It's A Girl - Infanta Leonor: October 31, 2005

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iowabelle said:
I agree with Roxsteve, I hadn't heard anything about it and I've been waiting!

Does anyone know the new Infanta's other names?
I think that the middle names of the Infanta, maybe, only be known at the baptism.
Picture #10 with Froilan and Jamie is quite amusing - hope he doesn't strangle the child.

Did anyone see the antena 3 piece about today's visitors? There's a moment with some man hanging out at the clinic with his guitar and singing a song he has written in Leonor's honor--it's really cute!

Different monarchies do do things differntly! Remember when Hakoon took that long parternity leave? Well apparently Prince Felipe has cancelled none of his engagements and will fulfill his scheduled activities for tomorrow and Thursday.
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A picture that should have never been posted. She really needs to put some make up. No close-ups of Elena PLEASE!!!

I think that Queen Sofia is trying to take back the comment she made yesterday about the newborn being "...constantly crying..." I think it is odd that she stopped her car and made the comment that she does not cry much "anymore." I thought that was funny. Queen or not...mother-in-laws sometime say more than they should say...:D
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If someone asks about the mother grandparents of the Princess, they are persons of almost 80 years who live in Alicante and cannot go to Madrid if anybody of the family is not going to look for them.

Yes and talking about that unfortunatelly the only grandparent who seems to count here is Menchu, is always Menchu this, Menchu that, pleaseee, who cares about Menchu anyways? she always have to be on front page, the bride on the wedding and the corpse on the funeral, Letizia and Felipe have had about 20 trips to Ribadesella to Menchu's house and not a single one to Alicante as far as the press goes. They didn't even went to the hospital when Enriqueta was hospitalized, c'mon. Paloma must be feel kind of sad, I feel sorry for the Rocasolano's side grandpas, nobody cares about them, someone could picked them up for gods sake, and they are as great-great of Leonor as Menchu is, and lest not talk about Letizia's father, so arrogant and always so rude with the press. In fact I'm tired of Menchu's protagonism. What's the problem? they are not glamourous but Abu Enriqueta and housband are by far the modests and humblest and in one word the best people on that family. And for the press please, stop putting on the Ortiz side tittles they don't have, Jesus Ortiz is only a sound technician, not a journalist, Menchu worked all his life on the radio as an ancor but never got the journalism tittle, not that that matters but why the lies? Trying to make everything about Letizia so perfect you, the press, are jeopardizing her, nobody is so perfect, not their family, her mother Paloma cheat on a test, that's human, don't try to sell us an alien because in any moment we'll have to hear that Letizia went virgen to the marriage after been married before.
The King and Queen are not perfect, the Infantas are not perfect, the same Felipe, why do you have to sell us Letizia and her family as the non plus ultra of the Creation.

By the way, I like Leonor's name and I'm happy that both the mother and girl are doing well. Looking forward to meet the newborn's face.
It does not seem that Leonor will have another names, but that's kind of weird since they always have all that name's parafernalia finished with De Todos los Santos, lets wait to the baptism. I wish the name stay like that: Leonor de Borbon y Ortiz, period, but I pretty much doubt it. By the way, I was hopping that, because none of the Infantas have used Sofia for her daughters, maybe in condescendece with Felipe, that the first Felipe's daugther will have the Sofia at least in the middle, that would be a nice touch, the Queen must be kind of sad because Felipe is his "little boy", her favorite by far.
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Scherezada said:
If someone asks about the mother grandparents of the Princess, they are persons of almost 80 years who live in Alicante and cannot go to Madrid if anybody of the family is not going to look for them.

Yes and talking about that unfortunatelly the only grandparent who seems to count here is Menchu, is always Menchu this, Menchu that, pleaseee, who cares about Menchu anyways? she always have to be on front page, the bride on the wedding and the corpse on the funeral, Letizia and Felipe have had about 20 trips to Ribadesella to Menchu's house and not a single one to Alicante as far as the press goes. They didn't even went to the hospital when Enriqueta was hospitalized, c'mon. Paloma must be feel kind of sad, I feel sorry for the Rocasolano's side grandpas, nobody cares about them, someone could picked them up for gods sake, and they are as great-great of Leonor as Menchu is, and lest not talk about Letizia's father, so arrogant and always so rude with the press. In fact I'm tired of Menchu's protagonism. What's the problem? they are not glamourous but Abu Enriqueta and housband are by far the modests and humblest and in one word the best people on that family. And for the press please, stop putting on the Ortiz side tittles they don't have, Jesus Ortiz is only a sound technician, not a journalist, Menchu worked all his life on the radio as an ancor but never got the journalism tittle, not that that matters but why the lies? Trying to make everything about Letizia so perfect you, the press, are jeopardizing her, nobody is so perfect, not their family, her mother Paloma cheat on a test, that's human, don't try to sell us an alien because in any moment we'll have to hear that Letizia went virgen to the marriage after been married before.
The King and Queen are not perfect, the Infantas are not perfect, the same Felipe, why do you have to sell us Letizia and her family as the non plus ultra of the Creation.

By the way, I like Leonor's name and I'm happy that both the mother and girl are doing well. Looking forward to meet the newborn's face.

Wonderful writing!! It seems to me that it really came from your heart.
Thanks Rox, it does came, and I make a little editing at the end. Have a good one.
Those pictures broke my heart, the grandpa on his town, with his all life neighbours, and you know what? still THE ONLY ONE who remembered to make a toast with cava for his new great granddaughter. I don't know why Felipe broke that tradition that any Borbon had broken before; but Abu, oh, Abu didn't forgot about it. :)
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Lovely pics!!! Very touching!! I hope the great-grandparents get to see Leonor very soon!!
You know, Roxsteve - I wondered the same thing about the Queen's comments. I was surprised by the "bastante llorona" and "gordita" compared with the superlatives she said after seeing Irene. Plus, poor little Leonor had been through a rather different delivery than Irene. Anyway, I did notice the Queen's kind of negative comments, for her, even though I chalked it up to the queen being tired herself after a pretty intense night on Sunday. But when I heard her today and saw what she did with the photographers I thought she might be wishing she hadn't said some of those things and could take her words back. She seems to take great care in being very positive publicly about her family situations, for which I admire her greatly.

Also, didn't I read on one of the SRF threads that Paloma's dad is 88? I was thinking he was really very elderly and for that reason, plus I don't think his wife is in the best of health, I assumed the trip might be too much until they could visit the baby in more settled circumstances. And, while I share some of your observations, Scherezade, I do think Letizia and Felipe visited the maternal grandparents near Easter and then again this summer...but you are right, it does seem Menchu is the grandparent that gets their attention the most.
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I've read a bunch of times that the birth of Infanta Leonor has overshadowed the Catalan statute. What the hell is the Catalan statute?
Emily said:
You know, Roxsteve - I wondered the same thing about the Queen's comments. I was surprised by the "bastante llorona" and "gordita" compared with the superlatives she said after seeing Irene. Plus, poor little Leonor had been through a rather different delivery than Irene. Anyway, I did notice the Queen's kind of negative comments, for her, even though I chalked it up to the queen being tired herself after a pretty intense night on Sunday. But when I heard her today and saw what she did with the photographers I thought she might be wishing she hadn't said some of those things and could take her words back. She seems to take great care in being very positive publicly about her family situations, for which I admire her greatly.

It might sound stupid but what does "bastante llorona" and "gordita" mean? I tried to translate them but gordita didn't come up with anything & for bastante llorona came up with quiet weeping? What do they mean by that. Does it mean a cranky child?? Just wondering
planetcher said:
Gordita=chubby. Not sure about llorona.

Thats what I thought Gordita meant.

Anyways aren't most newborns kinda makes them cute! You just want to go up & pinch the chubby cheeks. :D
grevinnan said:
Picture #10 with Froilan and Jamie is quite amusing - hope he doesn't strangle the child.


Froilan is soo adorable, I like that photo also. well, I like every photo with Froilan in it.:rolleyes:

It is crazy how the armed guards are on the roof. It shows how important the baby is though!
Congratulations with the newborn baby... Doña Leonor!!! I think she would be a beautiful girl later, if you look at both parents, who are both very hansome....

AND..... today it's Doña Sofia's 67th birthday!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
So another celebration in one week...:)

She has reached a high age, if you noticed that members of the Greek RF didn't become very old in the past (her father was 62 and her mother 63)
planetcher said:
Gordita=chubby. Not sure about llorona.

LLorona means that she love to cry.She cry to much.But then the queen said but it was only for a minute.Yesterday the journalist ask her if the baby leonor stop crying, she said yes, she was sleeping the hole day.At the other hand they ask Letizias dad if the baby is crying to much, he answer, not at the moment that we where there, she was sleeping.I think is very normal that babys cry.And when the queen said that i didn't make such a big deal of it.I think it sound cute.
Harry's polo shirt said:
Froilan is soo adorable, I like that photo also. well, I like every photo with Froilan in it.:rolleyes:

It is crazy how the armed guards are on the roof. It shows how important the baby is though!

I love froilan he's my favorite!
lucys said:
Different monarchies do do things differntly! Remember when Hakoon took that long parternity leave? Well apparently Prince Felipe has cancelled none of his engagements and will fulfill his scheduled activities for tomorrow and Thursday.
Really? Since the King was on sick leave from cancer surgery, he was the regent and in charge of all the consitutional duties until april. He also hosted a statevisit from Portugal 12 days later, so I wold hardly call that a long paternety leave.
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After Leonor

After the one of Leonor, other names for the infant new born will come, but they have still not been reveale. We do not know if it will be able to strain Covadonga in some point . Or Carmen, by Menchu Alvarez of the Valley, the adored grandmother of Doña Letizia.

However, those of Corona recall with their names to the regal ancestors. Thus, Prince de Asturias is Felipe (of Felipe V, first king Borbón of Spain), Juan (of its paternal grandfathers), Pablo (maternal grandfathers) and Alfonso (XIII, the great-grandfather). Next, the closing comes "from the Santísima Trinidad and All the Saints", old added in the catholic Spanish royalty. In spite of as much celestial personage to the backs, the heir has still not bent over.

However, not to put as much nominal weight to him to the following generation, the children of infants Elena and Cristina only load with the saints. For example Felipe Juan Froilán of All the Saints, or Irene of All the Saints.

This way, only Felipe takes of bodyguard to the Trinidad and to the santoral simultaneously, since in the case of his father - Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor Maria -, decided on the mariano closing when they baptized to him in Rome (1938), far from that Spain so left of the hand of the Virgin.

If to infant Leonor, future heiress, and it even reigns, they put the trinitario closing to him and the one of the canonized ones we will know it shortly. Before, their other names will leave ancestors, we put Isabel II, that would come to him very well, since this one was the last queen of Spain, and stayed all its "gordita and round" life, as she is the infant now.

The apellidaje of Leonor also will be of impact: Borbón Ortiz Schleswig-Holstein Rocasolano Borbón-Dos the Sicilies Alvarez Sönderborg-Glücksburg Rodriguez Battemberg Velasco Hannover Camacho Orleans of the Valley Romanoff Figaredo.

Evidently, the impact does not come by the sign in the last names of Italian, German, Danish, British or Russian houses ruling, but by the presence for the first time in the history of Spain of plebian last names in a future queen.
Scherezada seems that you have not read well the things and that you know little of Letizia and her family.
If Menchu is in Madrid it is because she travelled for her account on Friday and is in house of her sister. How it happens in many families 3 sisters always have been very joined Menchu, for a very simple reason, Menchu was the manager of taking care of her granddaughters. The first year of life Letizia lived with her grandparents. And when the parents were working they were Menchu and Jose Luis those who were taking charge of the girls. Letizia was going out of the college and was going away with her grandmother to the radio. Menchu and Jose Luis were working and were taking charge helping simultaneously to his son to you take care of the granddaughters. It is normal that the granddaughters are joined they because they have been a few second parents.

On what you say of when Enriqueta was in hospital, you dire that another grandfather Jose Luis also was in hospital and Letizia only could be going to see him some weeks later and when already he was in house. Besides, there is not the same small own problem of health of the age that a cancer. The grandfather of Letizia fought against a cancer to be able to see to his granddaughter to marry and he has not managed to survive to see his great granddaughter. The family has lived two very hard years, and reliving the suffering that they had when Cristina, the aunt and godmother of Letizia, died of another cancer.

For whom does not know it, Francisco and Enriqueta live several months of the year in Madrid with their daughter Paloma, and can see her granddaughters very often (but clear it does not appear in the television). Letizia celebrated the birthday of her grandfather in her house of the Zarzuela, and they passed also there the Christmas .... just that in these moments there are no television cameras.

The granddaughters deal with all her grandparents, but we are in the habit of seeing more Menchu in television, because the Princes travel to Asturias, a place that Letizia adores and here Menchu is a person known and respected especially by the press. Menchu was a woman known in Asturias before her granddaughter was A Princess, she was one of the first women who was employed at the radio and an example of enterprising and hard-working woman in an epoch when that was not habitual.
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She Lookes like the prince and the Queen

Prince de Asturias has remained almost all along next to his wife and his daughter, but "" he has still not changed the diapers to his first-born. Today, Don Felipe will leave the clinic to follow his program of habitual work.

MADRID. Although everything depends on which the doctors say, most probable is that Princess de Asturias and her daughter, Infant Doña Leonor, leaves the clinic the next weekend. Then, when coming out of the medical center, the face of the first-born of Princes de Asturias will be able to be seen publicly for the first time. A girl of whom, until now, one knows that she is "monísima", according to Infant Doña Elena; "gordita and round", according to the queen; "guapísima", according to the maternal grandmother, Rocasolano and that, according to other people who have had opportunity to see her, "at the moment, she looks oneself more to the Prince and Queen than to her mother, the Princess

Of the color of her eyes still nothing can be affirmed, since new born many know them in the beginning clearly, and of her "brown" hair either, then, obvious, not yet he is not the definitive one. What yes it is known is that she is very well, just as her mother, who recovers favorably of the Caesarean one which they practiced to her at dawn of Monday. And that "she no longer cries nothing", so and as it needed Her Majesty the Queen last night, when she left the clinic, where she had remained almost all the day.

Ever since Infant Doña Leonor was born, Prince de Asturias only is separated of Doña Letizia one hour, the time that took Monday in leaving the clinic, changing of clothes and to return with a suitcase to pass the night with his wife and her daughter in the clinic. At that moment, Don Felipe affirmed that "still" it had not changed any diaper to his first-born.

Nevertheless, the Heir of Corona will not be able to continue accompanying the time throughout Doña Letizia and the Infant, since today he will continue with his agenda of work and this morning will attend the meeting of the Patronage of the Residence of Students. It will be his first official act, after his just released paternity. An act in which the attendance of the Princess was predicted, when still one thought that the lighting would be at the end of this month.

Also, tomorrow all the Royal Family will unfold by Madrid to attend the diverse acts that were programmed. Reina and the Infants Doña Elena and Doña Cristina will in the morning preside over their respective petitionary tables of the Celebration of the Little flag, something that also Princess de Asturias did the last year, when she broke the collection record. And the King and the Prince will go in the evening to the Supreme Court, where the twenty-five years are commemorated that the Council General of the Judicial Power has turned.

But almost all the Family happened yesterday through the clinic where Infant Doña Leonor turned her first day of life, other people's to the sense of expectancy created around its birth. The Ruber the International became to turn the center of informative attention of a hundred of journalists and television cameras, that since it was known the entrance of Doña Letizia wait of uninterrupted form the arrival of relatives and representatives of institutions of the State and the parties. Also for peculiar the east hospitable center a day more in the informative epicenter was constituted of those who decided to spend some hours there of which it was a festive day in all Spain. "He is a little while historical that we were not wanted to lose", it assured a marriage that went with its two children.

The Chinese press has even been made echo of the birth of Doña Leonor, whose phonetic translation of the official held in low esteem is "Lai-ang-nuo-er".
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"you will already see what guapísimas is Both.

Paloma Rocasolano , mother of Letizia Ortiz, was yesterday happy by the birth of her granddaughter. "She is beautiful", affirmed Infanta Elena after seeing her niece.

"You will already see how beautifull are both, when they leave". The mother of Letizia Ortiz did not disguise yesterday her pride and happiness for the birth of her granddaughter, infanta Leonor. Calmer than Monday, when, like the rest of the relatives of the new born, she received tens of calls and congratulations, Paloma Rocasolano avoided to extend her declarations, but she did it loaded of emotion. Something that could not nor tried to disguise. "the girl is very beautiful", she assured, and she added that her daughter, Princess de Asturias, "is very well. Recovering ".

She spoke like grandmother and also like mother, but also like an experienced nurse, the job to which she has always dedicated herself, until she was released by the majority union of the union. In fact, the last weeks of the pregnancy of Doña Letizia were not easy to take. Ever since the 18 of October she was admitted in the clinic with contractions and remained there under medical examination during three hours, she did not return to appear in public. Even there are information that aims at that a medication was provided to delay what could have been a premature childbirth. In the end, the young arrive to the world by means of a Caesarean and before the predicted date. For that reason, Paloma Rocasolano explained yesterday that now "everything goes wonderfully".
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Lady Jennifer said:
It might sound stupid but what does "bastante llorona" and "gordita" mean? I tried to translate them but gordita didn't come up with anything
For once and for all, please read the numerous posts that have been posted before. It's not acceptable that several of our members take the care of searching and translating the articles, and then the same questions are insistently asked and we keep giving the same answers ad nauseam. The statements of Queen Sofia about her granddaughter have been posted several times, so read them, please:
Yesterday someone mentioned, at a Portuguese TV show, that Leonor is the name of the heroine from the book Letizia offered her fiancé Prince Felipe, at their engagement.

Still, I had no time to check this information.

Regards :)
mtbcm said:
Yesterday someone mentioned, at a Portuguese TV show, that Leonor is the name of the heroine from the book Letizia offered her fiancé Prince Felipe, at their engagement.

Still, I had no time to check this information.

Regards :)
Hi :) I'm also from Portugal and i've seen some unaccurate statements in your tv :confused: I leave you here a prvious post of mine that explains the history of the name:

TVE showed a report about the name of the Infanta Leonor. They refered to Queen Leonor of Aragon, the mother of King Enrique of Castille, known as El Doliente, who inspired the book "El doncel de don Enrique el Doliente" by Mariano José de Larra (CP Letizia offered, as an engagement gift (the "literary jewel"), an original edition of this book). Enrique, el doliente was also the first Prince of Asturias.

They also refered to Leonor de Aquitania (Eleanor of Aquitaine), Queen of England and France.She was the mother of Queen Leonor of Castille (born Leonora of England), the wife of King Alfonso VIII. This Kings founded Cuenca Cathedral, which the Princes of Asturias visited during their honeymoon.

As you see, is an historical name in Spain :)
As you see, Leonor isn´t the heroine in the book, but the name of the mother, and also Queen of Aragon, of the King that inspired the book ;)
I think Margarita or Isabela is much cuter and more historically significant than than the name Leonor.Leonor sounds very common and not very Queenly..just my opinion..Anyways, its the Prince and Princess' choice of name,the name Leonor is especial to them thats why they chose it for their unica be it :eek: ..
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xicamaluca said:
Hi :) I'm also from Portugal and i've seen some unaccurate statements in your tv :confused: I leave you here a prvious post of mine that explains the history of the name:

As you see, Leonor isn´t the heroine in the book, but the name of the mother, and also Queen of Aragon, of the King that inspired the book ;)

Thanks you, Xica. I haven't seen your post before. Thank you! :)
Well, a name is a very important gift to a son/daughter, it has a special meaning for the parent/s that choose it for their son or daughter. In this case, they probably tried to choose a name that they like and that is also part of the royal genealogy. There are probably many names each one would have like best, but the most important thing is they like it and they chose it. (and it is much better than covadonga!)
One thing that Paloma Rocasolano said when she left was that Leonor looked like more with Queen Sofia and CP Felipe that with her nother.
Prince Felipe already left the clinic. He didn´t spoked to the press, but he was very smily :)

CP Felipe leaving the ruber this morning to his offcial duty (El Mundo):

The CP left around 10:30 (CET) and he went directly to the Residence of Students, where he is having a meeting withe the patronage. It´s expected that he returns to the clinic after the end of the meeting. El Mundo also said that CP Felipe went home this morning to change clothes and then returned a bit to Ruber, just before leave to his official engagement.
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