Joséphine-Charlotte and Maria Teresa's Relationship

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
She told herself in "A royal family" about how when she told her father about her engagement he rather terrified asked to whom she was engaged too and also his apparent relief when it was to Jean of Luxenburg... and then after finishing the story she chuckled rather dearly.

Judging from that story it doesn't seem like an arranged marriage to me. Maybe arranged in the sense that both JC and J knew from what circles they where expected to find a spouse like it was for most of their royal contemporaries but other than that nothing forced about it. For instance both JCs mother and two aunts all married for love to three princes with Astrid so full of emotions that she spilled tea on Leopold when he visited her parents for the first time and Margareta so visibly in love with her Axel that her mother said they couldn't be trusted to be left alone in a furnished room.

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I have ordered the documentary 'Jean', as well as the book from Luxembourg.

In the documentary, it's openly suspected that both, Jean and Josephine-Charlotte had liaisons before marriage and Josephine-Charlotte were pretty desperate about hers. However, no one could say for sure.

I could also imagine that the marriage was arranged (they say it was probably the last politically arranged marriage), but maybe they were for a long time aware of the situation and especially Josephine-Charlotte was able to come to terms with it, after some time.

But without any question, their marriage was full of love and respect. This can be seen. Josephine-Charlotte was very much into filming and Jean was often her main object. What you see in the documentation is pretty clear. They were, after all, a very happy couple.

There is nothing about Maria-Teresa or about their relationship, maybe the book (didn't read it yet) offers some information.

The documentary about Jean is highly recommendable.
Wow revisiting this thread by accident and given all we know now about MT after the release of the Waringo report and the events around it really makes me think hard about why MT and JC didn't get on, it makes me certainly see why JC might have not been 100% happy.
Journalists were asked to attend the Grand Ducal Palace to hear Grand Duchess Maria Teresa telling how ugly Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte was with her. They did not expect that. The Grand Duke Henri was there and it was about his own Mother.
I still find that very odd - all these years later. It was perhaps the first sign of something, quite frankly, odd in MTs behaviour.

Decades later the Waringo report showed she intimated staff, the majority of whom seem scared of her and she did a lot of hiring and firing.

I wonder if it was more about a clash of two big personalities.
Wow revisiting this thread by accident and given all we know now about MT after the release of the Waringo report and the events around it really makes me think hard about why MT and JC didn't get on, it makes me certainly see why JC might have not been 100% happy.

And Grand Duchess Maria Teresa's accusations that Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte despised her due to xenophobia/racism are somewhat comparable to her accusations that the Luxembourg government which produced the Waringo report despised her due to sexism/misogyny. Yet there were quite a few foreign royal watchers who enthusiastically joined the Grand Duchess in maligning Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte, while few if any foreign royal watchers have joined the Grand Duchess in maligning the then-government of Luxembourg led by Xavier Bettel. One wonders how much of that difference was because Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte was a 74-year-old woman while Mr. Bettel was a 46-year-old man, and how much of it was because there are a certain number of royal watchers who treat allegations of sexism much more lightly than allegations of racism.
The problem is that the allegations of abuse against MT were corroborated/verified by former employees and eyewitnesses in the Waringo Report.
That made any of her complaints about misogyny moot in my opinion.
Because a person who mistreats staff deserves to be called out regardless of their race OR their sex.
If the PM was guilty of similar behavior I am sure he would have been asked to resign.
Hmm I guess part of the reason people are more willing to believe these reports are because there was an impartial report which was made public and a number of worrying reports in the run up to that.

I don't get the impression there was sexism personally - if Henri or Guillaume had done the same I think the government would have reacted in the same way. If anything I felt MTs claims of sexism were odd - you have evidence of poor behaviour, but as she is a woman should she get away with it? "Oh she just gets hysterical, its nothing" sort of style?? I don't think many would find that acceptable.
I would guess at most there might have been a feeling that constitutionally MT is - to be blunt - irrelevant - whereas if it had been Henri or Guillaume it may have been handled slightly differently, with less fuss, as its within the nation and thus the government's interest for them to be well thought of. MT is "just" the consort with no official role.

I think people were more willing to believe MT when she complained publicly about JC because it was such a shock and an unusual thing for someone to do - never mind the wife of a reigning sovereign - that just doing it in itself gave it a sort of credence - especially with Henri standing next to her at the time (if I recall correctly). As far as I can recall it wasn't denied by the Palace or JC so again it was given more credibility. Obviously now we can see there was much more to it and if we had known then what we know now I'm sure people would see it differently.

I know back when MT said all those things about JC, I (who was very young and just into following the royals as a teenager and tbh probably only saw the reports a few years later) believed them because I had no reason not to. I didn't know much if anything about JC nor much about MT other than what the Cour presented, and I certainly didn't know that Luxembourg - especially back then - seemed to have a not too interested press who just went with it rather than looking into it further. Now we know stories of MTs high handed, unfair, behaviour, stories that the siblings were unhappy with the way the sale of JCs jewels was handled and numerous other rumours - MT is a much less credible person in my eyes.

Its a bit funny the way things turn out I guess - a senior royal going to the media to complain or poor treatment, including racism, within the RF...hasn't happened since has it?!?!

I'd say it is sad JC isn't here to see how people's opinions of MT - the woman who publicly accused her of something I think was probably most likely not true, have changed. Yet I also suspect JC would take no pleasure in seeing the Grand Ducal throne being dragged through much of what it has in the last decade or so.
I recall siding with Maria Teresa when she summoned the press to the palace. After all, who would go to such extremes if the allegations were not true?!

Knowing what we do now and the Waringo report I deeply regret it.

I also think what grace, humility, and restraint the late Grand Duchess showed. It must have been incredibly difficult having her name and character be assassinated so publicly. I am sure there could have been a back and forth- war of words with Josephine Charlotte defending her name and reputation. However, she didn't do that. Out of integrity for the Grand Duchy she kept silent!
Knowing what we do now and the Waringo report I deeply regret it.
I think many of us were in the same boat prior to the Waringo report which really shed new light on the character of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa!

GDMT has tried to rebuild her image as a hip trendy cool consort but I don't buy into it and I see a wolf in sheep's clothing.
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