Kate Middleton Current Events 18: February-March 2007

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Principessa Cano said:
It's just one of those things; you met someone and for no particular reason, you don't like them
I do know what you mean, but I always try to give them a chance, however if the dislike is that strong, nothing anyone says will change it. :flowers:
I've cleaned up the thread and deleted the bickering which took it over yesterday. I'm reopening it, and I hope people will be able to be respectful of other people's different opinions from now on.


British Royals moderator
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Clubbing Kate can be chased

The paparazzi was yesterday given the green light to photograph Prince William's girlfriend, Kate Middleton, when she was considered to have deliberately put herself in the public arena
What do they mean by "deliberately"? Anytime she's in public, she's in the "public arena".....she can't help that. Is she supposed to go into seclusion or something?

Or are they talking about "public arena" as in her actions or something she's doing?
Sister Morphine said:
What do they mean by "deliberately"? Anytime she's in public, she's in the "public arena".....she can't help that. Is she supposed to go into seclusion or something?

Or are they talking about "public arena" as in her actions or something she's doing?
Apparently, if she goes to Bouji's she has put herself in the public arena, if she is going to or from work, that is private. Shopping - anyones guess and open to abuse I would have thought. :wacko:
It sounds as though they're mostly concerned about calling the photographers off when they try to take photos of her at home.
awwww They make an awsome couple Mark my words no matter how long it takes this will be the Woman He Marries.
This decision was clearly made with William in mind, imo. After all, her street where she lives is still "public". It's only very recently the press have started photographing her at home and I think that people wish to put a stop to that now.

However, there are no privacy laws in the UK, so banning photographs from anywhere in public wouldn't have any real legal value. Additionally, there would probably be calls of "special treatment" in the press.

To a certain degree, I agree. There's a vast amount of difference between Kate popping down to her local shop to buy a pint of milk and spending the night at Boujis. London has plenty of upmarket clubs which aren't haunted by the paparrazzi. Boujis is incredibly well-known, not just for Royals, but for other celebs.
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Skydragon said:
Apparently, if she goes to Bouji's she has put herself in the public arena, if she is going to or from work, that is private. Shopping - anyones guess and open to abuse I would have thought. :wacko:

After reading these posts I finally hunted out Princess Caroline's case in the European Court of Human Rights and read it. It is well worth reading because it addresses the same issues that arise in respect of Kate, and it is interesting to see how the various German Courts dealt with the issues and to read the reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights.

Caroline submitted that "as soon as she left her house she was constantly hounded by paparazzi who followed her every daily movement, be it crossing the road, fetching her chidlren from school, doing her shopping, out walking, practising sport or going on holiday". Sound familiar?

The case related to certain specific photographs, of Caroline shopping, horse riding, skiing, at a swimming pool at the Monte Carlo Beach Club, playing tennis, etc., and strictly relating to her private life. The Court had to balance the protection of private life against freedom of expression (which embraces the right of the public to be informed). There are a lot of technicalities relating to the specific laws applicable, but also discussion of general principle and what is "private".

The words, "public arena" were not used, and I hoped they might to provide a defintion. In the absence of a legal definition I think they are an unfortunate choice because to me "public arena" includes any place open to the public, which includes footpaths, shops, anywhere else the general public can go.

Here we go again! :)

The decision of Hannover -v- Germany 59230/00 ECHR 294 (24 June 2004) can be found at VON HANNOVER v. GERMANY - 59320/00 [2004] ECHR 294 (24 June 2004)
I was watching the US tv program ET (entertainment tonight) today and there was a short piece about prince william and kate. it was really short and they just said that an engagement is expected, but they never went into any more detail than that. i was almost laughing because the story seemed so pointless and based on pure speculation that has been going on now for awhile.
ET is on TV now in Australia theprincess, and I too just saw that quick preview of William.

They of course wouldn't know, or so I feel its safe to assume.lol.
At the end of the day if you go to the clubs they go to in London you will get photographed, don't go if you want your privacy, so I can see why the paps are allowed to take those pictures.

Outside her home should be banned though, no need for that and I am sure the neighbours are sick of it too.

They look happy in Switzerland, the weird thing is all this privacy for Kate talk was was on the news and they said the couple were away on holiday. I knew nothing about it until then.
Lamyah said:
That's a very disgraceful depiction of a possible future Princess of Wales, let's hope she's not the classless and celeb-obsessed lady Daily Mail Describes. I'm suprised since this tabloid paper usually only prints so many positives :rolleyes:

No, they tend to print something negative after something positive about the royals. I guess everyone was a little too warm and fuzzy after the ski hug, so here they are to make sure no one's thinking too highly of anyone.
I hope you are right. She might not be the most hardworking 20 something in the public eye, what with vacationing twice within the span of her less than a legitimate work history, but this defamation of character doesn't bode well for her future relationship.
Cheap Shot if you ask me! Kate is a good person. :)
Lamyah said:
I hope you are right. She might not be the most hardworking 20 something in the public eye, what with vacationing twice within the span of her less than a legitimate work history, but this defamation of character doesn't bode well for her future relationship.
I think it's pretty interesting. I mean, if you think about it, the paps make the most money out of people looking like hell. Drunk, falling over, knickerless, or trying to punch out a photographer. Making sure you look fresh as a daisy is pretty much doing the opposite of what they want most. This could shape up to be some fascinating psychological warfare here.

Edit: And continuing my obsession with Daily Mail commenters I'm going to guess here that none of them will see it that way. ;)
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Chiyo said:

Edit: And continuing my obsession with Daily Mail commenters I'm going to guess here that none of them will see it that way. ;)

Yes, that's great stuff... so telling....:flowers:
It's strange how some people are still going on about Catherines work history. In the UK you are entitled to a days holiday for every month you work + bank and public holidays. Almost all employers are quite happy to allow you to take holidays you may have booked before commencing employment with them, on the premise that you will have to repay any money you were paid, if you leave before 'earning' it.

On the Catherine character assasination Mail article:-

Wasn't it a Mail article that told us that an unnamed source had reliably told them, that Catherine had negotiated and purchased the car herself, with a little financial aid from mummy and daddy. Now they seem to be saying Audi has given her the car.

Anyone with any hair will push it back from their face before 'an embrace' and most women will 'powder their nose' and smarten up before leaving a club!

The infamous anonymous source complains that a girl that Catherine used to be close to, ITO, was not invited to a party. Does this source know that they had not fallen out when the girl moved out of Catherines flat, had she left owing money? We all have friends that we are no longer close to, people from school invariably grow apart as they go out into the world and lead different lives. :rolleyes:
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Anyone with any hair will push it back from their face before 'an embrace' and most women will 'powder their nose' and smarten up before leaving a club!
Why doesn't she go though the side doors?
MarleyAllison said:
Why doesn't she go though the side doors?
Why should she, they probably have people waiting around there as well. Then again who would expect any young woman to have to go out into a badly lit alley, if indeed she has been given that option.
i feel bad for this young women.she is living her life & happy being Williams girlfriend. the paparazi should stop following & bothering her whenever she is out. waiting outside her home, isnt really something they should be doing.
MarleyAllison said:
Why doesn't she go though the side doors?

Look what happened when Diana left the Ritz through the back doors. The photographers have cellphones, and the ones watching one door can easily alert their colleagues when something happens there rather than at another door.
I really do feel bad for her. Some may say that by dating William she's bringing this on herself because of his position in life, but she absolutely does not deserve the derisive things said about her to be bandied about as though they were fact.
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