufficed if she truly could think of nothing good to say about him or their relationship. So I suspect there is at least a grain of truth to her comments, at least from her point of view. (Hopefully the described protectiveness is real and will provide him some motivation to work to minimize the damage caused by his actions in order to protect his sister's future throne from the fallout, if nothing else...)
Yes, I think if his younger siblings are truly some of the people Marius has managed to care for without violence or illegality (and without the extra complications of parents), perhaps they’ll be able to inspire him to do better in his difficult future.

I'm not completely following along - why is Juliane praised for reporting the incident? It is a third girlfriend whose friend called the police and it seems after that both J and N came forward on social media and are now being interviewed by the police as well.
The third girlfriend whose ID we don’t know is the crux of the legal issues. Juliane reported his behavior as either a separate crime or corroborating evidence for this one, but she is lauded (including by Nora) because speaking out about this, like any kind of gender-based violence, is difficult and painful. So she is brave to admit it globally. That’s why.
Yes, I think if his younger siblings are truly some of the people Marius has managed to care for without violence or illegality (and without the extra complications of parents), perhaps they’ll be able to inspire him to do better in his difficult future.

The third girlfriend whose ID we don’t know is the crux of the legal issues. Juliane reported his behavior as either a separate crime or corroborating evidence for this one, but she is lauded (including by Nora) because speaking out about this, like any kind of gender-based violence, is difficult and painful. So she is brave to admit it globally. That’s why.
I've read her name (which is known as apparently he made their relationship public in July) but as it hasn't been widely reported I didn't include it in my response e4ither but only used her initial. The post seemed to suggest that there were only two victims. Hopefully the article itself made sure to give credits where credits are due. And yes, it was brave of J and N to come forward as well after R's case became public.
I've read her name but as it hasn't been widely reported I didn't include it in my response either but only used her initial. The post seemed to suggest that there were only two victims. Hopefully the article itself made sure to give credits where credits are due. And yes, it was brave of J and N to come forward as well after R's case became public.
Her identity is protected by the Norwegian police and legal system (as posters have said, were Marius not who he is, he wouldn’t have been ID’d either), and so she really shouldn’t be hinted about or initialed, especially as we’ve had pages and pages of discussion without it.

It’s not gossip; it’s an ongoing criminal investigation.
Juliane Snekkestad was questioned by the police on Friday, and will be questioned again, her lawyer confirms today.
Two ex-girlfriends wrote on social media about similar experiences, and were then summoned for questioning by the police. Snekkestad is one of them. She has the status of abused.
- Her motivation is twofold. She wants to tell her story and she wants to prevent others from being exposed to the same. She will continue to cooperate with the police and give them the information they need in new interrogations, says lawyer Petter Grødem to NRK.
The two exes speaking up was really a game-changer, well done to those ladies. It established Marius' pattern of behaviour and might have helped the latest victim find strength in her own complaint, since as I understand it, it wasn't she herself who called the cops. It also shows how insincere Marius' statement is, since he made it sound like the incident was a one-off occurrence. Plus, of course, it warns other women that this guy is a serial abuser.
IMO the wisest thing Marius can do is to plead guilty to everything and take what sentence he will get.
Rather than going through a trial with all the negative publicity that entails. He'd probably end up getting the same sentence anyway.
By "taking it like a man" he would likely get some respect at least.
But of course that means he has to acknowledge and admit he did something wrong. According to the two phone calls he made to this third victim, he did not.

And as for his mental issues. AFAIK we only have Marius words for him having mental issues.
What kind of issues? And to what extent?
That can be anything from feeling a bit down (which is something everybody do from time to time) to being diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder, just to come up with an example.
I won't just take his word for it. He wasn't more affected than he was perfectly able to date and establish a serious relationship with both the third victim as well as Haukland late last year.
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Lawyers don't generally advise clients (especially ones facing felony charges) to lie in public statements that may have to hold up in court.

So it's not about giving Marius the benefit of the doubt, but simply from both the disordered appearance of his life and that he made this statement under legal advice -- yes I would be very inclined to believe that Marius has somewhat substantial psych and other issues (not helped by the drugs and drinking), and has for some time. Not that he is exaggerating or made it up for sympathy (I believe him and mine isn't much increased because of it).
Practically everyone knows, or is even related to, a person with mental illness(es). We, they, even their doctors, do not necessarily know exactly ‘what is wrong’ with them. Treatment of various kinds, therapy, pharmaceutical, etc., may be tried with limited results in many cases. And other than being institutionalizied, it is impossible to completely control public behaviors. Note, I am not saying that they should not be dealt with by the law, as appropriate. But those who opine that someone (the family, the parents, the spouse) should have some way to control another adult’s behavior, they are wrong. Don’t assume that those who love and care for the person have not done anything. Even when institutionalizing is the answer, which it seldom is, there are so many mentally ill people that the space is not available. Ideally, an encounter with the law may make the difference for Marius or others. But it may not.
It could be that as the investigation is still ongoing, and has not (yet) turned into a prosecution, Marius has been advised to not disclose anything regarding his previous treatments…

If (or rather when) this turns into a prosecution and the trial starts, i’m pretty sure we will learn more about that if he really has recived serious treatments for it, like having been in contact with psychiatrists or other doctors…

As for now, we only knows his words through his statement, and that doesn’t say anything that would be enough in a trial… Then he would have to prove it by backning it up with something
I admit I'm curious about that as well, and about what he "protected" his sister from. It would of course have been expected of her to say something nice about each of her brothers in her coming-of-age interview and speech, but the comments about protection and loyalty are rather specific, whereas a vague "he has always been there for me" would have sufficed if she truly could think of nothing good to say about him or their relationship. So I suspect there is at least a grain of truth to her comments, at least from her point of view. (Hopefully the described protectiveness is real and will provide him some motivation to work to minimize the damage caused by his actions in order to protect his sister's future throne from the fallout, if nothing else...)

Maybe he meant he protected Ingrid from characters like him out there? Ingrid was born when Marius was much older, and she was possibly the one that gave him a sense of being part of a family more that his step-father Haakon. He's not related to anyone in that family but to Ingrid and her brother, so as the big brother he probably looked after them the most.

Problem is like in all families we have siblings and relatives that are one way when at home and a different person when in their friends' groups. I suspect Marius was a case like this and the temperament he had outside finally caught up and came out for everyone to see. Now, as a family, she has to step aside and let the courts take over while still hoping her older brother will come to terms with what he did and assume full responsibility of his actions.

Like any family with troubled children, this was the big wake up call for everyone. And for Ingrid, she needs to pay attention and see how her family resolves this issue because one day, when she is the queen, she could be the one handling a similar situation with her own kids or grandkids someday.
Strange news, if Se og Hør has right, especially about the woman:
In this week's Se og Hør, there are several photos of Marius and the victim of violence together, before they have had formal questioning in the case. Among other things, they spent many hours inside Skaugum.
The photos, taken before last weekend, show Marius and the woman together on their way out and in the gate of Skaugum. Marius drives a white Mercedes. Next to him sits the victim, hidden by a cap. But there is no mistaking the woman, it's the same one that Marius refers to as his girlfriend, and the victim's legal aid lawyer says is not his girlfriend.
Marius lives in a neighboring house In Skaugum, sheltered from the Crown Prince family. So it is entirely possible that the meeting took place without their knowledge. The meeting raises questions. Who was present, and are the couple lovers, as Marius claims, or are they not, as the victim's legal aid lawyer says?
Se og Hør asked the Palace whether it is true that the woman to whom Marius has admitted physical abuse has been at Skaugum, and whether the crown prince couple have met her after Marius made his admission.
The Palace has not responded.

Juliane Snekkestad will today undergo a new police questioning about her relationship with Marius Borg Høiby.

On Monday evening, Dagbladet asked the royal house if it is true that the meeting of Marius and the woman took place and what they think about the fact that the accused and the victim in a criminal case have met on the royal house's property during an ongoing investigation, before those involved have explained themselves to the police. As of Tuesday morning, the Palace has not answered these questions.
Neither the victim's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen nor Marius' defender Øyvind Bratlien have answered Dagbladet's question about whether the woman and Marius were at Skaugum after Marius' statement.

On Monday, Juliane Snekkestad was with the police and read through and approved Friday's interrogation. Today, Tuesday, she will be questioned again.
- This is completely natural. The police have several questions and she wants to cooperate with the police. For her, it is important to get her story out and help ensure that this does not happen again, says Snekkestad's lawyer Petter Rødem.
He does not want to say anything about why Snekkestad only now wants to go to the police. He also does not want to comment on whether Snekkestad told anyone about the abuse when it allegedly happened.
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The victim's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen about Se og Hør publishing the photos to VG:
- It is very regrettable to secretly photograph people who are already in a demanding situation. The parties are in dialogue as previously mentioned and have a number of practical things that need to be sorted out after having lived together for a longer period.
Editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, Ulf André Andersen:
- This was taken in a place that is completely natural, and it is predictable to be photographed in the gate at Skaugum in this situation. We understand that it is a big burden for those who have been offended in particular, but it is interesting what the status of their relationship is. It has great public interest, and it weighs heavily in this matter.
VG asked Oslo police about how they view such a meeting before the parties have talked to the police. Press manager Unni Grøndahl writes that the police will provide more information in the latter half of this week. The police doesn't comment on this now due to the investigation.

Nettavisen quotes Aftenposten's paywall article:
Høiby and the victim were back in the apartment to look at the damage together
Aftenposten has been informed on Tuesday that Marius Borg Høiby has, among other things, met the offended woman to assess the damage in her apartment at Frogner. This meeting should have taken place last week.
The apartment suffered several damages after the incident, and the woman also had several personal belongings destroyed.
Høiby's defender, Øyvind Bratlien, has not responded to Aftenposten's inquiry about the case. The woman's lawyer, Mette Yvonne Larsen, does not want to comment.

Editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, Ulf André Andersen writes about publishing the photos also among other things:
It is expected that photos will be taken outside Skaugum due to the nature of the case. In addition, security personnel asked about our photographer's affiliation, and the photographer identified himself.
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Ingrid-Alexandra wasn't going to say "And my big brother Marius, the violent woman basher and drug user...". Her speech would have been written by staffers or co-written with her. All of those speeches have a level of saccharin associates with them, in her case, she called Marius her "protective big brother". They could absolutely detest each other behind close doors!
Marius having an apparent obvious issue with violence and being a protective big brother isn't mutually exclusive. Not all abusers take out their abuse on everyone in their lives and certainly a lot of abuse happens in private,

Ingrid, speaking about Marius in 2022 (definitely think she wrote the speech herself as it was very personal – and her replies in the interview weren't written for her), most likely didn't have a clue about his violent tendencies. I'd assume the family is aware of his drug problems and obviously his mental health struggles, but those two things don't mean he can't have been a loyal and loving older brother to Ingrid.
Marius having an apparent obvious issue with violence and being a protective big brother isn't mutually exclusive. Not all abusers take out their abuse on everyone in their lives and certainly a lot of abuse happens in private,

Ingrid, speaking about Marius in 2022 (definitely think she wrote the speech herself as it was very personal – and her replies in the interview weren't written for her), most likely didn't have a clue about his violent tendencies. I'd assume the family is aware of his drug problems and obviously his mental health struggles, but those two things don't mean he can't have been a loyal and loving older brother to Ingrid.
Ingrid also hinted in her interview that she found Marius to be "so cool" although that was not the main reason why she admired him (the main reason being that he is "loyal to people", if I recall it correctly).

In any case, that begs the question if Ingrid considers a lifestyle that includes heavy drinking, drug abuse, and gang tatoos to be "cool", not to mention not pursuing further education or holding a steady job as an adult,

Even if Ingrid has no knowledge of Marius' violent behavior, such as repeatedly beating and strangling his girlfriends, I find it hard to believe that she has no knowledge of other aspects of his lifestyle, especially considering that they seem to be close and Ingrid thanked him for being able to talk to him about anything, if I also recall it correctly.
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IMO the third victim is being manipulated. Dialogue without her lawyer present, after an assault. Yeah right!
I would not be surprised if she drops all charges or downplay the whole thing.
Marius is a serial abuser. He has done this before.
So I fear there will not be much of a case left.
Let us hope Snekkestad is more steadfast.
Ingrid also hinted in her interview that she found Marius to be "so cool" although that was not the main reason why she admired him (the main reason being that he is "loyal to people", if I recall it correctly).

In any case, that begs the question if Ingrid considers a lifestyle that includes heavy drinking, drug abuse, and gang tatoos, to be "cool", not to mention not pursuing further education or holding a steady job as an adult,

Even if Ingrid has no knowledge of Marius' violent behavior, such as repeatedly beating and strangling his girlfriends, I find it hard to believe that she has no knowledge of other aspects of his lifestyle, especially considering that they seem to be close and Ingrid thanked him for being able to talk to him about anything, if I also recall it correctly.
Ingrid said that she could talk to Marius about anything. That doesn't mean that he talks to her about everything. Even if she knew about him having issues with addiction and his mental health that does not equal her knowing about him abusing his girlfriend. We are many who have family suffering from the same issues that we love dearly in spite of their problems.
I am going by the US, but significant violence against another person is a crime against the state and not a personal matter. If that is the case in Norway the victim cannot drop the charges because the accuser is the state. The victim can refuse to cooperate and in many cases that will undermine the case but here you have her medical reports, photos from the scene, the phone call, Marius' statement and the statements from the ex-girlfriends. Also if the state files charges, Marius can plead guilty to the filed charges, or negotiate and plead guilty to lesser charges.
IMO the third victim is being manipulated. Dialogue without her lawyer present, after an assault. Yeah right!
I would not be surprised if she drops all charges or downplay the whole thing.
Marius is a serial abuser. He has done this before.
So I fear there will not be much of a case left.
Let us hope Snekkestad is more steadfast.

Both Nora Haukland and Juliane Snekkestad's cases are being investigated as intimate partner violence, the lawyers confirm.
Borg Høiby was previously charged with bodily harm. The fact that it is now being investigated as intimate partner violence constitutes a higher penalty if he is convicted. Violence, or mistreatment in close relationships, is punishable, according to section 282 of the Criminal Code, with imprisonment for up to six years.

IMO the third victim is being manipulated. Dialogue without her lawyer present, after an assault. Yeah right!
I would not be surprised if she drops all charges or downplay the whole thing.
Marius is a serial abuser. He has done this before.
So I fear there will not be much of a case left.
Let us hope Snekkestad is more steadfast.
It is troubling. In the victim's shoes, I would go no contact. I can't imagine going back to the apartment to look at the damage together. Like, huh? Let the lawyers handle everything. It bothered me when Marius' statement came out, and he apologized to the victim, and the latter's lawyer said her client was pleased and that's what her client wanted all along. I understand DV victims often are not able to get away from their abuser so easily, for many reasons, but I hope the young woman has good people around her who won't let her slide back to an obviously toxic relationship and convince her that such behavior from a partner is in no way acceptable.
Ingrid said that she could talk to Marius about anything. That doesn't mean that he talks to her about everything. Even if she knew about him having issues with addiction and his mental health that does not equal her knowing about him abusing his girlfriend. We are many who have family suffering from the same issues that we love dearly in spite of their problems.

But Mbruno was not implying that Ingrid Alexandra knew about Marius's abusing his girlfriend, he was implying that she probably knew about other aspects of his lifestyle such as his drinking and drug use and unsteady career.

Her identity is protected by the Norwegian police and legal system (as posters have said, were Marius not who he is, he wouldn’t have been ID’d either), and so she really shouldn’t be hinted about or initialed, especially as we’ve had pages and pages of discussion without it.

It’s not gossip; it’s an ongoing criminal investigation.

Someone else already used her full first name earlier in the thread, before the posts to which you were responding were made.

Although it is true that the media are not naming her in the articles about the assault, they also published unredacted the statement from Marius Borg Høiby in which he referred to the victim as "my girlfriend", meaning that anyone can search for the name of Marius's most recently reported girlfriend to identify her.

It also shows how insincere Marius' statement is, since he made it sound like the incident was a one-off occurrence.

I didn't receive the impression from his statement that he was implying it was only a one-off occurrence, but perhaps fluent Norwegian speakers can clarify.

[...] It bothered me when Marius' statement came out, and he apologized to the victim, and the latter's lawyer said her client was pleased and that's what her client wanted all along. I understand DV victims often are not able to get away from their abuser so easily, for many reasons, but I hope the young woman has good people around her who won't let her slide back to an obviously toxic relationship and convince her that such behavior from a partner is in no way acceptable.

If the now ex-girlfriend thought his behavior was acceptable, she would not have been wanting an apology (etc.) all along and then finally taken the initiative to end the relationship.
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As understand it, Haukland is not pressing charges. Only Snekkestad and the third victim.
- We can confirm that the police have launched an investigation against Høiby in two different cases, where Juliane Snekkestad and Nora Haukland have been abused. Due to the fact that several interrogations have not yet been carried out, the police do not want to confirm which sentence these apply to or what kind of status Høiby has as of now, police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli writes in a press release.
The victim's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen about Se og Hør publishing the photos to VG:
- It is very regrettable to secretly photograph people who are already in a demanding situation. The parties are in dialogue as previously mentioned and have a number of practical things that need to be sorted out after having lived together for a longer period.
Editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, Ulf André Andersen:
- This was taken in a place that is completely natural, and it is predictable to be photographed in the gate at Skaugum in this situation. We understand that it is a big burden for those who have been offended in particular, but it is interesting what the status of their relationship is. It has great public interest, and it weighs heavily in this matter.
VG asked Oslo police about how they view such a meeting before the parties have talked to the police. Press manager Unni Grøndahl writes that the police will provide more information in the latter half of this week. The police doesn't comment on this now due to the investigation.

Nettavisen quotes Aftenposten's paywall article:
Høiby and the victim were back in the apartment to look at the damage together
Aftenposten has been informed on Tuesday that Marius Borg Høiby has, among other things, met the offended woman to assess the damage in her apartment at Frogner. This meeting should have taken place last week.
The apartment suffered several damages after the incident, and the woman also had several personal belongings destroyed.
Høiby's defender, Øyvind Bratlien, has not responded to Aftenposten's inquiry about the case. The woman's lawyer, Mette Yvonne Larsen, does not want to comment.

Editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, Ulf André Andersen writes about publishing the photos also among other things:
It is expected that photos will be taken outside Skaugum due to the nature of the case. In addition, security personnel asked about our photographer's affiliation, and the photographer identified himself.
The pictures of them traveling together to Skaugum after all this exploded is disturbing to me… That the lawyers seems to be fully aware of it makes me wonder if we will soon hear that the case has been dropped at the request of both parts…..

Papz pics or not - everyone is allowed to take photos outside of the royal estates so in this case the lawyer really shouldn’t put the blame on the photographer…

Most lawyers would agree that no contact between the victim and the suspect is the preferable way to go while the police investigation is still ongoing.

”Natural as they have been living together for a long time and have a lot of practical issues to resolve” says her lawyer…. Well not many days ago she was afraid of him and refused to see him…. Had i been her, i would have priorited my own security over my things at his house… Haakon and/or Mette Marit may have been there too but they are frankly his family. Not her family…. I would at the very least have taken my parents or a number of very close friends with me if i was her to prevent the risk of being manipulated by him or ”his side”…

And i would definitely not have travelled in the same car as him. Especially not with him behind the wheel.
The pictures of them traveling together to Skaugum after all this exploded is disturbing to me… That the lawyers seems to be fully aware of it makes me wonder if we will soon hear that the case has been dropped at the request of both parts…..

Papz pics or not - everyone is allowed to take photos outside of the royal estates so in this case the lawyer really shouldn’t put the blame on the photographer…

Most lawyers would agree that no contact between the victim and the suspect is the preferable way to go while the police investigation is still ongoing.

”Natural as they have been living together for a long time and have a lot of practical issues to resolve” says her lawyer…. Well not many days ago she was afraid of him and refused to see him…. Had i been her, i would have priorited my own security over my things at his house… Haakon and/or Mette Marit may have been there too but they are frankly his family. Not her family…. I would at the very least have taken my parents or a number of very close friends with me if i was her to prevent the risk of being manipulated by him or ”his side”…

And i would definitely not have travelled in the same car as him. Especially not with him behind the wheel.
According to LadyFinn, Marius is being also officially investigated now in connection with previous abuse involving Juliane Snekkestad and Nora Haukland, so I believe he won't be able to get away with it even if the third victim is being influenced to change her story.

It is deeply troubing that that the victim has been in contact after the incident with both the Crown Princess (the perpetrator's mother) and Marius (the perpetrator himself).
It is deeply troubing that that the victim has been in contact after the incident with both the Crown Princess (the perpetrator's mother) and Marius (the perpetrator himself).

The focus here has been more on the victim's lawyer, but I wonder whether Marius Borg Høiby's lawyer (who is apparently known for his work in high-profile criminal cases) and whoever is counseling Crown Princess Mette-Marit advised their clients on contact with the victim and how much of their advice was heeded.
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