Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
If it is his own apartment why is he charged for vandalism?
Is he even official charged yet? I don't know the Norwegian system but here there are different stages before that.

The police suspects someone could have done a number of crimes. They investigate, report to the public prosecutor, who then decides if the evidence is enough to move forward to court. Only then someone is officially charged with a crime.

So if this was indeed his own apartment, a fact the police might have not been aware of in the first place, then he might be off the hook for vandalism as you (usually) can do what you want with your own place.
Press manager Unni Turid Grøndal at the Oslo Police District informs Nettavisen that the police will provide new information in the case on Tuesday morning. She does not want to say what type of information this is.

- We will provide some more information tomorrow, but do not have a specific time now, writes press manager Unni Grøndal in the Oslo police district to NTB on Monday afternoon.
Thank you LadyFinn for always keeping us informed of the newest developments in this sad case. I think that the information the police is giving to the public is the most reliable one. With papers (depending on what papers are publishing it) you never know what is real fact and what is speculation. This case is prone to be very attractive for clickbaits and selling in the tabloids.
I trust the Norwegian police and justice system, to inform the public about what is fact and necessary and then let justice go its usual way.

Ex-girlfriend Julie talked about the subject on her Instagram:

"The last few days have been strange and painful. In the last week I have received a bunch of phone calls, messages and questions regarding my ex's indictment. First, I would like to send warm thoughts to the victims of the case.Even though my closest family and friends have known about this, I now choose not to remain silent any longer. And to answer the questions: Yes. I have previously been subjected to psychological and physical violence by the person in question."
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Given that this case involves criminal charges and a member of the royal family, and that he is - contrary to usual journalistic practice - being named even in mainstream media before formal charges are even brought, I'm certain that news outlets would not publish information about the alleged crimes without being very assured of the reliability of the source.

Which leads me to wonder whether the leaker(s) is the alleged victim's lawyer/representative or a police official (I cannot think of other likely possibilities) and what their motive might be.
She claims to have been subjected to physical and psychological abuse by "av personen det er snakk om." = by the person in question.

This is the screendumb from Juliane Snekkested's Instagram account:
I post it here for reference. In Norwegian, but I'm sure Google translate can handle it, or someone on this board can translate it.
I can, but I'd prefer someone else to do it.

«De siste dagene har vært merkelige og såre. Jeg har den siste uken mottatt en haug med telefoner, meldinger og spørsmål angående min eks' tiltale. Først, vil jeg sende varme tanker til fornærmede i saken.
Selv om nærmeste familie og venner har visst om dette velger jeg nå å ikke tie lenger. Og for å besvare spørsmålene: Ja. Jeg har tidligere blitt utsatt for psykisk og fysisk vold av personen det er snakk om. Hvior den psykiske volden var mest brutal for min del.
Jeg deler ikke dette fordi jeg ønsker medlidenhet på noen som helst måte. Eller for å sette fokuset over på meg. Det er bare viktig for å understreke det mange lurerpå: at dette har skjedd før. Og dette må stoppes nå. At flere kvinner skal bli utsatt for dette går ikke lenger, og jeg føler et ansvar for å dele.
Jeg tror ikke mennesker som utsetter andre for traumer som dette forstår hvordan det er med på å forme et menneske. Selv etter år med profesjonell hjelp og støtte fra min fantastiske familie, forlovede og venner, blir man på en måte aldri den samme personen igjen ...
Jeg håper at fornærmede i saken får den støtten og hjelpen hun trenger for å komme seg gjennom denne tiden.
Det er viktig å huske på oppi alt dette at vi alle er mennesker og det å være menneske er til tider sinnssykt vanskelig. Ta vare på hverandre og vær snill med hverandre».
So, it looks like a pattern if his previous girlfriend confirms that she was also subject to this type of behavior. She mentions that the psychological abuse was the most brutal and that it changes you as a person. I wonder whether MM and Haakon were aware of his troublesome behavior.
So, it looks like a pattern if his previous girlfriend confirms that she was also subject to this type of behavior. She mentions that the psychological abuse was the most brutal and that it changes you as a person. I wonder whether MM and Haakon were aware of his troublesome behavior.
That was my thought too. It's good that the previous girlfriend went public. I can hardly believe that MM and Haakon were aware of this, we don't know how much Marius former girlfriends were into contact with the royal family, and even then would they complain about abuse to the mother of the abuser?
Not knowing too much about Marius, I was under the impression that he lived his own life, no wonder at his age, MM and the royal family members probably didn't know too much about his doings. I also remember that whenever we heard of him it was nothing positive and he seemed to be drifting into a questionable scene.
I'd venture that they at least would be able to notice how he treated his girlfriend in general. She for example attended IA's confirmation, so she wasn't a stranger to them. And while his behavior behind closed door might have been very different, sometimes the signs are visible in how someone generally is treated by or behaves around their partner.
I wonder whether MM and Haakon were aware of his troublesome behavior.

It seemed odd at the time that he skipped his mother and stepfather's 50th birthday celebration in 2023 - part of which was a televised official event honoring both the couple and everyday Norwegians, and in which his maternal siblings participated - just to go clubbing with friends, as documented by photographs. I am not sure if a connection can be drawn between that and recent events, but it is a possibility.
I'd venture that they at least would be able to notice how he treated his girlfriend in general. She for example attended IA's confirmation, so she wasn't a stranger to them. And while his behavior behind closed door might have been very different, sometimes the signs are visible in how someone generally is treated by or behaves around their partner.
Yes, sometimes the signs are visible, but not always. If they only met at official events, like the confirmation, Marius might have shown his "nice" face, which he must have, who would otherwise fall in love with him?
Maybe MM has been worried about her oldest son and maybe she has talked to him and Haakon too. They hardly could have been indifferent watching how he drifted into leading a somewhat reckless life. But, what can you do as a parent of an adult person? Not much anymore than talk and resign after futile efforts.
I don’t really follow Marius-related news, but I vaguely recall from these forums that, when Marius and his former girlfriend broke up, she made an statement that seemed to imply that the relationship was taking a toll on her. In hindsight, it appears that she was already implying back then that some kind of abuse had occurred during the time they were together. Does anyone remember what she said exactly on social media when they broke up?
Juliane attended the confirmations of both IA and Sverre
Also attended the funeral of Ari

I recall seeing pictures of the other ex girlfriend Nora?, with Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre.

From what the families has presented and Instagram posts it seemed Marius spent good time with his siblings and the crown prince couple.

I don’t really follow Marius-related news, but I vaguely recall from these forums that, when Marius and his former girlfriend broke up, she made an statement that seemed to imply that the relationship was taking a toll on her. In hindsight, it appears that she was already implying back then that some kind of abuse had occurred during the time they were together. Does anyone remember what she said exactly on social media when they broke up?

Some time before the arrest, Nora had given a podcast and spoke of a past relationship.
"Influencer Nora Haukland opens up about a painful break-up in a new podcast. - The relationship was not good for me, she says sincerely."
"- It didn't work. I didn't feel good, the relationship wasn't good for me. The man I was with was a wonderful person and had so many good qualities. There was a lot about our relationship that was really nice, and we were like best friends. We had fun together, but when it was bad, it was so bad."
I'd venture that they at least would be able to notice how he treated his girlfriend in general. She for example attended IA's confirmation, so she wasn't a stranger to them. And while his behavior behind closed door might have been very different, sometimes the signs are visible in how someone generally is treated by or behaves around their partner.
Yes, and I think the woman who has spoken out was with Marius for some time, so his family likely saw them together in various private settings. I would find it hard to believe that they wouldn’t have noticed any concerning behaviour (I also wonder what his behaviour was like with his immediate family - they might have had first hand experience with his temper, poor impulse control, or similar).

While most of my sympathy goes to the women he allegedly hurt, it sounds like Marius is a very troubled young man who needs both consequences for his actions and a significant amount of professional help. For his own sake, as well as those around him, I hope he’s able to turn things around.
So sad and dreadful for everyone involved, really.

That his mom and Haakon have been publicly-calm and professional about this seems to perhaps suggest this is somehow not the biggest of shocks for them, either. MM obviously needed to be with him (and possibly Magnus) for a couple of days, but even given the Olympics I am not sure either would have been begrudged the same amount of time trying to process this in private.

Tl;dr: If Marius has (had) emotional difficulties plus who knows what other issues there's a fair possibility he's had them for quite a while, pre-all girlfriends; MM and Haakon are his parents and they know what's up with him and how he deals with things. We the public did not know because PR and it was none of our business until now.
So sad and dreadful for everyone involved, really.

That his mom and Haakon have been publicly-calm and professional about this seems to perhaps suggest this is somehow not the biggest of shocks for them, either. MM obviously needed to be with him (and possibly Magnus) for a couple of days, but even given the Olympics I am not sure either would have been begrudged the same amount of time trying to process this in private.

Tl;dr: If Marius has (had) emotional difficulties plus who knows what other issues there's a fair possibility he's had them for quite a while, pre-all girlfriends; MM and Haakon are his parents and they know what's up with him and how he deals with things. We the public did not know because PR and it was none of our business until now.
Well, it sure makes it embarrassing for Mette-Marit to champion women's rights, especially in regards to domestic abuse!
- On the other hand, if she really didn't have a clue - people can be blind in regards to their children, or in denial - then she can now understand first hand that domestic abuse can happen everywhere, with potentially everyone and right under your nose. And she now know how it is to be the mother of an abuser, and how she (and Haakon) has and/or will deal with it. Perhaps that can be turned into something productive?

Unfortunately abuse between teenagers is very common, actually way more common than you'd think. There has been a survey in DK that documented that. - And often it's down to ignorance and inexperience. We as adult may find that very difficult to believe, but in many ways teenagers today are just as ignorant as teenagers of previous generations - it's just in different ways. So many teenagers abuse or accept being abused, be that violence, sexual pressure, controlling behavior, and psychological abuse because they don't know better and as such think it's normal.
We simply have to hammer into the heads of our children: The first time he (or she) slap you, you walk out the door. Because if he does it once and is forgiven, he'll do it again. - And even that lesson, I fear, may not reach all.
After all, what do we walking fossils know about love...

So if Marius has never learned otherwise, he'll keep abusing and that could seem to be the case here.
It doesn't exactly help if he on top of that by nature is a nasty and entitled little personage. But that we don't know. Because he seems to have a genuinely good relationship with Ingrid. That must be a tremendous shock for her.
So just to add on: Marius is not psychotic, schizophrenic, or bipolar (fairly confident about the last one or Juliane would have mentioned it at the time).

That still means he sure may have something he needs to see a psychiatrist or a therapist about. If the court doesn’t make him go, the Court just might.

I think it’s possible MM knew about his destructive temper and anything else he deals with, but perhaps not how he was treating his girlfriends. He’s not a teenager and there’s only so responsible for him she can be at this point.
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The situation is awful and I hope the victim will be able get all the suport she needs to get over this!
I also hope that Marius will suffer the correct legal consequences for what he has done and also, of course, receive the professional help to maybe become a better person in the future.
But in cases like this I always wonder... whay does it almost always have to get to situations like this for agressors to get help? Why do some people not pay attention to possible signals that all may not be well? Many agressors and especially one that can behave in private in the way this situation is presented until now, are not able to mask their tendencies in public.
That kind of abusive behavior can also stem from lifelong feelings of inadequacy, resentment or whatever else may be troubling the mind. I wonder if he felt lesser than growing up in the royal family but not really of it? It doesn’t matter how loving they were to him, could it be he doesn’t see himself as “special” enough? We know how much weight is put on status. And if he has a good relationship with Ingrid, could it be because she looks up to him?

He’s fully grown, but mentally he could be younger than his age. This type of mindset can also create the need to exert superiority over women seen as weaker. The possibilities are endless. However, none of it is an excuse for criminal activity. He’s grown enough to know right from wrong.

I feel for his parents and brother and sister.
That kind of abusive behavior can also stem from lifelong feelings of inadequacy, resentment or whatever else may be troubling the mind. I wonder if he felt lesser than growing up in the royal family but not really of it? It doesn’t matter how loving they were to him, could it be he doesn’t see himself as “special” enough? We know how much weight is put on status. And if he has a good relationship with Ingrid, could it be because she looks up to him?

He’s fully grown, but mentally he could be younger than his age. This type of mindset can also create the need to exert superiority over women seen as weaker. The possibilities are endless. However, none of it is an excuse for criminal activity. He’s grown enough to know right from wrong.

I feel for his parents and brother and sister.
There is no excuse for violence or abusive behaviour. None. Especially for a man who is 27-years-old.
The situation is awful and I hope the victim will be able get all the suport she needs to get over this!
I also hope that Marius will suffer the correct legal consequences for what he has done and also, of course, receive the professional help to maybe become a better person in the future.
But in cases like this I always wonder... whay does it almost always have to get to situations like this for agressors to get help? Why do some people not pay attention to possible signals that all may not be well? Many agressors and especially one that can behave in private in the way this situation is presented until now, are not able to mask their tendencies in public.
Mental illness, or problems like this man has displayed, are not always recognized in advance. The ‘possible signals’ you refer to are not necessarily obvious enough for others to recognize, not friends, not family members, not even medical professionals.

It’s all very well to assume that a troubled person, particularly a grown up who has lived on his own for several years, could/should have been exhibiting obvious signs that should have been recognized and dealt with. Mental problems, including ones that present danger as well as those which are just personality quirks, do not always lend themselves to easy and quick remedies, whether pharmaceutical or inpatient treatment. It’s difficult to diagnose, and difficult to treat…or to cure. I’m sorry for his girlfriend, and his parents, and for him. Few people would choose to have that illness, or any other kind.

Most people who commit crimes due to mental problems live more or less normal lives- until they don’t.
There is no excuse for violence or abusive behaviour. None. Especially for a man who is 27-years-old.

Chimene stated this expressly in her post ("However, none of it is an excuse for criminal activity. He’s grown enough to know right from wrong.") and none of the comments in this forum, at least, have suggested that he should be excused.
Chimene stated this expressly in her post ("However, none of it is an excuse for criminal activity. He’s grown enough to know right from wrong.") and none of the comments in this forum, at least, have suggested that he should be excused.
Thank you! Analyzing possible scenarios and trying to understand what could have led to this outcome is not the same thing as excusing his actions. Far from it.
That kind of abusive behavior can also stem from lifelong feelings of inadequacy, resentment or whatever else may be troubling the mind. I wonder if he felt lesser than growing up in the royal family but not really of it? It doesn’t matter how loving they were to him, could it be he doesn’t see himself as “special” enough? We know how much weight is put on status. And if he has a good relationship with Ingrid, could it be because she looks up to him?
Many years ago, I worked in a job which often brought me into contact with young, wealthy, privileged people, and many of them suffered from what you describe here. They had more money and houses and toys and influence than most ordinary people could even dream of, but there was always someone who had more than them, therefore, there was always a reason to feel inadequate or hard done by. Very few of them were able to recognize how lucky they were and feel satisfied with their position in life.

It would not surprise me if this outlook is behind Marius's behaviour. And if it explains the behaviour of certain other European royals over the last decade as well.
I don't remember completely if there were any news about Felipe de Marichalar being aggressive towards a girl.
My quote was
...If we look closer, he can point the finger at the circle of friends and enablers he surrounds himself with and we see it's the same exact pattern of another character of similar age we have in Spain, the king's oldest nephew. Like with Marius, both have no concern how the situations they get themselves in are an embarrassment to their families...
Nothing related to acts of violence from our royal rascal in Spain, just his public conduct that seems so out of control considering he's the 3rd in line to the throne.

In the case of Marius, I just stopped to check on news updates and that knife on a wall is a pretty scary act of violence to scare that lady in the apartment. Of all royals rascals we discuss in RFs, this one is the scariest news update I've seen in ages in here.
It keeps getting worse. So now there is a pattern of psychological and physical abuse towards women.
If they haven't already, they need to send Marius to counseling and rehab NOW.
I am not surprised. There must have been a 'development', I don't think somebody goes from being a peaceful person to the situation described in the media, incl knife in the wall. It is difficult enough for a woman or the press to publish such accusations with a public person like Marius, especially if the incidents before we kind of minor in comparison.
Se og Hør writes that this happened at the woman's apartment - and publishes at this week's issue photos of the knife at the bedroom wall, a broken chandelier and others...

Dagbladet has tried to get a comment from Høiby's defender Øyvind Bratlien on Monday afternoon and evening, but has so far been unsuccessful.
Dagbladet has also asked the defense attorney for the offended woman for a comment on Se og Hør's pictures.
- I am not currently commenting on this case, says Mette Yvonne Larsen, legal aid for the offended woman, to Dagbladet on Monday evening.

The police tells that they will provide new information in the violence case.
- There will be an update on the case where we will provide some more information. There will also be an opportunity for the press to ask questions. This will happen around lunchtime, writes press manager Unni Grøndal in an SMS to Nettavisen.

The police confirmed this on Tuesday morning:
They received a report at 12.30 on Sunday 4 August about a violent incident carried out in an apartment on Frogner in Oslo during the night. The police went to the apartment.
Høiby was arrested by the police at Jansløkka school at 16:10.
He was released from custody on Monday 5 August at 15:39.
The police arrested Høiby at a school by agreement:
- He met there by agreement with the police, who had contacted him by phone a short time before, they write in an update to the press.
- The arrest took place calmly.
So far Høiby has not explained himself to the police. They are in dialogue with the defense attorney about possible questioning, the police said on Tuesday morning.

What Høiby is charged with must have happened in a flat on Frogner in Oslo, at the offended woman's registered address. According to NRK's source, Høiby has been at the site sometime between 01.00 and 03.00 on Sunday night.

During the stay, the 27-year-old allegedly subjected the woman to violence and damaged several objects.
According to VG's information, the police have received information that the violence consisted of punches and strangulation - while the damage should include a knife that was stuck in the wall, a broken lamp and broken glass.
- The police do not have information that the woman has suffered serious injuries, but it will be part of the investigation to map out the extent of the victim's injuries, writes the Oslo police district in a press release on Tuesday morning.

Nettavisen's royal house expert Tove Taalesen doesn't like the sight of the photos Se og Hør published.
- This is certainly not a sight the king and the royal family would want to see. I think it is unnecessary for the royal couple and the crown prince couple to experience this. I think it is an overstep to publish these pictures.
She thinks the photos will be received with shock at the Palace.
- First because they are published. I think it's a bit unnecessary. I think of the Palace, then it will be perceived in the same way. It's shocking to see.
Taalesen questions whether it is necessary for people to see such photos, especially since this is a personal crisis for Marius, and also affects the entire royal family. She thinks that both Marius and the royal family should perhaps have been spared to have these dramatic photos shared with the general public.

Se og Hør's responsible editor, Ulf A. Andersen:
This case is journalistically driven. And both the articles and the photos illustrate the extent, the drama and the severity of what must have happened when Marius was charged with violence and damage to a person he had a relationship with.
We believe that this is in the public interest.
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And we thought the Shaman wedding would be the most controversial topic of the NRF this summer ...
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