King Abdullah & Queen Rania Current Events 27: March 18 -June 1, 2008

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I saw them! It's only Iman and Hashem in the pictures, though, isn't it? All three looked well, I loved Rania's outfit. Iman's really growing up, and, IMO, she looks more like her mother the older she gets.
thankx for the pic Salma I agree that Imane looks so beautiful and big girl :) shame the pics don't Includes hacham very well he is a sush cute baby.
Thanks, Rania look lovely. Looks like she has lighter hair which looks nice & looks a bit fuller in the face. Do we know why this was given to her?
Rania looks lovely....lighter hair suits her!
I agree her hair looks better with that color.
Lucky royals, they can receive anything from anywhere!
I agree her hair looks better with that color.
Lucky royals, they can receive anything from anywhere!

I agree with you amina, Looks that the queen did cut her hair, I like it more now. I wounder if she did cut her hair while she was in France.
Queen Rania launches YouTube channel

Queen Rania has launched an official YouTube page, with an exclusive message on the importance of cross-cultural dialogue in breaking down stereotypes.You can visit Her Majesty's page at :flowers::flowers::):flowers::wub::flowers::)
Thats great :clap:. Thanks reeda for the information :flowers:.

You are wonderful!!!!:clap:Thanks for sharing!:in_love::kiss:

It's very good to see Queen Rania's page in youtube!:innocent:
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Agree with everyone...that was great to see!!:)
Wonderful!!! Reeda thank you so much.
I think this is an excellent idea and I hope it proves to be a success. There are a lot of people who remain very ignorant about the Middle East and view it as one homogenous entity, when clearly this isn't the case.

However, it's a 2-way process and I would love it if there were a Western figure who could maybe come forward so that Arabs could post their stereotypes.
Amman, March 30 (Petra) -- His Majesty King Abdullah II underscored the importance of intensifying American efforts to help Palestinians and Israelis move forward in the peace process. In a meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, King Abdullah stressed the importance of achieving a just and lasting political settlement to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians as soon as possible.
Jordan News Agency - Petra - King underscores importance of moving forward in peace process

Amman, March 31 (Petra) – His Majesty King Abdullah II received on Monday Duke of York Prince Andrew, who is currently in Jordan to take part in SOFEX 2008
Jordan News Agency - Petra - King receives Duke of York


Amman, March 31 (Petra) – His Majesty King Abdullah II received today a number of defense ministers and army leaders, who are taking part in SOFEX 2008 conference and exhibition.
Jordan News Agency - Petra - King receives defense ministers, army leaders participating in SOFEX 2008

King Abdullah lays the cornerstone for the King Hussein Institute for Biotechnology and Cancer

With Queen Rania
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I agree with Little star 100%

Its a fabulous idea - it gives the information we need, from a person we can respect.
It is wonderful to use a medium like Youtube for something like this. Little Star is correct in saying that the Middle East is not one homogenous mass and this is why it is a shame (my only criticism)that other famous Arab ladies or first ladies like Lalla Salma (to represent Maghreb) and Sheikha Moza (to represent Gulf) and Queen Rania or Asma Assad to represent the Levant - it could have been superstar line up. Or even ordinary Arab peoples. I relly hope it is not going to show Arab people as wannabe Americans like the queen did on Oprah as this is incorrect image of the majority of Arab people but we do need to show our positive faces. There is much wrong in our societies as there is in the West but we also have good points and I am happy this could be a good place to show. I also hope it shows the Christian Arab people, the Druze,the Yemen Jews, the Bahai, the Zoroastrian,the Circassians and the diversity of people that is the Middle East as well as the Shia and Sunni
isn't she great? that's such a good idea. whoever came up with it did great and i'm glad rania decided to take it on forwards.

i hope the channel is a huge success and i'm sure it has the potential to expand to a number of other different approaches of any of rania's other activities. when will rania reply to all the stereotypes?

having said so, i must add the introductory video was a bit too fake. it sounded as if she learnt it by heart or was reading it from a panel, especially at the end.

congratulations, your majesty!
I think this is an excellent idea and I hope it proves to be a success. There are a lot of people who remain very ignorant about the Middle East and view it as one homogenous entity, when clearly this isn't the case.

However, it's a 2-way process and I would love it if there were a Western figure who could maybe come forward so that Arabs could post their stereotypes.
This is a wonderful idea! Personally, I have had the opportunity to know an Egyptian family when I was in college. The family was connected with the university that I attended. The father was a professor of engineering and the daughter was a sorority sister of mine. The family was connected with members of the Egyptian gov't as well. (We took one of the Mubarak relatives to Disneyland.)

I wish that more Westerners could have this experience too and vice versa.
Queen Rania has launched an appeal on YouTube for a global dialogue to dismantle stereotypes of Muslims and the Arab world

Noticias breves de actualidad

From HOLA!
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It was very nice of her to do this. A lot of peole use youtube. I think it's a great way to enlighten others. :flowers:
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Moved posts

Posts related to Queen Rania's Mother's Day engagement on March 19th have been moved to the following thread:
The Children's Museum of Jordan

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Jordan River Foundation

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