King Charles & Queen Camilla - Visit to Australia and Samoa: October 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My understanding is that the King & Queen met in Singapore, and were picked by a RAAF plane there. The Queen travelled to Asia ahead of the King. My guess is she had a few days at the health farm in Bangalore that she likes to visit at this time of the year in advance of the trip.
How smart of her to take a few days to adjust
The ABC has released an "unofficial" guide on seeing The King and Queen. It's unofficial, because the full itinerary are not made in public. The news website did mention that The King and Queen will greet the crowd in Canberra on the 21st and Sydney on the 22nd.
Here's where you can catch a glimpse of Charles and Camilla in Australia

Coincidentally, on the first day of visit, 18th October, Cunard's MS Queen Elizabeth will arrive at the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay and depart later in the evening. There are other cruise ships stopping at Sydney Harbour for the next couple of days, including Disney, Carnival, Princess, Celebrity and P&O Australia.
Sydney Cruise Schedule

The Queen Elizabeth couldn’t leave on schedule last night AC21091968 because of that sudden massive downpour … and that delayed the start of the Opera House display as she was in front of the projectors.

If Charles or Camilla were up in time this morning … about 5.30am … another beautiful cruise ship sailed in, very closely past Admiralty House.

We had very noisey helicopters overhead for a while last night as the official cavalcade arrived in our suburb.
The Naval support vessel Sycamore, and another smaller boat, are currently standing off at the end of my street … Admiralty House is just on the other side of the headland.

As this is a rest day perhaps Charles and Camilla will be taking a pleasant Harbour lunch cruise. Better than just sitting around inside or in the garden.

As the Sycamore can land a helicopter, perhaps even a bit of sight-seeing from above.

There is a seal … named Benny … who lives on the steps of the Opera House. I hope someone points him out to the Couple. He’s been here for a couple of years, and is now getting quite large.

(If he’s not on the steps, he’s off getting a snack again, but will be back to lie around with his belly upwards toward the sun.)

Still early here, but quite warm.
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Charles and Camilla have been photographed in the grounds of Admiralty House this morning.

Good they got out when they did, it’s quite warm here, but raining again.

Love it, what a fantastic display!
Thanks for sharing this - wow! I also read the comments and Australians were very critical of their premiers who turned down the invitation to meet with KCIII. Several said it was “disrespectful”. And one person said it was a reminder to keep what they have (the monarchy) and not give those elected officials any more power than they already have - was very interesting read!
I do hope the King doesn't unnecessarily tire himself, however it is good to see them out enjoying the gardens!

I don’t know if the King and Queen are actually at Admiralty House at the moment or not Asteria12 … currently 3.30pm Saturday afternoon.

I’ve just gone for a walk past there and there are a few big cameras … with big umbrellas over them … set up across the road from the entrance.

The camera men are looking at their phones and must have had food deliveried.

Barricades are up on both these corners as well.

I didn’t like to interrupt their downtime so I don’t know if the Royal Couple are leaving, or are somewhere and are due back.

Otherwise lots of police vans and cars about, local police and Federal. Some of the vans have powerlines running to them from over the Admiralty House fence.

No trouble to walk in and around it all. Some people are taking photos of themselves in front of the gates.

Some very well dressed people are also in the streets heading in this direction.

Some events are not announced to the public. I’ve seen that in the past, people attending Receptions that the rest of us didn’t know about, but there is a yacht club nearby, so maybe there was a wedding on and they weren’t heading to anything Royal.

I did read that there is a “big, glamorous party” at the Opera House tomorrow night, but I’ve only seen it reported in one place so don’t know if that’s true.

Did you see the very long video put up by the Sun where Arthur Edwards recounts his Australian experiences photographing the Royals here.

He said how he has never seen Charles with jet-lag, and also that Camilla told him, Mr Edwards, how she is having a bit of a struggle to get the King to follow his doctors orders as much as he should.

I’ll try and add it to this post if I can find it again.

Here it is, but I can’t seperate the video out of this link … it is about half way down. Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson interviewing Arthur Edwards for about twenty minutes with a misty Opera House behind them … “Royal Secrets”.

I’ve just seen other photos of Charles at Admiralty House … on the balcony … so I think there may be video of the Couple on tonight’s tv news shows.
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Big crowds are expected to turn out to see Charles and Camilla at a church service in a few hours.

The pretty sandstone church … St Thomas’ in North Sydney … is in a suburban street, just off a main highway.

A short section of the street has been closed for a few hours already, no parking there until this afternoon.

The Couple then have a Reception.

And apparently there was a plan for the aircraft carrying the Royal Couple on Friday night to fly low so they could witness the photo montage on the Opera House sails for themselves.

But, it didn’t work out as the sudden deluge stopped the departure of Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth ship, which blocked the projection until it was able to move back.

That’s a shame, that would have been a great experience.
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Lovely crowd both inside the grounds of the church and again outside.

Pity about the cameraperson on Sky News who showed almost as much of the ground as of the royals.

They have stayed a lot longer at the church than expected.

Next will be the NSW State Parliament - which is the reason for the visit - namely the 200th anniversary of the forming of the Legislative Council, which was the first body to advise the Governor. Interestingly it was the last 'house of parliament' in Australia to actually be democratically elected. I remember voting in the referendum in the 1980s to allow for this Council to be elected rather than being appointed.

There is a large crowd at parliament to see them as well.

I can't get to see them due to a variety of issues so am sitting at home watching on TV. I chose Sky because normally there is a good coverage on Sky Australia on royal tours but maybe I should have chosen a different channel.

Security is tight of course with NSW police on duty so hopefully they will keep everyone safe. Of course there are also RPOs involved in the security of the King of Australia.
Charles has commented on the fact that he represented the late Queen at the 150 anniversary of the Legislative Council and now as King he is here in person for the 200th anniversary.

He and Camilla had a tour of the NSW parliament house.

If you ever get a chance to visit Sydney make sure you get to see parliament house as it is a beautiful building, both inside and out but it is easy to miss as it is simply a building in a street - a large building true but not a standout building.
Love his gift to the Legislative Council - an hour glass to sit in the house and to encourage 'brevity'. That comment got a lovely laugh.

He also noted that it is nearly 60 years since he first came here (1966 when he came to school in Victoria). I do hope he is well enough to come back in 2026 to celebrate that 60 years and to visit his former school. Of course, if Victoria hadn't dumped the Commonwealth Games he would have been back to Victoria in 2026 but ...

I am enjoying the visit and a decent cameraperson this time as no coverage of the ground.

They also had a lovely trip from the church to parliament house as they travelled across the Harbour Bridge which does give a lovely view of the harbour and the Opera House.
He didn't spend as much time talking to the public at parliament house as he did at the church.

Now to Government House where he will have audiences with the GG and the State Governor. And that will be it for the day.

Anyone confused between Parliament House and Government House - Parliament House is where the Parliament of NSW sits while Government House was the home of the State Governor and now is open a lot more to the public but is still the 'working base' for the Governor. When my late brother received his OAM it was presented to him at Government House by the State Governor and a proud day it was for the family.
My mistake it is back to Admiralty House not to Government House where he will have the audiences. Probably the end of the actual coverage as the audiences are private affairs of course.

Admiralty House is the Sydney home of the Governor General. Next door is Kirribilli House which is the Sydney home of the PM. They do have to share a pool so if the King and PM both want a swim this afternoon they may see each other there - and a lovely evening it might be for a BBQ by the pool ... certainly what I will be doing in western Sydney.
Will give further updates from the TV coverage if people would like that. I think Sun Lion may be able to give a more 'eye-witness' account from on the ground.

You made me laugh when I saw this Iluvbertie … and sending you warm wishes in regards to what you are currently experiencing in your life.

I did indeed go up to St Thomas’ to see if I could get a glimpse of The King and Queen, and it was really marvellous.

Beautiful sunny day … if you see the large green tree across from the church, I was glad to be able to get under that out of the heat.

Everyone in an upbeat mood and all of us chatting away with the strangers around us.

Some telling the stories of their previous Royal sightings, in the UK and in Asia, all of us discussing which way the Royal Couple would walk and would we get to see them.

I walked up there, about a twenty minute walk from here and just by luck got caught up at a pedestrian crossing the authorities were stopping people from using.

After a few minutes, one of the protection men in suits and earpieces told us this is where the vehicles would be turning into, so we all stayed there. The other end of the street had many people, more than our end.

The small, but loud, demonstration was across the road from us, but got no attention.

Then the helicopter came overhead, so noisey, and the motorcycle outriders zoomed in, the lead ones stopping next to us, then whistles as the ones coming behind overtook them, all high speed and dramatic.

Then as more outriders came, up the street they went and all the official cars came.

So many that they filled up the entire street and didn’t quite fit in, the last police car and outrider.

All sorts of vehicles, including an ambulance.

Had a good view of a smiling, waving Charles as he went past.

Then a young police officer let us know we could go back the way we came and get into the church garden for the official meet and greet.

Had to go through security, like an airport, with bags checks.

There was a large Sunday School group departing at the same time, but not that many general public yet, so got quite a good position.

A lovely lady in full Korean National Dress was in the crowd and played “God Save The King” continuously on her flute while we waited for the church service to finish, almost an hour I think.

The cameraman filmed us, the crowd, shaking our flags, to add into the news reports.

I scored a flag … they ran out … and it is actually fabric, and has a little gold knob on top. (My Danish flag from a decade ago was plastic.)

We knew they were coming out when all the professional photographers suddenly burst out of the church door on that side and rushed to squat down on the path to capture Charles and Camilla coming through the door.

Lots of chances to see the Couple. They split up a bit after starting off side by side, as they slowly worked their way along one side, then back on the other.

Lots of cheering when they first came out, and then as they were leaving some-one started a HipHipHooray which was quite rousing.

People living in that street were on their balconies … historic terrace houses … getting the best views.

A lot of people lingered after it was over.

The parents of a young couple who are getting married in that church next weekend were invited to be part of the Congregation.

Media interviewed some people who spoke to the Royals, asking them how they spelt their name and photographing them.

I went into the church and took some photos. One of the clergy told some of us where the Royal Couple sat, then took photos of us sitting there.

Lots of people brought their dogs, and so many bouquets, really beautiful flowers of all sorts.

At the end four young women in police and navy uniforms were still trying to carry bundles of them … and a lot had already been taken down the pathway by other helpers.

I walked home through the North Sydney business area … to call at a supermarket … and there were many people all about still carrying their flags.

One young lady told me how she got to shake Camilla’s hand and how beautiful Camilla looked. The group of ladies around me all thought she looked terrific in her outfit, the colour and her hat.

We were all a bit suprised how both she and Charles are quite dainty, but that may have been an optical illusion as the officers and protection people around them were all quite tall and also large build.

It was a wonderful experience, beautiful church, everyone smiling. Not just the public, but the officials in civilian clothing … so many of them … and the Navy and Army people in their uniforms helping out. Everyone really enjoyed the occasion.
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